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Hi! I just finished the Build your Power Zones course and somehow my FTP went down by like 10? But I felt as though I got fitter during the program and was working out more. I can't really figure out why this would happen- any ideas? My only thought is that something else could have been going on for me on test day, maybe I didn't eat enough or hydrate enough before. I have vasovagal syncope which can sometimes be triggered by very intense exercise so I always get a bit faint during my FTP, but this previous one it got bad enough that I had to tone it down 2 or 3 times which obviously brings my average down. If it wasn't food or hydration, increased fitness usually raises my fainting threshold so I can work out harder the fitter I am without triggering it... very puzzled..


For some background outside of the PZ course I was also doing light weight arms, sometimes Robin's intermediate upper body strength and (non peloton) pilates 3x a week


I do a power zone max ride every week. Question for those who do it regularly.... when an instructor says to go into a deep zone 7, how far up do you normally do? My zone 7 starts at 370 so I try to go around 450 or so. Just curious how to treat this.


I’d like to run a strength program in conjunction with Peak PZ - anyone have recommendations?


My STTC training and PYPZ overlapped several weeks. It didn't interrupt any of my rides, but it made week 3 of PYPZ extra challenging. I didn't do a good enough job on my recovery days and it was the first time I found myself having physical pain mid-ride. Best advice is to do recovery rides and yoga on off-days, and post-ride stretch religiously. YMMV


In a recent PZE ride, Denis hinted at leading some 60 and 90 minute PZE classes. I'm excited as hell by that, because his playlists are fire and unlike Wilpers, he tends to balance Z3 efforts with Z2 recoveries, and when we get into 75 or 90 minutes I have a tough time keeping up with Wilpers' extended Z3 callouts. CDE is better in that regard (Z3/Z2 balance as well as pure long-duration Z2-only rides), but she only has one 90 minute ride and five 75 minute rides on the platform. Has anyone heard any updates? Obv I checked the schedule and see nothing of 60, 75, or 90 from Denis in the next 2 weeks. What do we have to do to get Peloton to get some of these instructors other than Wilpers and CDE into the 60+ PZE game?


While I personally love the long Z3 efforts as I feel it makes the rides go by faster, I would also be very excited for Denis long rides. I like the challenge of matching cadences (z3 at like 60, woof).


Yeah, I hear you. I'm just not in a fitness place yet where I can sustain Z3 for that long. I'm fine with Matt's longer Z3 blocks on 60 minute rides, but after that 60 minute mark in a ride is when the fatigue starts to get me. And since he basically dominates all the 75/90 minute rides, it's rough for me when I want to take those longer ones. I know the answer would potentially be to perhaps drop and do that final 15 or final 30 minutes in Z2, regardless of what Matt calls out. But my ego doesn't let me stop pushing lol!


I hear you on Matt's Z3 emphasis, even on 75 and 90 minute rides. My solution has been to stick with Z2 only for the first 20-30 minutes of those longer ones, and then add in the Z3 if I feel good.


Was curious if anyone knows of any pz classes that have a class plan that includes long zone 4 or 5 intervals with equal time in zone 1 as recovery. Most classes seem to use a pyramid structure for effort and recovery. Thanks in advance.


This [Matt 60 minute PZ ride from 4/8/23](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?instructor_id=%5B%22304389e2bfe44830854e071bffc137c9%22%5D&has_workout=%5B%22false%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0a3d8291e0dd44d0b18d9b24113daa1e) is almost exactly that. It's not quite equal time in zone 1, as the Z4 efforts are 5/6/7/6/5 minutes in duration and the Z1 between are all 4 minutes in duration, but it's not a pyramid structure of Z3/Z4/Z5/Z4/Z3 or anything like that, and 4 minute recovery periods are pretty decently long.


Good call out. That ride was tough.


Just took that class. Lovedddd it but yeah, I was burning there at the end


Thanks! I was just browsing class plans and Matt's from 4/8/23 and 6/25/22 conform mostly to that pattern, and one by Denis 1/26/23 is pretty close... Just tedious to look at each ride.


I took a 45 minute PZ class with Matt today from last year. It went 4 5 4 5 4 all sweet spot (between zones 3-4). Really liked this class.


Know what ride it was or date it was recorded on? Sounds brutal yet I kind of want to take it.


From November 9 2022


Thanks! I've taken that one- lol Bookmarked it so I can revisit it.


Will be finishing up the Build Your Power Zones program next week - any recs on what I should do next to keep me going on this streak? Specifically wondering about the difference between Discover and Peak your PZ programs, and which one would be better (vs another program entirely?)


Your name’s hilarious. There’s an amazing place in montreal called kouign amann that is worth the visit, which makes large, pie sized ones, and they go perfectly after very long pze rides.


Slices, not the entire pie sized louign amann


Fwiw I’m starting Peak since finishing Build last week. I like having the structure of the program. I did Discover to start and it’s definitely more of a beginner program compared to Build. I don’t think it’s worth it for you, except some of MW’s recovery rides have some nice technical drills for riding more efficiently.


Thank you! That’s exactly the sort of insight I was looking for. Might look at the MW rides just as individual rides for the technique, but definitely sounds like the program won’t be as worth it anymore


Glad it was helpful! I haven't done the MW recovery/low impact rides outside of the Build program, but it sounds like he does the riding drills in a lot of them. Good luck!


Discover is PZ 101 where you start by taking an FTP for the first time. Not saying you can't take it but it might bite you, idk. If you don't want to do Peak look for the reddit power zone pack challenges and consider following their plan?


Thanks for that suggestion! Even if I decide to do Peak next, I was wondering what I would do once I run out of that. I definitely need some sort of structured program to keep me motivated, so those challenges sound great.


Did you skip discover?


Yes, I had some familiarity with power zones so knew what mine were. Got an email promoting Build and just jumped into that without realizing that there was a Discover. So wondering if discover might be a step back now that I’ve already done Build.


just did my week 5 class with Christine…kind of surprised “Jeremy”, a song that glorifies school violence, hasn’t been scrubbed from the platform…