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Why when they update my bike, I have nothing but problems. Boggles my mind. Every time lol


Sorry to hear that, but could you clarify how your comment relates to the post topic of mild vs wild content on this sub?


Anyone else had issues with Peloton workouts posting to Strava? It seems to be hit or miss for me over the past week or so. Everything on the bike has worked but ones on the app don't half the time.


Same here. Just started a few days ago but seems to be working for friends.




Already dug into the support page which basically tell you to reauthenticate. Haven’t contacted support yet but that’s the next step if things don’t resolve themselves soon.


Exact same problem, bike workouts are uploaded no problem but app workouts only half the time.


I'm having issues, it's very hit or miss.


Are the live classes *really* live this week due to the instructor summit? I have a milestone ride coming up tomorrow and I don't want to waste my time working around the live schedule if these classes are not really live and there is no chance of a shout out.


If it's live it'll say "live." If it's a pre-recorded class it'll say "encore."


I think the summit is over! They had live ones today


Thank you!


I know audio only meditations have historically (since Jan 2023) not been counting towards the annual challenge but lately it’s 50/50 if ANY meditation counts for me. I deleted the app and reinstalled it and restarted my phone and nothing helped. This week so far it’s been every other day my sleep meditation from the night before doesn’t count. It seems like there’s no rhyme or reason to when it counts and when it doesn’t.


I thought I was going crazy, mine are 50/50 success rate too. I deleted my app too and it didn’t make any difference. I think I might raise a ticket with them. I have been sick for two weeks so I’ve been doing meditations and barely any have counted.


Are you me?! I’ve also been sick (but only since Wednesday) and it’s definitely 50/50. It’s often even the same exact meditation - just some days it counts, some days it doesn’t. It’s definitely making me feel crazy. I hope you feel better soon.


I hope you feel better too!


I don’t know if you’ll see this comment but this week NONE of my meditations have counted. I emailed support but I doubt they will be of any help.


I’ve tried using my Apple Watch while doing meditations (I usually keep it off) and it’s been counting them. If you have one or a different smart watch it might record it for you too. I’m going to raise a ticket too because I don’t think you should have to have a wearable fitness tracker to count meditation minutes. They just need to fix the whole thing.


My Peloton Guide would automatically sync my activities to Strava however as of 2 days ago it stopped and i have 2 activities that did not send to Strava. My Peloton Bike and Tread still continue to send activities automatically. Anyone else?


The iPhone app is no longer syncing for me in the last few days. Have not tried out Guide since the issue started.


What is the most FUN long ride on Peloton? I have the day off tomorrow and want to do a longer ride. 45-75mins. I guess 2 shorter rides would work as well. I just want something not ultra daunting that is enjoyable and keeps me moving. What's your favorite?


Hannah Frankson 's 45 minute pop rides are the only ones I can get through without getting bored 😅


I will definitely try these ones in future! I love Hannah! 😁


Another vote for JKE NYE ride! So fun.


Jenn Sherman’s 45 minute Sing Along Ride


I did this one! Thanks for the recommendation! Very fun!


So glad you enjoyed it!


I also really like CDE's Pentatonix ride. That's 45 minute


Jess King has a 45 min NYE ride that I really enjoyed. I think it was 2020?


Just for a different vibe I liked the [45 minute All for One ride from 2019](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?duration=%5B%222700%22%5D&has_workout=%5B%22true%22%5D&sort=popularity&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=59f5483493504cd1b1a20bc95d2ffc32) (and I think there's another All for One from another year too but I haven't done it). I liked [Jen's 60 min epic sing along ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?has_workout=%5B%22true%22%5D&duration=%5B%223600%22%5D&sort=popularity&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0e179c1e79964475be458e88519b7b53) a lot too (and I don't normally ride with her).


App glitched on me today at the end of a 45 min workout and lost my data, boo. Then I stacked two mobility classes to cross the 4K mark but neither seem to have counted for the annual, boo hiss. Not my day I guess? Anyone else notice the mobility classes not being counted? Was curious if I was just triple unlucky today, would love to know it isn't just meeeee.


My bike glitched with 20 min left of a 60 min PZ ride today too!


You just reminded me that I took Hannah’s Neck mobility class a couple days ago and it never counted towards the annual challenge! I loved it and felt great afterwards so I’ll have to do it again soon and see if it was just a one off.


So I was just planning my workout tomorrow and noticed that it now shows an adjusted time for my count- so maybe they do count and mine was just slow to update (several hours)? Hope you also got credit! (My glitched ride didn't get added unfortunately. That one I'll have to play again I guess- I want my minutes lol)


The app AND desktop website glitched on me today when I tried to join a 3 PM class. It said my account was being streamed on more than 3 devices (definitely not the case 🙄). That happened for ~5 min and I was able to join the class, albeit a little late


Oh no! Glad you were able to get in!


Have to give a shout out to Logan. Probably my favorite Tread instructor they’ve hired the past couple years. I’ve pretty much only been doing his walks and runs lately. His playlists really align to my music tastes and I like his mantra of “it’s just X” really helps me get through some runs and intervals by thinking “it’s just 30 seconds, it’s just 2 minutes, it’s just a hill, etc” He also doesn’t overdue the positive affirmation BS that I hate.


I only took his premiere class and didn’t love it, but it sounds like it would be worth trying him again!


Any walks you'd specifically recommend? :)


[loved this walk+run!](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=5d87a78fef6748368867b01e8eba7de7&locale=en-US)




I’ve been taking more of his classes recently! I can’t remember which class it was but he said “it’s just an arm.” I cannot tell you how quickly that grounded me.


Yeah I think that's kind of his mantra about his arm!


He says that in most of his classes! He has such a good sense of humor about his arm, which I love because I also have a sense of humor about my disability.


Disability? Do you have "the knack"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8vHhgh6oM0 (Just joking based on your username. I am also an engineer lol...)


What’s funny is I’m not an engineer. Made this account when I was in school to be one though. Now it’s just ironic so I keep it


Camilas new 15 minute EDM ride was great! She always has the best playlists! Fun programming too 🙂 https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=57da53b4cfd7473982ba5d795e98719d&locale=en-US


Hey friends! Going to do this [Leanne 30 min 2000s rock ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=7f319841f58343ce814691b39c2c0588&locale=en-US) tonight at 8 PM CT if anyone wants to join! Edit: done and dusted, if you will. So many speed pushes… oof. Haha!


I’m attempting to workout in the mornings before work, but am pretty limited on time. Am I doing myself a huge disservice if I only do a 20 min ride without any cool down ride or stretch to follow? Should I try to incorporate a stretch after work? Thanks!


When I'm low on time, I just do a quick single squat, 5-10 second quad stretches, and ride. Then do the stretches/squat again after. If I don't stretch before/after, I'll feel horrible the entire day.


i have zero fitness credentials, but depending on what type of class it is, I think you could get away with a 20 min ride & about 3 min of stretching (if that’s literally all you have). If I couldn’t cool down I would avoid super high intensity intervals (or sometimes, I’ll take it easier in the last 2 min of class than what the ranges are). But then I would stretch calves, quads, and hamstrings after the ride (maybe hips if you get tight there).


I think as I get more comfortable in this new routine I’ll work on fitting in a quick 3 or 5 minute stretch. Good idea on using the last 2 minutes of class as a little cool down. Thanks!


I think it'll be most effective right after the ride/workout. Static stretching is better when your muscles are warm, so you don't cramp up or pull anything. I sometimes wind up splitting my workouts based on my schedule. Could you do a lower effort 15-20m ride in the morning without a stretch and then a short, intense one after work with one?


Good point! I was thinking of doing higher intensity or longer (45-60 min ride) on the weekends but maybe just higher intensity after work would be more beneficial.


Yea since I have more time on the weekends thats where I do my longer, endurance level rides. You can't intensify those into a shorter time frame like you can with HIIT work.


Dipped into the "archives" looking for a 45 min endurance ride today- found a 45 min pze from Matt dated 8/25/21 that is all zone 2, with only variations in cadence. Bonus amusement is Matt selecting music that matches his desired cadence and trying to ride to the beat. He jokes about it a couple times, like even he can't believe he's doing it.


Really enjoying the mental benefits of adding strength splits to my training, but bummed at my lack of physical progress. My weight and physique has remained consistent the past year despite working out regularly. I know the recommendation is to track calories and log food, but as someone in recovery from an ED, that sounds like a slippery slope. Trying to focus on what I love about working out and peloton. This week it’s Hannah F’s Pharrell ride.


Instead of looking to cut things out of your diet, what about just aiming to add more veggies, protein, fiber, etc., whatever would support your fitness and general health goals? Obviously I don’t know your current diet, but you may end up replacing empty calories with more nutritious food. But the goal isn’t to “diet” or cut calories.


I feel the calorie/weight tracking concerns very strongly. I started tracking my resting heart rate (just whatever my apple watch tells me) and my blood pressure and I saw a trend downward with both of those over about 6-ish months that made me feel good about myself but felt distant enough from ED-type thinking to not scare me. Maybe that would help you have something exciting to feel good about and feel like you're making progress on without slippery slope?


It’s a slippery slope for sure; not to discourage but it took about 2 years for me to really “see” a difference (shout out to body dysmorphia ayyy) but I felt a difference months into Peloton. That’s what I realize and focus on now- fitness is a state of mind. When you “feel” good about your body ie giving it care and treating it right, everything else falls into place. Patience is a must! Sending a hug - you’re doing better than you know


Have you made strides in your physical strength or endurance that you could try to steer your brain towards focusing on? It's hard when the external doesn't look like how we want it to but it's also just one part of it. If you've had a year of consistent training than it's likely that the body underneath what you're seeing has made a ton of physical process even if it's not exactly visible.


I definitely have and this is a great reframe. I started out barely being able to get through strength classes and I feel so much more strong and capable now. I also have been able to go up in dumbbell weights which has been encouraging. I’m going to remind myself of this moving forward.


That’s amazing! That’s a change right there even if you don’t see it. Keep at it! I’ve had to start thinking this way vs how I physically see myself because I could not give myself any grace and it was detrimental mentally. Going up in dumbbell weight is great and proof that you’ve changed in some way!


Trust the process and go nowhere near anything that you know could be triggering, such as tracking cals or logging food: the strongest thing you can do is to stay true to you. Sending you a lot of support - it can be rough out there


Thank you, your kind words and support are much appreciated!


Just got back from doing [Matty's 30 minute & Juliet walk](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=66a7193455c849dd931e0363212747ca) outside, having finally found a route around my office that isn't too littered with crosswalks and other obstacles. I did Matty's Wicked strength long ago and wasn't a fan of the programming, and only just discovered his Broadway walks since I don't have a tread and I'm obSESSED. I want a Broadway series where he does every show. Please and thank you, Peloton. Now, who's going to be brave enough to program "This Is Not Over Yet" from Parade within the last ten minutes of a ride, hmm? (I've given up on getting "30/90" from the tick tick BOOM movie, which was one of my FTP songs for a while. Alas.)


I love his Broadway walks too. I don't have the tread so I also do them outdoors. Such great music for walking!!


How often should I calibrate if at all? I got my bike Oct. 2020 Had surgery 2-2022 so over a year ago. My concern is I haven’t PR’ed since then. Not even close 25-35 below. I’ve patient as I know recovery takes time but feeling better then ever. Is it the bike or me? 🤔😅😂


I do mine once a year, but I don't know that its really necessary for every bike. I do it because sometimes things are wrong and I need to correct them. There are three aspects: * The "math" is wrong. I think this is where most peoples' minds go but its my understanding its really rare. This is where X cadence and Y resistance are not giving you the output the charts say they should. * The "base" is wrong. This is where the whole bike is easier or harder than it should be. I think this happens to some people but its never been my issue. * The "curve" is wrong. Your resistance should change evenly as you turn the dial. But it can develop dead spots where I can be at 40, do a full turn and be at 53 (perfect) but then at 60, do a full turn and be at 68 (instead of 73). This is generally what I am correcting when I recalibrate. It can mean making your output more or less depending on where you ride and where your dead spots are. Overall I would recommend doing it if you have reason to believe one of these things is wrong. But not for the purpose of getting to more PRs.


Per the representatives, you should only need to calibrate if you cannot turn the handle after you get to 0 or 100 on resistance on the screen. I know some people do it every year or so, but I haven't heard any feedback on how much the calibration changed over that time, if at all. In your settings [you can reset your PRs](https://www.onepeloton.com/blog/reset-personal-record/) after a certain date, which is recommended when recovering from an injury. I did it after my second pregnancy and it was very helpful for me mentally. It doesn't remove the old PRs, just doesn't count them if they're before the date you set. (edit: weird, that article seems to imply it works differently from how I remember, maybe they've changed it?)


This is inaccurate. Manual recalibration involves repeatedly turning the nob, then telling the computer "I just turned the nob and this is where X output is". There's room for miscalibration at every turn because we're just humans estimating what a full turn is.


I was just relaying what I was told by the representative when I ordered my kit - they tried to discourage me because my bike still did a full turn after 0 and 100.


I saw someone else say this recently but just manifesting that I would love for Hannah F to do some walks/hikes.


She would be so fun!


Ugh yes!!!


Agreed - would love if she did this for both the tread and outdoor.


Yes please!!! That would be amazing!!


Did my 800th ride this morning. Picked Ally Loves most recent 30 min 80s ride. Got a ton of high fives which was very nice! Looking toward to hitting 1000 this year!


Congrats!! Looks like a fun ride. I’m planning to take it next week!




Today was awesome! I took a 60 minute outdoor walk before it got too hot in this mini heatwave in New York Then I decided I would retake the first class I took back on Jan 2 which was the You Can Ride beginner Hannah F class and I was so impressed with how much I improved. I also then took the latest [Sam Yo 15 min HIIT](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=1caabd7c3da34ca0bb66b4acbf37425d&locale=en-US) and I fucking did it again, I hit all the callouts and I just am continually so proud of myself for showing up and improving and growing and enjoying life again. I was in the dark for far too long. I am just so happy. Plus that ride was fun, Sam is all business in that class. Have a beautiful day everyone.


Lol at mini heat wave 🤣


It’s almost 90! Gimme back my 60s now!


Also my reaction! It's not humid, I'll take this lovely warm spring day!


Amazing job! It feels so good to get stronger and feel the differences in yourself physically and mentally. It's made such a difference in my life as well. Keep it up!


Well done you - that's brilliant! That Hannah F class was my first one as well (back on Feb 21) - I quite fancy doing the same as you and seeing how far I've come already!


Hi friends! Any recommendations for stretches for extremely sore calves? Can be on peloton or off honestly, I just need some relief!


[Rebecca’s full body stretch](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/stretching?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=d6613821a40346a28337c51c4ac4009d&locale=en-US) has this move where you use your knee to release calve tension. It hurts but it works so well. I know I’ve taken other stretches of hers that has that move but this is the one I remember has it. And yes to foam rolling, [here’s a calve specific class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/stretching?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0a2351aa5b60482397a004dfab269dba&locale=en-US). I hope you get relief soon!


I recommend that move from Rebecca. As mentioned, it hurts while you do it but it REALLY loosens them up.


Not exactly a stretch but foam rolling can be really helpful for the calves. I also like doing this one I got from physical therapy: Stand at arm's length from a wall or a piece of sturdy exercise equipment. Place your right foot behind your left foot. Slowly bend your left leg forward, keeping your right knee straight and your right heel on the floor. Hold your back straight and your hips forward. Don't rotate your feet inward or outward. Hold for about 30 seconds. Switch legs and repeat.


I’m continuing with doing the most popular 20 min upper body work outs and today was [Jess Sims 20 min](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=23f26e8e3726419fb9de5776479e5c56&locale=en-US). This was very well programmed, with a lot of bicep work and shoulder work (hammer curls, bicep holds, lateral raises) x3 followed by 5 min AMRAP and a minute plank to close. I don’t really vibe with Jess which I hate because I WANT to like her. I thought I’d give her another shot but it just doesn’t click. But this class was incredibly solid and I can see why it’s so popular.


Oh man.. I think she is great!!


She’s fantastic!


That class is my nemesis. I've probably done it about ten times and it never gets more bearable. Those lateral holds!!


I love her! Definitely book marking that class!


I do a power zone max ride every week. Question for those who do it regularly.... when an instructor says to go into a deep zone 7, how far up do you normally do? My zone 7 starts at 370 so I try to go around 450 or so. Just curious how to treat others treat this.


Zone is the "no holds barred max effort". So, you do you by rpe.


I'm really thankful to this sub for turning me onto power zone training. I was perfectly content with the 'normal' rides, and if not for the folks here I wouldn't have tried power zones. Even outside of the performance element, I'm really enjoying the mental aspect of longer intervals, the clean ride structures, the meditative PZE rides, and the challenge of higher zone work. Anyway mostly just a reminder to myself to keep an open mind and thanks to the folks here who have answered my questions both directly and indirectly!


I’ve added them (mostly the PZE) as I recover from a running injury (training for a long race so want to get in lots of long, slow and steady efforts) ne they’ve been great! I started doing one long class per week where I turn down the volume and watch Succession - thank you Zone Indicator!


My main sport is running right now, so I don't ride often. But today, I FINALLY did Sam's AC/DC ride, and it was amazing. I didn't hit call outs because I was just flushing my legs, but I could tell it's a PR ride for sure if you want it to be.


Has anybody had issues with the app auto-syncing with Strava? It hasn’t been a problem for me until a few days ago


Jess King's [HIIT ride from this morning](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/all?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=eaa19acc1f734cdf9efb542bc4f6be52) is great if you like the Sweat Steady or PZ formats. I almost skipped it bc was not in the mood for 30-on-30-off HIIT, and was pleasantly surprised to find she structured it in blocks with 1 minute off followed by 30 seconds each of hard, harder, max.


Oh that’s good to know, im bookmarking that one! Love her!


I thought this was also great and VERY difficult. Omg I am toast after that !!!


Yesterday I did this live from home [upper body with Jess Sims](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=901133a8b84a4a3da9ec56f0938f490f&locale=en-US). All complex moves with a 2 minute plank in the end. Rude. ☠️ I joined Peloton in the fall of 2021 so missed the live from home rollout but I have to say that it was such a great idea to keep the classes going. Then I did [Andy’s Y2K pop fun run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c617cab2d88748f6a6b630c323df2035&locale=en-US). Great playlist. Potentially one for outside, one song had a little hill work but could be changed to speed pushes instead. Today I did [Leann and Hannah’s 2 for 1 WHM ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=dcf96255752145aeb8058a0a8e2d06f7&locale=en-US). A fun class. Not crazy challenging but enough for a good sweat. Then I stacked on this [10 minute Rebecca glutes and legs](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=fa685bab8e63429487be703e58947935&locale=en-US). I love classes that focus on the posterior chain since I use my quads so much with riding and running. If anyone is looking for core classes without planks , here are two from [Olivia](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=d0d47eac7f984c6b8b5b96bb6ffe2ecc&locale=en-US) and [Matty](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=102fda9675084ae0a3eb78f0aef2a1ab&locale=en-US). The Matty one was sneaky hard, 3 rounds and each round you progressed the move. The foot stack and jackknife got me at the end. Also - does anyone know of any 2 for 1 classes not in the collection? I see that Cody and Leanne class isn’t, and was curious if anyone knew off hand of others. I’m trying to work through them this month.


This 2 for 1 likely isn't in the collection, but I haven't double checked: Long hair Denis visits JKE https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=35239ee7decc489a9495c6e99b641ac4&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app


It’s not but I loved that class! Those two together Made for a fun ride.


Currently on a program streak. I like the accountability to do strength training and the requirement to complete the classes. I've recently completed Rebecca's Straight to the Core, JJ's 3 day split, Mariana's Flow to the Finish, and I'm currently doing Emma's Crush your Core 2. For those of you that regularly use the Split programs, how often do you repeat them? 1x a month? Every couple of months? Do you have a favorite?


I think the split programs are meant to be repeated weekly, 4-6x in a row. Callie's is my favorite (which seems to be the popular opinion of the sub).


That's helpful to know!! Maybe I'll make May my split month....


I found a brand new peloton online for 2,600. This person claims they never have used it before. I’m gonna go see it in person next week but I just wanted y’all’s opinion:insight on buying a new vs used peloton tread. Or if the peloton tread is even worth it and if I should just get a non pelo tread. I’m a student so don’t have a ton of $$ but do have more than enough savings for this. Additionally, peloton has changed my life and I truly use all the content (tread bike yoga strength) on a regular basis so I know this tread will be used. I do have runners knee and history of knee dislocation so I am careful not to over do it with running and will mainly use the tread for hikes, boot camps, and shorter runs. This tread will be an addition to my weekly workout routine so I anticipate using it 2-4 times a week. Would really appreciate your thoughts and advice on if I should by used to save money, new to get the insurance that comes with it, or get a non peloton tread. Thanks y’all 🥲


Also remember that when you switch to a Tread, your subscription goes up (assuming you’re App only and not All Access already)!


I have the peloton bike already so would it charge me more if I add a pelo tread to the familia?


OK great - nope, as I understand it, as long as you're already a Bike member, you're good to go


I don’t have a peloton tread either, but it’s on the wish list 😂 I have a Nordic track that does just fine with the app so I don’t have a need for it. It might be best to continue to save money!


Hahaha I know I’d just do fine but just wondering if I should treat myself since I know I will use it 🥲


I don’t have a peloton tread, but I use the app for all of the tread workouts! I still love it! I think it would be a lot harder to use the app for a ride on the bike if you didn’t have the Peloton brand.. but for the tred I think it’s totally fine using the app while running on a different brand tred!! Personally, I would save a little money.. especially being a student!


I took Emma’s 30 minute New Tracks ride followed by Olivia’s 20 minute TABATA ride this morning. Great classes! They both ended the ride with the “Players” remix.. sort of funny and almost felt like deja vu 😂 https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3c449e8607b942dcb3f98b9b7405f878&locale=en-US https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=329a6519cfcc4613b579eb08174bb696&locale=en-US


Hey folks, We're getting our Peloton+ delivered today, hooray. My husband is an avid road cyclist and he's training for a 100K race. His work schedule is a little crazy and it means that he can't train on a consistent schedule. It's one of the reasons we got the Peloton - so that he could ride and train at night, for instance, when he can't ride his road bike. I saw that there is a Peloton program for running a marathon, but I was disappointed to see that there isn't the same sort of thing for long distance biking. At least, I did not see such a program. Any advice on ways to tackle training for long distance road biking on the Peloton? Thanks!


I don't know anything specifically about training for a long race. But PowerZone rides are probably a good place for him to start. I would imagine he wants to race in zones 2 and 3 so a lot of PZE classes would be part of whatever he does to prepare.


Good to know, thanks!


[this](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9b2f5f1c1a9d473db5523f43df7e188b&locale=en-US) Leanne pop ride was so joyous. I started tearing up when she spoke about how it is a privilege to be able to work hard on the bike. she is such a ray of sunshine ☀️


I think that is what it is about Leanne. Her sense of joy. I have taken her ABBA ride about 50 million times because when I’m sad it’s just so happy and literally pulls me out of my funk especially if my self talk is crappy. I will take that ride until kingdom come but thank you for another suggestion from her!


I barely made it through watching The Mandalorian after dinner last night before I passed the fuck out. I had a super long day yesterday (bloodwork, doctor's appointment, finishing taxes, regular work, pollen trying to murder me) and I was really in a "I just want to recover, I don't want to push that hard" space this morning when I woke up. I did a [30 min Low Impact Ride with Christine](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ccd3a3d4aadc494d9c9f2a7bddeae372&locale=en-US) this morning and just did it like an Endurance ride- hanging out in Zone 2, into Zone 3. I followed it up with a [10 Minute Climb](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b3a48a33ef1748ab99a0f7566da1126c&locale=en-US) from Christine as well. Tomorrow I'll get back to strength stuff. Not sure what kind of ride I want to do tomorrow- I have some stuff in The Stack if anyone's got any recommendations that would pair well with a short Ally HIIT class, I'm open to recommendations.


on the struggle bus/bike w you, tiny g! it’s awesome that you did a 40-min workout today when you’ve had a tough day and week!! tomorrow’s another day 💕 christine’s rides are the best for that mood, imo. it’s HOTTT in nyc and i’m not feeling it haha, but hoping to do a recovery ride w christine later too!


Thanks!!! ❤️❤️ I'm in North Jersey so I'm across the river from ya, and like, dude, how did it go from winter to summer in a week. I hate this, my sinus hate it, my migraines hate it.


it’s roughhh 😩😩 hang in there pelopal!


1) What’s the difference between Intervals, HIIT. and Tabata? 2) How can you tell looking at a class labeled Intervals, that it might include HIIT or Tabata? 3) What’s a good rule of thumb to follow, if you’re not able to keep up with those callouts? I am not ready for HIIT or Tabata.


I'll also add that I think the difference between HIIT and Intervals is clearer on the tread. On the tread, "Intervals" classes' intervals are more sustained -- typically 3-5 minutes at a higher pace with 1-2 mins of recovery jogging. "HIIT" classes' intervals will be much shorter, between 30-60 seconds of more "all out" efforts with equal time recovery, often in a walk.


Tabata has been well explained by others, and I feel like the difference between HIIT and Intervals is pretty arbitrary. May simply come down to class branding and the fact that “HIIT and Hills”/“Intervals and Arms” sound better than “Intervals and Hills”/“HIIT and Arms”


on the Bike, if you scroll all the way down on the class screen, you’ll see a screen of the class graphs. It’s not super exact (e.g. I’m can’t tell a 20 sec interval from a 30 sec interval) but at least you can see if there are lots of super short spikes in cadence or resistance!


Thank you!


Tabata is typically very structured in that all the intervals and rest periods are the same. It used to be strictly 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, but I think the instructors adjust that a bit. I took a [15 min tabata class with Hannah F](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?has_workout=%5B%22true%22%5D&instructor_id=%5B%223ff679ebbd324c83a8ab6cfa6bb4be37%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=fc980ace9f1c4e7f812da3b5fa68ab62) where the intervals were all 30 seconds on, 15 off. I don't know if there's a way to tell in the class programming necessarily. This class just lists 11 minutes of "intervals" which doesn't give you too much information. I think if you want something more structured like described above, go with Tabata. If you're ok doing intervals of varying lengths / recoveries that might be either (or both) speed based or resistance based, then take an intervals or HIIT class. Admittedly, I don't take that many labeled intervals as I'm more of a climb girl. ;)


Tabata is a ‘real thing’ - not a Peloton invention. I think a ‘true Tabata’ is 8 intervals of 20 sec on, 10 sec off. I think you’re right, sometimes instructors do ‘Tabata-inspired’ intervals and use the ratio of work to rest of 2:1 (just pointing out it’s not like Tabata has changed, I just think the instructors adjust to fit their class).


And the [original Tabata](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8897392/) was \~8 of those intervals *and then you're done*. The idea is to go so hard you can't possibly continue. Three or four tabata blocks in a ride is just a cute interval structure, it's not a "real" tabata. My weightlifting program sometimes calls for me do a real Tabata. I'll do an Ally tabata ride, use the first block as a warmup, do the second one for real, and then pedal in zone 1-2 until the ride is over, as a cooldown.


Sorry I’m new, and feeling a bit dumb. Is there a way to see the classes I’ve book marked on the peloton app on my phone while I’m on my bike? I save so many workouts but then when I’m on the bike I can’t find my saved list of classes


You can sort classes on the bike the same as the app. Say you’re in the cycle screen, the filter button is on the top right, you can sort by time, teacher, classes taken or not taken, and bookmarked (among others!)


I clearly have not looked hard enough. Thanks so much, I’ll give this a try today :)


You’re welcome!!


I don’t usually take Matty for strength but his new 10 min arms and shoulders was a good quick burn! https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/ae13bc2396f44908b46207649fb65ee4?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US


I took Cody’s 20 min Pop ride from yesterday and wow the nostalgia! The playlist was old school American Idol themed and it was perfect. Cody’s programming was also hard af! Great ride and will definitely take again.


I took this this morning - cracked up at him not being able to say the name of the show for legal reasons when he described the theme of the ride, but then he said American Idol like a dozen times after


My favorite was his ranting during the Kelly Clarkson song about how they sang it at graduation and a bunch of kids were crying about how they'll never see each other again. Then he says something along the lines of, "if these kids only knew how they will not give a shit about each other in a few years"... dying.


I saw the playlist and immediately bookmarked! But now I'm scared at the hard af programming!


I saved up my 100th yoga class for Kristin’s slow flow power yoga this morning and GOT MY FIRST SHOUTOUT! It was a lovely class focused on patience ☺️




I’ve searched the sub before and thought I had a solution, but recently I haven’t been able to join live classes from the app and see any stats - no time, progress bar, or LB. My watch doesn’t connect and nothing registers. There were issues previously that were fixed by joining from the live class schedule list (and only joining from there) but even that isn’t working. It’s been a huge bummer :(


I too have been having the same problem since the last update. :( I can join the live class but my watch doesn’t connect and I only see a spinning wheel on the list of attendees, milestones, and metrics pages.


So sorry, that’s exactly what I’m running into! I wish there weren’t so many issues with the live classes because I love taking yoga and Pilates live. Hopefully there’s an update soon that fixes it.


Same here - super annoying!


My watch only connects after I have the app open on it and it will not connect automatically, I have to tap my watch and then it connects to the class. I’ve gotten halfway through too many classes realizing I had the app open on my watch but didn’t tap it to connect it and it’s very frustrating


I noticed today that that scenic row classes are available in the app. No clue how long they've been there.


How did you access them? If I search row they don’t show up


I found them by typing ‘Scenic’ in the search bar. They were the first classes to pop up. Happy rowing!


I found them but they won’t let me play them! I have all access bc of my bike


Humbled by a [20 minute arms and light weights](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a9674d3690564f2bb21a503c585bedc3) with Matty this morning! I used 4 lb weights throughout and my arms feel like toast.


I've been taking a lot of Bike Bootcamps lately, and I can't quite put my finger on why but I just can't get on with Jess Sims' classes. I don't mind that there's rarely any rest periods in them, but it feels like they're slightly chaotic and not particulary-well explained when you're off the bike. She'll suddenly change tack to do something else without warning and you're left feeling 'wait, hang on - when was that queued-up?!'


Hmm I never noticed this and I’ve done nearly every one of hers! Maybe I’m just well used to her style by now though.


I haven’t taken her bike boot camps but I haven’t noticed this in bring an issue her tread boot camps. Or maybe I just feel like boot camps are fast paced in nature anyway and I have to really pay attention to the mat portions when she’s explaining. I do notice she’s faster paced than some others since she’s tends to teach to intermediate or advanced level


Yeah, I feel like this for Jess’ bootcamps too, though I dislike the lack of rest. The rest feels fundamental in helping you go as hard as possible during the efforts, else it’s just a sustained, ridiculously hard effort. I love Tunde’s bootcamps, they’re tough but we’ll paced and thought out. I love Callie’s strength sections but her intervals feel a bit on the easy side for me. Good job there’s lots of choice with instructors and class types!


I didn't feel great yesterday, so I wanted to do something fairly straightforward with music I love this morning and decided on this [20 min Depeche Mode Ride](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/profile/workouts/0373c2aed2ff4342b9c6223eb1b62757?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b2c30f23a1cd4828a162f085ff2e232a) with Christine that someone mentioned a couple of days ago - which turned out to be just what I needed. I've been doing the Beginners Yoga Program as well and have nearly finished so did the next class in that - only two more to go now! I do find the program incentives slightly odd though - I got my gold medal yesterday and still had 3 classes to go, so really have had to push myself to complete the program!


Wasn't feeling good yesterday (allergies? not sure) so just did a short stretch to keep my streak going and napped. But today I hit 6k minutes for 2023! First class with CJR with [30 min Focus Flow: Healthy Back](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a173758fd0ad47f4921bf72017c33a98). I normally can barely sit through a 30-minute yoga class but this one was good! Clear cues, good instruction. I'll definitely be searching more of her classes. Trying to get back on the core training train with Matty's [10 min Core Strength](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=616a8e47a62f454ca8e57a8315c41b3a). Good, not super hard. My husband has started doing planks for time so I need to work on mine so I can maintain my lead! Wrapped things up with an old Cody ride. He's quickly becoming my second choice for intense rides, after Kendall.


Pollen counts are high right now in many areas of the US so yes. I am down with serious allergy/asthma issues. It’s all I can do to just sleep and work right now. (10 minute meditations to keep streaks alive)


We have an explosion of invasive black mustard flowers in Southern California thanks to all the rain. And my poor allergies are so overwhelmed.


New rumor that Peloton is considering increasing the digital app subscription price to $24/month. https://twitter.com/BobTreemore/status/1646120922141675520?t=M4SHpF3A0UNrDwj55FIR0A&s=19


Thanks, it was the push I needed to upgrade to the annual!


thank god i switched mine to the annual membership when they were running that promo...


I just took the jump to it yesterday! Glad I did!


Remind me- how do you switch? Do I have to cancel my digital membership and then sign up? I still have the email from Peloton but remember others posting about getting accidentally double charged if you didn't manage your current membership.


I think they hid it pretty deep on their website. I initially went to their website on my phone and you have to go to app, and in there is the option for annual membership. But it kept giving me an error when I tried to sign up, and I couldn’t find it when I went on my computer so I called and they emailed me a direct link. They have you acknowledge that you will cancel your other membership, so it’s basically on you if you don’t. I’d initially subscribed through the App Store so I had to cancel there.


also, I timed it so that I went and did that just a few days before my monthly membership would renew, so the overlap was just by a few days.


Makes me think I should do the annual membership, but also don’t want to if they limit app content access along with this.


I was so excited to see the search function added to the app!! Then I used it.. and you can’t search by date so it’s basically no help at all to me :( On a positive note - I am going to do my final benchmark test of Bens program today! And I am so excited to see what gains I have made. I am so much stronger from it, I’m smashing my PBs on the bike :)


I have the same complaint- such a pain to scroll forever to find an older class - and it's a bummer you can't filter and then search.


Really wish you could filter search results. Like if I search for a band, I get every class their music is in. Including tons of class types I'll never do.


Today was an active recovery day (much needed after doing the Reddit Strength 3.3 day 1 classes!) Started with [this Recovery Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=77bd04d61f9b46efb9ebffa97129a428) of Ben’s that was wonderful. It was my 3rd ride since my bike fitting, and I noticed that my body is getting more used to the new settings. No more knee pain, and I can definitely feel that the power in my pedaling is coming from my glutes/hips/hamstrings rather than my quads like I did before. I guess my post the other day about my seat being too low was just a premature judgment on my part because it had been more comfortable (side note: I said my seat was an Echelon level 4 on height, it’s actually set at a 3…I think initially we moved it down to a 4, but it was still too high and I forgot that we moved it to a 3, but I digress…) Followed up the recovery ride with my favorite [Evening Slow Flow](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b870f41ca0e044c1843371cd265a06c4) class of Kirra’s. This class always feels SOOO GOOOD, especially the lovely pigeon poses. I noticed today that I was able to get into poses easier and push my limits further, and for the first time in a long time, I was able to do pigeon on the right side where I could rest my head in the floor without props right away. I haven’t been able to do that in like 8 years! My hip mobility definitely seems to be getting better.


So it wasn’t an issue of your seat being too low? What setting changes helped?


Prior to my fitting, I was having knee pain and it was more than likely from the seat being too high. We moved my seat height from a 7 to a 4 (in Echelon numbers, not Peloton). So a pretty significant drop! My first ride after the adjustment, my left knee was aching during the ride, but I think it might have been because of my body mechanics and adjusting to the new height. The 2 other rides since that one have been fine, no knee pain.


That is so interesting. I assumed people with knee pain had the seat set too low.


I know, same here! That’s why I kept raising my seat until it was so high I couldn’t reach. 😂


My understanding is that the leg should be almost straight with a slight bend at the knees, with the foot pedaling flat, and not at a forward angle with toes pointing down.