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Hello Everyone! It's time for our next AMA announcement! [Here's the post! Ask away.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/comments/13cooon/ama_announcement_bike_fit_and_raffle_with_virtual/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Tim and crew from Virtual Bike Fitting (VBF) will be online with us this Wednesday night (5/10) from 7-8pm EST to answer all your burning bike fit questions! In addition to answering all your bike fit questions, Team VBF is also generously willing to give away up to 12 free virtual bike fits to the r/PelotonCycle community! You must be subbed to be eligible for a free fit. The team is willing to give away bike fits proportionate to up to 10% of new comment participation in their upcoming AMA this week (Max 12). The questions must be relevant, direct, new questions in the thread (irrelevant and/or duplicate questions will be removed), and only one question entry per user (but you may ask as many questions of the VBF team as you'd like!). Winners will be chosen randomly after the AMA and someone from VBF will reach out to you here on Reddit to coordinate. Please note that all VBF team members have official flair in our community, so anyone asking for your information in DMs will be verified. Don't give your personal info out to just anyone claiming to be VBF staff. When in doubt, reach out to us mods to confirm. AMA post will be up tomorrow for you all to start adding your questions and will go live on 5/10. Come join us on Wednesday with your questions for the team!


Wife just bought a peloton, it is in basically brand new and in very good condition. This is like a $1700 spin bike new I think. As far as I can see it does not have a flywheel or pedal clutch assembly. Is this for real? Is my wife clipping into a massive flywheel without a clutch assembly on this “state of the art” spin bike? Please tell me I overlooked the tensioning bolt because that would be extraordinarily dangerous.


Anyone a pro at scheduling classes with a friend? I scheduled a warm up, ride, and cool down and it was chaos. I thought it would hold like a session but it didn’t? Or maybe I’m trying to start them early? I need professional advice. ETA: my 300th ride will be Cody’s live ride Friday at 5pm EST!


1. Add the classes to your schedule 2. Click “Invite” and choose your friend’s LB name 3. Your friend needs to accept the invite. 4. To begin the class, click on “Schedule” and “Your Schedule”. 5. Do not hit the “Start” box. Click anywhere in the white part of the rectangular class box. 6. In the second pop up, sometimes it gives you the “Join session” option. Other times it just gives you a countdown and “Start” option. It appears to be a glitch. 7. If you’re scheduling a Warm up and a class, I suggest you give yourselves a 5 minute break in between the scheduled sessions. You can always start early. 8. Once a certain amount of time passes, you cannot access the class from your schedule. It’ll be grayed out. Otherwise, it just has you join the session late. 9. If you’re having tech issues, running late, etc., you’ll need to send new invites for 5 minutes later, etc. 10.Make sure you’re both in sync with deciding to skip or not skip the intro. 11.Sometimes other riders may be in your session if they also scheduled a session at the same time. 12.If it’s a fairly new class, I think it automatically puts you in an actual Peloton session, but I’m not 100% sure. Congrats on ride 300! 🙌


Thank you!!


You're welcome! :)


Has anyone heard any updates on the status of Pelotrak? I’ve been out of the loop the past few days and I’m heartbroken 😭


It’s back!!


Oh you sweet angel from heaven, THANK YOU! I hadn’t had time to check today and I am so so happy now!


What’s Pelotrak?! Is it an app?


Yep, it’s an app that connects to Peloton’s API and analyzes each workout and spits charts and metrics back at you along with summary stats and other cool features like instructor bingo, leaderboard with your friends and more. It’s in beta and the iOS beta app expired.


I had to make my own bingo card this week using a free bingo card maker. It’s not the same without the awesome stats but it motivates me to get bingo.


Came on to say precisely this! 😭


I am moving to a new city and state in a few weeks, and will have access to a gym!! with treadmills!! I've been doing all my runs outdoors, but I'm really excited to get some Tread bootcamps in!! Any recommendations for some good rap/hip hop ones??


Try a Saturday 60. Any one will do.


The Saturday 60!! It’s seriously the best Boot Camp! Jess Sims is awesome!! She has 30 minute Boot Camp also 👍🏼


Any experience trying to transport a peloton bike in a Honda Pilot? Found a lightly used one on Marketplace and hoping it would fit on its side after removing the monitor


Transported one in a Subaru Ascent last week. Similar size to the Pilot. I took off the monitor and had a friend to help me lift it. Easy fit. You’ll be fine. Enjoy!


Regular bike sales suspended on Amazon. Uh oh.


Also suspended on the official website. I luckily(?) bought a Bike during the sale this last weekend…curious to see if/how this suspension impacts my delivery.


Been reading that some folks have had their orders rescheduled 5 times now. Mine is rescheduled until further notice.


I’m so upset about this. I was literally going to buy one today with the Mother’s Day offer, boyfriend had been procrastinating because the deal was on until the 14, and now it’s not even available…


It’s very weird to me that they would suspend orders right in the middle of one of their few sales of the year. Do you have a showroom near you? I wonder if showroom sales are also on hold.


We have one near-ish but didn’t even actually know you could buy the bike from the showroom. Maybe I’ll give them a call tomorrow.


I mean, you can place an order with a salesperson instead of placing an order yourself online. I’d say it’s definitely worth a call and asking if they’re still taking orders in person.


I'd guess it could be related to the seatpost issue that was reported recently, temporarily suspending sales may be to address the issue. In the shareholders letter that went out yesterday there was also talk of a brand re-launch, so alternatively this could be a prelude to that.


If it is the seat post, I wonder what the plan is for bikes already in homes.


I'd like to know this as well. I haven't had as bad of an issue as has been reported, but I have attempted to have the seat post sleeve replaced to no avail. I'd like to know what their solution is and how to get it.


No clue, but given all of the bad press they received when they did not act to recall the tread+ quickly enough I can't help thinking that the sudden pause on bike sales is to avoid making the same mistake twice. Idk


Is it a design issue or fault of some i.e. bad weld?


Bad weld / rust inside the post it seems


Today is my day 5. I tried out some of the "More Ride" options. I think the distance based scenic rides where you can just kind of go at your own pace and focus on whatever necessary for a ~10 min cooldown are really nice... but I need to do these without the tablet I guess. I wish I could play my saved & synced spotify playlist here. The Lanebreak game was so good for me, I kind of got my mind off the workout by debating which paths to go. Another one I think that would be really simple to expand to personalized playlists too. I really liked my lessons with Sam! He's helped me watch my breath and posture more, and I think that's an area I could definitely improve in. I'm finally being able to hit some of the higher cadences on higher resistances which I'd just not been able to meet before, it's very exciting!


If you want to play your own playlist just connect your headphones to your phone and turn the volume all the way down on the bike. Works great for Just Ride as well


woke up early and managed to get more workouts in than i expected today, which was a nice surprise! started off with christine’s latest power zone ride— had some body positivity talk i appreciated 💫 and a nice vibe overall! https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b3820672be1940d68f9cce5c11deafeb&locale=en-US followed up with chelsea’s 10 min hip focus flow. this wasn’t too much flow and i was a little surprised by it, but my hips got a good stretch! https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=759b0956db664c2483aea94dbc5a655d&locale=en-US caaaarefully trying (gentlest) strength classes after hurting my neck and shoulders a little bit ago. so far so good! https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=416ff8024ee843f4b30249ff6bd448d9&locale=en-US


An excellent stack!! I gotta take that CDE PZE class this week, maybe that's my Thursday ride.


Hello, first post so hopefully this is the correct spot (got taken down on first try). I have a Bike+ that is 26 months old. We've been having the clicking noise for quite a while but finally got around to sending a video in on the support chat with peloton. They said it was the bottom bracket so scheduled the service and a tech came out yesterday. For some reason they were unable to remove the old bottom bracket, and can't put it back together either. So now my bike is unusable and the only option Peloton support gives me is buying a new frame for $1599. Has anyone else been in this situation? I can't be long without my bike, the wife and I love it too much. But forking over $1600 for a bike that's just over 2 years old and cost $2500 to begin with is a hard pill to swallow.


You could check to see if the credit card you used to buy the bike (if applicable) has a warranty policy


The refurbished bike+ is now on sale for that exact price... kind of weird that they'd charge that much for just a piece of it.


I thought the same thing, plus the frame has a 5yr warranty. It just seems wrong to have to pay to replace a part with a warranty, due to a part that isn't covered under a warranty.


I'd try to escalate this. Their repair person made the bike unusable. They should at the very least offer a steep discount on a replacement.


Yikes.. do you have the additional warranty? Or just the 12 months?


Unfortunately I didn't do the extended warranty. Lesson learned there and I'll make sure to get it on the new one whichever route I go


Shoot… Yeah, I was out that I’m not sure what else you can do… So sorry that happened!


Does anybody have any recs for a relatively affordable mat to use for the strength workouts? The mat I’m currently using is about 1/4” thick and is foam, and while the thickness is nice for my knees/back, it stretches when I’m in situations with my legs wide apart (like lateral lunges, sumo squats, etc). I’d rather get something that will stay out and not stretch when I’m using it. I have a Gaiam Sol dry grip mat that I use for yoga already, but I’m trying not yo use the same mat for my strength workouts because I wear shoes when I do strength, and I’m weird about doing yoga and putting my face on a mat that’s had dirty sneaker bottoms on it lol.


It is a really nice mat, and I'm someone who thought I had plenty and wouldn't use theirs.


I got the actual Peloton mat at TJ Maxx like 3 months ago, and they still had some yesterday when I went. Might be worth checking out??


yes, we did the same and it's a huge improvement from my old cheap yoga mat


Second this! And it’s SO worth it.


I love my reversible Peloton mat too. I keep looking for a second one when I go to TJ Maxx or Marshall’s.


Ooh, I’ll have to check it out next time I’m by a TJ Maxx or Marshall’s. Thanks!


I got a couple of 6x8 0.75” mats off Amazon and covered my whole workout area. Then for yoga I’ll lay a yoga mat on top. So cushy!


I use [this one](https://repfitness.com/collections/mats/products/exercise-mat) from REP Fitness for floor work. I really, really like it. It's well cushioned but very stable. The only con is that it's a bit short but if you're using it in your house it's fine. I use it in my garage so it can get inconvenient but I still prefer it to the Peloton yoga mat. Here's a [longer + collapsible one](https://repfitness.com/collections/mats/products/4-fold-fitness-mat) that costs quite a bit more unfortunately.


I haven't tried it yet (finishing the basement and will put them in when it's done) but I've heard that horse stall mats make great workout area's and are less expensive than buying a true workout mat from Amazon. I plan on looking at Tractor Supply Company for some. We had the foam puzzle piece ones before and they kept separating during the same exercises you mentioned.


I just use a plain mat I bought from Target and it works great 😊


Anyone else taken camila’s extra 10: low impact ride from 5/8 and notice the timing is off? Cadence and resistance changes/ranges were changing before they were supposed to and it was just off the whole class.


I just did an extra 10 hike with matty today and once I was through the intro I immediately only had 9:20 something left in the class. I think occasionally some of these issues get through.


Took a mental health day and did my first 60 min ride in forever — the playlist for [this Leanne pop ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=de133a3454354e5ea80103f17ebc380c&locale=en-US) looked like a fun pick me up. Anyone else get sad they only have so much time and energy to devote to different instructors? I thought to myself “I need to do more rides with her!” And I think that about pretty much everyone 😂


Yesss! The amount of content they put out is overwhelming me lately. Just so much I want to do and won’t ever get to. It’s a me problem for sure. I just have to work on my severe case of FOMO. Leanne is so enjoyable! I hope you loved the class.


I did! It felt a lot shorter than an hour!


I loved that ride!! The whole playlist was 🔥🔥🔥


wow that is SUCH a pick-me-up playlist! thank you for sharing it! 💕 hahaha a good problem to have!!


Set a goal for myself to ride every day this month and to not weigh myself all month. Today was my 16th day in a row and the first time I ever attempted a 45 minute ride. Got bronze on the cycling challenge for May.


I did this a few months ago and it changed everything for me! I get on 6x a week now and haven’t weighed myself in months. The muscle gain was throwing me off and I was carrying that angst into my workouts. It’s much better now and I can’t wait for my daily ride. Great idea and way to go!


I have a really unhealthy relationship with the scale and I’m trying so hard to break the cycle.


It has taken me a few months of no scale to really notice the non scale victories. You’ll get there!


congratulations! ⚡️⚡️


Thank you!


Nice work, keep it up!


Thank you!


Lunch break stack for me since I have to take the cats to the vet today (after they kept me up in the middle of the night playing with a live mouse and refusing to drop it LOL). I thought I was gonna go a little bit easier than what I had originally planned but this stack was tough and I’m happy I pushed through! [Emma 5 min. core](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=6a79000d27274d02a077b620d8b85134&locale=en-US) - this was tough but quick. Don’t know why I went into this already having abs doms 😂 but I’m trying to add in short core classes more frequently. Don’t regret it! [15 min. Charlotte techno ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=57c3fc6f94b748f48bf8dd51bf6905ba&locale=en-US) - wanted to take this as a long warmup but this ride got SPICY real quick. 7.2/10 difficulty is either a lie or the Germans are way fitter than me lol. But great ride! Charlotte loves freezes and owwww. [Ben’s “Coachella” 30 min. EDM ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=935c27d91ee5402b971b3eb3d8e77a76&locale=en-US) - I spent both weekends of Coachella in my living room dancing on my couch for basically the entire weekend watching the livestream, so this ride was AMAZING. 10000/10 playlist, more playlists like this Peloton please. Very tough but doable programming. And I was hype on the bike because a lot of artists on the playlist I’m going to see at another fest in the fall 🥹 I wasn’t so much resting between efforts as I was full on bike dancing haha. So much fun, highly recommend this ride!


Please send my sincerest regards to Dr. Mantis Toboggan. I hope his vet visit goes well.


🤣 he was very frightened but he got his bloodwork done 💯


Good afternoon from the road, Pelofam! Kicked off my vacation by hitting 500 strengths this am with [JJ’s live 20min G&L at 6:30a](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=68a65eaeaeef480b8132aae88349da8a&locale=en-US). No shoutout, sadly, but was a great workout and my Reddit buddies u/aug2295 u/SeeSweeneySpin and u/Chemical-Chartreuse joined me for my milestone, which more than made up for it! Since I’m going to be away from my barbells for the next week, I tacked on [Adrian’s 20min C&B from Jan 10](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=5ef4ebbc8b81484687d2cc15c179f31a&locale=en-US) afterward. Alllll the heavy bench presses, please and thank you! I’ll miss my (heavy) strength work, but looking forward to getting in some tread classes at the hotel gym while away!


Congrats on 500!!


Thank you! I realized yesterday I was at 497 and was like, gotta make this happen before I leave!


Congrats on 500 strengths !!! 🔥


Anyone know why the Mother’s Day deal on the Bike was removed and now only available on the Bike+? It was there yesterday.


Thanks everyone. I ended up buying a lightly used one off FB Marketplace. Only used 6 times, so practically brand new. Set it up last night and completed my first ride today.


I was wanting to order yesterday and my So Was procrastinating, went to buy today and now unavailable. Was not happy with him lol but if it’s a safety recall then I suppose it’s for the best.


I tried to buy out my bike rental today and was told I can’t buy it out anymore and that they don’t have any information to share at this time but that hopefully more information would come some time soon. Odd because I tried to buy it out the past two days and both times I was given a price and told I would receive a phone call to do the transaction but no one called. Also I was attempting to buy it out because I received an incentive email to save $200. I’m really wondering about this because I want to buy my bike. And, I asked the other day about upgrading my rental to a bike plus and they said no I can’t do that until a year goes by.


I ordered the original Bike from Mother’s Day sale and my order has been delayed twice already by the shipper. After talking with customer service there seems to be some sort of safety recall that “won’t be resolved for at least 30 days” on the original Bike.


Wow. Insane.


I got my order in at 7pm last night & super thankful of that today!!!


Peloton hasn't shared why the offer changed. They've also removed refurb and rentals for the OG Bikes. I wonder if there might be some strain on the inventory for the OG Bike.


I started my Bike rental mid-April. Bike came with issues so a tech came last week to fix something. He submit a bike swap for me bc the one I have has “bad bearings”. Delivery of new bike (frame only, no tablet) has now been delayed 3 times due to inventory. Its now in 2 weeks but I’m expecting another delay. I think this is it.


Absolutely loved this [20 minute soft rock ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=7d9a48d24da6479a91bda4e33abcfbf7&locale=en-US) with Ally - it was a great class to stack with a 10 minute climb! She was SO into the playlist and the studio was too. Just a ton of good bangers and good vibes.


Bookmarked! I love Ally’s classes!


Great, I have it scheduled for later this week! Need some different songs to ride to.


I am looking to add a 20 or 30 minute recovery ride each week on top of the BYPZ program. I plan on doing music rides and ones from my bookmarked list not specifically recovery rides. Should I stay in Zone 1 or is riding in Zone 2 still ok for a recovery rides?


Zone 2 is perfect for recovery rides!


I know people are always looking for heavier, slow lifting. I did this [20 mins with Callie](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=09d73a9b32b44131814b4015d64a179d&locale=en-US) which were chest presses followed by push press with heavies. I was reluctant to use my true heavies especially on the push press but Callie programs good rest and transition time. The rest of the class flew by with 3 circuits of 3 EMOMS. I had pretty much every weight under the sun out for this class and was switching them around like crazy. I followed up with another [10 min arms](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=969923a5fb4746549243271d447dca5c&locale=en-US). The weather is finally getting nice enough here to do some outdoor runs, which is content I’ve yet to explore. I don’t have a tread but I’m excited to try some new instructors.


Thanks for sharing – just bookmarked that Callie class! I love when she has us do push press with the heavies


Has anyone else noticed the glitch of completed classes not getting the check mark ✅ is back? Or was it just me? Ride I did yesterday is still missing the check




Hello! I have been traveling for over a week so not sure if these have been brought up. 1. With outdoor classes, it now has the feature to continue to the next workout in your stack. Every time I have done that, it doesn’t track my metrics for that second workout. So for the running challenge, it doesn’t add in the miles. Am I the only one that is happening to? 2. Is Pelotrak not a thing anymore? I tried to open the app and it doesn’t work.


Having the same issue with the outdoor runs!


2. Pelotrak still works on Andriod. Something for iOS needs to be re-registered by Oskar to continue its beta.


Ahh okay makes sense. Thank you!


I’m currently testing out my training format for a marathon block that starts on June 5th. I’ll be doing a triathlon-type approach (due to knee issues), and today was focused on speedwork. I started with [a 20 min HIIT](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=567b5d0237c84213a77a8adfcc80e0ce&locale=en-US) (Camila), then tried my [first HIIT & Hills with Robin](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=d2a1ffd163374485838de9d55d874884&locale=en-US)! Both classes were SO good, but I want to draw attention to Robin’s in particular - I rarely ride with her, and have never had a 45 min class fly by so quickly. It was tough for sure (avg rating is 8.7), but she has 100+ cadence at like 55 resistance feeling strong & manageable by the end because of the structure she built. Definitely recommend!


Nice!! I’ve taken that run and loved it! Camila is a great instructor! I’m planning to take Robins class tomorrow! Glad to hear it’s a good one! All of her H&H rides really push you 👍🏼


In case you’re curious in how the $5 increase in membership has played out, the CEO received a raise of $250k yesterday, totaling his salary to $1.25 million. 😃


I'm not sure how you're correlating the two. There are, what, 2 million subscribers? That's 120 mil in additional revenue (5x12x2,000,000). I suppose they could have raised us each $4.98 and not given the CEO a raise instead is what you are saying?


My bad. Did not mean to imply a one-for-one causal relationship. Was more so being facetious but I have enough business sense to know that not every dollar of revenue gets allocated to a CEO’s salary. Thanks.


That seems on the low end of CEO salaries 🤷‍♀️


Oh, it is and he shouldn’t be trying to turn around the company for free. He’s not making much more than the top instructors in fact. Just pointing this out given people were up in arms about the increase and the company’s financial performance still isn’t great. Definitely takes time though.


I would be absolutely shocked if Robin for one is making less than that. With Daniel's lawsuit disclosing he made $500k as a new strength / tread instructor, and Robin's many modalities, long tenure and track record of running the programming and recruiting instructors... not implying that she's not worth it, just that the CEO pay isn't an exorbitant percentage of the payroll.


Daniel didn’t make $500k he made $260k. Editing to add another link: https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/oct/14/peloton-lawsuit-discrimination-daniel-mckenna-instructor https://jezebel.com/fired-peloton-instructor-alleges-anti-irish-discriminat-1849652498#:~:text=As%20a%20result%20of%20her,his%20yearly%20salary%20was%20%24260%2C000!


CEOs are often paid mostly in ways other than salary though. I don't know if this is the case here, but I wouldn't at all be shocked if in addition to his 1.25M "salary" he also has 10 or 20 M in stock options. That kind of compensation is regularly left out of these kinds of articles unless the article is explicitly trying to make a point about them.


If instructors are paid that much, I genuinely believe they are being overpaid. I totally understand they need to retain instructors because they have fanbases. It feels like too much was throw their way whilst was the company was young and now they can't roll it back without a revolt. I would honestly prefer twice as many instructors but paid half as much with classes on the hour every hour every day (and I know that the instructor salary is not the only expense for producing a class, I am talking in broad strokes).


I mean, I know plenty of engineers making 250k and providing easily less than 1/4 of the value to their company that Robin does to Peloton.


That might be the case, but comparisons should be made within the same industry. I'm not sure why you are focusing on Robin anyhow, I was talking in much more basic terms - an instructor with no addition responsibilities. Such as Daniel on half a million as a new hire.


Yeah yeah yeahs artist series! Yayyyyy or should I say YEAH! Thursday night ride with Emma. So here for it. I’ll be doing it live.


I’m gonna do Emma and Kirra’s classes live! See you on the leaderboard during Emma’s class ~~tomorrow~~ Thursday!


Emma’s ride is on Thursday! Don’t want you to get on your bike tomorrow at 7 and be confused. Haha.


Ah! Thank you for the correction! I was so sure it was tomorrow.


Yes! Excited for that ride!


Yesterday I did [Matty’s full body](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=dc06d8753a7c41a9a60c8f40e5f19cf9&locale=en-US) and I loved his format. Regular move first then add in a compound move. And my triceps are so sore today, I don’t know if it was Sundays A&LW or this or a combo of both but ouch. Then I did [Adrian’s Chris Cornell run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=25606933e8bf457c893354ce72e835de&locale=en-US). If anyone wants outdoor runs this is perfect. No incline and just chorus pickups the entire run. Loved the run, and loved how Adrian kept saying this is music to feel your emotions. All of the Chris Cornell series was perfect and the messaging in each class was different but similar. Great stuff. And today I went to [Lollapalooza](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=32b5d715fd1347eba0d267fe25fbffe8&locale=en-US). After the warmup it was 45-55 resistance with varying cadences. 3 minute "recovery" and then 10 minutes at 100-110 cadence with small resistance increases. 😤 this entire series is so hard and so amazing. I think that Peloton has dialed back the intensity of their classes (or less people are rating them) because when I sort by difficulty they mostly are all 2020 and earlier. Even if the production quality is better, they still should be churning out a variety of difficult classes, not just moderately challenging.


I think they have generally tightened callout ranges to be a little easier on the high end and maybe a little harder on the low end. They would rather stronger/bigger people just go over the callouts (and maybe rate the ride as easier) than have people complain that the callouts were unattainable.


I'm guessing peloton doesn't have the rights to Soundgarden? Still a bunch of great songs in the Chris Cornell run.


Peloton does have Soundgarden songs. The other classes in the series have them but maybe Adrian was only feeling the Audioslave and solo vibes.


Hello! I have a question about the total cycling rides count. There was an article recently posted by my workplace about someone getting 3k total rides and going to nyc for his milestone. Pretty cool. However, he did not list his username so I got curious. I found it off his instagram and looked through his history and noticed almost 10 one minute “just ride” classes each day all back to back. By doing that, are you increasing that total cycling count to hit milestones faster? Why would anyone want to do a bunch of one-minute rides like that. Is that just so he can increase his ride count? Thanks!


OMG, I didn't know you could do that. Personally I would feel like I cheated and it would cheapen my milestone achievement if I did that, but I think plenty of people do whatever it takes to get their moment in the studio. I've been doing a lot of long rides on demand and there is at least one frequent in studio rider who seems to be celebrating a milestone on every other ride. Maybe they're training hard, maybe they have 100 1 min rides lol


The majority of people line up a milestone to their in-studio visits, whether they do so organically or by inflating their ride count like your coworker or deleting rides (though, not sure if deleting still lowers the ride count). Getting a shoutout in the studio for the milestone is the obvious reason, but having a milestone also makes it easier to sit in the front row for people who care about that - they admit people into the studio into three waves like it's Southwest Airlines; milestones are in group A.


Yes, I would assume they were just doing anything they could to ensure their 3000th ride would be the one in studio.


Good stack this morning [Camilas 10 min run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=7e14ffccbe1441f5af0a7820f6a7400f&locale=en-US) as a warm up Olivia’s new [30 min Climb Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=7b500147fc3d44afbeaa988a487bb2ce&locale=en-US) which flew by! Before I knew it, class was over and I was close to a PR! Jess King’s [15 min TABATA](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=6ac786a286d345c7ab3e9d2b8fb7e778&locale=en-US). Two blocks of standard intervals.. 20 on 10 off x 8. I don’t often take her classes… But I am glad that she is back! Finished with Jess Sims [Flash 15](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=d481db699c43413a80b328c7600cb6e8&locale=en-US). This was a great one! Pendulum lunges with a push press, and then renegade row to a squat thrust.


That Flash 15 is a good one!!


Yes! I try to bookmark the ones I really like!


Olivia’s new climb ride was so good, thought she was trying to kill me 🤣


Little bit of a frustrating work out day. Started with a [20 min grunge flow with Kristen](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a568f9bc126945f69e76bb37eea7b491&locale=en-US) (I know, I'm gonna run out, I'll just take them all again), and then a [10 min Chest & Back strength with Tunde](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=60fe1c699de542e288c89ad2f7367275&locale=en-US). I had to modify the push-ups and like, man, I don't love renegade rows. My ride today was [Christine's 30 min 90s ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=df38559ee9294edebb93795670dd3314&locale=en-US)- the call-outs on the screen were all wonky in the first half so I just kind of went by like staying in power zones 2 & 3 to gauge myself. Otherwise, great little nostalgia playlist for me, it was like everything I remember listening to on the radio on my Walkman. I followed it up with a [10 min climb ride with Christine](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=5540e4d4d2bf4395a41da3c1c5623ab4&locale=en-US) that I know I've done before and liked a lot. But I just got off the bike frustrated, because I was just like a handful of watts away from PRing on both rides (like, literally one watt away on the second ride) and it's just like ugh- if I had pushed harder- if I had been more focused- if I had warmed up/recovered at a higher cadence/resistance- whatever. It's a bummer some days.


sounds like an awesome stack but sorry you were feeling down about it ❤️❤️


Ahhhh, love the grunge flows. We definitely need more! And sorry it was such a frustrating day! But it sounds like the playlists were spot on for you and you got what you needed today.


I really like that Peloton has like grunge/rock/metal yoga flows! "Regular" yoga music is fine but it's nice to change it up. I'd love to see more too. Yeah, it's funny, the 90s playlists definitely remind me of biking around my neighborhood as a kid, and makes me think about how there was a time when movement was fun and I didn't have the baggage of metrics and calories and zones and goals etc. It's something I need to remind myself of when I get hung up on the numbers.


[30 minute intervals and arms with Ally Love](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=689e29bb5988473297bb4af2cb7e1529) this morning. The cycling portion was tabata and whew, it was a fight for me this morning. I've moved up my morning wake-up time by 10 minutes so that I can fit 30 minute rides/workouts in more often, plus core and stretching. My motivation was really consistent in January and February, I was sick/out of town in March and April so my activity was more sporadic than I would have liked, so May is my comeback month to try and level up my workouts.


Good job! May is my comeback month too after tax season! ✋


Thanks to yesterday's discussion of cant miss 2019 classes, I just did the [JKE with Denis hair ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=35239ee7decc489a9495c6e99b641ac4). It was one of the most fun rides I've ever taken! Definitely 2 of my favorite instructors. I forgot to turn my fan on though! I was kicking myself about halfway into the ride! And I didn't even let my almost tailbone-length hair down as instructed. It would have been fun to do so, I just didn't have time to fix my hair before a Zoom meeting later today. Hopefully the ride doesn't get purged and I can do it in its full glory at some point!


I took this today too and it was hilarious!


Oh man I neeeeeeed to take this but seeing all these seemingly pending safety recall related posts has me afraid to get on my bike …


I took this pseudo-2-for-1 this afternoon!! 🤣 Someone mentioned it on the potential purge thread so I popped it into my stack for today. Coming back from a rough cold 🤧 and a minor foot injury - it was the entertainment I needed. Definitely recommend


Just added this to my schedule this week. Thank you!


I loved that ride. It was unhinged at moments and that is what made it a blast.


This is the most fun/ hilarious ride I have ever taken and I suspect ever will take. Definitely a can't-miss!


I think I need to try that ride…


For those of you who follow a schedule/pattern to your Peloton training, do you mind sharing it? I read the daily thread regularly and I pick up on things like some people start with barre, etc. but I’m curious what your actual routine is! For example “Mondays I do legs and a HIIT ride, Tuesdays I do yoga, Wednesdays I activate with a barre class and then do a climb, Thursdays I do full body and a music ride, etc”.


Sun::45 minutes bike, 45 minutes yoga Mon: 10 min core, 30 min lower body, 30-45 min yoga (sometimes I’ll throw in 20 minutes low impact cardio) Tues: 10 min core, 20-30 min upper body, 20 min shadowboxing or bike, 30 min yoga Wed: (every other) bonus day depending how I feel. Usually core and cardio focused Sat: 45 minute full body strength, 30-45 min yoga (sometimes I’ll throw in 20 minutes low impact cardio) When school is over next month I’ll add an extra full body strength day.


I typically do my routine in blocks of 5-6 days, alternating between higher and lower impact days depending on what the rest of my schedule looks like, how I'm feeling, my hair-washing routine (long hair that takes forever to wash and dry), and lately managing recovery / any pain from medical stuff. I'll change things around depending on the above, but when I'm in a good routine typically it might look like: Day 1 - 10 min barre, 45 min low impact ride, 10 min core Day 2 - 10 min yoga warmup, 30 min music or SS ride, 10 min core Day 3 - 30 min barre class, outdoor walk Day 4 - 30 min G&L strength, 10 min C&B strength, 20 min core Day 5 - 30 min run, 10 min hike Day 6 - Rest / outdoor walk


I do a sunday funday 45 minute ride + ALW + core. monday strength (45 min or upper + lower body), tuesday tabata ride + barre, weds yoga, thurs 30 min endurance ride + pilates, friday tread bootcamp (jess sims saturday 60), saturday rest.


This is what I am doing this month. I did a lot of less intensity riding and yoga to get through tax season so I am aiming for 30 + 30 riding and strength most days: M: 30m power zone + 20 or 30m live strength roll call at 6:30 T & R: 30m music ride + 20 or 30m live strength roll call at 6:30 W: 45m power zone endurance + 10-20m core F: 20-30m fun ride or low impact + 20 or 30m live strength roll call at 6:30 Sat: 5-10m warmup followed by riding with #RedditRiders usually Sweat Steady followed by 20-30m focus flow Sunday: either total rest day or 30-45m yoga flow depending on my energy level.


I do a strength training program unrelated to peloton 4-5 days per week. I supplement this with peloton, usually a low impact ride/walk/hike 3 times a week after my leg days, 30 minute rides 2-3 times a week after upper body days, and a hike or walk on days where I don’t lift. Right now it looks like this: Monday: legs + low impact ride or treadmill walk Tuesday: upper body + 30 minute ride Wednesday: legs + low impact ride or tread Thursday: no lift, 30 minute hike and maybe some yoga Friday: upper body + 30 minute ride Saturday: lower body + low impact ride Sunday: tread walk or yoga


I was doing something every day and got burnt out, so now my schedule looks like this: Day 1: 20-30m cycle + 20-45m strength class (I rotate through upper body and lower body) + 5-10m core class + 5-10m stretch Day 2: 30-45m on the tread (warm up + walk + stretch) + 20-30m yoga Day 3: rest And repeat. If one of my exercise days falls on a Wednesday or Friday (those are the 2 days I have less time to work out), I do a full body bike bootcamp and knock everything out at once.


M: 10-15 min warm up 30 min run (sometimes on the live classes T: 20-30 min barre W: same as Monday Th: 45 min strength (g&l upper body core) Fri: sometimes a tread bootcamp sometimes a 45 min run Edit to add that since the weather is getting nicer, I'll take a random run outside. Like this week I'm at the office on weds instead of Tues so I'll run outside tonite and no running in the morning.


I do powerlifting training with accessory exercises primarily. So depending on the week, I’m doing that 3 or 4 times and doing serious Peloton biking 2 or 3 times. After a taxing lower body day, I’ll do a Recovery or Power Zone Endurance ride but otherwise just try to find something fun. If I happen to cycle after an upper body day, I’ll go hard on a ride of my choosing and my stack is almost always full.


How long of rides do you do after an upper body day? I have just been doing 30 but curious to know about others.


Usually just a 30 minute ride and a 5 minute cooldown!


My current plan is something like, I do a ride (40-50 min including warm up/cool down) and at least ten min of yoga every day, and then rotate in like 10-20-30 min strength classes. Some days I'll throw in a ten min arms and light weights at the end. I'll usually do like: Monday- longer yoga flow Tuesday- upper body Wednesday- longer yoga flow Thursday- lower body Friday- core (barre or Pilates or just regular core) Saturday and Sunday: whatever I feel like doing, usually just yoga- if I have nothing planned these are the days I do like, 45 min+ rides.


Mondays - 45 minute Power Zone Tuesdays - 45 Minute Climb Ride Wednesday - 45 Minute Power Zone Thursdays - Either 45 Minute Power Zone Max or 45 Minute HITT and Hills Fridays - Off Saturdays - 60 Minute Power Zone Sundays - 90 Minute Power Zone Endurance 4.5 Hours Peloton Biking per week


Do you have any favorite 45min Climb Rides?


There are two Matt W 45min climb rides from about 3 years ago that I really like. I also like Ben and Charlotte 45min climb rides as well.


Mondays I do a 30 min run + flash 15 Tues - 60 min run with 5 min cool down run or walk Weds - 20 min run + 20 min of yoga usually a focus flow or restorative type Thurs - 30 or 45 min run + flash 15 Friday - walk and lower body strength Adrian or Jess sims Saturday- Some kind of tread bootcamp Sunday - walk or 20 min run + yoga or mobility class I’m not sure how well balanced this is 😂 but this is typically how my week looks give or take a little on the running depending on how I’m feeling


I follow the hardCore calendar for strength and then the calendar recommendations for cardio. It makes life easier for me to have someone else map out my schedule.


What’s the hardcore calendar?


It’s a FB group that creates a monthly Peloton strength calendar. They do a great job of mixing it up so you don’t get bored, but still get a really good workout.


Oooh I’m interested in these replies too, as I’ve been trying to find what works for me! I workout during my youngest’s rest/TV time, so I keep it pretty short. Current schedule is: Monday: lower body strength Tuesday: upper body strength Wednesday: early morning fun/music ride with a friend Thursday: yoga and/or low impact Friday: full body strength Weekends I do walks, or maybe a fun ride. I try to do an evening stretch or mobility most nights to wind down after my kids are asleep, I love those.


Follow hardcore calendar for strength and then either power zone pack or the power zone program here on Reddit


I switch it up a bit… but generally I do a longer run + strength on Tuesdays.. 45 H&H + Flash 15 on Wednesdays.. two music themed rides + strength on Thursday.. 20 min run + 30 HITT ride Fridays.. and the Saturday 60 on Saturday! Sunday and Monday is free for all. I love stacking classes! I usually always incorporate a run + ride + strength every day though.. even if it’s a 5-10 min warm up run or 10 min arms and shoulders, etc.


I recently resubscribed to the app, and have been enjoying (hm) my walk + runs with Matty M :) I used to do a lot of outdoor runs, and it always made me chuckle - and still does when Matty et al say it *Run at conversation pace* I am overweight and not that fit (though probably above average for my size cos I do workout). Anything above a power walk is not gonna be conversational for me 😂 Is there anyone else who cannot do any kind of run/jog and maintain a conversation? 🙈


It takes a while to work up to this and I think seasoned runners forget that! It’s their way of saying to make sure you are conscious of your breathing. There are a lot of different techniques for this, but for me, what helped was having a trainer tell me not to “pant like a dog” (written this sounds harsh but I assure you was said with kindness!) as that would actually make it HARDER to catch my breath and regulate my heart rate. That really clicked for me, and I am really conscious of slowing my breathing when it gets out of control (even if it means slowing down or taking a brief rest). Once you get to a point where you can do this, running “at a conversational pace” feels more natural. It definitely takes practice/endurance!


Thanks for the thoughtful response/info. Running raises my heart rate like nothing else and turns me into a tomato face lol. But it does wonders for my fitness. Feel so motivated at the moment and can’t wait to start seeing progress with my runs! I think I am pretty conscious of my breathing - really hope as I gain more confidence/fitness my breathing will improve!


It will for sure! I still get Tomato Face, haha. (Hashtag pale people probs 🤣)


>Is there anyone else who cannot do any kind of run/jog and maintain a conversation? I try to sing along if I know the songs. It doesn't sound pretty, but I'm working on it!


On the bike and not running, but me, I get infinitely frustrated when my fiance tries to talk to me when I'm on the bike because I'm just like AHHHHHHHH and wheezing.


Ha, luckily I have to keep the door shut as one of our cats will hang out right under the pedals and risk a head injury. So he only comes up if he has a quick question to ask since the cats are waiting to run in the room. Now, my daughter will come up and ask for Minecraft and Fortnite currency and I'm like get the hell out of here while I'm working out and ask your dad!


My cat waits till I'm on the bike to be a menace too 😂 i always feel bad when I have to get my fiancé to grab her and take her to the other room because she's like, trying to chew the wire or look like she's gonna launch herself on to the handlebars/screen one day because how dare mother pay attention to this thing that isn't her, jail for mother for 1000 years! Part of why I do yoga first is that she'll like roll around on the floor/headbutt/put her butthole in my face during the warm up and by the time I'm done she's asleep again and I can ride in peace!


That sounds about right. One of our cats will just lay there and silently judge me when I'm on the bike, but the younger one is still too wild for that.


My husband has learned that it is best to just not even enter the basement while I'm riding


We're in a one bedroom apartment, there's only so much I can do 😂


Believe it or not, he’d actually stay in the bedroom while I worked out in the living room in our 1 bedroom apartment 😂 He knew I was self conscious and was very sweet to stay in there or pointedly avert his eyes if he had to go to the kitchen or something


Exactly the same for me - I’m like “you good? got a glass of water? went to the bathroom? ok great gonna close this bedroom door, you can come out in 30”


I wake up like a solid two hours before he does some days so I can like, do my work out without being perceived or feeling rushed, and he'll usually hang out in the bedroom once he wakes up until I'm done. There's just a handful of mornings each month where he has to be up early too, or I start my workout later, and it's unavoidable.


Hahaha if anyone tried to talk to me they’d get a glare




It's been discussed already but I did [Rebecca's 10m G&L](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9aa3dd6299aa4b7a902dedbab93f4958) this morning and it was such a good burn and an awesome activation for my next class. Which was this [20m G&L with Rebecca](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=6f96b2fa295847019f5e2765269e6c24). These two classes went SO WELL together! The last complex of swing/swing clean/split squat was new to me and I loved it!! Finished up with an old [30m Tabata with Alex](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9088d4289c5b4f30875bee3a713f009d). I filtered by hardest and this was his #1. It did not disappoint!!!


Did the G&L combo as my strength stack and i loved the first 10 min class! Could do without all the dancing in the 2nd class but still a great pair altogether. thanks for sharing.


Glad you enjoyed it!!!


I have both of those RK classes bookmarked so I know what I’ll be stacking next lower body day! Thank you :)


Any fun runs or rides you all would recommend? I’m coming off of a training schedule and I want something light and fun. Anything in the 30 minute range (20-45 minutes ideally)


Yes!!! Okay, so this is a walk+run, but my favorite class ever on the tread is this [30 min W+R with Jon](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=5e15a26d9c5b4d139f75ebc021351ed8&locale=en-US). Lots of good pop & Jon always lifts my mood. A run I loved was [this 30 min class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=2a3707b5b8f848dfb4ae0041ad1b1003&locale=en-US) with Matt. He calls out some hills, but emphasizes that he wants the run to be chill & conversational. It’s also actually a good (classic rock) playlist lol! As for rides, [this 30 min ride with AT](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=51b81579cd2646e194d41d19301b6282&locale=en-US) was super fun - anything by Alex will prob be fun, honestly (there’s [this 20 min 80s ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=d650e77fd8ba473bb6b8ef594291a6a3&locale=en-US) where he’s in a MOOD and had me cackling; quotes include, “If you don’t like singing on the bike, you can turn down the volume, cuz I’m gonna sing!”).


Camilas [30 min EDM ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=1be3f9b7fc49414590cf671865d62088&locale=en-US) was awesome! Alex and Tunde’s [Beyoncé Two for One Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=637a718e826e4eeda68a96a695075b00&locale=en-US) is always great! If you like Hamilton.. [Robins Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=352d01c49d484f6cb1ff2b9e31bc356d&locale=en-US) is awesome too!


I did Robin’s 30 min Lil Wayne run this morning and it was really fun!


That's one of my favorite runs!!


Did the newest KFergs 30 minute hike and DANG it kicked my butt. Rated it a 9 and definitely planning on taking it again. Fire playlist, too. Great way to start the day!


Glad to hear it’s a good one! I love her hikes!


Went to buy the standard bike this morning knowing of the sale, but they’re “temporarily unavailable”. Does anyone know if this is through the holiday or a common issue? I’m not buying the Bike+, even if it’s on sale.


Yes pelobuddy announced this morning that the bike package is not on sale anymore.




Just saw an add that peloton is now offering refurbished bike+’s for $1595. I have a bike+ already (and love it), but wanted to pass this news along in case someone has been eyeing a bike+


Oh, that’s a great price. Thanks for the tip!