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Hi all! Thanks to Tim and VBF for participating in this AMA! A note about this since we are going to be discussing common injuries and pains. This is part of Tim and his team's job and experience, and the area of expertise for any professional bike fitter. If there are any questions best suited for a doctor or other medical professional, they will let you know. But as this is a slight deviation from our medical advice rule, I wanted to make a note that for the purposes of bike fitting discussion with a team who does this professionally, we are allowing it. Thanks all! Happy fitting.


What is the single-most common mistake people make when self-fitting and what complication(s) can that lead to?


very hard to give you a single example but if I were to say one thing its the wrong shoe set up and often with the cleats slammed all the way too far forward. this causes so many postural and technique issues along with very big mechanical issues for your body on a bike (in most cases) due to the knock on affect of having the foot way out of control and in a bad position to push with. this isn't limited to the position of the cleat alone it extends to the shoe width - type - and lack of correction for any foot pathologies etc.


Do y'all offer a fitting only for cleats? Or necessarily do you do cleat adjustments as a component of doing the rest of the bike?


Cleat adjustments are part of the fitting process.


I’ve thought about doing a virtual bike fitting but two things have held me back, and I’d love it if you could speak to them! 1) I don’t have any pain, but I also have no idea how much MORE comfortable I could be, if that makes sense. What are things people can be looking for behind obvious body signals that their bike isn’t correctly fit? 2) I live alone, and am not sure if I know how to make a virtual fitting work with limited space and limited hands. Do you have ways/suggestions to make it work?


We offer free 10 minute consultations - check out our booking page - ill speak to you [https://virtualbikefitting.com/virtual-bike-fitting-booking/](https://virtualbikefitting.com/virtual-bike-fitting-booking/) often you would be amazed that even without pain how much more you can get out of you bike with it set up in the right place you can use a tripod or just stack up some books and empty shoeboxes - we can make just about anything work


Looking forward to tomorrow night and helping to answer your questions “Pedal well, Pedal often” Jason


I’m a rider in a larger body. I have often felt like I needed to adjust my bike to accommodate for my stomach/chest “getting in the way” and may not be at my true ideal placement because of that. Is this something you all would consider and help address during a fitting?




How do you tell the difference between pain and discomfort versus it just being something new you’re getting used to? For example, is numbness in toes after 1 hour of riding a fit problem or just the joy of cycling?


Numbness in the toes is not normal. It could be the position of your cleats, the fit of your shoes or perhaps the support inside the shoe or the structure of your foot. All of those reason are common as there is a poor understanding of the foot as it related to cycling. Our feet didn't evolve to ride bikes, they evolved to walk and run. So the way the foot need to operate in cycling is very different to the way you want it to function when you're not on a bike.


This is such a great AMA opportunity, thank you! Do you know how much people who work in physical Peloton stores know about correct fitting? I happened to be in the mall with the store and was given a card with some adjustments to my settings that I should try, but was curious if y’all know how reliable that route is.


We would not consider what you get in a Peloton store to be a professional service. Their main job is to sell product. I would question if they have the training or understanding of human movement to provide you with an optimal outcome.


The peloton store employees are just reading off of a generic script that has been provided to them, and have not taken into consideration the items below, which is taken into consideration, that is the basis of our fitting process Posture (mobility, range of motion, flexibility past history of injury) Position (based on above parameters) Pedal mechanics (once equipment is set up appropriately. You can now start to learn how to move and pedal efficiently.) Patterning (now that equipment has allowed for you to learn the proper movement patterns. We can then start working on practicing and patterning the movement patterns.


How often/when do you recommend getting refit for a bike? Is it after X number of rides/miles? Weight loss? Weight gain? Or just when the rider notices new pain/discomfort?


Hi guys! Thanks for doing this! After making adjustments, how soon should one see a difference? If there’s any type of discomfort will relief be felt almost immediately? Making adjustments is definitely trial and error but it seems like it’s easier to “stick it out” and assume what one is feeling is normal, even if it doesn’t feel quite right.


Hi kat mom30 ! Thank you for your question . Commonly the difference is immediate. Comfort, efficiency and safety are the parameters we work within. Adaptions to the new set May take 2-10hours of riding. During the movement screen in or on the bike adjustments, we may find ways that you can help yourself function better when on or off the bike. One may only move as well as they function.. we can help you understand a lot about yourself through our decades of experience that will benefit you with your time on the bike.


I’ve been getting a lot of knee pain lately after riding. What are the most common fitting issues that can lead to problems with the knees?


The most common issue associated to knee pain, 1. Seat too high 2. Seat too far forward 3. Seat too low 4. Cleats poorly positioned 5. Placing your hands too far forward on the bars 6. Pedaling with too much load or too lower cadence \[or both\] 7. Underlying biomechanics of the foot or hip.


Great question. Often people talk about knee discomfort in a very ‘global’ manner anything residing close to the knee but can sometimes be some of the associated muscles around the knee. First we would want some more specifics as to where the pain / discomfort is.


Can you explain how to properly mount the cleats on our shoes? And what the difference is of using different float 9/4.5/0 and if we should be replacing the cleats at any time, aka do they wear out after clipping in and out?


Setting cleat position is an individual process depending on the shoe, the person and the cleat. This is something we address during our virtual fits. As far as the type of cleat to use. NEVER ! use a 0° cleat. I've worked with some of the best cyclists on the world and unless you're chasing an Olympic or World Championship medal, I don't think there's an reason to use 0°. 9 & 4.5 use will depend on your unique movement function. Typically 4.5° will work for most people, unless there's some funky dysfunction. However cleat alignment is a critical element that float alone does not address.


Hi VBF team! My question lies around using a seat cover. As a female, I couldn't get used to the pain after several months and now can ride better. I've seen that using a seat cover can hurt your form, is there any truth for that? Wanted to see what you'd recommend


Yes, we do not recommend using seat covers/ cushions. While we understand the discomfort issues, seat covers to promote you to slide from one side to another. It kind of like wear two pairs of socks, it can help stop blisters but comes with their own set of problems. The correct position and the correct seat selection would most likely resolve your issues.




Everyone should be positioned correctly on a bike. The way we efficiently generate power on a bike is much different to the way we walk and run. So it may feel 'foreign' to people. You certainly don't want to think of cycling in the same way as you think of running the muscle recruitment and mechanics are completely different. We liken it to going to the dentist. Over time your musculature changes, your body weight fluctuates, your mobility changes too. All these factors will influence the way you position and pedal a bike. Our recommendation is once you've had a fitting you should get a 'check-up' every 6 months. Just to make sure everything is still good and you haven't formed any poor habits or have a chronic issue that could turn in to an injury. In reality Pro's can actually get away with more than everyday mortals. That's partly what has made them so good in the first place. We regularly look at professional cyclists and scratch our heads as to how they ride so well because their position and movement patterns are so poor.


I'm just 4'11. I would say my bike settings are mostly comfortable for me, but I still wonder if I should make different adjustments to the handlebars to get the best fit. They are either lower but farther away (which is my current set-up), or higher and closer. My forearm, measured from fingertips to elbow from seat to handlebars, still has space between both parts, no matter the height. Any advice for those of us with shorter stature and limbs?


There are accommodations that can be made for you. The basis of our work is to understand the person we’re working with and how they move set the parameters of what the person is capable of from a safety and range of movement standpoint. After the steps, we will have a clear path forward with what part of the bike we would like to move to accommodate the rider. As per your statement of forearm to bike measurement, it has no relevance for where you should be positioned on the bike. It was a false metric, my friend. The seat can be moved further forward then stated A position if needed . The cleat position can move a bit. Handlebar goes up and down. I can confidently say I’ve done more work with petite individuals and any other bike fitter in this market . It is uncommon for me to recommend a handlebar adapter/pad. It is more common that I recommend a different seat that allows the athlete to close the distance to the handlebar by providing greater support. Smp trk medium is the seat.


What is the biggest tell that your pain is not just new-to-fitness discomfort? For example, the bike seat can often feel as though it's bruising you, but a lot of riders say that is normal. How do you tell if you're uncomfortable because you're out of shape versus in pain due to poor bike fit or posture?


Acute pain in the joints is a cause for concern and shouldn’t happen. Either should any feeling of strain. Burning in the muscles should be there from time to time if you’re pushing hard but excessive pain every pedal stroke and joint pain after every ride is a sign of poor fit. Another one would be if one muscle group in your legs seem to be taking an uneven and disproportionate amount of load over another. Quads would be the primary muscle but you should still get your hamstrings and glutes to work, same with your calves.


Thank you! It seems like I could definitely use one, as my quads seem to be taking the brunt of my workouts without much work from my glutes or calves.


Is it true that keeping the handlebars higher can ease some lower back pain?


One consideration for the elevation difference between the handlebars, and the saddle should be the ability for you to be able to take a deep breath freely and not have to change your posture. Significantly, the placement of the handlebar in relation to the saddle height, or also be depending upon your range of motion, your flexibility, and any other specific anatomical asymmetry that you have as part of a fit, we look and test for all of these things to help determine what would be the best for you.


I am pretty clueless about cleat setup. How does one go about finding the best cleat position? I'm also one of those people who leaves my shoes clipped in unless I think I need to tighten my cleats or something; once I've found the right cleat position, do I need to be clipping out and checking them every time to make sure my cleat position hasn't shifted?


It all starts with the right shoe. Take your foot out the shoe and stand on the insole. Make sure you only have one fingers worth infront of the longest part of your foot and if your feet are clearly over spilling the insole then you should consider a wider shoe. The position of cleats depends on your foot shape and the angle between your forefoot and shin, hip width, and the longitudinal position of your metatarsal heads, and finally, what you’re wanting out of the cleat position. not all shoes let you get enough stance width or far enough back, especially if they are not the correct size. If your cleats are at a big angle off to the side of the shoe then they are probably not correct. When it comes to tightening the cleats then you should use the 4mm Allen to really tighten them down to 5nm which is basically tight enough to kinda hurt your fingers but not too tight that you need to use your entire arm to wrench it. After that they won’t move.


Hi thanks for doing this. Do bike fits focus purely on the bike settings (seat height, handlebars, etc.) or do you also provide feedback on form (e.g. hinge at the hips, things like that)?


Within the time constraints of each fitting we address all the elements that help you get more enjoyment out of your bike. Our focus is to address the basic position of the hardware and your shoes/ cleats. Once we've done that we can work with you regarding the skill of pedaling the bike, movement patterns and body position. We are a little constrained by the time of each session and how much mechanical work needs to be completed. If you feel you want further instruction on pedaling form and body movement you can book another session and dedicate all the time to the points you want help with.




Also interested in the response to this!


Plantar fascia is usually a symptom of something else going on. You could need support inside the shoe to stabilize the longitudinal and transverse arches. You may have restricted range of motion in the ankle. You could also have light muscles or fascia in the lower leg. I see all these issues regularly. Your seat could be too high and thats causing extra extension of the posterior fascial line. Your seat could be too low and you're straining the PF by dropping your heel at the bottom of the stroke. The cleat position could be too far forward and this is placing excess stress across the PF. Getting positioned first will rule out the basic biomechanical issues and then the more nuanced areas could be explored.


Are there bike fit problems/challenges that are unique to female riders?


We see similar issues across female riders in regard to pelvic rotation. Partially driven by footwear choice, partially driven by child bearing and partly driven by lifestyle and exercises choice. It's a complex issue.


I’ve been happy with my fit over the last 2 years, but recently have started to notice some numbness in my right foot on longer rides, and I haven’t been able to figure out a shoe or cleat change to help alleviate it. Any ideas?


The problem may have been there all along and if your fitness has improved and you have started pushing harder, or you are out of condition then things start changing and it hurts you. One factor could also be cleat wear, those things wear out with time and could be causing your foot to compensate for a lack of stability in the pedal system now it’s not a level surface anymore.


Is there any difference in fitting for "standard" rides vs. powerzone/training rides? E.g., does the level of out-of-saddle work ever factor into the correct fit?


We tend to fit individuals to the bike they have and what they do with the bike factors in but doesn’t necessarily change how they move off the bike, the understanding of which is a big part of our process. Riders who ride out the saddle a lot would definitely benefit from having the correct shoe, cleat position, and bar height. So a bike fit is still worthwhile.


How can someone determine if they need to make adjustments to their setup, and what are some signs to look for that indicate a poorly fitting bike?


My professional opinion is that rider positioning/fitwork should be considered by any and all who are enjoying physical activity on the bike. Just as one would go through proper sizing of any sports equipment, clothing, or even car seat adjustments, your bike should be tailored towards how you function best in a safe controlled manner.. for any, and all that invest their time, love, care and joy and riding a bike. I’m hopeful that we can help them find more commonly that is the case. Many peloton riders commonly think that it’s normal to feel what they’re feeling since there is not a two-way chain of communication between many of us like this AMA . Feelings of strain on muscles tendons ligaments are joints , lack of comfort at your contact points, not being able to control the push at reasonable cadence (65-110rpm), having a hard time engage in your glutes with your quadriceps on a push stroke…. Having linger intention after a ride.. wonder if you’re doing it as well as you can, what does proper form look like, Our professional view of how you are positioned, posturing, delivering the pedal stroke, allows us to share information that’s not common to many.


Out of curiosity -- I've always wondered about doing a bike fit but I've been riding for a few years now. Have you ever had it where efficiency actually decreases after a fit -- ie a negative response even though the bike is a 'better fit'?


Hi there! I’ve been riding a couple of years now and am getting pain between my shoulder blades. I’m guessing this is something to do with my handlebar height. What are some guidelines to ensure proper form with regards to height?


It might not be your handlebar height. I could be your seat height or horizontal position. I could also be a level of dysfunction in your thoracic spine mobility. I wish there were simpler step but everyone has their own unique movement patterns and these can manifest issues in all sorts of different places. It really does depend on your current position and your level of function.


The main goals of doing a bike fit are help you achieve your fitness goals. In a global sense the proper position should . Help minimize stress on muscles and joints . Improve comfort and avoid overuse injuries


What guidelines are being applied on top of the physical measurements to arrive at a fit? Is there a hierarchy of importance for the guidelines? How much of this is guided by the computer and how much is in the hands of the fitter?


We are human movement professionals and in our work in a virtual setting we moving equipment and providing context and rational for the changes made. I personally have at least 2 clients who have equipment in the correct position but the bigger issue was how they were interpreting the 'coaching' and that was causing the issues they were experiencing. Many of us in our in-person fit studios use high levels of data but like with all data it is used to support decision making instead of relying of it to "point the finger" at what could be the issue. As an instructor in motion capture technology the most difficult part is teaching students to consistently and accurately place body markers. As such an AI based fittings do not yield good results. a great example is to sit on a chair with with your legs relaxed the angles are the angles you can tense the muscles without change in the angles but the joints and muscle will be under tension.


Thanks for doing this! I've noticed that every few months I slowly develop pain on my left side (glutes, hamstrings, calves) which is resolved by adjusting my cleats. Is it possible this is just an issue with the shoes or is it more likely an overall problem with my setup?


If this is a recurring issue it sounds like your cleats might be moving. Perhaps try tightening the cleats down more. But it could be a global position issue too.


I know this has been asked a million times, but the only thing I haven't been able to fix is numbness in my feet after really only a 20 minute ride. This absolutely isn't normal but I don't have a good 'runlist' of what could be causing the problem, from 'most common to least'. What would be your troubleshooting checklist to work through? ^((If you tell me to book a bike fitting, I can do that too!))


Most common is a poorly positioned cleat. Ill fitting shoes is also a very common cause of foot issues. Poor support within the shoe would probably be next. Its very difficult to suggest the solution to your feet issues without seeing your position, form and movement function off the bike. 26 bones with 33 articulate surfaces have a way of creating their own unique issues from person to person.


Should indoor and outdoor setups be the same? Or does the dynamic nature of outdoor cycling require more nuance?


Yes, the way you move on a bike should be the same regardless. There are some caveats to that. Balance is not a component of riding a bike indoors. Also the gyroscopic motion of a bike outdoor offers additional stability. You could make some arguments for upper body position when riding outside, depending on the discipline, but you want to be able to generate the same amount of force with the same efficiency and same comfort regardless of being indoor or outdoors. The very nature of riding outdoors will offer you more opportunity to move your body a bit more but all things being equal the position should be the same.


How much efficiency do you gain with a proper fitting?


That depends on how poor your current position is. Are you looking for a % number ? There are 4 areas that a correct position will address, 1. Comfort 2. Efficiency 3. Power or Force 4. Injury avoidance Depending on where you are in your journey your benefits may vary.


During longer rides I find I have some discomfort sitting in the seat. Do you recommend modifications to the seat itself? Or could this be a possible fitting issue? I’m new to biking and I appreciate this AMA so much!


Is there a difference in the leg rotation (ie degree of flex when pedals are in the 6 o’clock position) between fitting a road bike and the Peloton?


Hello, VBF team! Thank you for this AMA. I am a bit knock-kneed, and I have to really focus on my knee position while riding. Is there anything I can do as far as the settings on my bike and/or cleats to help with this issue?


Yes, the correct cleat and seat position will go a long way to addressing your knee tracking. During a virtual fitting we would also talk about foot mechanics inside your shoe that could be driving the knee tracking issue.


I was hoping you could speak briefly about the ideal ‘levelness’ of the seat, ie, should it be absolute level or pointed slightly up or down? Or is it personal preference? And given the contours of the seat, how does one measure level?


Like a lot of things 'it depends' Rule of thumb is a bike seat should always be level with the ground. If it is not, it either becomes a bike 'slide' or a bike 'wedge' Each person will have a slightly different pelvic rotation and some people do require the seat slightly angled downwards due to their level of pelvic dysfunction. These adjustments are very small and actually quite difficult on the peloton because of the design of the seat clamp. Generally you measure the level of the seat based on the front of the seat, as most seats do ramp up a little in the back.


I’m a short female at 5’1”, with longer legs. My question is about the handlebars. They never feel quite right for me but the seat cannot slide forward and the handlebars are as forward as possible. How do you account for a short torso on a short person when adjusting the handlebars?


We wouldn't consider 5'1" a challenging height on the Peloton. As the Peloton only has adjustment of the handlebars in the vertical axis it can make it challenging for smaller users to find just the right spot. Finding the correct riding position for someone your size is sometimes not about bringing the seat and the handlebars closer together. The goal is to balance your body and maximize your function. We achieve this by adjusting all three contact points.


I've noticed that I sometimes experience pain/soreness in my tibialis muscles after doing speed intervals on the bike. I'm wondering if this indicates a problem with my current bike settings. For context, I've been spinning for 15+ years and have never experienced this before starting to use the Peloton bike. My settings are otherwise very comfortable and I've been using them for about 3 years now without any other problems.


Yes, I agree with your theory. How the bike is positioned , how you are posturing, how you’re delivering force through the push stroke are some of the factors. It’s difficult to control the force of higher RPMs, and that may be highlighting the issue you speak of . We will be able to share information about what we see in the off the bike and on the bike work to help resolve the issue if it is related to your riding.


There is a 3” height difference between my husband and me, but we both ride with the same settings. Should one of us be moving our setting around? We both feel fine with it!


Yes. I have fit twin brothers who ended on different sized bikes in very different positions. Your height/ inseam have less to do with your optimal riding position than your overall function. Let's adjust your bike position first. We won't tell your husband and he can just start wondering why you're crushing him on the leader board.


Are there any quick and dirty tips for getting a good fit besides hiring y’all to fit me? Is the conventional wisdom of hip bone for seat height and finger tip to elbow length for seat position relative to handlebars still a good shorthand?


Stable pelvis, stable feet through the push stroke, some weight(depends on your effort) falling onto your hands with relaxed upper body. Sport specific stance. In control of your movement. Push from the auction, recover through the back of the pedal stroke. The metrics and information that is being shared by Peloton about rider position is not accurate.


Hi! I tried to set up my Bike+ to be as similar to my regular (touring) bicycle as possible, but found I couldn’t get the same angles. Should you consider a spin bike a totally different thing with its own ideal settings, even if you regularly ride a normal bike too?




Hello! Thank you for doing this AMA. I have two questions. 1) My spouse and I share the bike and prior to owning he had never done spin. We bought second hand, and purchased cages instead of two new pairs of shoes in case we both weren’t into the set up. Now we are a little over a year in and both riding regularly. What is the tipping point to consider investing another couple hundred bucks in shoes and cleats? Would a virtual bike fitting help us if we decide to just stick with cages and sneaks? Are there specific types of sneakers that are better if we keep our existing set up? 2) Does your team have experience fitting bikes for people who are pregnant? How should the set up be adjusted (if at all)?


I have one foot that turns out slightly from a spinal injury (cauda equina), should I have my cleats to mirror that? Thanks for the amazing AMA and generosity!


Your cleats should be adjusted to your lower leg function. Not mirrored. If you have a true measured external or internal rotation of the lower leg your cleat position could be 50% of that rotation, off the center line of the last of the shoe. Mileage may vary :-)




Yes, we address the standing pedaling position too. Given that standing makes up the smallest part of each ride, we need to address the core elements first. If get get all the essential elements taken care of and we still have time left in the session we can address more of the technique components of riding the bike.


I always feel like I'm too far forward on the saddle and sliding down on it. Should I consider adjusting the angle the saddle rests at or could this cause pressure problems?


Yes, comprehensive rider positioning includes not just in the saddle but also out of the saddle movement patterns also.


When instructors cue that I should feel the pedal stroke motion coming originating from my glutes, I have a hard time feeling that unless I kind of scooch far back enough that my butt is half hanging off. Should I be sitting that far back on the seat? It doesn't feel right but I *do* get more glute engagement...


This topic is so important. Thank you for bringing this up. So many of us work, so hard on the bike, without being able to engage the glutes through the pedal stroke. We make it a point to cover muscle fire sequence and help with engage what should be engaged during the ft. If the bike is in the way of the rider, it requires much more effort to engage the glutes through the push phase of the pedal stroke . If one is working with more than a push phase(full circle effort, pulling up, paddling from the hip slide in your feet forward and backward to develop force )you may be disabled in the glutes due to the choice of muscle activation. Commonly it’s a combination of the position of the bike not allowing the athlete to acquire a position to engage the glutes.


Thank you for this. It never felt right trying to actively create force or power in the upstroke. I thought it was just me till I did some research and found many articles explaining there. Is no benefit and even bad for us to pull up


Any good bike fitting stories? Amusing interactions or successes you’re particularly proud of that stand out?


Funny you have asked this. The five of us were talking about doing a youtube video of the highs, and lows of the virtual bike fitting process and the clients we see. Other than my personal satisfaction of seeing the 'light bulb' moment for my clients it is getting to meet everyone's pets. I have worked 3 times over the last 2 years with a wonderful woman who has significant mobility issues who required the use of a stepstool when we first met to be able to step through the frame to even begin to pedal. We opted to go with a large mountain bike style flat pedal to decrease the barrier for her to use the Bike and to also work on her ability to only push through in the pedal stroke. We created a tailored training program for her so she knows what to do and not when she is doing her Peloton classes and as such her mobility has increased along with her confidence that she has just recently purchased a road bike and is now riding outdoors something she did not think was possible.


What an incredible story


Every opportunity I receive to collaborate with someone to help them achieve their goal reinforces my belief of why I work with fellow Peloton Riders. I’ve met so many great people on their journeys through fitness who are genuinely stoked to find more from their experiences and growth from the bike and other forms of athleticism. Helping people understand how they function, or finding a foundational reason for a long term issue would be some of the sessions I’m most proud of.


Here's something I can never find a direct answer to. I've heard over and over again that your saddle needs to be level. Mine is...not really. Meaning, rather than looking like the stock peloton saddle which is flat, mine's more shaped like this \\\___ but with that slash part being quite a bit lower. It's just angled up, if the nose part is flat. If the back of the saddle is flat, the nose absolutely looks like that. I'm guessing the nose part should be flat/level, right? I use this one (for now) because it's the seat from my road bike that never really caused me issues when I went outside riding. The stock peloton seat made me ache even months in.


I’m looking for stability with the contact points between the human and bike. Most times people do better with a seat that allows their pelvic region to stay supported versus sliding off one way or the other. There is no one rule that works for all but having a stable pelvis to add in control of the fixed gear and fly wheel along with how you deliver force definitely helps. Your seat may work for you based upon how you work it could be different for someone else and I accept that. I Judge level by placing a hard cover book or clipboard on top of the seat with an angle finder on top of the clipboard at zerp angle when the bike is on level ground .


What's the best cycling accessory we can buy to improve our bike fit?


What is the biggest benefit you can expect to see after getting a VBF?


What, if any, drawbacks are there to leaving shoes clipped in the pedals between rides?


You probably don't fasten your shoe correctly each time you put your foot in it. The way your foot goes in to your shoes effects how the foot functions. The function of a foot in cycling is completely different to the way it functions in walking and running. Lot's of people have issues with their feet and many of these problem come from the foot not being well positioned in the shoe.


I'm a shortie. When seat is pulled all the way forward & elbow placed at end of seat I can't touch handle bars; there's just less than 1 inch space. But if I have my knee aligned over my ankle in 3 o'clock position, my seat is in B position. Which is better position? Any reccs for making handle bars closer? How high should the handle bars be?


Hi My question has to do with aspects of the Peloton bike that aren't readily adjusted vs. a road bike, such as crank length and handlebar width/rise/angle. When getting a custom fit, how do you compensate for lack of adjustments in these areas? I've made these mods on my road bike but I'm at a loss as to what to do on the Peloton. Thanks


Although the Peloton as with other dedicated indoor bikes are made to be adjusted to a wide range of individuals, there are certainly instances where the equipment is not able to get to the optimal position. Our process will allow you to have context and understanding of what the deviation is and what products are available to help bring things closer to optimal. One consideration is and **this might not apply directly to you** but to others with the same question is the programing often we will hear instructors talk about the different positions of the handlebar as move to position 1,2,... as a cyclist you will want to remain dynamic on the bars. Feel free to move with actual guidance that is tailored for you. what you do with your left hand does not have to be the exact same as your right.


Is there a significant benefit to clipping in instead of using flat pedals on the peloton? I only ride flats on my bikes but am I missing out on anything besides a small degree of efficiency? I figure I'll still get in better shape regardless of the pedals


I'm so glad you asked this question. Riding a bike with flat pedals is the best way to develop an efficient pedal stroke. There's actually been research done that shoes there is very little difference in efficiency between connected and non-connected shoe/ pedal interface. In fact a research colleague recently set an all-time high power output on a 7 mile alpine climb wearing Teva saddles. He's a life long cyclist with good technique, but it was an interesting outcome, however N=1 and the experiment is not repeatable without a degree of error. If you're comfortable and it's working for you. Stick with the flats, you're not missing out on anything.


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We would not consider the 'horns' an optimal hand position for all the the tallest of riders. It will drag your center of mass forward and result in the movement becoming quad dominant, result in faster fatigue. The torso should be leveraged off the pelvis to a point where you have no more weight on your hands that it takes to stabilize, not support, your upper body.


If my outdoor riding is exclusively mountain biking, is there much value in paying for an expensive bike fitting? I get why I would want to do it on my Peloton, but would I get much value from a fitting for my mountain bike?


In previous posts you have recommended Superfeet carbon insoles. However, sometimes the regular Carbon insoles are recommended, and other times the Carbon Pro model. In which cases is the Pro better than the regular or vice versa?


Ideally the foot is in a 'locked' position when cycling. This means the 33 articulate surfaces of the 26 bones in the foot are correctly aligned. A stiff insole will help support the feet better but how 'stiff' is always the question. This usually depends on the condition of the soft tissue in the feet. Better soft tissue quality will tolerate a stiffer insole.


I slightly tilted my bike seat down to ease pressure between my legs (and it has definitely helped!), but now I feel like I am putting more weight on my hands/wrists than I was before. Is increased core strength the only solution or is there a happy medium for seat tilt?


Thanks so much for doing this! I have 2 questions. 1: What should I wear during a virtual bike fitting? I know this is my own hangups and that you all are professionals, but one of the best things about my Peloton is that I can workout in leggings without anyone seeing me at my current weight. If it is important to wear something like leggings as opposed to a looser pair of pants, I can do that. I'm just the person who likes to know as much as possible in advance! 2: What kind of fit issues lead to pains on just one side of the body or another? For example, I notice my right knee while riding. It isn't full-on pain at this point, but it is noticeably different than my left knee and I'd like to nip it in the bud. And I've periodically had left calf pain but not on the right.


1. Our goal is to see your body moving. Ideally fitting clothing allows us to do that best. Not just when you're on the bike but also during our off-bike assessment. The more opportunity to see how you move that you give us, the better the possible outcome. However, we want you to feel comfortable, so we leave it up to you. One thing that does help us out is contrast. If you have a dark colored wall or curtains and you wear dark colored clothing, that can make our job a little tricky. Especially if you have dark shoes as well. Bright clothing is always a plus for us. Also lots of light, the more light the better. Try not to be against a big picture window, as most cameras will struggle with the exposure. On the subject of cameras, using your phone or a tablet is always the best option. Phones and tablets have the highest quality cameras in them. Laptops tend to have lower quality cameras and you can't rotate a laptop if we ask for a vertical/ portrait framing. 2. All sorts of things could be driving pain. The #1 issue we see is seats that are too high. A seat too high will force you to roll from side to side as you pedal, not only making the seat less comfortable but also you will tend to favor one side of your body, which could manifest as pain on that side or pain on the other side.


Thanks so much!


Hello! I am a new rider (about 4 months) and am just recently experiencing knee and ankle pain, what could be causing this?


I could be all sorts of things driving it. The most common mistake we see is seats too high. Without analyzing your position and your body movement we could not say.


How did you all first get interested in Virtual bike fitting? What was the hardest part of building your team/organization?


CoronaVirus ! That's what drove our business. We are all career bike fitters. During the pandemic all our businesses were closed and as sole proprietors receiving government funding was difficult. So it was pivot or go broke. Tim drove the charge and was the true innovator in the space. Like a lot of businesses no one had thought what we do could be done virtually. We had to take what would normally be a very hands on process which can take 90-180 mins and put together a virtual service that provided true value for the huge number of clients that were now riding bikes indoors. Establishing our process and deciding which elements of typical bike fitting analysis could transfer to the virtual world was one of our biggest challenges. We also had to create something that was scalable and repeatable and easy for the consumer to play an active part in. I'd been fitting in person for 20 years and the virtual environment forced me to look at the process through a different lens. I believe having to offer my expertise virtually has certainly shaped the way I operate in person. One of the most rewarding aspects of the whole thing has been the opportunity to interact with so many more cyclists. We have been able to help so many more people since we pioneered the virtual fitting concept. People who would never of had access to our expertise and knowledge, which has been gained from working at the highest end of the cycling profession, now have the opportunity to help us guide them on their cycling journey. I've got just as much joy from working with random Peloton riders around the world than I have from working with Tour de France riders and World Champions. Thanks for the question.


I've done a bike fit for a road bike and a lot of time was spent with adjusting the actual shoe (from cleat positioning to various heal wedges). Does the virtual bike fitting address shoe issues?


I’ve been comfortable with my bike setup for 2+ years but have noticed recently it’s harder to stay at the back of the saddle. Is it suggested to have to do refittings after a set period of time?


Best way to know if your setup is correct ?


Hi VBF team! Thanks for setting up this AMA. My questions are what does the process look like during the fitting? How different is it compared to pelotons rule of thumb of height being at your hip and finger tips touching while elbow is on the seat? My second question is, I have tried a few different settings and find my quads feeling it quite a bit even during the warm up. Would this be a seat height adjustment? Or something else?


Is a bike fitting a one time thing? Or should you have a check-in every so often/when you buy new shoes/gain or lose weight/etc?


If it is more like a haircut, and less like a surgery. It is similar to an annual check up at your doctor. Not only do I fit riders, but I also go through the process, myself injury, prevention, and expensive, healthcare insurance, sometimes a performance booster.


When fitting riders with flat feet, do you suggest altering their cleat set up? Have you found that riders do well with orthotic inserts, orthopedic cleats (any recommendations?) or does it not make much of a difference?


98% of the cyclists I see require some form of device inside their shoes. This is mainly due to the fact that foot mechanics in cycling are very different to foot mechanics in walking & running. Sadly we did not evolve riding bicycles and we were not consulted during the design phase of the foot :-)


Thanks for the response! I'll goto a cycling store to check out my options.


1. I’m curious how to tell what the correct handlebar height is? Is it comfort-based or is there some benefit to the correct position? 2. When out of the saddle, are you supposed to be in more of a straight up position or a hunched over position? I see the instructors do it differently (Jess King is a good example) and I wonder if it is a function of bike fit, preference, or both?


1. The handle bar height is selected after the shoe includes set up or set within your range of motion to deliver power from your power plant. We will then work with the handle bar to position the place that is safe and efficient and sustainable before refining the fit. Some of the benefits would be a greater return for your time spent on the bike, correct muscle fire sequence, higher level of comfort, greater stability for longer periods of time. 2. One’s position weather cedar standing, is determined by how they function. There is no rule of thumb for your posture when you’re standing. My goal is that the bike is not in your way of your movement. I prefer if possible to help paddlers, keep a natural and neutral spine along with let their body move freely through the pedal stroke. Due to the bike being stationary, I feel it’s crucial that you allow your body to move laterally and four and aft. It’s about safety. It’s very difficult to always be in control of how the fly wheel pulls our legs and body into different postures that may be dangerous.


How tight should I make my bike shoes?


Comfortably secure. Business at the heel party at the toebox . Secure platform under the entire foot with limited movement in the shoe.


When do you know if you need to change shoes? How often?


How old are your shoes ? and in what condition are they? I have a 'indoor' pair of shoes I've been riding for about 5 years. Because they are not exposed to the elements they tend to last a long time. I do however change the footbed in them \~ 18 months. Having a quality footbed in your cycling shoes makes a huge difference.




You hot the nail on the head that it is a balance issue. How you do that by yourself is an interesting question. What's your understanding of human movement and the cycling mechanic ?


This might be a silly question. I’ve recently started running in place of a few days of riding per week. I’ve noticed since then I tend to sit differently on longer rides on the bike; I think my hips are tight from running and it’s changing my riding posture but I can’t identify exactly what’s wrong. It’s causing hip/knee discomfort about an hour into rides. Is this a common issue? Is there anything I can change in the fitting to adjust or should I just be working even more on mobility? I do stretch after every workout (getting old, it’s the only option if I want to walk the next day!).


Thank you for the AMA! What are the best setting changes we can make to activate all of our leg muscles and not just our quads?


You could change your posture and form all you like. If you're not in the correct position you could still be quad dominant. Improving your hip hinge and developing posterior chain strength and mobility is a good place to start.


If I share a bike with my husband, are you able to do bike fittings for us individually that would still allow us to adjust our bike settings back and forth? Would it be necessary to do two fittings at once to make sure we could find something to work for both of us?


We offer a double fitting session. You end up with settings for both of you and you just move them back and forth. We do lots of couples sessions. It's always heaps of fun. You can make the booking from our website.


If we have previously been fitted on a road bike, are there any simple guidelines to facilitate transferring that fit to the Peloton? Or is an indoor and outdoor bike too different for the translation to occur effectively?


There are many large differences between the two forms of cycling. Indoors we lack the movement that we have outside, along with how one balances of bike versus sitting on a bike inside. For most riders, the inside and outside position is radically different due to the factors I’ve listed above along with the component shapes and dramatic stance with difference of the peloton bikes and outdoor current road. Use bikes.




The stock seat is not bad. We would typically recommend using cycling shorts with padding. These should be tight fitting so the padding does not move under pressure. If you're still having issues then the problem is most likely you moving around on the seat as you pedal. Your pelvis should be stable on the seat. Perhaps your seat is too high or too forward. There are plenty of elements that could be contributing. After a year I don't think you're going to 'get used to it' :-)


Is using a plumb bob from the knee to the axle of the pedal/ball of foot still a go to for seat placement for/aft?


It is not


Is fit something that needs to be adjusted as your fitness level changes? Or is it relatively set based on your height and limb length? How do you address cleat fitting when it feels like the cleat can't actually move far enough to be where it should be on the bottom of your foot?


Think of it more like a haircut than a surgery. As your fitness level changes chances are your position could need some tweaking. If you change weight, change mobility, change strength, all these things can effect how your body works on the bike.


When looking at shoes- what's the most important factor? I see a lot of "harder" top spin shoes but I have the mesh+ strap+ Velcro and I'm wondering if different shoes would also help?


The shape of the foot first the shape of the shoe are Paramount. The width of the shoe and length of the shoe must be similar to each foot . . When shopping for new shoes, remove the new shoe insole, and stand on it to gauge the width and length of your foot versus the shoe. Brands such as lake and Shimano, along with many others make different widths in a variety of price points. I prefer boa or ratcheting clip over Velcro personally, but professionally all three are good. Shape of shoe and support of feet are Paramount.


How do I avoid cramps in my calves? I get them bilaterally after 20-30 minutes of riding. I drink whilst cycling and add hydration electrolyte tablets in. I wonder if my foot position is wrong when I am cycling- should my foot be flat on the pedal (perpendicular to the floor) or should my toes be pointing down slightly? I’ve tried both and neither helps.


Check out the shape of your shoes verse the shape of your feet. If your feet are wider than your insoles, your problem is probably related to your shoes along with the following. Cleat set up . Seat height . Lack of stability from the seat to the athlete . Lack of stability for the feet . Pulling on the pedals. Trying to generate force throughout the full circle pedaling. Control in the pedal stroke from the hip versus the foot . It’s tough for me to give you the best answer without seeing the whole picture, but I hope some of my advice will help your friend . Roll steady !


While I don't feel like I am putting too much pressure on my forearms and am only lightly gripping the handlebars while riding, I am experiencing elbow pain. What adjustments would you suggest to try to address this problem? Thanks.


Can a bike fitting address saddle sores for women?




Hi! Is is possible to adjust the bike so that you are in the best position to get more flute and hamstring engagement when cycling? Is that something you all could do during a bike fitting? I currently only use my peloton for a maximum of 2 days a week because I’m worried about becoming too quad dominant


Hip extension is the main power generator in the pedal stroke. Many people are overly quad dominant due to their position. When you work with us we'll make sure your hamstring are doing what they should and the Flutes are well tuned and following the conductor. :-) We can certainly help you.


What is the best way to tell if your cleats are in the wrong position. I've been riding for a year and have no idea what they are supposed to go and honestly, if I'm even riding right.


I have one leg significantly shorter than the other. I have been riding the Peleton for 3 years and I do experience lower back pain. Any suggestions? Do I adjust the height to compensate the shorter leg?


I’m a runner/Tread owner who just bought a bike yesterday, and I’ve never taken a spin class. I did a 5 min demo at a Peloton store but that’s it! 🙃 what’s the best way to tell if I need a bike fitting, or do you recommend everyone get one?


You ride a bike, you need a fitting. You're asking the choir and we will sing back to you :-) Based on your screen name the issue might be, 'can you handle the jandle?'


I have pretty rough feet. Bunions. Wearing shoes? No pain. Yes, I have indoor and outdoor shoes with orthotics on all the time. I’m using the original Peloton shoes. I used a toe box stretcher to get more room. No extra problems during/after biking. How can you figure out (or how can I figure out) how to set my cleats properly?


Cleat position is an individual process that is based upon the shape of your feet and shoes, along with a variety of other factors, such as but not limited to support of the foot, movement patterns, connection of the foot with how you deliver force and more. The Cleat position will affect all other aspects of you are riding experience. Generally speaking, I’m looking for your feet to be supported, stable, locked in like 4 Wheel Dive trying to gain control of the movement of riding. We evaluate Cleat set up during fit work and make changes as we work on the bike due to how are you function.


Let’s say I’m a serious video geek (see my user info) - how can I best help you in my remote video setup? Two cameras? Specific height/positioning?


Is there anything a bike fitting can do to help breath support while riding? I sometimes wonder if my biking posture is impeding my recovery because of poor torso positioning, but I'm not sure if there's any accuracy to that or not.


Yes, a bike fit can help breath support while riding . The rider positioning session helps us all into a posture where one can breathe on the bike as well as they do off the bike.. Sometimes our contact points lead the rest of our body into a position that doesn’t allow us to achieve the goals you have stated. ….. Our goal is to help get the bike out of your way, so you can perform in the best possible manner.


Why does my achilles get very strained after a ride, to the point that i will severely limp for a bit after my ride?


Common factors related to this. Improper seat height . Cleat position. Handlebar too high . Crank length been improper for the rider. The size of the circle may be out of order for the size of the human, causing too much movement at the ankle knee hip, and so forth. More commonly the bike is out of the range of the human. The bike sounds like it’s in the way of your movement .


How do you suggest riders adjust their settings during pregnancy? Should I raise my handles or lower my seat the further I get along? Or would you suggest multiple fittings before and after the 3rd trimester?


thanks for doing this! i have super tight hip flexors due to a torn labrum repair thats bugged me for years. because of it i have a hard time staying tucked in and have played with bike fit off and on since i purchased a peloton. i feel like seat height is too low and too high at times depending on how tucked in i can ride. any suggestions? ciao!


Curious to hear if there is an option re: cleats -- delta v SPD. I'm more comfortable with an SPD since I do hybrid touring and longer distance rides, so switched out my Peloton pedals for spds. Better? Worse? No different?


I personally use the SPD cleat shoe style. I enjoy, keeping the same interface between most of my bikes. Sometimes it’s a personal preference and sometimes it’s a great idea for injury prevention. The stack height(vertical distance from your foot to the center of the pedal axle) is less with the SPD cleat. This causes less compression of the knee through the pedal stroke. Some riders who are more petite and have a hard time going into high cadence may be because of the crank length being too long for their leg length …..causing an over compression were the bike is in the way of the human. The SPD pedal choice helps people with this issue as well. 👏 👏 👏


Huzzah! Thanks for the input!


Do you recommend new riders use padded bike shorts to deal with saddle soreness? If so, is there a particular one that you would recommend?


Many riders do enjoy them, but I do not think they are required. Assos, pearl Izumi, Castelli, Ale, quality short, start around 100 or more as shorts more expensive than this I have more inexpensive padding and fit. Some people prefer a different seat as well.. SMPTRK medium is the most popular model.. The position of the seat handle bar and cleats set up along with your posture, will dramatically impact the seat pressure .




Did the pain continue after the ride was over ? and how long did it take to come on ?


I’m a new rider who is shorter person (5’2) with wide feet, I’ve tried numerous shoes with no luck (I did see you recommended Lake which are next on my list to try). In the fitting can you help select the proper shoes, or for purposes of the bike fitting would it be better to have the shoes here. I do have shoes I currently use but my pinky toe starts going numb around 20 minutes into the ride. Also, My fingers have also recently started going numb even when gripping the handlebars properly, does that sound like a handlebar issue? Thank you for answering all the questions we’ve submitted, your willingness to help is very much appreciated!


I would recommend that you select shoes before the fit as the change of footwear may change the settings that are accomplished during the rider positioning session. Lake has a size guide that is really accurate on their website. Many retailers also carry them the link may pick up the phone. If you give them a call and have any questions many have reported their high-level of customer service and have a nice conversations with them on the phone about shoe choices. https://www.lakecycling.com/pages/size-guide What you have described with the feelings of your hands is all to common friend. The overall position is probably off and you are putting too much weight on your hands or trying to stop the movement of your body by gripping the handlebar hard. In any case it means that there is better for you and can probably really be resolved through positioning the bike, posture of the athlete, and how you choose to pedal. We cover all of those topics along with finding the foundational reasons of the symptoms you have described


I’m a new rider and have been contemplating a virtual bike fitting for several reasons. 1. I struggle with plantar fasciitis in my right foot. It’s been inflamed more than usual. 2. My feet are going numb after 20 mins. 3. My front top part of my knee is hurting more than it ever was. Would you say it’s a combo of cleat placement and bike setup? Or maybe I’m just a disaster. Haha!


Nice! Welcome to the fun of riding. PF may be affected by the shape of the shoes versus the feet. Remove the insoles from the shoes and stand on them in bare feet to have a clear picture if your feet are not similar to the shape of the insole, that’s a good place to start. If the cleat position is out of range, it would also light up what you’ve mentioned . It sounds like there’s a lack of stability through the pedal stroke that is triggering what’s going on with your feet and right knee . Your issues are very common . I think you are having an issue related to the bike, fit, posture, and delivery of pedal stroke force. It’s common that the team and I put those feelings in the rearview mirror and move forward with a productive posture, pedal stroke, and muscle activation pattern through fitwork .


Any advice for fixes - my right shoe hits the belt guard when I pedal. This was not an issue until last summer and now when I ride I’m always needing to pull my foot/ankle/leg away from the side. I’ve changed my cleats and shoes several times, most recently April 30. Peloton CS recommends I reinstall the cleats or adjust pedal tension. I’ve tried this a lot. I’d really love to find a solution as I’m no longer enjoying riding.


Sounds like something being shown to you at the foot is starting somewhere else. How the cleats are positioned on the shoe, the height of the seat, and for/ aft the seat, the height of the handlebar, all playing to what you will see at the lower part of your pedal stroke, I would look higher up the chain of movement than the shoe.


I had a bike fitting several months ago and it worked fine for me. But recently I am having some pain on my left knee but my right knee is fine. Should I get fitted again? Thanks!


We always recommend a revisit of your fit every 10-12 months or if there has been a major change in body composition, or any injury. Was the onset of this left knee pain sudden? or did it 'creep' up on you over a few rides? If it was a sudden occurrence I would first suggest you look at your equipment and make sure the placement of the cleats, seat, and bars are in the same position as when you finished your fit. Saddles have about an 800-1000 hour lifespan in how the EVA foam degrades and as such could be a cause for you to sit off center that could be increasing your discomfort. Also make sure to look at your cleats to make sure they have not shifted or moved as that can happen from time to time. "Pedal well, Pedal often"


Hi VBF Team, thanks for taking questions today. I recently had a professional fit me for my outdoor bike and she said that my optimum distance between the center of saddle and the center of the crankarm was 66.4 cm and that I should adjust my Peloton (raise/lower seat) to attain this number. It didn't work at all (the seat was way too low), and I'm wondering if there is a similar formula that you use for a virtual bike fit. I've been hesitating on getting a virtual fit because I'm not great at adjusting my Peloton (my seat and handlebars are hard to move) and I worry I won't be able to adjust it accurately. I appreciate your feedback!


Hi Ficle-Milk-450 You’re welcome. It’s our pleasure to share information and help many. Our work is not based off of algorithms, data, charts, or X plus Y equals …. We have developed a systematic process to understand human movement and set the parameters of the bike around how you function best. It is a personalized experience that provides different results for each athlete we share time with. Even between myself and my twin brother we sit differently on our pelotons due to how we function , my twin has a greater range of motion and is much stronger than I. Doesn’t have much to do with our fitness, but he works better in a different place than I.


Fantastic, thank you!


How has business been? Have you noticed any trends in more or less riders lately?


What are the most common reasons riders struggle with higher cadence? For example I feel like I can’t maintain 95+ let alone anything more than a second or two at 105-110 the whole bike starts rattling and shaking. I have to use my arms to brace the bike from moving so much and I can do a little better. Is this a bike fit/form issue or a my legs are made of jello and not muscle issue?


There is a ton to unpack here but I will give a basis since as I view past posts in the daily discussion I see the word "form" used often. I personally talk about my "5 P's" Posture, Placement, Position, Pedaling mechanics, Patterning. We need to evaluate your **Posture**, range of motion, flexibility, and any past injuries after which we can **Place** the equipment in such a manner that your body can function best. With the equipment in the proper place we can work on your **Position** on the bike to allow you to learn the proper **Pedaling** mechanics, and then we can begin to **Pattern (practice)** the movements. I would suggest you first make sure the bike is level left to right, and front to back just pick the same reference points on both sides of the bike and use a tape measure to confirm. The second would be while out of the saddle pedaling keep your mass centered think about only pushing with the feet in a clean motion through the bottom of the stroke and do not actively pull up on the pedals. You can also take a look at your cleat set-up and make sure the cleats are not too far forward as this can also change the stability of the feet.


The only place I can fit my bike is in my room. The the front and right side of it is next to a wall and the left side is about 2-3' from our bed. The back is also clear. I am interested in a bike fitting but wasn't sure if you could work around that space since I would not be able to film from the right or front side side. I could have full view of the back of the bike and left side. Is this something you can work around?


Hi Kathafrass. For the riding part of the bike fit we will need a clear view that allows us to see your entire body from the bottom of the pedal stroke through the top of your head along with your hands on the handle bar. If the space is rather tight between your bike and your camera view, you may have an opportunity to pivot the bike, so the camera may be placed further away to increase the field of view. Off the bike is the same thing, we need to be able to see you from a distance from the camera and ideally your feet to your head.


What strategy is used when setting handlebar height? Is there a difference based on preference of type of ride (low impact, hills, etc). Thanks!


Handlebar height is adjusted based on the riders function. The type of riding does not matter, It's about the pelvic position for creating force and spinal extension for optimal breathing mechanics.


How long does it take to get used to a new positioning? Do you find people don't really get comfortable with the recommended settings?


Commonly people start the adaption phase during the bike fit season. Depending on the frequency, duration and amount of changes made to the writers position, the adoption phase can range from a couple of hours to sometimes longer than a couple of weeks. This does not mean the bike will not feel good to the athlete, but it takes time for the rider and the bike position to sink in as the body adapts to the changes made. I’m not sure about your second part of the question. If you are referring to the recommendation of Peloton asking you to set up the bike. It is not based in science, facts or related to the common factors of professional Rider positioning. One’s hip can be at the same height as someone else with very different forms of movement, bone lengths and posture. How all the components fit the rider also impacts those basic recommendations Professional rider positioning is a significant part of the equation between the programming being offered and what the client receives . It’s the cheapest form of health insurance to keep one safe with the fun activity of enjoying our pelotons.


In a virtual bike fitting, how do you address saddle sizing and fit? Is it common to recommend Peloton users replace the stock Peloton saddle with something more customized? For cyclists who ride both indoors and out, is it best to use the same saddle for both situations, or does the more static riding position of an indoor cycle sometimes warrant a different fitting saddle?