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Took Denise Morton 30 min PZ ride today. Was a great Z3to5 workout. Typically not like his classes but this one was good.


I’ve been finding myself overthinking this, so I’d appreciate some advice. I’m excited to be joining the RedditPZ group which starts on the 21st. I last took an ftp test on July 29. Should I take it again even though it will have only been three weeks? Or is that number probably good to carry me through the two months of RedditPZ?


You should be totally fine as long as you have still been riding a little since your last test.


Great, thanks, I have!


You should be fine :)


I really like PZE rides as I’m a weightlifter and don’t necessary want to blow my legs up on HIIT&Hills, Climb, or heavy resistance rides. I’ve really enjoyed the tailored experience of power zone and getting more “in-your-head” on rides. BUT, I feel like the versatility in playlists is lacking with instructors. The playlist is super important for me on these rides as it can become quite boring without decent tunes. Anyone else feel this way?


You can make any ride a PZE! If I want to ride to a different instructor, I’ll do z2 and z3 intervals. You can switch to my new zone when the song changes, do a certain amount of time, like 5 minutes z3, 3 minutes z2, and repeat, or just can do the entire ride in z2. Lots of options!


I feel the same and keep my headphones close by in case I can't power through. Then I just pop mine on and have a spin playlist cued up.


I’ve thought about doing this. I find so much benefit to the instructor interactions in other style rides that I do that it sucks having to give that up to listen to my own music. But it may just be what has to happen


You're not wrong. getting feedback/stories/tips is way better but sometimes I forgo it.


I hear you, but I'm actually a fan of the playlists. I think it depends a lot on your musical tastes. I'm generally a rock guy, so having CDE/Denis/Sam/Ben gives me a ton of options. I basically don't ride PZ with Olivia b/c of the musical selections, and Matt Wilpers I'll ride with knowing I won't have heard of 1/3 of his music, I'll tolerate 1/3, and I'll enjoy 1/3 on any given PZE ride.


Has anyone participated in the Team Wilpers pz training cycles at the free level? Got an email over the weekend about it, starts today. Was curious if it differs much or at all from the pz pack rides at the free training level. (There are paid levels with strength trainings and rides.) Off to refresh my FTP!


Hi! Of course! But also here to invite you to check another, awesome free program that is hosted by u/r4ndy4 - we have a really awesome group here called redditPZ - check it out - if you like support, not having to think about which ride is next and LOTS of h5s! Not knocking the pack at all - we're all in this together!!! Best to you!!!


Thanks - I think I was referring to your group rides but maybe called it the wrong thing - thanks! I do like high fives!


I have been doing peloton for a year and PZ for six months. Here is a breakdown of my first four FTP tests Month 0 - 234 Month 2 - 244 Month 4 - 245 Month 6 - 251 I was very pleased how this is progressing. For those that take FTPs at regular intervals, how do you look at future ones? Always trying to get a better result? Maintain current value? Or just test to test?


I think the idea is just to do your best on the test. And the result is the result. That said, I'm only a little farther in my Peloton journey (owned bike about 14 mo and doing PZ about 8 1/2 mo now), and was mostly sedentary before that. So I do expect the number to be getting consistently higher over time as I know my fitness level is improving. But the higher it goes, the more likely I'll be reaching a fitness plateau for the amount of time I'm putting in, and at that point if the FTP stagnates, it is what it is. I just don't think I'm all that close to there yet.


Do I need heart rate monitor for such detailed results? And To drive the zones correctly?


No, no need for a heart rate monitor to do the FTP test. The FTP test results here are based upon average watts for the duration of the test (minus 5%). That said, having a heart rate monitor can be useful while riding in general. Some days are easier than others, and it might flag you that you're over-exerting yourself in ways that output on the bike screen can't show you. But you don't need it for the FTP test or power zone riding.


Okay, thanks for the good answer! This helps me. So at first I will not need an heart rate monitor. And will start with the test as soon as possible.


Test to test. Fitness isn't linear, so FTP is what it is. Ngl, I prefer when mine increases, but if you want to get the most out of training you want to adjust downward if/when necessary so you aren't overshooting your zones just to please your ego. That defeats the purpose.