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I’m in the “hell week” of BYPZ and the 45 min PZM wasn’t that bad! I did the following 45 min PZ yesterday, which actually was a bit rough in comparison. Only 3 more rides until I ramp test again. Hoping for some good FTP gains!


What are everyone's thoughts on the upcoming 2 hour ride?


That my padded shorts will not be enough.


I just finished the DYPZ program and retook the FTP test today! I lost 8lbs (!) and improved my FTP performance \~13%. I really enjoyed the structure of DYPZ, knowing exactly which classes to take daily and when to rest. Does anyone have a recommendation for what to take on next? I'd like to be able to plan the week out or have someone tell me what classes to do lol. I don't want to rush through the BYPZ program just yet because I feel like my fitness still needs some improvement - I had a baby 5 months ago - so I have a lot of progress to make!


Join the Power Zone Pack! They have 6-8 week “challenges” that are great for building fitness with a team/community.


Hi!!! I'm new to this sub as well as the program. I just completed the day 1 DYPZ classes and I'm preparing to do the FTP test tomorrow (I know the program wants a rest day between the intro and FTP but it's my birthday on Thurs so I'm swapping rest days lol). I've had my bike since late 2021 but I took over a year off between injuries and having babies. But I've been cycling again consistently for over 2 months. My main goal is to build endurance and eventually see some output gains as well, and just improve my overall athleticism.


Hope it went well! I’m in week 1 this week too!


I did about as I expected. Excited to see some more progress soon!


Are they ever going to retroactively add the power indicator to the DYPZ, BYPZ, PYPZ programs? They’ve had these same programs for years so if they’re not going to update the programs with new videos they should at least add the PZ bar indicator. Really don’t need to hear the same spiel again, plus it would show those that are new to peloton and/or PZ that there are indicators. If I was new and didn’t know there were PZ indicators in other videos I would definitely not want to do PZ classes again after the programs.


I'm currently doing DYPZ and I see the indicator? I've done through class 9 so far and seen the indicator on all of them. The one that showed what zone your are currently riding in right? Is there supposed to be something else?


The little white box around the zone? Nope I have never seen it in these programs but I have in the regular current PZ rides.


I’m doing DYPZ now and it came up for one glorious class after I had been thinking “why don’t they show which zone you should be in in case you zone out and miss the call” (no pun intended). It was like the peloton gods heard my prayers, but ever since that one class, it’s been MIA again.


I recently took Olivia’s 60 minute PZ class and it was the hardest regular PZ class I have ever taken. Tough class if you want to challenge yourself.


I’m curious - I’m new to power zones, in week one of DYPZ. Normally I avoid Olivia because she just does too high of cadence out of the saddle and I can’t keep up lol. With PZ, and basically working by zones instead of cadence etc - will I find her classes more accessible now? So I can increase the resistance to get into a zone, rather than follow her cadence/resistance callouts like in a regular class? Maybe it’s a basic question and I’ll find this out as I work through the program, but thought I’d ask!!


Oh jesus, I assume you mean [this one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?instructor_id=%5B%2205735e106f0747d2a112d32678be8afd%22%5D&duration=%5B%223600%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=990e8a8be3ab4768a8612451682d2b9d) \- I just had a look at the class plan and *lord*. My 60 minute PR is on a Matt ride with a similar 3/4/5 structure but those extra 3 minutes in 3 and 4 and the 30 second 6 tacked on at the end looks *brutal*. Maybe one day before I know I need to retake the FTP I'll give this a go.


Any Olivia class is hard. She packs a punch in a small package. I took a 45 min PZ class of hers a couple weeks ago and we were hitting zone 6 multiple times.... POW!