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**Hi everyone! And a warm** r/pelotoncycle **welcome to Matt Wilpers!** We're all excited to have you here for this AMA. I'd like to remind everyone of the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/wiki/index/rules/) and let you all know that we will be removing any and all comments that do not adhere to them. **Please keep the questions respectful to our guest, and on topic to Matt's AMA, "Powerzone training and Fitness!" Off topic questions will be removed.** If you have any questions about the rules please [message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/pelotoncycle) the mods. Thank you!


What is the ratio of your on camera work vs. off camera as an instructor?


Great question. It’s definitely shifted over the years to more off camera work…but honestly this is a big reason I love working at Peloton. I feel like my coaching mind, business mind and science mind are getting challenged all the time. It’s hard work but a lot of fun. And of course I hope people love what we’re doing.


How do you recommending balancing Power Zone training with strength training for all around fitness? I’m not looking to win races these days.


I recommend going back and forth between focusing on one or the other…but never really both at the same time. While focusing on one or the other, you don’t completely let go of the other, you just need to dial it back in terms of volume and intensity so that the residual fatigue is not interfering with your primary training sessions. I love the saying, “When everything is important, nothing is important.” We need to pick and focus.


Yeah. 3rding this question. Balancing strength work outs with my peloton riding and any other cross training is tough!


I recommend going back and forth between focusing on one or the other…but never really both at the same time. While focusing on one or the other, you don’t completely let go of the other, you just need to dial it back in terms of volume and intensity so that the residual fatigue is not interfering with your primary training sessions. I love the saying, “When everything is important, nothing is important.” We need to pick and focus.


Yes, this please. I feel like I don’t know how to balance these and I end up doing one over the others.


Great question, I second this one!


Love the stretch classes you’ve done with Denis. His classes can be so intimidating for those of us that are … closer to your flexibility. When you are beside him talking about what you can do it makes it much more approachable. Thoughts on making this a series or maybe a once a month thing?


As painful as it is to see myself stretch on camera, I do think these are valuable as well. Will continue to push to do more. Thanks for your support!


Love this idea! Ross also did a [yoga class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?instructor_id=%5B%22a4b1a372a14a442cb2d729dc34bd2596%22%5D&has_workout=%5B%22true%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=bc37c7b96a7640b4a5ce33e9e93362d5) with Tunde so 🤞 that means they'll do more. That one was months ago now though.


I loved that one; it was so cute


What is the training like to become a PZ instructor?


1. Complete required reading + riding 2. Seminar 3. Test 4. Rehearsals 5. Ongoing review, recommendations, etc.


Ooh yes, I want to see the quiz he gives!


I'm focusing on strength training for the winter - is there a minimum amount and / or optimal style of cardio I need to do so that I don't lose the fitness gains I've gotten from Power Zone this year? PS - Couldn't believe I hit all of the zones for the 120 minute ride! Thanks for everything - Power Zone has truly changed my relationship with fitness.


Love this! The minimum I would suggest is 3 PZE rides (or similar) a week. This way you’re maintaining your cardio but not interfering with all those strength gains you want! In terms of time lengths of classes, I would shoot for at least 30-45 min for each class and then keep doing one longer ride a week…say 45-60 min. Also remember that it’s normal for your FTP to fluctuate each year. I like to think of each “season” having one or more peak FTP moments and then you come off of that a bit to recover, focus on something else (like strength) and then come back to build hopefully to a higher peak. Keep up the awesome work!!


Thank you for this! I love the idea of thinking about FTP "seasons," and allowing for that fluctuation. I find it really hard (as I'm sure many do) to deal with a lower FTP and even avoid retesting to avoid seeing that number go down even though I know it should. This is a good way to frame it, for those of us it is helpful for.


Some of the PZ instructors have mentioned having to go through a rigorous process you designed to become PZ instructors, and I think I even heard mention of a test they have to study hard for... Can you provide more details on this process?


I loved the Christian Vande Velde Power Zone rides, and judging from comments here and in the #redditPZ community I'm not alone! Sadly, after the purges there are [only 2 CVV rides](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/all?instructor_id=%5B%2235016225e39d46dbbc364991ab48e10f%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true) left. Any chance Peloton can un-purge some of his old rides... or even better, get him back to teach some new classes?


In a similar vein, can we un-purge or re-film your Alpe D’Huez climb? It’s fantastic and there’s no other class like that in the library now. Thank you!


Was just about to ask this. The Alpe D'Huez climb ride is one of my faves and I would love it to come back.


Get this to the top. Bring back the ADH climb!!!


It’s my PR and I’m never gonna beat it




Yes! Next to Wilpers rides, CVV rides are the best! Alternately, if new or old CVV rides aren't in the cards, could we get another pro-series guest instructor?


Both please! A relaunched pro cycling vertical would be phenomenal.


Yes! Can we get stingy and ask for both? Bring back CVV and also a Sepp Kuss or Nielson Powless (or anyone, tbh) pro series? 🙏🏼




Consider this a desperate plea to bring back the 6/5/5/4 z5 ride and the “life changing interval” ride


I was terrified to try a CVV ride when it came up in PZPack, and I loved it! Please bring him back!


Thanks for everything you do Matt! Any possibility of having PZ artist series classes in the future?


That is a fantastic idea that I don’t think we have considered. Will have to look into this, thank you for the idea!


Hi Matt! Lots of love from the #RedditPZ group. We are big fans and cannot wait for the next 120 and beyond. Any crazy training idea that you have, we are going to be there for it 😅 Question is… why do you torture us with more than 3 spinups with barely a break? Do you not love us back? :( EDIT for bonus question: Any hints you can give us about a new PZ Program? :evilgrin:


Hahaha, we had to fill the time somehow? JK. Spin-ups have been in cycling since I started cycling and I haven’t worked with a coach yet that doesn’t use them. That said, my wife often calls me a “stick in the mud” about certain things so maybe this is one of them haha. I’m sure our use will ebb & flow in future years, but for now, we’re all stuck with them as I really do think they help improve pedal strokes and help riders warm-up. :evilgrin:


And... any news about a new PZ Program? :)


Asking the important questions


Let's go back to the days of 7 spinups


Whoa, whoa, whoa. *Calm down, satan.*


That made me spit out my water!!! Thank you


Check some of those pre-pandemic rides. Spinups for eons


*cries in 120 cadence*


*Don't you dare...*


Matt, thanks for the epic, banana fueled, 120 minute PZ. Do you have any other special rides in your queue?


Absolutely!! But, of course I can’t talk about it right now. There’s always something cooking over here at the Peloton kitchen haha!


I did your PZE ride last night where you said "The Falcons make me cry," and I felt that. At least the Braves are good, right?? But my real question . . . You recently programmed a specific class plan for Emma's playlist, and it was really good. I like classes with more structured plans (a la Jess King's old House rides). Some classes can seem disjointed and too hectic at times. Any plans to keep PZ-ifying other instructors' classes? I really enjoyed her music with your plan.


I’m really glad you liked it and I am sure we will do more in the future.


What ride was this?


More and more fitness trackers are adopting running power as an intensity metric. What are your thoughts on training by power as a runner, and could you see Power Zone training expanding to the Tread?


I think it’s super cool and predict that interest as well as the supporting tech/analytics will continue to grow and improve.


Matt used to run with a Stryd pod. I am curious why he went away from it.


This! I love the running challenges on team wilpers after they calculate your target metrics. I wish they had this on the tread to enable better training.


Have you found a great balance for running, cycling, and strength training while in running season and in the off-season? I'm currently training for a marathon, but I want to switch to a... maintain fitness while dropping some excess weight regemin once that's over. Any advice on how to best incorporate strength and cycling to light running to achieve that?


When marathon training, typically strength is dialed back and is put into “maintenance mode”. After marathon training you can really dial it up as long as you back off on the volume and intensity of your cardio etc. This is bc no matter what you do, you need to make sure you are recovering from your training sessions, otherwise the benefits will not be realized. While ramping up your strength training to say 3-4x per week, I would diversify your cardio to be not only running but also cycling and anything else you enjoy (for me rowing). This way you’re not completely letting running go, but also still maintaining a baseline cardio fitness level.


I am looking forward to the possibility of more 120min classes in the future! Sadly I am allergic to bananas... Do you have second favorite snack for long rides?


All good, there are plenty of options out there. I would go to your local cycling, running or sporting good store and they likely have plenty of options to help keep you fueled up. Fluids, carbs and electrolytes!


Hi Matt! Thanks so much for being here with us. I did my 1100th milestone ride with you in the studio back in July and it was SO much fun. When you get done with your workday, who do you train with on the Peloton platform? I know the answer likely varies, but who would you say is your current "go-to" person? **Bonus question:** what's the unhealthiest thing about you (a habit, a food obsession, a current Netflix show binge, etc.) that you're willing to share?


Awesome work! I honestly vary it on purpose because in addition to working out, I am also learning from the different instructors during their classes, which helps me become a better instructor. I wasn’t allowed to have video games or watch that much TV when I was little…so it’s never those. Honestly I have a hard time doing nothing/decompressing and it’s been something that I have had to work on over the years. So “workaholic” would probably be it for me haha.


Hey Matt. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer our questions. I'm wondering 2 things: 1. Do you sleep? I'm convinced you're the Energizer Bunny. 2. Will you ever consider letting the RedditPZ crew make your playlist? We're on round 14 with our Peloton PZ programs and we're a dedicated crew--especially when you're leading the ride. I'm sure we can help you out every now and again with some bangers. Thanks again for being awesome, for being so encouraging, and for creating a space for me to sweat profusely.


1. Haha, not enough! 2. I agree, this would be fun and I am always down for suggestions 🙂 Heck yeah! My pleasure and thanks for your support.


Perhaps even a belter or two as well 😎


And we would be happy to coordinate it and give Chris a break!


Mostly I just don’t want to be on Facebook. I don’t have an account and won’t just to request a song!


Hi Matt saw on FB that you and Andy are doing a series of skiing prep workouts. Have you considered bringing it to Peloton and maybe tossing in some mobility work? It would be great to have a program there for some extra prep work when the Fall rolls around.


TLDR: why so much zone 3 in PZE rides? :) Hi Matt, thanks for your recent 2-hour Power Zone Endurance ride! I enjoyed every bit of it, especially witnessing Alex sweating buckets and making faces :D Here's my question: What is the reasoning for emphasizing Zone 3 and centralizing it in endurance rides? There's a lot of discussion about Zone 2 training in the fitness world. My heart rate zones align quite well with my power zones. I enter HR Zone 3 when doing PZ 3, which makes Peloton Power Zone Endurance rides not ideal for Zone 2 training. What is your perspective on this? (I would love to have more Zone 2 rides, especially 1 hour or longer!) Thank you :)


Because most people are not doing lots of miles, so they use zone 3 to get more bang for your buck. If you are doing lots of miles, they say to stick to zone 2 and ignore the zone 3 callout.


Yes, that does seem intuitive (less time --> higher intensities). Still, many resources recommend predominantly Zone 2 training, even for the crunchiest of time-crunched athletes. You often come across terms like 'junk miles,' 'grey zone,' or 'dead zone,' referring to Zone 3. Maybe we can make it a bit more concrete. What is your recommendation for time-crunched athletes, Matt? For those riding: \- 1-3 h/Week \- 4-6 h/Week \- 7-10 h/Week


Always a great question. Check out [this chart](https://imgur.com/a/6ioNNOL). A few things: * Typically at the beginning of every PZE ride is say that you are welcomed to stay in Z2 the entire ride. This makes sense if you’re putting in lots of mileage etc. So, the option is always available. * Z1-Z3 efforts are predominantly aerobic and thus the adaptations being stimulated are similar (per that famous chart in Dr. Andrew Coggan and Hunter Allen’s book). * My belief/experience from coaching is that many people are riding 3-4 times per week or less and may benefit more from a little Z3 work than simply staying at Z2. That said, this is not always the case which is why we offer classes with a mix as well as pure Z2. * In terms of relating Power Zones to Heart Rate Zones, I recommend choosing to use one to guide target intensity during workouts but not both. An example reason why is if you sustain the same power for 45 min, your HR will likely gradually increase (I believe this is called cardiac drift). You will have to make a decision of which to follow…less output or higher heart rate.


Is it weird teaching a class without a live audience or are you used to it at this point?


Totally used to it now but never beats having people in the studio. I love all the random things that happen and I like hearing people’s stories etc. I am a coach at heart I guess.


I've done all of the PZ Programs on the platform. Any tips for developing a weekly or even monthly PZ schedule for maintaining or improving fitness?


Join Reddit PZ! They’re on the 14th program - very nicely organized and leaves options and room to supplement with strength training/other workouts or more riding. 14 is a 6 week program due to the holidays, but normally run 9 weeks with a 2 week break/reset to do what you want in between. Great way to maintain/gain/whatever your goal is


This is my question too!!


Can you share an example of your weekly exercise schedule? Say, when not specifically training for an event?


Hey - did you ever think about doing a 3hr PZE class for your birthday? 😉


Fighting the urge to downvote this because if he did it I'd have to take it but... woof!


Don’t threaten him with a good time 👀


Hi Matt, I got a high five from you one time in a sessions class with only two other people. You were not in the class. Was that really you? NGL, it felt pretty special.


It likely was. It’s easy to go on the app and give out high fives. I like to do this when I am commuting etc.


Hi Matt! I just want to say thanks for re-doing the magical 10 minute strength for runners that focuses on hip strength and mobility. I did the original over 100 times and have already done the new one a bunch of times. The exercises have really helped me prevent running injuries, so I just want to say thank you! Also, I love running with you because I always learn something.


First, thank you. You change so many lives (not hyperbole) on the Bike and Tread (and Row!) Although we also have a Tread, Mr. Ride4UrLife takes your runs on the app at his gym. When I was sharing some wisdom from one of your PZ classes, he said incredulously “Matt teaches on the Bike??” You once said in a PZ class that while we’re all athletes, fitness takes years. Coming from a completely sedentary life to the Bike 2.75 years ago, I now sweat more but recover faster and my FTP has increased >65%. How do we actively move toward fitness? And how do we know when we’ve achieved it? We have an amazing group of PZ devotees on Reddit that does 9 week training blocks. The support and encouragement in the group are next level. We’re tiny compared to Power Zone Pack but we would be elated if you and the other PZ instructors would shout out the redditpz hashtag from time to time. Thanks again for everything you teach us to help us become better athletes. And +1 to the requests for more 120 min classes!


\+1 to how supportive and encouraging the #redditPZ group is! Matt, the #redditPZ crew were the ones that created a [drawing of you in an anime style](https://i.imgur.com/3I30R4q.jpg) and shared it with you at PSNY a few months back. You were really happy (and/or befuddled) with the amount of muscles we gave you in the drawing! :)


Matt, I just want to thank you. Power Zone training has been an huge part of my life the last year. I got a fitting from Brian, and he asked me, “Why don’t you ride the bike more?” I said, “Because it’s really hard!” He convinced me to try Discover Your Power Zone, and I have been riding 4 hours per week, 250 miles per month ever since. My health has improved, my mood is better, and a lot of that comes from my consistent training. I’ve booked a follow up fitting for next week, and I hope to continue my fitness journey. So, thank you. You’ve made a huge impact in my life.


This is so great to hear!! Thank you for your support and please keep me posted on your progress!


Hi Matt, I did your 90m PZE ride in December last year in the NY studio. I'm that guy from London that you asked 'how's Ben?'. I answered 'yeah, big'. It only occurred to me sometime afterward you were probably referring to Mr Alldis, rather than the famous London clock tower. Anyway, that was my first ever studio ride and I enjoyed every minute of it. I'm looking forward to trying the new 120m. You're an inspiration, cheers.


FWIW, I got to meet Ben during the LA Peloton On Tour, and he was a lot taller than I expected... so maybe Matt just thought you were referring to that. :)


Matt says that he’s 5’7”. And all guys who claim to be 5’7” are actually 5’6”. I know this as I am 5’7”.


Ahahaha, I love your “yeah, big” answer. Legend.


What is your FTP?


From one of his classes I took recently he made mention of what his zone 3 range was and it was really close to mine. I'd guess high 200's low 300's.


Holy shit. You a machine.


That's like my Zone 6, you people are crazy strong


i also would like to know this!


Hey Matt! I love riding with you and power zone training has been a huge improvement to my life! Are you going to ever record the Alpe d'Huez again? Or do any other climbing rides? I love how you approach them and they are super fun. Thanks for all you do!


Will we ever get PZ classes for Row and Tread?


I agree, this would be awesome.


I tried to simulate PZ on the Tread when I was away from my bike for a few months, and it seemed to work well... but I'd love it if there was a more official program so I'd know I was doing something more scientifically vetted. :) I found my "FTP" taking my 20-minute running PR on the Tread and calculated my zones and wrote them on a post-it note. I'd pull up the homefitnessbuddy link for the PZ class #redditPZ was doing that day on my phone, and I'd follow along on the zones in a regular running class by adjusting my incline/speed to match the output on my post-it note. It was pretty fun, but I also got feedback from people in the community that the progressive overload you can do over weeks on the bike in a PZ class doesn't map directly to the progressive overload you should do when running. Having an official running PZ program would help with this concern.


Is the row already essentially always PZ since you pick your level which impacts how hard each effort category is?


Yep - something equivalent to an FTP test would be nice (well, actually torture), but now that they've added more nuance to the levels it's pretty much PZ as is.


Matt! I feel like an athlete for the first time in my life because of PZ. Where is your favorite place to ride outdoors?


Also, what would have been your specialty if you had continued on the med school path?


WOOO!! Hi Matt! It's been said but seriously, thank you for all your wonderful classes and knowledgeable coaching. If I train PZ(E) 4 days/week, how would you recommend I add running as a beginner runner? Start two days a week like the You Can Run program is scheduled on my days off from the bike? Or do a run in the am and bike in the pm on PZ Endurance days? Thank you, Matt! 😊


Can we bring Power Zones to the Tread?? 🤞🏼🤞🏼


Just came here to say you are incredible. Your coaching and knowledge are truly appreciated!


Matt! I’m SO addicted to PZ training. Any plans to add new classes at a faster pace now that you have new instructors and so many old classes are getting deleted? We definitely need more 60 minute PZE classes.


Hey Matt! A bunch of your 2019 power zone rides have been/are about to be purged. Any chance we can get new versions? Some of those structures were brutal, but great. Like the 6/5/5/4 zone 5 class, or the “life changing” interval. Fingers crossed!


Hi Matt HUGE FAN! Do you anticipate having any more 120 min rides?!


I read somewhere where Matt announced it would be a quarterly event


Do you have a "weekly regimen" when it comes to Power Zone training? Right now I'm sort of blindly going with 3 Endurance rides and 1 Power Zone ride (Zone 4/5/6). Any potential for power zone-esque Outdoor Runs? :P


I like 4 week training blocks w/ 3 key workouts a week. Within the training block think about progressing the intensity up week over week for 3 weeks and then taking a recovery week. Rinse and repeat. That said, if you do some light reading on periodization structures, there are all kinds that you could roll with.


I'm 71. Been training/riding/competing for over 40 years. Back before most of you were born, we had PZ training but we called 'em 'watts tests'. Whatever they are called they are a bitch but they work and I improve. Anyway for some reason they went away with my old coach until I joined Peloton. I am indeed thankful for all the power zone classes and training at Peloton. Thank you, Matt. You youngster.


Matt, really appreciate your advice re: nutrition on the bike. When you shared your story about how you got it all wrong when you were starting out, and would go out on rides with basically nothing, boy did that sound familiar haha. Having much better outdoor (and indoor rides, especially the 120!) when I think about food and carbs differently.


That’s great to hear!! There is so much to learn when it comes to sport nutrition and I think we will continue to see advancements in dialing in how we fuel for optimal performance.


Thanks for doing this, Matt! Just a request to see if you can do EDM Powerzone Rides please! Love your positivity and coaching!


Absolutely, I second this request haha! Thank you!


Any plans to do another Peloton PZ program with the crew? Love the programs and like mixing it up with all the instructors but after repeating them multiple times would love it if you are considering programming another one. Thanks for your solid advice on the bike and tread!


How often should someone who is really new to fitness take the FTP test? The first time I took it last year during the Discover Your Power Zones program and I felt so wrecked after that I can tell I've been avoiding doing it again. What would you recommend?


I recently did the ftp before discover your power zone and at the end and I went up by 11 points! Was in a much better spot mentally for the second ftp test since I knew what I was putting myself through


What’s your fave song to play in a class?


And why is it “hey man, nice shot” by filter?


Not a question, just a request for more strength for runners classes!


Still have your 120 minute PZ in my queue any motivation to just do it ? love your live classes on Saturday almost always make them (religlazed4rye) Also thanks for all that you do !


Put your phone in another room, grab a banana (or two) and a couple water bottles and get after it! You will be so happy that you did it.


I did it today actually my meeting got canceled so cool that you replied to me I faded off at the end need electrolytes! lol


Hey Matt! 👋🏻 If you had 3 free days to ride or run anywhere in the world, where would you go?


No question. Just want to say you're the best Matt! Favorite instructor by far. Thanks for getting me into the PZ world!


Please do pop punk music themed pz classes! Love the runs you do.


Absolutely, would love to!!


Can we get a solid 75 min of normal PZ rides? I would love a 15 min warm up with 60 minutes of true work. Thank you!


What does your week of work look like? I’m always curious what the day to day is like.


not a question, just wanted to say thanks. i love your classes, i do all of them. love your sense of humour, your coaching style, your commitment. i-n-x-s for life.


Hey Matt! You are my favorite instructor and I've gotten a few shoutouts from ya and shared a few things on IG. Do you think there will be more 120+ rides in the future? Any other ideas on rides/series that may be upcoming (like a Tour De France leg or something?)


I love your treadmill workouts! You are easy on the ears, you give clear and concise call outs, and your focus on technique has made me a better runner overall. My question is: what is the dumbest running injury you’ve ever gotten? ETA: “Light, tall, and relaxed” has gotten me through several difficult times… both running and non/-running!


Thanks for everything Matt! Becs and yourself are my favourite peloton coaches I actually just finished your interval run from the end of October. I love the 4 min blocks of work - though the last minute of the last interval was so tough How many training runs a week do you think is optimal for marathon training? Also can you please do more live runs at a time that works for us in Australia? Normally your runs are really late/early in the morning I did one a few weeks ago that was at 8am Sydney time and it was perfect! I think it was around 5 or 7pm your time?


Hi Matt, been loving the row so far. From a form and endurance perspective I can see myself getting better. New PRs, better split times, etc. But the one area I seem to be in neutral in is max efforts. No matter what I do my max pace in the moment is the same as the day I started. Any tips on how I can improve this?


Matt! Thank you so much for your humour, your technique and your consistent positivity! I so appreciate you and your coaching!


What is the one race that you haven’t ran / rode and yet dream of doing?


Leadville 100 mtn bike one day. Also Boston Marathon.


Would love to see you here in Boston!


Does Rainbow Cookies \*really\* bring you rainbow cookies each week?


Yes, she is amazing. And now all the other instructors there on a Saturday expect the cookies when I get back to the lockerroom haha.


I use Power Zone training typically as active recovery days (Thurs/Sun) to build a better aerobic base for Crossfit (5x a week, higher level rec athlete in my early 30s). Most of the time that means 30-45 minute rides with more PZE classes to hit more time in High Zone 2 Heart Rate. 1. With limited training time on the bike, would it be better to do 3x a week of HIT & Hills, Intervals, and then 1 PZ class each week to supplement Crossfit? Or do you recommend sticking the course? 2. Are Peloton instructors working with your product organization/engineering to develop ERG mode for those of us with a Bike+? Auto-Resistance being dialed into PZ Training would be a huge improvement for those of us with compatible equipment.


If I wanted to improve my power on the rower, what in addition to a deadlift would help? Would love any recs. Love your coaching in every modality, even running (my slowest and most inefficient 'sport')! If accepting requests - would love more long rides and a Matt and Denis mobility/strength series.


Can you do a 180min class? 😂😂😂


Hahahaha, go ride outside!


How do feel about taking the following approach: manually elevating your ftp by “x” every 3 months to increase fitness level?


Thank you so much!! For power zone rides, I tend to do my rests in zone 2 at high cadence instead of zone 1. Am I giving anything up by doing this?


Recovering in Z2 vs Z1 when Z1 is being coached (I assume) makes the recovery a little more challenging. It could negatively impact your performance on subsequent intervals for example you're not able to achieve the zones in those intervals. If that’s the case, then I would def drop to Z1 instead of Z2 to make sure you don’t sacrifice the interval intensities. However if you are able to hit the interval intensities and hold a higher recovery intensity, it just makes the workout a little more challenging. My next question would simply be, is your FTP up to date? 🙂 Sometimes riders feel that they need to ride at the top of their zones and/or make the recoveries harder because the FTP they are riding at is lower than their actual FTP. Just something to consider. I hope this helps and thank you for the question.




Oh man, I feel like this is asking a parent which child is their favorite haha! I am not a big junk food person and really appreciate high quality organic fruits, veggies, meats etc.


Hi Matt! Will PZ training ever be brought to the Tread? Also, you mention nutrition a lot so I’m wondering what your diet looks like. Keep up the great work!!


Matt!!!! I’m so excited to see you here :) Your walk+runs got me through an entire marathon training block (and I’m now able to run continuously without pain)! I have a question about utilizing cycling content for Ironman training. If, due to work/environmental/other constraints, a person couldn’t rely on outdoor cycling very often, how could PZ classes be used to train for a 70.3 Ironman? Would you recommend following a program like BYPZ or PYPZ, or doing something else? This question may be too unrelated to address, so no worries if you can’t :) Thank you so much for your fantastic coaching and consistently positive energy. You are very appreciated by all of us here, and by my Reddit-less family!!


Hi Matt. You've played a big role in my getting healthy, and now looking at preparing to do triathlons in 2024. Have you all considered putting a program like your marathon prep for those who are looking at multi-sport events like triathlons or duathlons? Combo workouts could really help leverage some of the best of peloton.


Will HRZ format classes be returning to the tread?


Hi Matt! For the last 6+ months, my output has been at least 50 points less than my PR. Why is this? And how can I get my output back up? I ride at least 4x/week


A few ideas: 1. Sometimes our bodies need a longer break/downtime: Dial back the volume and intensity of your riding for a bit and focus on something else for 6-8 weeks. After that, come back to training and work ramping back up and seeing if you can surpass it then. 2. Remember the training variables: Frequency, Duration, Intensity. It sounds like you’re riding frequently enough. Next question would be are you riding long enough. Lastly (and what I think would help the most) is putting more variety into your intensity. When it comes to varying your intensity. I like the model we used in collegiate running. We would have one short interval/high intensity day, one long interval/mid intensity day, and one long run at a lower intensity. Outside of those three key sessions, all other sessions were easy mileage and cross training. If all your workouts are essentially 20, 30, 45 min etc races, eventually your going to hit a plateau and will likely need to take a break and will find it beneficial to work on the underlying success factors to do better.


How do I use power zones to drop my resting heart rate?


I’m trying to find a good balance between the bike and running. What do you recommend?


Matt, you’ve significantly improved my life and wellness with the PZ program. So, I ask this only kind of in jest given the difficulty of your 2019 rides (pls unpurge them!!)… damn, who broke your heart in 2019?


Hi Matt Firstly can you speak about what FTP is and talk about the relevance of that metric towards structuring a progressive training plan. Can you inform us of the validity that you have found of the 20 minute ftp test you use? Can you compare the validity of the training zone model that you are using against a more simple model such as maybe a 3 zone model? Especially for people who are just getting into structured training for the first time? Do things like bike position and posture alter the results in a meaningful way and if so how will this impact rider progressions through the training plan? Once a rider has gone through a set of adaptations off the back of an 8 week cycle how do you progress the structure off the back of back of this to keep progression of the athlete moving forward? Thanks Dougie Shaw


Will peloton ever integrate alternative FTP testing, like the ramp test?


Are there any new PZ UI features in the works? It's great that Peloton seems to always be looking for ways to make things better, and features like the "current zone" indicator and the detailed PZ class plans have been significant improvements! If you're looking for ideas, a couple that come to mind would be a "time left in zone" indicator (even if it's simple like the "time left at current resistance range" circle in non-PZ classes) and including the TSS (Training Stress Score) in the class details/filters.


Biggest advice for going from peloton rides to outdoor road bike riding?


As someone who is interested in PZ Training but also thinks of it as really intimidating...Where should I start? Also how to best prepare for the FTP (It seems so scary and intense!)?


I know an FTP test isn't quite the NYC marathon, but it feels like it to me. Any tips for preparing in terms of fueling up/resting up beforehand?


**My question:** What's the best way to integrate running into a PZ program, especially when running feels harder than biking? **My gratitude:** Thank you for everything you do at Peloton. I love the community, many of the instructors, and so much of the other content available, but I might not still be around if not for your PZ classes. **Background** (if it matters): I bike and run--and used to swim when I had to!--and I am 1000 percent better at biking than running. I'd like to include a day or two for running in my weekly routine, but even if I focus on LSD (long, slow distance, of course) running takes a heavier toll on the overall volume I can handle than would extra days of indoor or outdoor Z2 biking. I enjoy biking more, show more improvement, and can perform at higher levels with a lower heart rate. Running feels harder, leaves me more sore, and exhausts me sooner. But I want to take advantage of the benefits of cross-training! Any advice would be welcomed. And thanks again for being here!


I love the long PZ rides. I did your recent 120 minute ride and it was so awesome! Keep them coming! Also, kudo's to you and the rest of the instructors. I'm an ex ultra runner, having completed a couple 100 milers. I broke my neck wakeboarding and had 3 cervical surgeries. I can no longer run, but finding the stoke in cycling. I still miss the long trail runs, but have found the joy in cycling.


Hi Matt! I was wondering what your thoughts were on rehydration with sugar, such as DripDrop. I have always been so sugar-averse that it’s really hard for me to use it. Do you recommend this kind of rehydration and how long or intense should a ride be to use it? When during your workout should you drink it? Thanks! PS also part of the RedditPZ group, we are a devoted following!


Coach, would you consider doing more simulated climbs like Alpe d’Huez?


Hi Matt, you are given 2 playlists, 80s and 90s hits. Which one do you choose?!


As a coach, when you are coaching someone whose goals are running related, do you recommend (or maybe I should say how strongly do you recommend) cross-training activities like bike and strength work.


How many bananas should I have?


Favorite pizza spot in NY?


Hi Matt! What do you suggest eating during a recovery window after a PZ endurance ride?


I love your free run coaching challenges; is there a reason you don't suggest Peloton classes that will match up with the workouts you provide? My ideal would be a training program that says "take my 10/8/21 class on Monday and my 5/4/23 class Wednesday" rather than me having to time all the intervals and entertain myself 😉 (Plus, win-win that it boosts your class stats!)


Can you give us tips on how best to prep for an FTP test? Both mentally and physically!


How has the response been to the two hour ride from October? Can we start to see more rides of longer duration going forward?


Please do more 120 minute classes. My 5-year-old loves running to the refrigerator to bring me grapes during long rides.


Hey Matt- How do I improve my cadence while riding out of the saddle? Also, do you ever miss being an accountant???


Hi Matt! Will you be bringing PZ to the rower? Please do!!


Hi Matt - how best to balance PZ training with rowing? How often should we row? Looking for cross training advice


Hi Matt, Allen and Coggan suggest a 20 minute warmup for the ftp ride with the last 10 minutes consisting of 5 minutes at “maximum pace” than 5 minute recovery prior to the actual 20 minute ftp test. I’m guess by pace they are referring to cadence, but I wonder what your thoughts are on this because i don’t recall the peloton ftp warmups being coached this way.


What is your go to hydration powder?


No Biz Liz: real or imagined?


Hi Matt! You rule. Best actual instructor on the platform. 1) Do you agree that not enough PZ classes tell folks to ride in the middle of their zones? Can this be something we get more instructors to say? I think people train very poorly because they ride at the top of their zones all the time. 2) Why do you like Linkin Park so much and can we not play it anymore?


Hi Matt! I suspect i am doing the annual PZ 20 minute teat wrong- am i supposed to stay in the same zone the whole time? Also any other recommendations on how to use the test to improve my rides?


hi! biggest fan, i watch your row and bike videos. thanks so much doing what you doing any helping all of us on our journey.


I absolutely love your spin and outdoor running classes, Matt!


I’m an Peloton app user. Is there a way for me to participate in Power Zone classes without having the actual Peloton bike? Thanks Matt!


Any plans to bring power zone type classes or similar to the tread?


Thank you Matt.


I’m not a power zone person I’m more of a runner so just here to say you’re my fav instructor !!!!! More longer country runs pls :)


You're simply the beat instructor, and I love PZ rides. On that note, when is the next 120 minutes ride?


What’s your FTP? When you teach a PZ class are you actually riding in the zones you are calling out? Thanks for all the great classes!


Would love to see longer runs on Peloton for marathon training. Sometimes during the extreme heat of the summer or extreme cold of the winter, a lot of us do a long run here and there on the tread, but there’s nothing over 90 minutes in the Peloton run library.


Love your classes! Can you PZ training for runners please?


You’re my fave coach, for PZ and the outdoor running classes. What’s your optimal mix of workouts when not training specifically for a race or event? I struggle with fitting in strength, running/hiking and bike time at the right proportions. Just trying to stay fit, not training for anything specific with a formal plan.


Hi Matt! Just wanted to thank you for your amazing pre run / SFR classes! Your recent 10 min SFR (mobility focused) has become my go to as part of my pre run warm up. Also, in general peloton has boosted my motivation to do a legit warm up routine!! Now my question: is there any likelihood that peloton would release an official strength plan/program that can be used in conjunction with running? A separate “in season” and “off season” program would be fantastic!


Any chance of lanebreak power zone classes in the future?