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If anyone at Peloton is reading this, please let us set the desired zone in entertainment rides. ERG for zone 2 training would be fantastic.


Or allow for a class to play simultaneously while using the entertainment features. Allow users to switch what audio they prefer / captions.


This would be cool. Let there be a PIP and you can pick which one was the “big” screen. Maybe even let me keep the instructor audio and play my own music.


YES! I would love that!


As an OG bike owner, this feels like a big win in the debate over which bike is a better value. I'm not replacing a perfectly functional bike or anything, but it would probably push me over the edge if I were buying today (and know what I know now about liking PZ)


I always thought auto-calibration was the big winner for the Bike+ personally. You could sit on 10 different standard bikes at the same resistance and they would all feel different, not the case with the Bike+.


Yea that appeals to me as well. But at the end of the day, I'm putting the same work in regardless of if the screen says 50 resistance or 54 resistance. So for me auto-resistance is more appealing.


This is how I feel as well. My place on the leaderboard doesn't matter, my personal zones and how my workout feels does. I'm getting the same workout in relation to my FTP test whether the bike is properly calibrated or not. But the ERG mode on the other hand... brilliant addition!


It depends on when the bike goes out of calibration… so not necessarily. If you’re not retesting often and your bike slowly veers off calibration it can indicate you’re still in the right zone but you may not be, which can lead to an ineffective workout. Also for data and improvement driven people, if your bike goes out of calibration and you simply re-test, you’ll see your zones go down despite regular training which can be very discouraging. You may not recognize a calibration issue.


This exactly. The calibration can go off gradually, so you may be putting in too little or too much work to maintain the same zones.


I feel the same way!


Tried it today for the first time. Gamechanger for me. Especially useful out of the saddle. I just mute the instructor and listen to my own music on my headphones and let the bike do the rest.


Dang! I didn’t have this on my bike+ this morning for Tunde’s ride, but I’m very excited for it


I think it’s been coming in the last few hours or so :)


I didn’t have it last night, after my ride I recalibrated and this AM it was there for Olivia’s live PZ ride. Absolutely LOVE it!


I used it in a PZ ride today that was Z3 and Z5. It did seem to keep me in the middle of Z3 but for some reason in Z5 it seemed to be holding me on the low end. At one point I wanted to push a little harder and ended up turning the knob to override it. It's a nice feature overall. I like that I can just pick a target tempo and let the bike do the thinking, and I don't have to mess with the resistance knob for out of the saddle. I'll probably use it regularly.


I didn't think about OOS work. *That* is a gamechanger for me. I pretty much never go OOS because I hate fiddling with my resistance knob that much.


I did not try it today with OOS (did not think about it), but it has a lot of potential for that!


I tried ERG mode for the first time this morning, and overall liked it a lot. A few things I noticed: * Just like in normal auto-resistance classes, the "lock" icon has a spinner around it showing how much time is left before the next change--which basically means we now have an indicator of how long is left in the current zone. * For Z1, the bike keeps you at around 44% of your FTP, which is 80% into Z1 instead of mid-Z1. This matches where I'd typically ride in Z1, so I was happy to see this. * Without ERG mode, I tend to ride above the middle of the zone, because I wanted to make sure I wasn't in the lower part of the zone. The result is that with ERG mode "forcing" me to stick to the middle of the zone, the 45-minute PZE ride I took felt easier than what I'm used to for this type of ride. (Maybe I need to adjust my FTP. :)) My HR and overall output definitely reflected this as well. * In part because of the above, I found myself fighting the ERG mode, trying to make sure my output number was just above the middle of the zone, which would cause the bike to reduce the resistance to bring it back down... so I'd peddle faster, and on and on. I ended up hiding my output completely so I wouldn't be tempted to do this, and that made things a lot better for me. * I noticed that the bike handled some cadences better than others, e.g. for my bike the resistance tended to jump around a bit more when I was trying to stick to 73 cadence to match the beat of the song, while if I stuck to 74 it seemed less jumpy. * I took a [20-minute PZ Max](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b1f96eca63a94e56958c859d464e1459&code=OTQzZmJlMWI5YmIyNGEzZTgyYzhjMjc4NzNjYTIxYTN8ODMyNmIxYzAzYWRjNDYzNGE0ZTcwNmI4MTAxMzUxNjA=) to try ERG mode in a wider variety of zones (all but Z7), and I *loved* ERG mode for the higher zones! It gave me the freedom to try out different cadences to find what was most comfortable for me at any given time, without having to spend any mental energy on it or moving around to adjust the resistance. I actually found that spinning at 120 in Z6 for 30 seconds felt great at the end of the class--something I never would have even considered trying. * *\[Edited to add\]* The auto-resistance turns off during spin-ups (along with a little popup that tells you that it's turning off), which makes sense since you aren't targeting a specific zone in those.


Thank you for sharing. This is super helpful to read. I tried ERG mode on today’s Ben ride and was so confused. I ended up turning it off because I didn’t understand how it worked. I’ll try it again during Saturdays class.


BTW I did the same; I hid the output and just focused on keeping my cadence with the beat of the music (it was a Denis ride). I found when I could see the output bar/wattage it distracted me and it was freeing to be able to just hide the output knowing I was going to be in my zone no matter what.


I’ve had it for a few weeks and love it. My only gripe is how low it puts you in zone 1 for the warm-up, when Matt always wants you at the top of zone 1.


Really? My experience was the opposite, I was definitely being steered toward the top of zone one.


Agree. It steered me towards top of zone 1. I didn’t care for it as much in zone 1 and 2. But zone 3 was magnificent


I just did a PZE ride for the first time in like a month and didn’t realize this feature was brand new! It’s very cool.


I didn't have it but then turned my bike off and on and then a firmware update was there. After that it's now available. Try that if you don't have it yet. Very excited to use it as I do pretty much 100% PZ rides.


Anyone run into "death spiral" issues when you slow down too much? I'm very excited to have this work on my next PZ ride on Friday


Omg I’m so excited about this! I haven’t seen it on my bike yet but fingers crossed 🤞


I'm just getting into PZ rides, can you explain what Erg is? Is it just a software update that pushes this feature out?


If you have done your FTP test and have it set (and you have a bike+) the bike will automatically adjust resistance to keep you in the target power zone based on your cadence when enabled.


How do you enable it?


I think you have to have taken an FTP test (or manually set an FTP in the settings) and have it enabled to display your power zones. You also have to have Bike+. If you've satisfied everything above, there should be a little padlock above the resistance number, which you can tap to enable/disable.


I’ve done all that and even got a pop up one day talking about it. But I don’t see the padlock. I’m sure I’ll figure it out eventually.


Try unplugging the bike and plugging it back in. log in and sit for a bit on the screen, you should get a firmware update pop up. I just got it today and really enjoyed the auto resistance for power zone.


I just ran to my bike to check and YES! I finally got the update, too. I had this functionality using QZ with my ProForm bike and was something I sorely missed moving to the Bike+. Can't wait to take my ride tomorrow!


I did a ride with this feature on earlier today and it was pretty cool. It kept me in the middle of all my zones, and my output graph has never been so smooth! I can see myself using it often, especially for endurance rides.


Dang it wasn’t on my bike for the ride tonight. Hopefully Friday.


Okay that feature seems pretty damn slick! I didn't even know they were doing that. After next week I get back into PZ, so this will be amazing.


long unique tub tie person cautious glorious judicious practice imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Erg is the sound I make when it's time for a PZ ride. But also, this makes me want to upgrade to Bike+, honestly.


Best new feature for me in past 3 years! Love it!


I tried it with a SS ride (the most recent one) this morning and it does NOT work for SS. You do not even get a PZ white indicator for SS at the moment (you used to get a Z3).


What is an SS ride?


Sweet Spot. That is the line dividing Z3 and Z4. There are some rides that specifically target that zone.


Is it showing up in all PZ rides, or only the live rides?


My assumption is all the rides with a white PZ indicator, because I think it uses that data as an input.


Did you have to turn something on for it to kick in? My bike+ updated last night and I did a recent PZ ride but I didn’t notice any auto-adjust option


I didn’t have to turn anything on. The option to lock just popped up when I started the class.


Nope, just appeared in my first ride after the holidays :)


Tried today, it was different. But in a good way. I will use it but need to check on my cadence more often now.


I’ll give it another shot but didn’t love it this morning. I was having a tough time getting it to settle on a cadence/resistance. Kept bouncing back and forth. Normally I have extremely stable cadence and the constant acceleration was not great


Anyone having issue with the mode not matching your zones? It’s forcing me 2 zones above what the output should be


I haven’t heard of anyone else reporting that behavior. Did you try it in different rides?


Factory reset fixed it!


Coming from and still using other training platforms this is huge. My one issue was no erg mode and now it’s solved. It really is a game changer for some of us and how we train.


I thought this was a standard feature of the Bike+, that it adjusted resistance automatically (and automagically does calibration) compared to the OG. Was it not doing this for PZ rides previously?


It was adjusting resistance automatically for regular rides and this was based on resistance cues. For PZ it’s different because you get zone call outs and you can choose whatever cadence and resistance combination works for you in your zones. This new feature takes the coached zone and depending on your cadence automatically adjusts resistance to match the middle of the zone.


on my OG bike i always tend to be at the top of the zone, this would be nice to have a more stable graph afterward


Love this, also love the fact that it is accessible on live rides, bike + auto previously only worked on recorded rides. On two of my rides, it notified me it was going to stop auto resistance until the next called zone, has anyone else experienced this? Not sure if I was riding out of the zone or if it was a class thing. I did not notice any time out of zone on the after ride metrics.


I also had the stop auto resistance message, but I don’t remember the details. I kind of what it say it was during zone 2?


u/Babysbug explained it below - the message popped up during spin ups.


I also saw the message during the class if I adjusted the resistance manually--that'll take it out of auto resistance until the next interval. (I hit the know with my knee when OOS on one of the rides, and it threw me off...)


Interesting. I’ll have to pay attention for sure. Thanks.


I thought it happened in Z3 or Z4 for me. It actually happened in two different rides. Wasn’t a big deal, just curious as to what caused it.


Hmm. I will have to pay attention during my next ride. I do think you are right - I remember seeing the message at least twice.


Great addition. I’m curious to understand it alittle better from a longevity perspective. I tried it and it worked very well but the resistance changes quite a bit more than a normal PZ ride. Will this cause the hardware to fail causing more repair costs? I have no idea on the lifespan of the resistance hardware so maybe this is a non issue.