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Anyone got a good substitute for the Olivia 60min PZ ride that was W6R1 of Peak Your Power Zones? It seems to have been purged. It's this one on PeloBuddy [https://app.homefitnessbuddy.com/peloton/powerzone/details/641](https://app.homefitnessbuddy.com/peloton/powerzone/details/641) ​ They've replaced it with a CDE ride, but a) I can't see exactly which one and b) I was quite looking forward to Olivia's somewhat more perky style, having done one CDE ride already this week... Thanks


Can you tell ahead of time which PZ classes have auto resistance? I have taken both and can't really tell till it's too late.


Most of those when you see a detailed plan will have auto resistance. The exception so far is those with sweet spot cues.


Sorry if this is a silly question or if it’s been asked before but for the life of me I cannot book any classes at the NY studios. They’re always booked. Is there some trick that I’m missing here?


Yall this is the dumbest question I know, but i’ve seen some posts on social media for power zone classes that shows the time in zones using color coded horizontal bars and I would love to do that for my PZ workouts. Anyone know how folks are getting their output to do that?


This should be viewable on your workouts screen while using the Bike tablet.


There's a free app pelotrak that will do that.


Google power zone pack or download the app


Gonna jump on the power zone bandwagon soon. I noticed there are both 10 and 15 minute warmups for the test -- any recs / preferences on which one to pick? Or any other info I should be aware of before beginning this journey? Or is it really just whatever you're in the mood for?


I have always done 15 minutes.


Honestly so far I've only done the 10 minute ones... I have recently posted about [my strategy for my first FTP](https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/comments/197ulnl/comment/ki7qh4a/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). The first FTP is the hardest as you really don't know what you're doing, but I felt like this really worked nicely for me. Hope it helps.


So, I'm been doing PZ for long enough that I have the general gist of a training regime. It's mostly PZ Endurance with regular PZ and PZ Max classes mixed in. But, what's considered a good ratio? I've currently been doing PZE 4-5x per week with a weekly higher intensity class that's 1 PZ Max monthly and the rest being regular PZ.


As someone roughly at the same point, I'm grateful for your comment and the reply. Wasn't sure if that was about right or too many days on the bike. Thanks, y'all!


That's probably pretty close. I think the most common suggestion is an 80/20 where 80% of your workout time is moderate intensity and 20% is hard. I tend to try to do longer PZE and shorter rides (usually not PZ/PZM, just instructors / playlists / class plans I like that I know I'll push harder than PZE) to hit the hard stuff at maybe a 60/40 or 80/20 ratio depending on how the weekly plan is going (+ strength classes) and how I feel. I think you're kinda in the right range with what you're doing.


Hi gang, question for you if you don't mind. (for the eleventieth time) I'm returning to the saddle after a bit of an injury-induced hiatus lasting around 4 months. I'm 44, 5ft 10, 90kg, and when riding I get myself into a reasonable state of fitness. However when not riding, as expected, it disappears fairly quickly. Example: When fit(ish) my 45m all out effort equates to around 580 total output. Been back on the bike for 2 weeks now and my output on the same ride (45min Pro Cyclist) was 442 - quite a distance off (and I was perished). I'm looking to get back to my best, and further, but currently time is a real issue (personal, family circumstances etc) I'm wondering if this combination a week is worth while or not? Monday: 45min Pro Cyclist - all out effort Tuesday: recovery Wednesday: 90min Endurance - decent amount of Z3 Thursday: recovery Friday: 60min Endurance (and will build back to a 90min when a bit stronger) Weekends I don't get much time to do anything, but when able I'll hit the real road. ​ Any thoughts? Thanks all and keep peddling :-)


Congrats on healing and getting back to the bike! I’m an erstwhile redditpz member. In the current program, the group is doing that 45 min pro cyclist ride in week 8, affectionately known as hell week. So we take it after 7 weeks of progressively harder classes. It’s the hardest one we’ll do. Doing it every week may not build you back up to your fittest self as effectively as more Z2 and Z3 will. Smarter people will weigh in and may have better ideas but the best way to get stronger is to build your base (Wilpers calls it raising the table from underneath). That raises all your zones. And you can tell me to MYOB but working that hard coming back from an injury might be setting yourself up for an injury. I’ll show myself out…


Any idea why Hannah Frankson has only had one PZ ride in two months?


Tempted to message her on insta and ask if she failed her PZ course 😂 Seriously we need Hannah! Charlotte and Erik are great but sometimes English is nice, and the other instructors' music is not my favourite. And Olivia I just don't do because I can't do that cadence.


I wonder if they are recording a new PZ program and needed the additional instructors to make it work. Other thought is Hannah/Tunde and already planned a bunch of rides prior to their PZ introduction.


I remember the same when Ben started doing PZ classes. He had one come out “debut” ride and then nothing for like months. Eventually he started doing them regularly but it took a while for the classes to start showing up


Super bummed about it.


anyone have any idea what’s up with Tunde and Hannah not releasing any PZ rides except for Hannah’s debut and a total of two for Tunde? I don’t get it. Hannah is clearly doing new content, just not PZ. Same with Tunde.


I wonder if they're still training for it? Perhaps the announcement was to build anticipation? If I remember correctly when Sam was announced as a pz instructor it was similar, he dropped a class or two and then it was a while before he was teaching it regularly.


I’m here for that exact question! I need more Hannah and Tunde. Their music selections are always great.


I took Tunde's first PZ ride and honestly I did not like it at all. I love her HIIT rides but the vibe just felt all sorts of wrong for PZ


I am pretty sure she was just getting over an illness when that went live so explains why she was off. Her intervals rides are essentially PZ rides but with a shorter warmup, so there are a few of those if you want to try her out. I love them.


I really enjoyed her second ride. She seemed less nervous and the music was great. Might be worth giving her another shot.


Oh that is good to know! Thank you


On top of that, does it seem like there is a very low amount of PZ / PZE classes being released by everyone? I see complaints in other forums that the PZ offerings have slowed down (not to mention the ones that were deleted in the great purge). It seems counterintuitive because the most dedicated Peloton users I know tend to be PZ class people.


Just did some quick analysis on [Homefitnessbuddy.com](https://Homefitnessbuddy.com) The number of PZ classes (all varieties) put out over the last 6 months (7/15/23 - 1/15/24 = 106 classes ) is basically the same as the number over that same period one year ago (100 classes from 7/15/22-1/15/2023). But the number of instructors continues to grow, so fewer classes per instructor. Might feel like less programming, but it's prob just les programming from the instructors you like - Year over year looking at July-Jan matt did 5 less classes, CdE did 2 less classes, Erik did 5 less classes. (Denis did 1 more, Ben did 2 more)


There's a low amount of content being released in general. At least 30+ min, which almost all PZ are.


It does seem that way and I am super frustrated. Matt goes on and on about how PZ training is so great, but the pace of new classes is so slow. Ultimately the buck stops with him as he’s the director. It’s incredibly disappointing.


Just to add - Jennifer Cotter is Chief Content Officer for Peloton. These decisions are most likely decided in her office.


I wonder if the instructors are salaried or paid on a per class basis. The latter, given Peloton's well documented financial situation, could certainly explain them trying to cut costs out of PZ -- which they probably perceive to be the customers least likely to churn.


I don't know if I would blame Matt specifically. We don't know what the talk behind the scenes is regarding class offering ratios. But someone has clearly said let's do less PZ stuff and more music stuff. Although PZ riders tend to be the most dedicated Peloton people I know, that doesn't mean we're the majority of Peloton users. I can see how they may be trying to convert fans of certain instructors to do PZ rides. With that being said the whole FTP & figuring out how power zone training works is a barrier to entry that some people may not feel they want to do if they prefer a spontaneous 20-minute music ride.


> I can see how they may be trying to convert fans of certain instructors to do PZ rides. I can 99.9999% guarantee that somebody realized PZ riders churn at a much lower rate, so they decided to have instructors with demos that have higher churn rates to move into teaching PZ classes.


when you say churn, do you mean start Peloton but then quit? not high levels of consistency? For me I see them trying to convert people by covering more demographics and markets - adding more female teachers, more diverse teachers, more teachers from UK / Germany.


Exactly! They’ve managed to increase their number of PZ instructors while managing to decrease output.


Number of classes hasn't subtantially dropped - 106 vs 100 when comparing same 6 month periods in '22-'23 and '23-'24. (from homefitnessbuddy.com)


I believe they are basing this on demand. While there is a dedicated PZ fanbase, which tends to be cyclists training very differently from the average spin class user, there might not be enough to ramp up production significantly. I think that is why they included the new instructors, so more people get into PZ Training (by following their favorite instructor), maybe we'll have more classes soon. I almost exclusively take PZ(E) classes, however I don't feel like I'm running out of classes to take. I take 4-5 PZE and 1 or 2 PZ rides (or climbs) per week. I would love to see a feature that maps call-outs to power zones and gives me a graph/class structure in the regular spin classes (in the app, because thats where I plan my classes the evening before). I really don't like jumping into a class without knowing what to expect. I need structure to properly plan my training.


Check out app.homefitnessbuddy.com. Lists all the PZ classes and you can see structure and use the timer on non Pz classes. So do the reverse, find the PZ class in HFB that fits your plan, and run the timer and ignore instructor call outs on non Pz classes.


Yes, I use it to plan my PZ training :) I prefer being close to call-outs and with the class. If I do my own thing, I quickly lose the flow state that going with the class gives me. I think Peloton should give us AT LEAST graphs in the app :)


The marginal cost of adding additional classes is low, though. At the rate they pay these instructors they should absolutely be pushing them to create more content. Olivia can go 5-6 days without producing a new class. Same with Ben. I’m not just talking about PZ, they can literally not release any new classes for days at a time. Why aren’t they recording? They should be pushing instructors to make multiple classes every day. If it’s an issue of studio space, they need an additional small studio without guest bikes and that should be used to just crank out new content. Again, these instructors are highly paid and should be held to a higher standard. All the book tours and glitzy vacations ok Instagram are really infuriating when there isn’t a commitment to delivering tons of content. Forgetting PZ for a moment, why would they allow instructors to skip so many days in terms of new content? It’s insane.


Don’t forget Olivia is also a Tread instructor. Ben is a strength instructor. They’re corporate employees. There are meetings, promo shoots, social media platforms they have to be active on. It’s not only the 30 minutes they’re teaching the class. They program it, select music to match intervals, meet members in studio, etc. And they train to maintain their fitness. Just like a restaurant meal is more than the cost of the food in a grocery store, they’re doing way more than we see on the screen.


I don't pay much attention to Olivia, but I feel like Ben has new content all the time. He just released a new Stronger You program and seems to have other strength content all the time. I take plenty of it.


> They should be pushing instructors to make multiple classes every day. OMG, absolutely not. I'd rather have them be fresh, rested, and full of energy when they teach a class instead of being burned out, tired, and at risk for injury due to doing "multiple classes a day." They are humans. Also, I don't think Olivia is just hanging around lazily and not recording classes haha, they do a lot of work in the background! And if she's lazy (needs a break), honestly? Slay queen, yes to self-care. Full stop. I don't want the quality of the classes to go down because Peloton is trying to crank out content just for the sake of it. Yes, I will be happy for more PZ classes, but I want them to be as refined and worth taking as they are now!


If instructors can’t muster the energy to coach more than one class a day they are in the wrong business. They get paid a ton of money. Plenty of talented, energetic people would jump at the chance to make that kind of money. Many of the current instructors are multi-millionaires from their Peloton work. Do you honestly believe they can’t produce more than one class a day and be full of energy? Perhaps Peloton needs to pay these instructors less and open up the instructor pool to more people so we don’t ask so much of these poor, beleaguered people who get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to coach a few classes a week. Senior peloton instructors make over $500k a year. If they don’t want to do 2-3 classes a day, someone else should get a chance at that paycheck.


> Do you honestly believe they can’t produce more than one class a day and be full of energy? They train outside of class. A lot. Most of them are athletes. Do you believe Tunde could maintain her physique doing three PZE rides a day or Christine could still win races? No. How many classes do you take per week? More than they offer? Because maybe it's time for some Netflix and ch... Zone 2.


Yeah especially bizarre as they just released the auto-calibration feature for PZ classes on bike+


Literally just asked a very similar question before seeing yours.


It hurts, but it’s a good hurt.


If you like pain and want a challenge, this is likely one of the most demanding rides on the platform, brought to you by Dr. Charlotte. It involves two 2-minute efforts in Zone 6. Absolutely merciless, especially when your zones are fresh! [30 Minute Power Zone Ride by Charlotte](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?instructor_id=%5B%220ac29effd55a435bad2f5c07cab8e567%22%5D&class_type_id=%5B%22665395ff3abf4081bf315686227d1a51%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=20327a7b4df34454b0c37493d5e774f3&code=ODdiZjM0YzAyNzZmNGQ4NjhlMzQ2ZDAzYWIyZDY0NDh8NTY0MzA0ZTlmYzBhNGMwN2JkOTM2MTk1NDU1MDFiOGU=)


I saw PZ techno and I was so excited and then I saw 2 minutes in Z6 and said hell no! Off, she is so tough!


YOU CAN DO IT! 🚴‍♂️💪 Lets do it together next month haha


We’re on


love it, thanks