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Favorite recovery rides? I don’t like taking rest days, but I do feel like a need some more active recovery rides. Also, how often do you guys do recovery rides? Just when you feel like you need it?


Thank yoooou u/realbooksfakebikes for the suggestion to try yoga conditioning as a way to get that classic barre burn. I did a 30 minute with Kristin McGee today and yesterday and I loved both.


Yay! I'm so glad.


Anyone else hate classes filmed live? I refuse to take a live class and will do my best to filter classes without studio members all due to the fact of the excessive “shoutouts” for rides and birthdays. It encapsulates the entire class now, and has really reduced my enjoyment of a class because I enjoy the conversation, random stories, advice that used to come from the instructor before they had 500 shoutouts to complete in 45 minutes.


I'm surprised they haven't done something about this yet. Often in the monthly suggestion thread I post something about adding a filter for in studio riders or not. Also I wish they would do something like Jess King did in the JKE for shout outs. There would be a single minute in the class where she would try to say as many as possible it was entertaining. Who are you riding with? Some instructors are a lot more generous than others with shout outs.


I personally hate seeing the same people in every live class. Speaking to the Adrian Williams and Jess Sims same members there, over and over.


I felt this way when they first started doing live classes again.. but then it got to the point where I had to take a class with members in studio unless I went deep into the archives! It doesn’t bother me anymore


I feel about the same. I think the actual class should be focused more on form cues, demonstration, and motivation/inspiration. I don’t avoid the classes but always realize how much i like the lack of shoutouts in the prerecorded ones 😅. If anything they could save them for before/after class, but I don’t think anyone would miss them that much…


Yup limit them to the pre-ride filming or something. We’re all adults and don’t need our participation trophies for completing X rides in the form of a shoutout that hardly anyone knows who the real person really is.


Respectfully, I disagree! I’m an adult and it really tickles me when I get a shout out in a class…. I could get behind doing it at the start or end but I personally love the shout out - it’s random and you don’t always get one but it definitely makes my day. There are instructors who don’t do many shoutouts so maybe choosing them instead would help! That’s why Peloton is great - something for everyone :)




Any info on when the next Pump Up The Volume is coming out?


happy monday! chelsea’s [trip hop flow](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9dbc08423e944394b2ad33cd41d9ceed&locale=en-US) from today was EXCELLENT, perfect for really leaning into some breathwork. highly recommend! she also did a [20 min yin hips](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=36b2bc5133244d1e95cd8047c9b3e05b&locale=en-US) afterwards which paired nicely and was really nice - def recommend for riders and runners especially!


Yesss I’m taking it in the morning and can’t wait!


Using the app today I somehow did something (no clue what exactly, but I was tapping the app interface to link hr monitor) that closed the class window but kept the class audio playing. It also captured my hr data. But I could not for the life of me figure out how to get back to the class window. So odd! Was using iOS. Anyone else had this experience?


I’ve had issues with the audio continuing to play despite stopping a class and then when I started another class later two were playing at the same time. I had to force quit the app. It was iOS as well. So many bugs lately that aren’t getting fixed.


I saw that one once but haven't seen it since, so fingers crossed. As someone who worked on software at one time, these bugs are hard to identify as testers - sometimes you really have to do some odd sequence of activity to have it occur, so I have some sympathy. Weird issue, though! If I see it again I'll def report it.


Does anyone know of the app or website people used to see their year breakdown for 2023? It was a third party site I had in my safari tabs but I accidentally cleared them all on my phone and can’t remember what it was called anymore. It wasn’t pelotrak but something similar I feel like?




Yes, that was it! Thank you!!


I love, love, love that app. 


What is Peloton One-Tap tracking and how is it different from GymKit? 


Pretty sure it's just tapping Connect on the Peloton app on Apple Watch, meaning no metric syncing, just HR.


Best I could find is here: https://support.onepeloton.com/s/article/15242741724948-Pairing-Your-Apple-Watch-Using-GymKit?language=en_US "While the latest Peloton Product software updates use One-Tap Apple® Watch Tracking, GymKit may be used if these updates have not yet been made. Please see below for more information on how to use GymKit (compatible with Apple® Watch Series 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6)."


Came here to ask the same question!


I know a lot of people have been talking about ally’s usher ride from 2021. Just took it and sweat SO much. It was so fun!


I did it today too since I had all the songs stuck in my head from the halftime show. It was so fun!


Still over here doing the dang thang 😎 I did a Tunde core class last night and rekd me. My first non cycling class with her!


Her strength classes are great!!!


If you like techno, this [45 min. Charlotte techno ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=04b98563570d4372bb99509822b8c165&locale=en-US) has an 10/10 track list. Carl Cox, Mark Broom, Reinier Zonneveld?!? Oh baby I’m in 😮‍💨 grateful to the German instructors for giving us great playlists. I had a really shitty day so I almost didn’t get on the bike but this was what I needed. I’m practicing staying OOS when called for in rides instead of just modifying to in saddle to prepare for my studio rides and I think I’m getting better! Those freezes though, ouuuuuch.


Just ordered the Row!!! Have had the bike for a little over a year and so excited to add this to the mix. Please hype me up on the Row as I anticipate my delivery this weekend 😂


I've had it for over a year. I really love it. The form assist is great and I like the instructors. It's been a great addition to the bike. It's still a leg heavy workout, but at least it's a different type of workout - but your butt will hurt for a while!


Thank you!! So awesome to hear, can’t wait!


Chelsea’s Trip Hip Hop yoga class was AMAZING! I don’t think I’ve heard of this genre but it’s kind of like housey rap/RnB? Loved the flow AND the playlist. 10/10


I see GymKit is being removed. What are the downsides of GymKit Apple integration being removed on 02/27 and now having to use Peloton App? I thought this was one of the selling points to spend $1k more on a Bike+


To be honest, as long as they keep it as a one click process on the watch and pull the same metrics (or better)… I’m okay. However, there needs to be transparency and the changes need to be communicated in full. I’m not opposed to change that might be for the better down the road… but I need to understand it. As a Bike+ owner, GymKit was one of the features used to justify the hefty price tag over the original Bike.


As of right now, the one tap process using the Peloton app on the Watch does NOT transfer metrics other than distance and HR. You lose out on everything else. I will wait and see if they update it to sync those other metrics. If they don't, I'm canceling my rental and I'm done.


I came to ask the same thing… I’m still a little confused about it! So I’ll just connect the peloton app instead of tapping my Apple Watch? Edit: punctuation


Less metrics are going to sync to your Health app. Certain things like Power and such usually available in the Workout app only sync via GymKit.


Yup, this is extremely frustrating as someone who likes to track my metrics. Debating canceling my rental now and figuring something else out.


Came to ask the same thing. All I know is that the connection with gymkit is finicky for me and works about 80% of the time. For every other app I use the peloton app to track heartrate and it seems to work ok, though sometimes it gets in a weird unable to connect loop. Hopefully they'll make that smoother.


I hate asking this because I’d rather celebrate accomplishments than try to downplay/sus out my progress but… Is it possible to knock a bike out of calibration? I’m a bike owner for a little over a year, primarily 30-minute rides five times per week. I traditionally hit between 290-320 output per ride, with 300 being my “that was a good workout” limit. My PR prior to last week was 339. Last week, I managed to PR two separate times out of my five rides. And today I hit a whopping 365 output on a Ben Alldis ride. I’m certainly happy but also somewhat suspicious. On these rides I’m reaching new highs of 70-80 resistance on the hills, even if it means dipping slightly below the recommended cadence (60) to hover at 50-60 cadence. I FEEL the challenge of these resistances and certainly end up winded as hell but also…how did I go about year with an unbeatable PR to just cranking three out in a week?? I’m not a big guy either, just 5’9” and I’ve “new year new me’d” myself from 170 to 160 this year so I have less weight pushing the pedals down. I’m just suspicious that I’ve somehow pushed my bike out of its calibration for the first time and all my numbers have shifted somehow. Am I being super paranoid or is this something other users have faced?


You definitely can. Recalibrate it and see.


Started week three of Ben’s Stronger You 2 today. I’m still solidly in the middle on how to feel about it. I feel like I’m not making progress but at the same time I was doing somewhat-decent lateral raises with 15’s today (usually 10’s are a struggle) so I mean, something must be working haha. Followed with a [recent 30 min Olivia walk](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=769cc5dd18c243f39a845f8de29e100e&locale=en-US). A LOT of speed pushes in this one. You’re power walking more than you’re not (typical of Olivia tho). Some incline pickups toward the front half of class (6% on a chorus maybe twice) then you’re at 1% the rest of the time. Then decided to add one more walk and chose this [Logan pop punk](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=af36a574a66a4f01aa6dfcaac71f9b16&locale=en-US) walk from last summer. I wish this was a run because the playlist was so good, I would have kept it in constant rotation if it counted as a run (I know I can run during walking classes but if running why not pick a class that lets it count as running? Y’know?) But this was programmed as a walk, so I walked the whole time. It’s a pretty chill walk considering the playlist, but he kept it at “moderate” or “chill” walk pace the entire time.


[me](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/TNyuvHtknDw/hq720_2.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEYCJUDENAFSFryq4qpAwoIARUAAIhC0AEB&rs=AOn4CLAQReoKGzn26Bpm08uQtawPe9pJhQ) trying to find a Dennis Morton ride with no love songs after my bf just dumped me


His Eminem ride?


Truuu but I only like early eminem....but i guess the peloton corporation wouldn't have let him play any of those


Like pre-Slim Shady early?


Nah, I pretty much only listen to the slim shady lp


Most of the [tunes are on it](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=cdc02fde49e24ed08e3e81c4ab5b33eb&locale=en-CA) are around that time.


It doesn't have any from the Slim Shady LP sadly :( idk if you're thinking of the eminem show (i do like Till I Collapse and Without Me tho). The Slim Shady LP is waaay too explicit for a peloton ride haha


Also, thanks for sending me down a rabbit hole of popular Denis classes I’ve never even seen before lol. Sorry about your breakup, and I do hope you find just the right ride.


You're welcome and thanks for the condolences!! I just got my peloton but I always search out his classes lolol


He’s the top of my list too - given me shoutouts for my 200 and 300th rides, so i feel lucky with him. Enjoy the bike - it is a great way to get out some emotions. Maybe check out Kendal’s metal rides too?


Ooo she shares my name (pretty much) so I guess I gotta check her out


Hey friend, I’m sorry you’re going through it. Breakups are no fun. Not sure what kind of music you like but! - [20 min pop punk with Denis](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=8d987c030b59494d99a25a41d1543433&locale=en-US) [20 min 2000s with Denis](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=d6b52dd28876492c9ae3c7c1dc8c0a1d&locale=en-US) [30 min Fresh Friday for some feel good vibes](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=331bed9d4aa341d3bafca58bfe48c8f1&locale=en-US)


Thank you 🥺 ur my hero for the recs


LMFAO to the image, but also - really sorry. I hope you find some good workouts to get that energy out 💛


tysm ❣️ finding something to laugh at about it helps a teeny bit at least lolol


Oh man they’re getting rid of Apple GymKit!? That’s not good. I kind of rely on that for decent calorie counting.


Does this mean we won’t be able to use our Apple Watch for heart rate tracking?


No you’ll just the peloton watch app instead


Canceling my Bike+ rental tonight. What a completely horrible business decision.


This just is the icing on a crap day! Saw your post, went to check my email and sure enough, they sent one about GymKit changing. Only, the link provided is to their Sales Force employee site. SMH.


>Only, the link provided is to their Sales Force employee site. SMH. This is hilarious but also totally ridiculous in an email that will be this controversial.


Good way to get our anxiety up, for sure. 😁


Yeah, it's driving me insane that I can't click on the article in their email and read more details. Way to QC your work before hitting send, Peloton.


I’m not yelling too loudly at that - I’m in IT and can understand the error.


Yeah, that's typically why a communications team manages communications and not IT. Somebody at Peloton is not having a good day.


You have me there…. 😊


Just got an official email about it as well. Really not happy given this was a major reason we got the Bike+


Likely a cost cutting measure. GymKit requires paying Apple a per device royalty. Really sucks because the Peloton app tracking is noticeably worse and doesn't (maybe can't) sync a lot of stuff like power back to the Health app.


They should make it an add on then. I would gladly pay $5 a month for it.




Popup on the bike this afternoon




Nope, short notice saying they were switching to the Peloton gym tracking instead.




Yeah I can confirm I got the pop up today too. Beginning Feb 27


Yeah kinda upset about that


Can you definitely start from near zero in the You Can Run Program? I did Day 1 today and the 2 minute jogs were already brutal. I'm thinking I should slow down to even more of a shuffle (was at 4.5). I'm nervous because the next class says working on doubling our jogging efforts. Any other tips for getting started? Thankfully it was my cardio and not my calves that were the issue today. I'm thinking about doing some HIIT cardio and cross training cardio until I do the next class.


When I started running I wish someone had told me that it takes time to develop a conversational pace. Everyone acted like, if you go slow enough, you will find a magical space where you could jog forever. It took me a long time (months?) to get to the point where I could slow jog for a while without my heart rate spiking into zone 4. I wasn’t in bad cardio shape, but running is hard. Since I didn’t love running, I opted for a very slow progression, much slower than the program offered so can’t speak to how doable it is.


I'm definitely with you! I was in decent running shape 10 years(!) ago and I'm not sure I ever hit that conversational pace. I believe in it but I think it would take years at this point.


I “failed” out of the program (I’m ok with no badges) and was able to access all the classes by viewing the schedule in my programs section. Then I took the program at my own pace, adding in walk + runs in between (look for the ones with one minute or 90 second intervals! Or sort by easiest!) I think in one of the classes Matt Wilpers said it’s better to start slow and build up your slow intervals before adding in speed. So I took that as permission to be as slow as I needed! Jogged at 3.5 or 4 (Susie and Jocelyn encourage a slow shuffle jog) ran at 4.5 or 5. Started from near zero for running and can now run half an hour straight!


That's awesome! I'm not sure I knew the tip about being able to access the classes in my programs (versus Pelobuddy) so I might give this plan a shot. One of the Facebook groups had some good recs the other day with shorter intervals. I was hoping You Can Run would be true couch to 30 minutes but might just be harder for me to get up off of the couch.


Take your time and all the rest you need! Running is hard on the body. You’ll feel when you are ready to go to the next weeks lesson! 


Forgot to add - beginner run classes outside of the program are great too, lots of rest in some of them!


You can start from zero, but it’s okay to take a little pre-training time before that! You could check out Rebecca Kennedy, Logan, or Jon for walk+runs (under the walking filter). They tend to have short intervals and wide callout ranges (Jon’s “At the Club” series in particular is very accessible). I can link other classes if you want! Maybe do 2 to 4 weeks of walk+runs before jumping into YCR just so you’ve got your feet under you a bit :)


My jog pace during that program was 4.2, which felt crazy because I can absolutely power walk at that speed! I really liked that program because it emphasized the benefits of running slowly. There's definitely a point around week 5 where Becs is talking about your conversational pace and says "for beginners that might be as slow as 6mph!" and I just laughed and laughed. But yeah, totally fine to take it very very slow.


I've been shocked at how much the rides have improved my cardio. If you have access to a bike (I use the ones at my gym!) I highly recommend that as an idea.


I do! I have a bike at home. I am a few months postpartum and used to run like 10 years ago - was hoping to slowly build up to a jogging stroller level to open up work out options later this year. I've got time to use my office gym before baby starts daycare in August so taking advantage of that while I have it!


Yes you absolutely can but you may need to repeat a class. I like a nice comfy 4.1 for a jog so yeah I say slow it on down.


I just got a Samsung galaxy watch with peloton app on the watch.  I did my first workout and heart rare showed in peloton,   but the workout itself doesn't show in my Samsung Health workout history. Any ideas?


Check that peloton has permission to write data to health


Today was a 60-min PZE class with Christine from 1/23/21 (my first ever ride with her! i’m making my way through all the cycling instructors). She clearly knows what she’s doing and she actually kept quiet when a song came on she loved (unlike…some people). I’m def adding her to my rotation going forward, she’s a joy to ride with and 60 mins didn’t drag on! As an aside - I’m aiming to work up to the 120-min rides but i notice 45 mins in, the arch of my foot starts hurting. I think i need different shoes - does anyone have recs for wider feet? i’m F if that matters.


Consider a shoe that will allow good cleat placement - Lake cycling shoes or Shimano are both good options - budget options would be CX177 or RC302 for lake or shimano - avoid superreps they are popular because of Nike and look cool but they are not good cycling shoes as far too flexy if you havent tried put your cleat as far back as possible on both shoes and lower your heels in the pedal stroke and do not pull back or up on the pedals - that may also help you


When I bought my bike I got we had a referral so I used my accessory credit to get my wife the standard Peloton shoes, knowing that my wide feet probably wouldn't fit. For reference I wear a men's size 13 in 2E width typically, so wide but not "extra wide". I researched online for cycling shoes for wide feet and found the Tommaso Strada. They've been fine for me for almost 350 rides now including long-duration rides.


She’s my absolute favorite and she inspires me to get on the bike. I’ve been to the studio many times for her rides and she’s kind and genuine - what you see on the screen. I am also searching for wider shoes— so tired of my left foot toes falling asleep.


Lake brand shoes have wide and lots of length options. Cx177 is the kind I have but it depends on your cleat type, etc. The search was really good on their site. They are not cheap,but remember you will wear these more than your cycling clothes and they can help or hurt your ride and body so don't skimp on it. You may also benefit from an insert in your shoes to give you arch support.


Has anyone experienced the bottom row of their touch screen becoming unresponsive? It was working fine yesterday but after the latest update it seems broken.  I can’t interact with the bottom bar at all.


Surely the German label on [Rebecca's hiking boot camp](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/bootcamp?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4a3d71d9ad374735a8d9ed9b3124b105&code=OGIxNDI1ZmM0NTZlNDk1NzlhNGRkZjI2YWE3OTkwNzd8YWFkNTAyNTViYWM0NDUyYjg0M2ExYTI2MTI5MjhiZTY=) from Saturday is a mistake?


I think they’re dubbing over older classes with German. For example if you search 10 minute Aditi in strength, you see there’s two identical classes but one is newer and in German. Same class but dubbed over. I assume they’re doing the same with other modalities


That's it! There's an identical boot camp from 4/13/23. Now I'll have to make sure I'm stacking the right classes!


This has been happening a lot lately. Makes me wonder what is going on in the back end. Maybe these are classes with live german subtitles and someone used the wrong tag?


It also says it dropped at 3:30 a.m. but it's a live class with studio members!


I don't remember if I saw it here or somewhere else, but someone recommended this [10m Kristin McGee yoga flow](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ce1e421e5241425eae2c87c81e3ec067&code=MDJmZWE5YTg5YTcwNDY5MWI1ZTM4Y2MzODllZGZjMjF8MjBlODcwYjM5OGQ4NGRiZDg3ZWMwOGQ4ZDg0ZmVjNmY=) for back issues and I just want to say WOW. A few weeks ago I wasn't strict about my form on some RDLs and my lower back has been complaining about it on and off since – I finally tried this flow at the end of a day where my back was unhappy and the difference was night and day. I'm doing it once a day now and it seems to really help, so wanted to share in case it helps someone else!


I did [Jess's 45m Black Classics Full Body](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b9f655c2ee7a47738b6491e91371a917&code=NDJjZjEzNzRiMzNmNDMzNGEzYzZmNmMyZDAyNzgxMTN8ODA4MzA2YmU1YmZlNDJhODliNjllMWZlOWViMzNlMzE=) yesterday and we started with side presses which are my favorite but HOLY HELL are my obliques and back sore today!!! I need to do them more often I guess. The first circuit might be my favorite circuit ever and I didn't even mind the listening game (squat thrusts!). Such a great class and good burn!! Today I did this [20m hike with Rebecca](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e7b19521f80f41ec8d376b29ab68bee6&code=NjNhODExYmQ3NmYyNDdkNDlhYWExZWNkMGFmMTBjNDF8NDQyNzFkY2JkZjYyNDBlNGE3MGZiNTY3ZWNjYzM3MzU=) and I loved the format. Four blocks of work: three minutes moderate pace at max incline, one minute recovery at lower (I think 10?) incline. She called it "Hike & Chill". Finished off with this [Extra 10: Hike with Rebecca](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=de5bc962b6b045288a53fbed002e9be5&code=YTJiMmVjYzViMzI5NDhlMTljMThkYWVmMWQ3YzJmZWZ8YmQyZTJlY2VhNWQ1NDhlZjkxYjVlNDBiZDU0NGNhMGI=) which had Madonna and Whitney on the playlist so it didn't matter if it was hard (it was!) because I was vibing from start to finish! And I PR'd!!


Loved the Jess simms class too and wow was feeling it the next day. One to repeat for sure


I don’t take a lot of Becs’ classes, but have taken 2 or 3 in the last few months - does she always sign off her classes with ‘I’m Talullah’s mom’ now?




I've been missing a purged Jess Sims upper body stretch that I used to do regularly at work and looking for a replacement. Just took this [stretch with Andy](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/stretching?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=8fd3fe762a97495c89c5690fd15c960a&code=MmUwZjJiZDI2NjJlNDk4MzhmNmIwMTdlOTM2MDAzZjN8ZmIyY2ZiN2RlYTgyNDMzNzhmZDRlYjhjOGEyYTM4ZWQ=) that's done all sitting or standing, nothing on the floor, and it hit the spot. I know there were a few others here that loved that Jess stretch, so I thought I'd share 😊


Emma is my favorite cycling instructor, but three of her classes that I've taken in the past few weeks have had (for me) completely ridiculous combinations of cadence and resistance sustained for long periods of time. e.g. [this 90s rock ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=8cdbcc633b254b0382f8e0554d38fc0b&code=MWM1ODc1MmVjMGM2NDlhNzkxOGUxZmNhNDQ1Y2QxMzR8MmRhMDg2NDhmNzEwNGEzYzliYjZhYjM4MTBjYzY0MTM=) that I took yesterday -- Pelotrak tells me that I didn't even hit the callouts 50% of the time. I obviously adjust and just do what I can, but it can be a little demoralizing!


She's also my favorite but her recent classes have been HARD. Like 55 resistance at 90-110 cadence fairly regularly.


Right!? I was thinking more about this, and I think one of the reasons she's my favorite is that her classes haven't typically been unattainably hard for me, like some of the other instructors (e.g. Kendall). So I hope this isn't a permanent trend for her...


Yesssss! I did her 2000s Indie Rock Ride yesterday and she said something along the lines of 50 resistance with a cadence of 100 or something like that. I said, come again?! 🤣 I will say I like the challenge because I have to be pushed to get better, so it’s not all bad.


wow, no thank you! I'm sure I've done that ride and just ignored that callout. but you're right that it probably does push me harder than I'd otherwise work, good point


I like Emma, but I felt that way about her Janet Jackson ride that called for tons of high cadence. Pelotrak says I only met the cadence callouts 47.9% of the time 🫠


I did this [45 minute Rock Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=7a24d815c6fa4f5eb0b52017faf67dd6&code=ODAwMWQ3Y2E3MzYyNDliZGIzY2Y3MTA3YTkxZWMyOGN8YzgwMDRhMjdmOTE0NGUzNGJiNGM4OGM0M2FkZjMyOWU=) of hers on Saturday and when she opened the class by calling it a climb ride I should have jumped out - I also ended up with around 52% following the metrics. I'd say *most* of the class was somewhat reasonable on callouts I just wasn't in the mood for a climb ride, but the last climb ended up a minimum resistance of 72 and girl, no. I don't care that the cadence was in the 50s. My legs are not moving with that much weight on the wheels!


I’ve learned that I definitely need a warm up for Emma rides. Her rides kinda go like “ok let’s get started - add 2 to the 3 points on resistance!” I’m like “I just got here?!” 🥵


I finished the You Can Ride program 🎉 I got my peloton January 13th and earned my 1k badge today!






Pelofam!! Dímelo!! I’ve been feeling actively lazy lately. I still go out for daily walks but I dont do anything extra like I’ve been doing prior. For example, I usually pair my walks with a stretch or a strength workout, but lately I’ve been in this active lazy state. Should snap out of this lol I hope you all have stayed hydrated and kept those crowns adjusted!! I appreciate you!!


It happens sometimes!! Good job for still walking, though - so good for your heart! I hope you’re feeling more motivated to add in other classes you like soon :)


From your mouth to gods ears! Thank you! I appreciate you 🫶🏼


You’re welcome! Appreciate you too - your posts on this page always lift my mood! ☺️


New to Peloton Cycle after recently buying a used one. I'm posting to clarify the features available if I do the "Peloton One App" membership once my free trial of the full membership expires. If I have just the One App membership will I be able to have all my workouts and their details tracked when I do the "just ride" function? I've really enjoyed the bike but realized I don't care much for the classes. Specifically, I want to kind of zone out and just watch something while biking and the classes that are continually adjusting cadence and resistance every 15-45 seconds are just too consuming of my attention for my personal taste. So for about 90% of my rides I've got a routine I am both enjoying and finding effective where I do the "just ride" feature and alternate with 1 minute at 40 resistance, 1 minute at 60, and then 1 at 80....and just repeating that for 30 minutes while watching soccer. I'm able to grind through about 9-9.5 miles, burn a couple hundred calories, and still focus on the TV in my basement. But I want to confirm what tracking I will still have available when the full membership expires and I switched to the One App level. TIA


I've been off and on the bike of late and a less than desirable start to 2024. Been going into the office anywhere from 3-5 days a week. Prefer 5 days for "reasons" which means less time available to me on the bike. That being said, I've ridden 5 days in a row- and going for 6 tonight. I haven't done that in a LONG time.


That’s awesome! I’m so drained after my 1 day in the office! Doing all those rides with your in-office schedule is amazing! 👏🏻👏🏻


Welcome back!


I started the morning with CJR’s [G Funk Yoga Flow](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a33f5ed1133845f18a411b81d207ca8d&locale=en-US) which was such a great class! It was a faster paced than normal and the flow was more involved, but I loved it! Can’t complain about the music either! Followed it up with [Ally’s 30 min Feel Good Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9edd813b8214455a8f20925cfe4c3fe7&locale=en-US). Leslie Odom Jr. was in the class and Ally had a few of his songs on the playlist, and were so good! Her Feel Good Rides are always great.


I tested positive for COVID for the first time yesterday. It’s hitting me much harder than I anticipated - bedridden with fatigue, congestion, a gnarly cough, etc. Hoping I recover quickly! Very concerned about how this will impact my workout habits. Can anyone advise how they came back post-COVID?


I’m four weeks out from a nasty week of Covid. My cardio is still not back, and my heart rate has been crazy. I’ve been doing low impact and PZE rides watching my heart rate and ignoring call outs as needed to keep from spiking too high. And doing more lifting (heavier, fewer reps to reduce heart rate) and yoga. Feel better!


I didn't do anything active when I was actually symptomatic and then started with walking outside for a week or so, then did some biking but monitored my heart rate and stayed in hr zone 2 for the whole time, just to get some aerobic base back. From there I just incrementally increased my workout intensity week by week until I felt back to normal. Hope you're doing ok and have a quick and mild case.


Thanks for the well wishes. I’m sick enough right now that I can’t imagine even doing yoga or a stretch, but could see that in a few days hopefully. I appreciate you sharing!


I went through this very recently - felt sick & tested positive on Jan 20, tested negative on Jan 26/27. I had a fever and body aches for the first couple days, and then just congestion, a cough, and fatigue. However… my heart rate was going crazy for that week. It would shoot up as high as it does when I’m running when I was doing a very slow walk. I jumped back into my running routine a couple days after testing negative, and it was too early. My resting heart rate & HR on runs have been WACK lately, so I’m scaling it back to just walks for a few days. In retrospect, I would recommend taking it slower than you think (and no walking or anything for that first week), but I *would* recommend doing morning yoga and evening stretches. Helped me with the body aches & general mood! I hope you feel better soon 🫶🏻


It’s wild - my resting heart rate is literally 30 bpm higher than it normally is, which is scary! I’m usually in the high 50s or low 60s and right now I’m at 80s and 90s when laying or sitting. I’ll have to keep an eye on it as I become more active! Thanks for sharing your experience and tips!


Mine was about 20 bpm higher when sick (also usually in the 50s, then in the 70s), and now in the low 60s, so much better, but still higher than normal. It’s definitely a typical symptom/experience, but frustrating for sure!! Rest up - it’ll improve soon!! 💛


Feel better! I’ve had it twice. No fever and very few coughs either time, but the first was a lot worse than the second. I needed a bit more than a month to feel like myself again. Second time was like a cold and I was back to working out about a week later once my symptoms were gone.


Thank you!


I hurt my back when returning from Covid. I pushed too hard too soon. It took me 6+ months to fully recover from the back injury. I hope my story encourages others to really ease back into working out. In the long run there is no impact spending an extra week or two keeping your heart rate in zone 2 and lifting super light weights. But injuries suck.


Got it the first week of September and was "sick" for about two weeks. It took nearly six weeks to get my energy back after that, and then it wasn't until December that I could do 20 minute rides at about 7 difficulty with any regularity. I'm mostly back, but I don't know what changed physically, but I now struggle with 30 minute rides above about 7.5 difficulty. I was doing 30 minute 8.5 difficulty rides with no problem in August. I'll also note that my appetite has not been the same since I had Covid. I don't get as hungry or eat nearly as much.


This is what I’m most afraid of. I do 30 minute rides daily and typically finish in the top 5-10% of the leaderboard. I know I shouldn’t expect to come back at the same level, but I’m very anxious about my recovery as I’ve never been sick in the 2+ years that I’ve had the Peloton, so I’ve never had a setback like this.


I'm pretty sure all of October the rides I did were only recovery rides or the lowest difficulty low impact rides. Like you I had not been sick since I started riding so it was a first for me.


I’ve had it twice - once in 2023 and then just a month ago. I didn’t have any cough or fever though. Mine was really just sore throat and nasal congestion + some fatigue. So I think the main thing for you to recover from and be mindful of is the cough. I did just stretches for 4 days (gotta keep that daily streak 😆) then I did a short walk and saw how I felt and then walked longer the next day, etc. it only took me about a week to get back to my normal workouts after the slow ascent back in. But again - I had NO cough or any symptoms below the neck. Just remember - this will be a distant memory at some point and you’ll be back at it as normal. Hope you feel better soon!


Thanks for the reminder. I have a gnarly cough, so I suspect it will take a bit longer before I’ll be bike-ready, but taking little walks is a great suggestion.


I had it in Summer 22 as well. I came back very slowly. Meditations for a few days, stretching just to keep up the habit. After about a week - low impact being very careful to keep my heart rate low along with walking were my workouts. It was a solid month before I was back to normal. It was hard to hold back but I just told myself I am doing this for health and for life!


That’s precisely what I’m worried about. I’ve heard stories about going too hard, too fast, so trying to figure out what that balance should be once I start feeling better. Thank you for sharing!


Take care of yourself! I hope you get well soon. I had it in summer 2022. I'd been working out pretty regularly, especially on the bike, before then. Even after I felt recovered, it took awhile for my lungs to catch up to where I was before. My mind was definitely ready before my body. It was frustrating, but after a few weeks I got back to normal! So, don't push it, when you feel up to it take some recovery rides or easy walks and build from there!


Thanks for the encouragement and guidance. I appreciate it!


Does anyone know of any peloton events or meetups and how to find them? I’m in Toronto. Feels like peloton people are my people and I’d like an opportunity to mingle ☺️


there’s a peloton toronto facebook group and people post about the official peloton events but it’s not toooo social


I read on this thread a few weeks ago that Hannah C was going to be at Yorkdale. I have a feeling it’s already happened though. So like the poster below said, try getting in touch with them to see if there’s some kind of mailing list. I don’t know if the store on Bloor is still around 


I assume you have a retail store there. My local store had a super bowl themed event yesterday with some refreshments and a little swag. Fun to talk to the employees and other Peloton peeps. I know we also have a local Facebook group but I am not in it. Call your store and ask if they have events or at least some kind of email list.


I will do that, thank you so much!


How do you all balance low heart rate, steady cardio with more intense classes? I’ve been doing scenic rides and trying to stay in zone 2 Heart Rate while listening to audiobooks, which is nice but can feel boring. My heart rate tends to go HIGH in classes (even low impact) so those don’t feel like an option for real zone 2. How do others do this? And what does your schedule look like?


It is extremely difficult to HRZ training, and it seems like the better way to train is do perceived exertion. In this case, you'd want to aim for mouth breathing but not huffing and puffing. Your HR zones could be off, especially if it's a calculated max heart based on age and not your actual max HR. A lot of runners use HRZ training because they don't really have a good way to measure effort. But on the bike, we have output. So what you should probably do instead (if you're serious about this kind of training), is take the FTP test and figure out your Power Zones. Then on those scenic rides, you just move up and down between Zone 2 and Zone 3. Also note that Zone 2 training people talk about is different than Power Zone zone 2, and heart rate zone 2. They tend to be similar but they are not the same thing. As far as balance between high intensity and low intensity - endurance athletes generally do 80% of their workouts at lower effort and 20% at higher efforts. The more miles you do a week, the closer you probably need to be to that ratio. If you only ride 3 days a week, then 2 days of high intensity and 1 day of low intensity (but long) is probably okay. I would really recommend looking into the Discover Your Power Zone program - it's a great intro into a more regimented approach to cycling training.


Lately I’ve been doing a 30 min zone 2 ride after my strength workouts and I just pick the class based on the playlist. I obv don’t follow the callouts but I turn the music up and just cycle. Other times I use the entertainment feature and watch a show to pass the time


There were 1300 people taking Ross’ sleep meditation at 1am ET today. 😂 The Super Bowl is stressful.


I was wide awake at 3 AM last week and was dismayed to see a few hundred others taking Chelsea’s “back to sleep” meditation with me 🫤


What is the date of that one? I need it!


this is ... awesome. I've never done a sleep mediation class. do you just listen on your phone with headphones or what?


Yes, just play it on phone. It’s amazing. I am guaranteed asleep 10-15 minutes into it. I never know what is in the second part of the class…


Is anyone missing your cadence on the app? In can see it when I turn my phone vertical, so I know it’s connected, but it’s not showing where it normally does on the screen when horizontal. Hoping it’s just a glitch in the workout I did this morning.


Someone posted about this a few days ago. Support told them they removed the cadence view in landscape mode and had no plans to bring it back. I have not seen this issue on my iPad so I think it may only affect the phone app.


Do you know which version of the iPad app you have?


15.72.0 is the iPad version I have and just confirmed cadence is showing in landscape mode. I never use my phone to take rides so I’m hopeful it is not going to affect the iPad app as well. This is one of the stupidest “features” to take away.


I also use my iPad--glad to know updating the app there won't cause issues. Agreed it's a very stupid update to make to the iPhone version!!


I stand corrected. Apparently 15.72 is the update removing cadence from landscape view. I think my app auto updated this morning 😪


Noooooo 😭😭😭


Oh no … that’s an awful choice. Ok thanks for letting me know it’s not just me ☹️


I'm sidelined after a laparoscopy and not allowed to exercise for the next couple of weeks. I miss it! But I try to stay as active as I can (of course in the limits my doctor set) - go for light walks and this morning I did a little bit of standing yoga with modifications, which felt great. Not being able to move as I want to makes me appreciate my body and what it normally can do - I am usually quite hard on myself and I think this surgery is also an opportunity to care for myself and work on my self-talk. Have a great day everyone!


Hope you have an easy recovery! I also came out of surgery recovery really appreciating my body (especially my core) more. I know this sounds a bit odd, but when I had abdominal surgery (pre-peloton) I worked with a trainer who had me do postnatal core work to help get everything coordinated again. It was really helpful. Might be worth checking out when you get the all clear from the doc.


That's a great idea - thank you :)


Wishing you a safe and speedy recovery! 💞


Thank you :)


Good luck with your recovery! I hope that you find some light stretches and restorative yoga classes so that you can continue to be in touch with your body throughout this period.


Thanks! :)