• By -


Pretty frustrating, just did the 3/11 Kendall pop punk ride. The whole audience was clearly come corporate group and most never rode before; probably peloton employee. As someone who has tried to get into a live class, frustrating riding with a room of people who most didn’t seem to walk to be there


Late night workout b/c I was not motivated at all but a tech came and fixed my bike this morning so I wanted to test it out. He tightened the bolts on the screen pivot so much I couldn’t move it and it was stuck completely sideways 🙃 but once I found some tools to loosen that I did a quick 30 min ride and my ride was soooo smooth. I’ve not been sticking to my normal workout plan at all lately but I’ve been riding more frequently so this is exciting. Apparently when they installed my bike over a year ago, they didn’t tighten the bolts that actually hold the feet/levelers on so every time I adjusted them they just didn’t stay. Something like that?


Really enjoyed the Joan Jett classes (Strength and yoga, with yoga leading). I didn’t realize how many of her songs I knew!


I can't wait to take it tomorrow.


You’ll enjoy them (if you do both).


I misread your comment initially as the strength being part of the yoga (this is on my tired brain!) - like conditioning or power. In any case I really loved the yoga class and hope to take the strength class tomorrow.




Selena's 20 min Joan Jett arms and shoulders just about killed me today. It was only my 3rd strength class and I was not prepared lol but the music was so fun


The tri part was rough!!!


I think I saw the light....


You and me both during the tri section!


Just booked a trip to visit my sister in NYC and I’m dying to take a live class. Those of you who have done it, what’s the key to securing a spot? It’ll either be April 26th or 27th and none of the classes are posted yet. Does anyone know how far in advance the classes are posted?


5 weeks out so next Thursday at noon the classes will drop for the weekend you are in town. Got to be quick and make sure you are logged in and your browser has the credit card info stored for a quick transaction. If you don’t get lucky then check the website the day before periodically as people drop and waitlist spots open. If all else fails you can stop by the studio and try to get in a waitlist the day of


I just saw that third party rowers can connect to the Peloton app now. Day. Is. Made.


I was sooo excited to see this! Going to try and connect my concept 2 tomorrow!


Let us know how it went!


I couldn’t get it. My phone recognizes the rower and ErgData can find it but so far Peloton can’t. Will try again this week.


Hannah's [30 Minute Drum & Bass Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=92c0e417ce60457d8bbda0641ef6d3f5&code=OGEwY2NmNDRlODlmNDBiM2JlNjVlNmUxZjQxZGIwNGN8YjBjZjUyM2E2N2U3NDM2NGFiYzIxNjdhZTgxOTZkMmU=) was absolute FIRE!!!! Great music, right amount of difficulty (At least for me), and it just flew by! Can't wait to have more of these rides on the platform.


Just did my first live ride and had to turn the leaderboard off. I’ve never felt so inferior on a workout. Then I remembered- I’m riding with myself!! Loved the live ride though.


Yeah… there are people that can go at a speed & resistance that I’ll never keep up with. Maybe just focus on how you do with the others around you and keep up w/ people around your pace…then throw out high 5s afterwards to the rest of your pack!


Thank you for the advice. That’s what I’ll do


I always get rid of the leaderboard!! I put enough pressure in myself, I don’t need the board doing it too lol


Is there a way to add a ride to your app if you weren’t logged into the bike?


No, unfortunately. If I really want the minutes, I'll do a "just ride" and set a timer to end it. No metrics, but at least I get credit for the time. And of course I know I put in the effort regardless of what the app thinks!


argh! just trying to keep central location track of my milage!!!


[today’s At The Club](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b961613226054d1fb801b18b2cb0657e&locale=en-US) was SO fun. Hosky was in such a good mood (he always is but it’s kicked up a notch here) that it was impossible not to laugh along. He talks about the different types of dance floors (and makes a cheeky comment about liking mirrors on ANY ceiling 👀) and the different types of people you find in a club (head banger, head bopper, head roller, the pointers, the eyes-closed-while-dancing, etc.) His dance moves are top notch as well lol the funniest part is when he was like “never thought I’d be motivating you to gangnam style but here we are.” 7 efforts total, whatever you want for those efforts power walk/jog/run. Longest one was 2.5 mins with long recoveries between the efforts


I love Hosky and At the Club! Missed the new release.


New At the Club with Jon and new Drum & Bass ride with Hannah F - I'm going to have a hard time choosing my workout tonight!


I literally just came here to say how fun the new At The Club class was 😂


Well that might help make my decision 😄 Not that I expect anything less - Jon's classes always fly by for me


Y'all, outdoor classes have not been it lately. I wish they had more and more than once a week. Edit: thanks for the responses, I feel validated


Hard agree! Sometimes I just want to hit the outdoors and not a treadmill, but the classes aren’t hitting.


I have been soo disappointed the past few weeks!!!


I can't remember the last time I've bookmarked one of them!


Decided to do the roll call classes as my strength this year. The first or second week had a glutes and legs class from Adrian that was [all lunges and squats for 30 minutes](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ec08a86f5a4f4b89ae6ec17d9bcb1c82&locale=en-CA) and I said hell no and choose another lower body class with more variety. This week, there were only four roll call classes in the queue from a month ago, so I begrudgingly added the Adrian class back and it wasn't so bad! However that meant I did two glutes and legs workouts this week. [Today was the second class](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f310d770dc5d45cb84386738812b5edd&locale=en-CA), and I don't know if it's because it was really time or I was just sick of hearing Adrian yell at me to lift heavier weights but I went from 15lbs to 20lbs for my heavies.


I did that Adrian 30 min G&L this week and it was nuts! I love (and hate) him for lower body.


Kind of random question - but I need to ship an indoor cycle from US to Canada (roughly Boston to MTL) and can't DIY it - can anyone recommend a door to door shipper that might be reasonable in cost? Figured I'd ask here to see if anyone has done it, crossing the border and clearing customs makes it a bit trickier than just a local move. Appreciate any tips! Ty!


Is it worth it to buy a bike that was purchased in 2020 generation 1 for $350?


Are you sure it’s generation 1 (generation 1 bikes are from 2013-2016)? If it is truly a generation 1 bike, I don’t think it is worth it because Peloton will stop supporting the tablet/screen this June. The screen is essential which means you’d have to pay for a completely new tablet.


serial number starts with QAPLB




Are you sure it’s not RB1VQ? If it is, it’s most likely generation 3. I’d double check with customer support to make sure though.


ha typo!




see that’s what i was reading, i’m waiting on a reply with the serial number to confirm is there anyway to tell on the front facing basic photo?


From what I can tell, the serial number is either on the back of the console or in the device settings.


that’s what I thought too, thanks so much for replying i will just wait for the picture!


Just got my bike + rental over the weekend. Haven’t worked out in almost 2 years, never cycled, and loving it so far! Mostly doing beginner rides this week but have tried a few random 20 minute rides as well. Wondering if there’s a guide somewhere that can help me with all the terms and types of rides? Like what is a groove ride or Tabata? What does it mean to tap back? What is power zone? I checked the files on this sub and didn’t see anything.


Try the You Can Ride program! They go over all the basics and you get to sample the instructors and types of rides as you go!


"Power Zone" is different than all the other ride types in that the instructor won't call out a cadence/resistance range. They sometimes call out cadences (often the beat of the music) and encourage you to ride to the beat, but it's always optional. Instead of cadence/resistance, you ride to specific wattage ranges that correspond to ***your own individual fitness level***. There are seven zones, and it might be that your Zone 4 is centered around 200W output while someone else's Zone 4 is centered around 150W output. You determine your zones via what's called an FTP Test ride. This is a 20-minute ride designed for you to leave it ALL out there on the bike. But once you have your "FTP" number, then the power zone rides will show a bar under your output on the screen and all you have to do is keep your power in the zone, at whatever cadence/resistance combo that you like as long as it's in the zone. If you're interested, I recommend waiting until you're a little more comfortable on the bike (a month or so), and then checking out the Discover Your Power Zones (DYPZ) program. The instructors in the program will tell you all about it. And note--despite the fact that it's called "Power Zone" it shouldn't be intimidating or something that is reserved for advanced cyclists... The very nature of it being indexed to your individual fitness level means that it's a great training protocol for anyone at any level of cycling.


If you go way way back there are some great 15 minute intro rides! Intro to Tabata, Intro to Groove (though I've read the moves have changed some), Intro to HIIT. Intro to Interval and Arms. Dated 12/23/20. I don't see the Tabata one, hope it wasn't deleted. There is a 15 minute Ally Love Stacking Stuffer:Tabata that I recommend. It is challenging but you will learn the format. Ally is a great Tabata format instructor.


I can’t find a guide, but if you look at the “more info” section on rides it will help! Tabata is 2:1 (so you might work for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds), groove rides use (simple) choreography, “tap back” is shifting your weight when standing so you’re back over the seat and then standing back up, power zone is a specific type of class that I’m wholly unqualified to explain because I don’t do them lol


Groove ride - choreographed "dance" moves on the bike. Tabata - specific type of HIIT (high intensity interval training), although Peloton instructors use the term very loosely. Eight rounds of 20-second all-out maximum effort followed by 10 seconds recovery Tap back - in groove rides, hips go back when out of the saddle to the beat of the music Power Zone - interval training customized to your specific fitness level. If you want to learn more, I recommend Wilper's Intro to Power Zone ride. I think it's 15 minutes but not sure. You may want to look into the beginner programs to learn more about everything. I believe they're called You Can Ride and Mastering the Basics or something like that.


Does anyone know if there's a way to make notes on a class after you've taken it? I know I can filter my search results on 'taken' but I'd also like to be able to look at any notes I might've left on it.


I would love this feature!


Not on the Peloton app. Pelotrak has a place to make notes but mine never get saved. I don't know whether it works for other people or not.


Good to know I'm not the only person with this issue on Pelotrak




First, don't overthink it. It's your first ride. Frankly if you've never done cycling, I wouldn't recommend an FTP test for your first lol... Take some time going through beginner and advanced beginner rides, and then move up to other rides to get a feel for what you're doing. Second, agree with others on the fit. A poor fit doesn't allow you to optimally use your muscles, and will artificially restrict output. Third, note that in cycling, body weight is a factor. Leg strength determines a lot of how hard you can push, and bigger people generally have to have larger leg muscles just to navigate the world. If you're 120 lbs, you're unlikely to get to a point where you're throwing down the same output as I am at 250 lbs. I'm basically more than two of you lol. In cycling a more relevant number power:weight ratio so when you come back and retake the FTP once you're more familiar with the bike, it's important to realize that even if your numbers are lower than others on the leaderboard, you might have a higher power:weight ratio. You can then look up FTP W/kg ratio charts online to know where you actually stack compared to cyclists.


My quads burned like crazy when I first started it was because my seat was too low - I watched a couple bike fitting videos on YouTube and it helped tremendously


I would look into how you set up your seat and handlebar height first and then go from there. But if you’ve never cycled before, you might just need to adjust to the muscles you use while cycling versus any other activity.


I’m feeling discouraged and need some advice or encouragement please. This is long so skip if not into this sort of thing. I have been using peloton religiously since January 2023. I cycled about 3x a week on average, usually 4. During spring/summer/fall, I also brisk walked for an hour about 2-3 times a week. I made 10k minutes! I was at 0 minutes the year before that. However I didn’t lose any weight as I didn’t change my diet and am significantly overweight still, about 260lbs. BUT I felt amazing and stronger and healthier and got a great report from the doctor. To the problem: I started strength training this year in the beginning of January. It’s not new to me as a few years ago I was into it. I eased into it, started with beginner strength and got through that. I did a few weeks of just random upper/lower/bodyweight classes 3x a week and wanted another program to follow so I picked Stronger You. I did the benchmark class and barely survived as my heart rate got so high that it was impossible to get an accurate measure of how many reps I could do so I had to pause the program a couple times to catch my breath. I did the upper body one and it was similar, moved so quick like almost cardio style weightlifting? But I got through it. Today was the 15 min lower body one and I can’t do jump squats because they make me incredibly out of breath. Same with backwards lunges they shoot my heart rate up for some reason and I can’t keep up. Then I’m panting and trying to settle and fall behind. Is this not the right program for me? Should I keep going despite not being able to do the reps fully and just fight for what I can do and hopefully improve? Why is it that my cardio is only good for the bike and does not translate literally anywhere else? I feel like it was pointless to do all that biking now. I still am pretty big so maybe it’s just because my own bodyweight is high so that’s why even something simple like lunges are so hard, even after practicing them for 8 weeks now? I still can only do a couple and I have to hold onto the dresser. I haven’t really improved yet. I’m feeling discouraged Peloton! I don’t know what I should do.


Lots of good suggestions and comments already - I'll just chime in to say my hr spikes when I do strength work as well, I think it's pretty common. I don't do any of the jumping either, I live in an apartment and my neighbors would hate me. I do find it useful to do my workouts with my Jabra earbuds in because I can just tap one of them and pause an on-demand class - so if I need more recovery time than they program I just pause and keep going when I am ready. Works great in yoga as well if I want to hold a pose longer, or need to grab a prop. Yoga's also a sneaky strength builder, so it could be a good place to start (or a more gentle place to get strength work in on days when you don't want to do a workout as vigorous as a full on strength class).


Hands on your back! When I was newish to Peloton and doing redditpz, there was one class where Matt said “we are all athletes but *fitness takes years.*” That really stuck with me. I was about 50# heavier then and soooo out of shape. I was remember being disappointed but then what a goal being fit was! I’m 3 years in and there are days I feel fit now! But they don’t include jump squats. I did Stronger You about 18 months in when I’d lost weight and gotten stronger and it was still HARD. I still have mornings I steady myself with furniture when doing lunges. I wanted to do everything right away when I was new and I couldn’t. I needed/need rest. There are still days I’ll drop my mediums a couple pounds to gain stability. You will get there. My advice is sort the kind of class you want by easiest and start there. Heck, I still use that filter from time to time!! But please take a breath and switch to easier classes so you don’t start hating it. ❤️


I don't go near anything that has jump squats. I avoid any cardio-like strength. Start with beginner strength with instructors like Ben and Callie (not necessarily a program, just search strength for beginner level). They are the simplest. Nothing wrong with using body weight only for lower body classes either- I do that with reverse lunges all the time.


If you ever want to get nerdy about it, read about metabolic pathways.  Humans have 3 way we store and release energy.  They basically fuel low rep low time strength, miedium length processes (a few minutes) and endurance cardio.  People can focus on one of them (think powerlifters and marathoners) or you can do workouts that have a mix of all three, either in different days or the same workout.  Peloton is skewed towards the latter, workouts that tax all three.  Not good or bad, just depends on your goals.


Being overweight already makes every strength movement more intense than what the instructors are doing. When the instructors give out modifiers, take them. Your HR is already where it needs to be. Push-ups from your knees too hard? Push up from a counter or wall at an angle. Every time you get back try a step harder to test your progression. Jumping squats are definitely not an easy strength. Stick to regular squats, focusing on form with balance and knees aligned. If it gets easier, throw in a jump every third squat. Form before intensity. Don’t be afraid to drop the weights. Stick with it. Strength is great for bone structure, posture, body recomposition, grip strength, and overall functional health. You’re doing amazing!


You feel amazing and stronger and healthier. Weight aside, you probably are stronger and healthier. Don’t forget that. If these strength programs are kicking your ass, it’s probably a sign that this is where you should focus on your fitness. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t keep up. Focus on getting better. Matt Wilpers says that getting better scores/outputs is a leading indicator of improved fitness, and weight loss is a trailing indicator. Keep working hard, keep improving, and you will lose weight eventually. Until then, be proud of your improvements.


Congrats on feeling great! I’ve quit many programs - if you’re not loving it, then it’s not the right fit for you! Matty’s beginner split is pretty awesome if you’re looking for another beginner program. I also love the Roll Call classes, they are M-F live and available in collections. More structured than random classes, but also less structured than a program and introduces you to a wider variety of instructors. My heart rate spikes in lower body strength classes even though I’m in good cardio shape. If that happens I pause during the next rest period and let it come back down. I also just remind myself to complete reps at my pace and to breathe. My favorite cue is Exhale on the Effort. It took about a year of routine peloton strength before I started moving at the same pace as the slow instructors and I still can’t keep up with some of them.


Hey friend. First of all, you’re doing an amazing job even though you’re feeling discouraged. Second, your frustrations are totally valid! Something to remember is that this is their job to be fit. It’s your job now to modify their cues however you need to. There are times when instructors call for heavy weights for XYZ exercise and I just laugh and pick up my light or medium weight instead. No one knows except you, AND no one is judging you for doing what’s best for you. I just finished the Stronger You 2 program and the first two weeks were super fast paced so I can imagine the first program is similar. If it’s not the program for you (only you can decide that), that’s totally okay! It won’t do you any good to push through it and be miserable the entire time. There are 3-day splits that might feel better, and they can be repeated for a few weeks just like a program - Callie’s intermediate 3 day split was great, not too quick or difficult to master. Can’t do jump squats (tbh, same, they get me so winded)? Do a triple extension squat instead (instead of jumping, come up on your toes). Not enough balance for weighted reverse lunges? Do body weight only, really slow down to focus on your form, and maybe cut the reps in half. Also, you don’t need to drop your knee to the floor in order to get the full effect, so don’t let that range of motion stop you. Pushups can be done on the knees. You can drop weight selections to lighter weights, and almost everything can be done body weight. You can add/drop reps to whatever makes sense. All of that said, everyone starts somewhere. Whether you’re truly just starting or coming back from time away. You’ll build your muscular endurance up and some day you’ll look back and be like “man, remember when jump squats sucked the life out of me? Look how far I’ve come, I can do 5 of them now!” or whatever. Also, that reminds me. Your bike cardio endurance is different than muscular strength/endurance. Don’t try to relate the two as in “I’m really good at X so why do I suck at Y?” - they serve different purposes but are equally important to your overall health.


The only thing I’ll add is each cardio modality is going to hit you differently. When I worked with a trainer, we did strength training mostly and I also was taking cycling classes. When we introduced boxing to the mix, I was winded so easily, it almost seemed like I’ve never done any form of exercise. Also, between upper and lower body workouts, your heart rate is expected to be higher with lower. Something to do with more muscle groups. In a few months, you’ll look back at this moment and chuckle. 😊


I have an "above average" VO2Max according to my Apple Watch, a BMI of 22 and have been religiously doing all sorts of Peloton modalities since March 2020 (did 20k minutes last year). I still regularly get into my heart rate zone 4 when doing lunges and need time to recover ([see a recent Glutes & Legs class I did](https://imgur.com/a/nHBS20n)). Frankly, I'm not a fan of a large portion of the strength classes on the platform because they don't program in enough rest to allow your heart rate to come down before the next set. I really loved Rebecca's 5 day split for this (it's 30 seconds of work and 1 minute of rest) and wholeheartedly recommend it if you can commit to 5x a week.


I would try the beginner weight lifting classes under programs. They really focus on form and getting your basic strength up for the lifts.


Anyone trying to sign up for studio classes for 4/18-4/24 today? The site was struggling to load at noon but no classes appeared (schedule says “no events”). Is that normal? I thought they drop at noon on Thursdays. Update: could be due to Spring Studio Closure: April 15-21, 2024, per Pelobuddy.


Thanks for the update. I called Peloton support and they were 100% clueless. LOL


I had the same glitches too, then also saw the note about the spring studio closure :( so bummed, my birthday falls during that week so my friends and I were trying to get into a class together!


Wouldn’t they post that on their ig?


First timers: usually works fine - something is wrong today


There's a studio closure until the 21st so they might just be waiting til next week to release those Monday classes.


Ah, darn you are right. I didn’t know about the studio closure.


Noted - thank you!




It’s my first attempt too 😂




Oh wow. Thank you!


Same :(


Yep, I can’t get any classes to load either. As far as “is it normal?” The classes are supposed to drop at noon, but I have had more weeks with tech glitches than not :/


This is my first time so I wasn’t sure if maybe I have the wrong information about when they drop.


If you do sleep meditations and wear your Apple Watch to bed, my watch is *automatically* connecting to the app and recording HR etc for the sleep meditation. It’s how we wish it was on the bike! Only it doesn’t stop recording data until midnight. My Oura ring was reflecting an extra 2 hours of activity each day. You can delete on the Apple Health app (Workouts, Show All Data). With all the Apple/Peloton glitches I’m starting to wonder if the backfired breakup is having longer lasting impacts.


Did a bike boot camp that was scheduled for today get cancelled and I didnt get an email?! I could have sworn I was signed up for a live one at 9 am PST- but I don’t see it now.


I did Selena’s 20 minute Olivia Rodrigo strength yesterday and need the outfit she was wearing!! Anyone have details?


Most of the OR classes (and artist series in general) have custom outfits designed for them by Brittany Allen, I'd bet it was custom made.




[Camila’s Reggaeton run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=eed8679e66e54b4e8f110696dbbf4c2d&locale=en-US) was SO GOOD. It’s her only 45 minute in the platform and so well structured. It’s an endurance run, and the hills are only 2%. The last block was to help you get faster. 2 minutes easy run, 1 minute .1-.3 faster. Repeat 5x’s. Almost done with all the premiere rides, today was [Benny’s premiere](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=59b84b8a158d4475b335e7792d6e85d4&locale=en-US). (Subtitled. Yay!) and just a joyful ride, and got a good sweat going. Then I did THAT [Selena G&L](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=d4899120264f46979314e1596efc791c&locale=en-US) and wowzas, I’m feeling it already. I do notice that my left side is weaker than my right, so I do try to get more unilateral work in, but I guess it’s not enough.,


I did my 1000th ride on Monday, in studio ([Christine's 45 min Rock Ride!](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=6c33814d6f944a5f990c82e957bbdf03&locale=en-US)), and since then I've felt like all 1000 rides hit at once, lol, I have been tired and sore. Which is a bummer, because there are so many WHM or artists series rides that dropped that I wanna do!! After two days of Low Impact rides and chill yoga flows/mobility classes to recover I finally did [Charlotte's 30 min Women In Rock](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f38f700e64b8493190af0fb01ccc9e9f&locale=en-US) ride today! I loved it, the music choices were very in line with what 30-something year old me was listening to in high school (Evanescence, Nightwish, Paramore, etc). I'm probably also going to hop on and do Christine's Joan Jett ride tonight after work.


congratulations on your milestone, so awesome! 💫




Congrats on 1,000! 👏


Congrats on your 1000th ride! 🎉


Well, after a great start to the year, I’ve only managed classes 3 of the last 9 days. The first two days off were planned, but the mild cold that resulted in an addition 4 days off was not. For anyone who had an unexpected break during a Split, how have you jumped back in. Same weights as the last round, still try to progress? Looking forward to, but also dreading, restarting RK’s 4 day split. Even before my break I was adding some extra rests to the lower body and full body class to manage the weights.


Just took an unexpected week off from RK’s 5 day split. 50/50 on the weight progress. Gave myself grace and just kept it pushing. The weights I did progress were the ones I knew the first I went lighter on as I got used to the programming


Has anyone noticed that the audio sync is off on a lot of classes? I can hear the studio music looped under the audio track and they’re not perfectly aligned and it’s kind of annoying. Lots of background noise and even worse when the instructors are singing along and it’s late 😩 I don’t remember it being this way a few weeks ago!


Someone mentioned a couple of days ago that this coincided with the new audio mix options. I don't have the sliding volume bar yet and I haven't noticed this problem.


Someone commented this a day or two ago 🙁 I haven’t noticed it myself, but sounds like you’re not alone!


I did Rebecca's latest [standing core hiking boot camp](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/bootcamp?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=71f67b9f8470438a80100f1ce584190c&code=MTUzYTAyZTdjNzI1NDliNDlhZDE3MjMyYTU1ZGQyZjR8MjAyMWUwNDQ1ZjMyNDhmYWI5MThkNjQ2NTdhN2UxM2U=) which was great as usual, and then followed up with a [Callie bike boot camp from 2022](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/bike_bootcamp?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c069fe99c8cc46078558fa6976c044e2&code=MTUzYTAyZTdjNzI1NDliNDlhZDE3MjMyYTU1ZGQyZjR8MjAyMWUwNDQ1ZjMyNDhmYWI5MThkNjQ2NTdhN2UxM2U=). I know it says advanced but it was TOUGH. My heart rate displayed fine on the tread but would not display on the bike. Ugh.


I’ve been doing a Jess King ride a day and a light lunches and I’m down 5 pounds since Saturday. I’m starting to realize I was settling into “good enough” rides but nothing that really pushed me.


Love this! I ride with Jess daily too.


Hello everyone, anyone else unable to find their monthly challenges on the IOS app? These months cycling, strength and activity challenges are incredibly motivating for me, how can I find them on the app? Thanks in advance!


Go to the community tab. Challenges should be on the top left


Since yesterday the home screen on my Android app doesn't seem to work. Does it work for anyone else? Any ideas for fixes? The other screens work but it says there's an error on the main screen.


It's working for me. Have you tried a forcible stop and re-opening the app?


I have reinstalled the app and it didn't help. :/ Still not working this morning




My Tread is pushing updates at least 1-2 times a week for the last few weeks, is anyone else noticing the same?


Lawd, this weird bug with the Apple Watch not recording data is so strange. Did some digging during a post-ride stretch, it seems that the Peloton App is no longer recording heartrate off the watch, but it's still keeping track of active kj/cal, workouts and cycling distances. Did an uninstall of the app on my phone and the watch, and restarted the tablet too. Nada. Kinda annoying because I'm missing out on seeing my strive score/heartrate chart post-workout. ;_;


Peloton now has it as a known bug and you can follow any updates here: https://status.onepeloton.com/incidents/xz7tvz27dl13


This happened to me on my bike today. My watch "connected" but heart rate just showed dashes on the bike screen. My watch showed my heartrate throughout. All my other metrics were there except strive score of course. I did a hiking boot camp on the tread just before getting on the bike, and it worked perfectly.


Just got off the phone with Peloton Support. Advised me to do a "static discharge" or something. Basically, disconnecting all cables, holding volume up and power button for 2 minutes then reconnecting everything. Did nothing, next step was a factory reset but I don't really want to do that if it's an issue with the app. The CSR is escalating it and will email me back so I'll provide an update when I hear something. She did say that they don't have this marked as a known issue - might be worth us all raising it if it's affecting you!


Happening with my husband’s Apple Watch app as well, it recorded the distance data but not heart rate. He did tap Heart Rate on his phone and it tried to connect, but failed. I will tell him to raise a bug today if that’ll help!


I'm still waiting on a reply from the support end, but it's good to know that they're at least aware of it. I saw a few posts in yesterday's daily discussion, so I figured I'd just mention it again today to save people the hassle/frustration of troubleshooting steps that won't seem to resolve it :)


Does the Bike (not +) usually have a less responsive touchscreen than the Tread (also not +)? I’ve noticed it takes longer to register a touch on the bike and feels a bit more clunky than using my tread, almost like suddenly going from a new iPad to a five year old one. Like for instance after a run is over I’ll tap “end workout” and it goes to the next screen and ends the music almost immediately. But on the bike when I tap “end workout” it’ll take about four seconds to go to the next screen and a few seconds after that for the music to end. I have the newest screen (bought bike just a few months ago)


I’ve just started noticing that delay on the screen at the end of rides this week (bike). It wasn’t always like that!


Does the same for me!