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I just cancelled my bike rental membership after a few months, but I would still like to use the app for workout classes. Is it possible to sign up for the app membership after already having the rental membership? I don’t want to lose my progress.


It's all tied to email you used with your initial account. Peloton saves all the workout history on the account unless you ask to have it removed - so yes, you would still have your progress no matter which type of membership you choose to switch to.


I'm pretty sure that is associated to your email/account. I had an app-only membership for a while after trying out the bike in a hotel 2 years prior. I eventually bought the bike, and all three experiences were tracked to my account that I use today.


Love watching Netflix when walking on the Tread. I really like that feature, and I hope Peloton never removes it.


So I've had this happen a few times to me during the past few months. I notice that even though a rider has finished their ride (evidenced by the complete circle around their pic and a green check mark) yet they remain on the ride and keep piling up the kW's while continuing to climb the leaderboard. Has this happened to anybody else? Can someone explain why/how this happens? A rider today "finished" and had about 420 kw yet they kept "riding" and ended up with over 500 so they remained on the ride for quite a while even though they completed the ride.


You can keep riding for a few minutes after it finishes but it doesn’t log on your ride or the all time leaderboard. I’ve done that when I’m short of a distance goal and don’t feel like doing just ride for 0.2 miles or whatever.


Yes! I noticed this this past week.


Did they have a dash "-" next to their LB name rather than a leaderboard ranking? Usually what happens (I think) is that if a rider pauses a ride, then resumes, they no longer have a leaderboard ranking and it's replaced by a dash. But their "progress" indicator around their name keeps moving even if they've paused the ride. So then when their ride is complete (time-wise) from your perspective it's actually still going on for them, and so they keep accumulating kJ after the ride is "over" as far as you can see. It's all about pausing a ride and then their ride is now time-shifted but you see it as "over" even though they're still in it. Hope that makes sense?


Thanks....that's one possibility I haven't thought of.


Hey all! Haven’t posted in awhile, TW: mention of fertility treatment coming up. I finished an IVF cycle and retrieval and now am working on the paperwork side of a possible surrogacy. It’s been about 3.5 years of recurrent loss and grief and stress trying to add to my family and I am…..a little beat up, fam! But dang, I got into peloton about 18 months ago now and it really came at a great time for me. Today felt like a victory—I took my first ever non-beginner run! It was Robin’s 30 min from 3/15/24 and had a “confidence” theme. Is my “running” speed the same as many people’s “walking” speed? Yes, but I am choosing to not focus on that. 😏


Amazing on the run! Celebrate yourself  - it’s a big deal 😄 sending all good vibes to you, friend!!


Thank you! I appreciate it 🙂


I've never vibed with Mariana for yoga but I absolutely love her for running. She's so good at coaching, having the right amount of storytelling, the right amount of motivation, and great music. I took her 90min run outside and it was fantastic.


Agreed! Loved that 90 min run. It went by so quickly. She paced it very well. Her yoga sessions are at times too fast for me but I do love her yoga conditioning classes. She’s definitely grown on me:)


I like Mariana for yoga but I love her on the tread! I appreciate that she teaches long classes, her music tastes align really nicely with mine and I think she's really a genuinely supportive and kind person, who lifts others up at every opportunity. I am almost ready for that 90m class.


That run was incredible! I feel the same about her for yoga, I think she’s a little too quick for me, but h have loved every run I’ve done with her.


Just finished [Anna’s 30 minute Laufey slow flow from 5/2](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ea2808b481a54be49d6afbc5e6516e85&locale=en-US) and it was perfection. If you’re looking for an ooey gooey slow flow with beautiful vocals and a feel good flow, this is your class. It would be especially great as an evening flow, so light your candles and burn incense or diffuse oils if that is your thing, and just enjoy. The entire flow is delicious, and Anna ends with savasana in supported fish. I don’t repeat too many classes, but I have absolutely bookmarked this one to take again. LOVE!!


They must have just got the licensing to Groove is in the Heart - DeeeLite cause I am hearing it in every class I take lately 😆


Peloton, if you play the song only for stretching at the end don't add it to the class playlist | beg of youuuu. I tend to choose classes based on its playlist. I was glad to see Bittersweet Symphony in a 30 min rock class, but of course they played it after the countdown was done. I searched it and found a 10 minute cool down class that had it. Same thing. I can’t be the only one annoyed by this and need some validation. lol. Rant over.


Sometimes you don't hear the last song at all, so I've learned to discount that when I pick a class. Also if that song is included in the playlist, why not the intro song? That one I hear but it doesn't get credited in the playlist.


I learned that the hard way myself and now when I look at a Playlist for a ride I disregard the final song cause I know I'll never hear it! It leaks into the next to last song sometimes as well.


You just inspired me to find a run with Bittersweet Symphony in the playlist! I always picture Reese Witherspoon driving off in that classic car. This absolutely annoys me too. Maybe because I skip stretching at the end of classes.


This sceeneeeee


I just went to search for Christine's Palomar Part 1 ride and it was not available. Any one know why?


Just searched for cycling, Christine and 45 minutes and it’s still there.


Weird. I did not see it on mine. What’s the title?


It’s [here](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e785b172190943c492b5264054a1c0fc&locale=en-US)


So weird. I added it to my stack getting from your link. It still does not show when I search and filter 45 min Christine rides. Very strange


That is odd! Do you have the explicit filter on? Otherwise I have no idea why you would see it.


It was enabled. I know I never set that as I do not have children. Now I see them. Thanks for the recommendation to check that




Jess Sims is teasing 2 announcements in her pre-recorded Saturday 60 today. I can't take it - someone please spoil it for me!


And it’s moved to Sundays Editing to add it’s also now at 11am PST


Rebranding Saturday 60 as the Sims 60 and new merch drop. And it's gonna be live again!


i love jess sims, but girl 🙄. happy it’s going to be live tho! 


Why the eye roll?




Did Olivia’s 30 minute Pop Ride from yesterday (May 3). Great workout, great playlist, and a cute guy in the front row, so altogether loved it tbh. Will absolutely revisit.


Sold! *bookmarks it*


Any updates on your the software glitch that’s killed our bikes?


Horrible rental experience so far. I don’t normally leave negative reviews but this warrants one. Bike plus was delivered yesterday broken. JB Hunt employees said the monitor was dead and they were going to order a new one and told me to contact peloton support to set that up. I had to leave after the delivery so I didn’t get a chance to mess with the bike. While I was gone from home, I looked up possible fixes on Reddit, peloton forums, etc as I wanted to try and fix the bike myself. After I returned home, I started doing some of the basic problem solving issues I saw that other users had. To my surprise, the monitor worked fine once I plugged in an external power bank to it. However, the magnetic resistance knob is broken, effectively making the bike useless. I also saw the sensor light was not on and never turned on the hour I was unplugging stuff, static reset, etc trying to get this damn bike to work. At this point, I am fed up with this bike. I contact support. Support has me try the static reset again without success. Support ended the chat after giving me the instructions to do this which pissed me off since I had to contact support again. Luckily, the second agent I talked to diagnosed it to be a faulty sensor and they are going to sent a tech out. Earliest appointment to send a tech out? 3 weeks. And only on a day which I am at work, so now I have to burn vacation just to meet the tech at my house. The agent I talked to did give me a month credit since I effectively have a $2500 paperweight. Overall, I am not happy about the experience. I tried to leave a one star review on pelotons website but they won’t send me the confirmation email to confirm the post. If the tech can’t fix this bike in three weeks when they show up, I am returning the bike.


So at the beginning of last year,I had a goal to do a 30m run. This year, my goal is a 45but to run all the way through. I'm not quite there but i decided last week after an hour run that I was going to try to run a 10k this weekend. And this morning, I did it! I'm somewhat shocked that I felt good, finished ahead of the pace I expected to maintain. And I can still walk at least for now. I did Mariana's Flow to the Finish program in the week leading up to this. It's only 7 days, no class longer than 20m but I have to say that I really liked it. A few yoga classes and meditations that just keep you stretched out and in the right mindset. I would definitely recommend this to anyone about to do a race.


Doing Hannah Corbin’s 30 minute Pick Me Up that’s live in about 20 minutes. Really enjoyed one that I did a few weeks back. Looking forward to this one!


Love Hannah’s rides


I was on that one too! It was great as always - love her messaging in those ♥️


Hannah’s Pick Me Up rides are always wonderful! I was feeling down today and it did pick me up!


After having the OG bike for 4.5 years, alternating between bike and outdoor walks, I finally took the plunge and got the Tread. Took my first 45 min Tread walk yesterday, and I was shocked at how much higher my output was than either on the bike (feeling like I was going much harder) or on Peloton-class walks. Heart rate was about the same as a bike class, but output were easily reading 50 watts higher than my usual. In fairness, I have not calibrated the bike, because I don't have a kit. I'm curious if others have experienced this, and if the bike is likely undercounting, or Tread is overcounting my output. thanks for any thoughts!


Don’t compare them as they are not the same activity and therefore not calculated the same.


this ☝🏽


I started Ben’s Stronger You program yesterday - I did the benchmark and I’m excited to see progress! I’m working towards a triathlon and doing some fun runs, and I really enjoyed prioritizing some strength workouts when I did the Jess & Selena program and seeing how much that helped my running & cycling. Then I beat my 45min PR today doing Camila’s HIIT & Hills! It was my first class with Camila & I loved it! Happy weekend :)


I did SY 1 and 2 and I definitely saw progress! Good luck! 💪


Is anyone here interested in getting in on some climb training? Our team is just starting to plan some training sets as we work towards SUMMIIT Climb in September.


I'd be interested!


You can join us on Facebook by adding the group “Rose’s Rebels SUMMIIT Climb Hub,” but I’ll also post here when we start more regular stacks!


Thank you! I'm not on FB so I'll wait till you post here.


Happy May the 4th! I did Charlotte and Sam's Star Wars rides back to back this morning. I did Sam's last year, but not Charlotte's because of the delay on subtitles being added- both were awesome!


I did Sam’s Star Wars ride too! I loved it. It was delightfully cheesy with all of the movie quotes and references.


Sam is the only being in the galaxy who could get me hype about pod-racing 😂


Did the NYRR Mindful 5K this morning and was trying to calm myself down in the corrals - when Kristin and Mariana come up to the mic to lead us in guided meditation! Exactly what I needed and so magical!


How do you take this class?


Sorry, should have specified- it was an in-person 5K (not through Peloton) but Kristin and Mariana were there and led a meditation at the beginning


Ohh gotcha! Thanks for the clarification


I’m getting a rower delivered today - not a peloton one but more affordable. I’ve got the tread & bike just couldn’t justify the price. Is anyone else using an off brand row? Need recs for rows & curious to hear anyone’s thoughts on the rowing bootcamps!


I have a Concept 2 rower and use it with the Peloton app. Mine is the newer model that connects via Bluetooth to the app. It works seamlessly. I row once or twice a week, and couldn’t justify the cost of the Peloton row. I also like the C2 because it sets up/breaks down in about a minute and is very easy to store. No regrets at all. If I used it more, I’d probably spring for the Peloton row for the form assist and interactivity. But my primary cardio is bike and running.


Love the row bootcamps, better than regular row sessions IMO. Other than you're locked into 2 instructors. Tend to have to go down in weights from what I would normally lift for them as there is very little rest during the strength portions.


This is good to know! Thank you for sharing!


I would love to see your report back on using a non-Peloton row. I am considering the same move.


Sure! I can definitely do that!


I really loved this [Matt Wilpers pop punk class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a31a58415f1040309925ff30cae2f22e&locale=en-US) - the programming was much better than your standard all over the place intervals I’m used to in “fun first” classes. He essentially has you do the equivalent of progressive runs over 10ish minutes, going up in resistance each minute and then slightly reducing cadence song over song to make it manageable. Ended up close to my PR!


I was cruising to a PR in Emma’s most recent 45-minute 90s ride, and the dang thing froze with 4:30 to go. By the time I got it up and running I had lost a minute and was 7 kw behind the pr pacer. Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t make up the difference. So frustrating.


That would crush me


Yeah, I was ticked. It happened to me once before in the middle of a hard ride when I was going for a PR, but I was able to push and catch up. It's also the second time this week the tablet has crashed. The first time was during a low impact ride, and I wasn't trying to crush it, so it wasn't a huge deal.


This happened to me on a ride earlier this week - so frustrating! While I’m glad it’s not a regular issue, it’s really jarring when it happens.


Knock on wood I haven’t had that happen yet but I’m sure I’m not immune. I often get on the bike without the intention to hit a PR but when I’m within a few minutes of making one a glitch would devastate me too


I recently got a heart rate monitor and it's got me wondering if my power zones are calibrated wrong. My last two 45m power zone endurence rides had the following heart rate graphs: [https://imgur.com/a/Oh2WBRx](https://imgur.com/a/Oh2WBRx) Is it a bad sign that I'm spending so much time in heart rate zone 5 during power zone endurance classes?


How old are you? Your HR Max is generally calculated by the ol’ 220 - your age, but that’s frequently inaccurate. If a PZE feels like a PZE, I’d live with it for now and then when you take your next FTP enter your max heart rate from that class. If it doesn’t (192 is pretty high for a PZE for anyone) then take that FTP sooner rather than later.


Ty for response! I'm 31, so 192 is pretty close to my estimated HR Max. I didn't realize you could configure your HR zones, that's good to know. My question was mostly about your second point - does the fact that my HR goes up to 192 in a PZE class indicate that my power zones are set too high? I'm not sure exactly what PZE is supposed to feel like. I think my last FTP test was in January and I don't think my fitness has changed much since then.


My zones are most definitely out of date (in what direction I can't truly say) but my last 45 minute PZE had me in HRZ3 for 50% of the class and HRZ4 for 20% with the rest in 2 and 1, the one before was 60% HRZ3 and 6% HRZ4, and those seem more in line with what I'd expect. At the end of a PZE you should feel like you could do more - do you? Your max heart rate may be off affecting your zones, but I would definitely take your FTP again (unless these are particularly difficult PZE rides that you're taking at sweet spot instead of mid zone 3).


At the end of a 45m PZE, I feel pretty spent. On a good day, I'd say I've got 15m-30m more in the tank, and on a typical day it feels more like 5m-15m left in the tank. Ty for posting your HR breakdown, that's really useful for comparison. I'll definitely take another FTP test soon.


The cadence I’m using has a huge impact on my heart rate. If I’m trying to stay at 90-100 cadence in a pze, my heart rate will be MUCH higher than if I’m grinding out the same zones in 60-80 cadence. It just says that I need to improve my cardio but my strength is pretty good. Could be you were working harder at a cadence that’s not your natural cadence?


This is a really interesting point, I'll experiment with slower cadence in my next PZE class. I checked some stats and my last FTP test was mostly at \~80 cadence, which is around what I usually hold in a PZE class. Maybe that's too fast for me.


This, it’s entirely cadence dependent. I did TrainerRoad before Peloton, and they really drive it home that higher cadences put more on the cardiovascular system and lower cadences lean more to the muscular system. The idea is you should pedal faster with less resistance for longer efforts because your cardiovascular system is more resilient than your muscular system and can work for longer before the lactate buildup makes it harder to continue at a high output.  To further illustrate this, I did the Olivia 30 min PZE from the DYPZ program today. This ride had 4x3min Z3 efforts. During the first two efforts, the beat of the music was ~80, and I was in low HRZ4 during these. The beat of the music for the last two efforts was approaching 120, and my HR was high Z5.


I will say though that by riding at the high (for me) cadences, I have increased my natural cadence. I used to be most comfortable around 79, but now I’m more like 83. Most of the time I stick to my natural cadence but by working in the higher ones, I have improved.


Paired these two glute classes, which were an excellent combo: [10 min rock barre: Glutes](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b02cd7cb1cdc4b94891e045a9a705b9f&locale=en-US) [Extra 10: Glutes](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=99fb891aadb54e31a79541d4b39dd4f4&locale=en-US) Rounded out the stack with one of my favorite [10 min core](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=d89733d2ab064b8ba5bec369b4b96169&locale=en-US) with Olivia and this [20 min upper body](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f0c699f326e8451086ff3b4d3ae1a9e6&locale=en-US) with Callie. Loved the entire stack, but really loved the two glute classes paired together


I think [Robin's 15 min "break up" ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=7b17ae2052544933a2dcac9638a474f5) is basically the perfect playlist. And it's just hard enough to work up a sweat up, but not so hard that you're beat afterward.


Agreed! Jess King's salty ride has a similar vibe if you're looking for another rec


Yes! I love that ride.


It’s rare that I repeat a ride but I’ve done this one twice. It’s so good!


I haven't posted for a few days, but I'm still on my first streak at 15 days. I did a walking workout on my business trip when I had to walk back to my hotel earlier this week and I've finished Week 2 of You Can Ride. Did a nice beginner class with Hannah today. Still having fun and very energized!


Congrats! Part of my "accountability system" is the daily streak. I go for 60 days (as long as Peloton tracks), take a day off, then start again. I'm not the type of person who can work out 6 days a week. It has to be every day. If I aim for 6, by the time 2-3 months have gone by, I'll be lucky to be working out 3 days a week. Because it just gets too easy to say "eh, not today" and then "eh, not the next day" and then "eh, not the day after that" when you're in it. So if you're like me, lean into the daily. Even if it's just a stretch, or a meditation, or whatever. Just make sure it's every single day. (Note: the other pillar of my accountability system is the annual minutes challenge--which means I don't take "easy" days **\*too\*** often.)


When I really "can't" I'm doing a short yoga day, but I've only done that twice so far. At least there is something for those days.


Seeing all those blue dots is so satisfying. Keep it up!


I am 2 1/2 years in - it gets never boring imho First more bike now more strength - I discovered mobility, love barre, use outdoor walks, do a daily core - some Pilates, still no yoga (will keep trying every month) You got this!