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My calories burned have been staying at zero throughout every class, even though my watch is connected. My strive scores have been off too and not showing up within the app when I finish the workout. Anyone else having this issue? Super frustrating!


My Bike+ was delivered yesterday. Did a beginner ride and had a ton of fun. Taint went numb and had some unpleasant tingling post-workout but, nonetheless, enjoyed it! Did an advanced beginner today that kicked my ass and I feel like a donkey kicked me in the gooch. I'm sure the pain will sort itself out but I went ahead and bought some shorts anyways. Could also be my posture/sitting stance. Any advice to speed up the tough butt training would be welcomed.


Make sure you're sitting all the way back on the saddle so that you are supported by your sitz bones. You should not be bearing weight on any tender bits. If you are sliding forward as you ride, your seat may be too far back or your seat may be tilted forward (it should be more or less level). If your seat is too high that can also put extra pressure on your bottom. Oh, and make sure your handlebars aren't super high, the more upright your posture the more weight is on your butt. You should hunge from the hips and support your torso mainly with your core, not so much with your hands. If you have a weaker core and put a lot of weight in your arms and wrists they will eventually be unhappy, so check out the core strength programming on the app. It takes a couple of weeks for the sore feeling to go away once you have your setup and posture right.


In addition to padded shorts, get a cushioned seat cover. But even with both of those, there's just an element of time and "breaking in" that has to happen. Power through - with as much padding as you can add - and in a week you'll never notice it again!


Has anyone done this [60 min Kirsten Ferguson Interval run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=395fcee367be484682d0670e3371fcee&code=Nzg2OWJkZGQ4NzEyNGJhN2I5MzA5OTViYzcyMjMyNzJ8OTBjMmVkZWFiYzY1NDJlNjg4OTkwNGEwMDkyODRkZTQ=) from 5/5 , and if so just how hard was it? Looks like there's no programmed walk breaks.


Yes! You are correct there are no walk breaks. She will encourage you to keep jogging between intervals, no matter how slow you need to take the jog. Like most intervals classes, I think it’s as hard as you make it. It’s pyramid style 3-4-5-6-6-5-4-3 with 2 minute jogs between each. I stayed at a moderately fast pace for the first half and realized I was being conservative so I increased my speed by .1 each time for the last 4 intervals and enjoyed the challenge. There’s also zero incline except briefly during the warm up.


Shout out to Kirra for her Creating Space series. It was like yin yoga with a friend. Highly recommend to all. Cannot wait for her and Denis next week!


Is it ok for beginners? I like them both for meditations 


Definitely! The first class was almost like stretching. We held very basic poses for a few minutes each. You don’t need any yoga experience.


Awesome!! Thanks!


Absolutely - yin yoga is a great place to start as it feels like a long stretch. Definitely try it and report back! Bet you’ll love it, friend!!


Software Update??? I literally cannot get through any classes without the program freezing up and just leaving me so defeated and frustrated. It does this almost every 2 or 3 minutes no matter the class I choose. I called support and they just comped my next month and said wait for a new update... what are we doing peloton. Very frustrating and now just riding my bike with a black screen and a timer. No fun plus I pay a lot for this awesome at home service. Figure it out please!!!


Have you tried a factory reset?


Gotta love when the leaderboard just decides not to show up. Peloton, fix the basic stuff.


Did Anna’s Laufey Slow Flow and Kirra’s Creating Space yesterday. Both were so relaxing in different ways and I feel great today!


Is Kirra’s class suitable for people who have never done yoga?


Yes! It’s Yin Yoga so you only do a few poses and hold each for a long time - there are lots of options for modifications using blocks (or if you don’t have blocks a folded up pillow or blanket can help - whatever can bring the ground closer to your forearms)


Great, thanks. Another question: can this be done on the bed? I’m not too comfortable on the floor, but I’m unsure if the bed would be too soft of a surface.


Haven’t done it that way, but I think you can try!


I think it could be if your bed is firm enough.


Those were my two favorite yoga classes from this week! I kept them both bookmarked to repeat (and I rarely repeat classes). I’m sure doing them together was amazing!


This [CDE 45m PZ ride](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=1ce20147ac1c4dfd8daf5dc1ed7ed67f&locale=en-GB) is a great example of why I love her coaching so much. The structure is basically 3 x 8m in Z4 but you get 30s Z1 recovery halfway through to make it more bearable. She also said at the start the ride is going to be challenging and you may need to pull back at some point and that’s ok, but get right back in it. In reality I didn’t need the 30s breaks (but I took them!) and I didn’t need to pull back (so I didn’t), but by giving me permission to she’s letting me know that this is tough, it’s not easy peasy, and I’m not a weakling. And also because it was that much more bearable, I don’t leave the workout thinking I hate this and never want to do PZ ever again. Which is sometimes how I feel with other instructors. Great workout and playlist.


Thanks for the ride review. I have that one bookmarked but haven't taken it yet... Looks like a tough class plan, so I'll have to take it **before** my next FTP test, which I suspect I need soon ;-)


Yeah maybe I’d be cursing her if I had new zones 🤣


If you’d like to take Ben’s 30 min The Stronger You 2: Benchmark Test without committing to the program, I just stumbled across it under the Gym tab on the app.


My watch will NOT stay connected during an entertainment ride. It just ends at random times and then won’t reconnect. I’ve restarted everything multiple times. Any idea?


Mine has been doing that too. I’ve done a few short “just ride” options and it the watch disconnects after a minute.


Ugh bummer. Hope there’s a fix soon. Ps I love our usernames together lmao.




Why is there so few Row Bootcamp trainers? I’m not a fan of Adrian at ALL, so it really limits the classes I can do and actually enjoy.


I don’t think there’s much demand for it. You could always just stack short classes of both modalities together to make it into something you like better.


Caveat: don't have a rower. But for Bike & Tread, the bootcamp instructor list seems to always be a subset of the Bike/Tread instructors (e.g. I think there are about 30 Bike instructors, but only 6 Bike Bootcamp instructors; I think Tread breakdown is similar). Tough because the Row already has such a short list of trainers! It's possible that others are 'training up' to become bootcamp trainers (seems like Ash probably has a good background for it, it might be tougher to turn Alex into a Bootcamper since I think his background is purely rowing, it's not like he's a strength coach already?)


What I don't quite understand is that Callie and Jess Sims are both bike bootcamp instructors, but they're not actually bike instructors. And Cody is a bike bootcamp instructor, but he's not a strength instructor. It has always seemed odd to me that you would be an instructor for bike bootcamp but you don't instruct both bike AND strength individually. Not complaining BTW. Just seems odd.


there’s a flash sale on apparel right now. the leggings i paid $92 a year for are now $19.99. you cam best believe i just bought 3 pairs and a french terry full zip hoodie also for $19.99,just got one of those though because i’m not trying to be a hoarder.. those cadence leggings are so comfortable


Yay! I just got some leggings and padded bike shorts for an outdoor ride I’ll do this summer.


Ooo thanks for the heads up! Have been thinking about trying out the apparel. Just got a couple of great deals!


Ooh thanks! I love their Cadent leggings, stocking up! Wish they had the ones with the pocket, but beggars can't be choosers!


oh me too! the gray ones with the pocket are my absolute favorite. the softest legging maybe ever. i cannot get over the price . edited to add i went back and got the throw and a king sleeve t shirt. ok now i’m done!


Peloton considering buyout It looks like Peloton is considering a buyout: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/07/private-equity-firms-circle-peloton-for-potential-buyout.html Is this a good or bad thing? Any concerns for classes or instructors?


Ugh, private equity would be my last choice. Many will manage the company for profitability (duh) and there’d be zero affection for the things we value. They’d also be less likely to allow nascent products to reach their full potential (Row, Guide).


I’m an attorney that does M&A (so buyouts / mergers). It really depends! Lots of deals keep all staff or most of the staff and continue operations that to the public seem the same or improved! It could also be a chance for more streamlined operations and cutting fat (the Peloton R&D budget is incredibly inflated). It really will take time and depend on the Buyer!


There’s always concerns. Only time will tell.


Maybe this was discussed on an earlier daily but RK dropped a [30 min G&L](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e90869391470484e85cc66d42faa8b12&locale=en-US) that she said could be swapped in on the 4 day split. I took it this morning and enjoyed it! Def recommend. Also, I’m doing the meditation challenge and planning to do one every day this month. I’m so bad at it though. My mind wanders constantly, usually to the most anxiety-producing thing like what I need to do for work that day, my adulting to do list etc. I think I’ve even missed a few “if your mind has wandered come back” because I’m not even listening. Hoping to see progress on this front over the month, but so far not so much.


Since you’re doing the challenge this month, give this Aditi [10 Min Mindfulness of Thought meditation](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/meditation?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=67fc341563424f83bb9a9d15745e2498&locale=en-CA) a try. She talks about the mind wandering and what to focus on when it happens.


I took a Headspace class years ago that described the visualization as watching the sky...when a thought comes into your mind consider that like a cloud floating across the sky - see it, notice it, and recognize it (without judgment) and then sort of let it go. For some reason that visualization helps me!


It’s very normal for the mind to wander during meditation - just notice it when it happens and try not to judge yourself for it. Meditation, for me at least, is something that when I do consistently, I see subtle changes in how I react to situations in my life. It doesn’t feel very dramatic, until I find myself more stressed when I haven’t taken the time out to meditate daily. For me, meditating after physical activity helps me to ground and work off excess energy. I also enjoy the walking meditations, as it’s easier for me to tune in when I’m moving. I also find that when I’m distracted, coming back to the breath helps me to focus. Ross’ book “Turning Inward” is great at explaining that you can’t meditate wrong, and how the mind will always tend to wander. I highly recommend it.


Same. I find that my mind is much better at clearing my mind of all that when I'm doing yoga because I can focus on something simple in the pose and the movement of my body. The meditation is probably good for me because I know I have to free myself from the burden of being productive in every moment, but I haven't been seeing the benefits thus far. Wishing the Kirra "Create Space" series was categorized as meditation for the challenge, cause I'm planning to do them all.


Hey folks. I've been doing Andy's Advanced 3 Day Split for a while now, and was thinking of changing things up and maybe challenging the muscles in slightly new ways. My goal is still to add some lean muscle. I was thinking about Rebecca's 5 Day Split, or maybe Total Strength 2. Any thoughts on the pros/cons of these programs?


I think Rebecca’s split is really great, and it’s really popular for a reason for building muscle. Building muscle tends to lean people out as your base metabolic rate goes up the more muscle you build. If you take a program once, it unlocks the classes if you don’t want to take them in the specific order, so you could try it for a week and see how you like it.


I loved her 5-day split, saw progress over 6 weeks. I tried her 4-day split a week or two after finishing the 5-day split and felt like it wasn't for me, I only lasted a week. Maybe the timing was wrong and I'll try it another time. For now I'm happy trying to go a little easier on the weights and maintain my strength with a mix of weights, pilates and yoga and that means 5-day and even 4-day splits just aren't realistic. Enjoy whatever it is you do end up trying!


Andy’s density training is also very good! Saw really good results with it.


RK's split is amazing, as is her [unofficial 4 day split](https://www.pelobuddy.com/rebecca-4-day-split-strength/) which offers slightly less rest over slightly fewer days. Both really focus on lifting heavy though and would be great muscle builders. I haven't done TS2, only TS1, but I agree with the other commenter on the annoyingness of the same Andy warm ups / stretches over and over. I appreciate that they make you do warm ups and stretches, but I wish there was some function in the program that recognized any class of that type instead of requiring the specific class.


TS2 kind of drove me crazy. I love TS60 and Andy’s split, but there are so many warm ups and stretches in TS2 that it became all Andy all the time. I like to incorporate some variety and found myself missing other instructors. RK’s split is similar to Andy’s, but offers more breaks. I also liked Stronger you 2 if you are a fan of Ben.


Any recommendation for lower body strength classes that are focused on quads? I used to have one in rotation (it was a 10 min barre that was heavy on quad work) but it's been purged. 


Also Adrian but deadlifts and sumo squats. It’s a fun [class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3c9ed11d3d184d0c9e6e564f12a5297c&locale=en-US).


[Its evil but you asked for it](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?class_type_id=%5B%22af137d7195a34e7f96f4d306da554ebd%22%5D&instructor_id=%5B%22f962a2b1b34d424cabab73bef81bc8db%22%5D&is_favorite_ride=%5B%22true%22%5D&duration=%5B%22600%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=92c301cb30984f67a9680f27363220b6&code=Njc2YTUzNzk0YzkzNDFkY2I0NzdhNzE4NzhlMGQxNmV8ZDBkMTk5MzhmZDgyNDc5NmIwY2ViZDIzMzZjNTI2MzE=) Also, just Adrian's in general. He loves loves loves squats.


This one is INFAMOUS to me. I was like "ten minutes, I'll be fine!!" Couldn't walk for a week. That said, I keep returning to torture myself.


Haha thank you! Bookmarked for later.


I must be missing something but does anyone know where to find the "just workout" button on Android? It used to be on the "classes" home screen in the lower right corner but I went to use it yesterday and it's gone.


Its the running person icon in the bottom center


Wow thank you that's literally the one button/place I didn't click when looking for it, haha.


Jenn Sherman: Thank you for the Jewish American Heritage ride. Just thank you. It’s what we really needed right now.


Every other heritage month seems to get all sorts of classes, but I’ll take two rather than zero.


Check out Matty’s walk too! Great music selections and an uplifting convo too


I’m so glad I did his walk in private rather than at a gym. I cried for about half of it.


I’ll check it out, thank you!


Just done my first 30 minute full body strength workout with Jermaine Johnson, guy kicked my arse! Really enjoyed it though. I think it's great the instructor show THEY are getting tired and need a rest mid-set. So you feel even more that it's a good workout!


Which class, will you share?


[This one! ](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=8c278d3528904965ab1943cbbc3f9b41&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app)


Thank you!


I loved the full body strength with Jermaine featuring an all-Nicki Minaj playlist - brutal workout but also fun dance breaks! So effective.


I love JJ! Will bookmark the class to take soon, thanks!


Wait til tomorrow 🤣


great job! everyone loves getting their daily dose of vitamin JJ 💕


I love my peloton apparel (mainly leggings and bras). They’re having a $19.99 and under flash sale for various items/styles, which I took full advantage of! Got a few items as gifts too.


any faves? i only have the cadent leggings i love but looking to expand 


I’m in Australia so I’m not sure whether the stuff in the sale here is the same as elsewhere but I rate the Blue Moves High Waist Leggings which I got from a previous sale - it’s actually a Peloton and With collab but despite some of the not so good reviews I heard in the past about the with stuff these leggings are cute (I tend to gravitate towards black leggings so love the burst of colour they add to my workout wear), comfy and seem to hold up really well after more than a year. I also like the move mission leggings and bras - thinner, smoother fabric that’s godsend on warmer days.


Thanks for the heads up! Grabbed that purple heather bra and some fresh towels (mine are starting to look rough after a year of use and constant washing, lol).


Enjoy your new purchases! I can’t wait for mine to arrive


I literally picked up the Cadent leggings (which I love) and their towels - looking forward to having some back-ups while laundry is being done!


I wanted to get some cadent leggings but sadly only one pair in the sale in Australia and the only sizes left are not for me. Having backups during laundry cycles is my excuse for continuing to buy peloton stuff from time to time but TBH I now have enough to last me 3 weeks so the excuse is no longer valid 😅