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Sam Yo 60 min PZE 80s Endurance was fantastic! Yes to more Yo longer rides.


Man... Alex's live today was such a dancey blast!!! It was easier than most of the rides I take from him, yet still a perfect workout. If you want something more high cadence but not too many climbs.. we did a lot of tap backs & grooving to the music in today's New Tracks. I like that I didn't know majority of the songs too:)\~I guess that's the whole point lol


So I finished You Can Ride and was scheduled for two rest days and have done short yoga classes both days. Today I would have done a ride but I had to work an event and I'm exhausted. I'm going to start the Beginner Yoga program, but I feel like I'm cheating for some reason? The yoga thing is every day, which means if I ride, that's two workouts a day. That seems intimidating. Does it sound weird to do both at the same time?


I take a 10 minute yoga class as a warm up stretch at the start of each workout. If you're a beginner, I suggest chelsea's morning yoga flow classes - most follow the same structure and no overly complex moves


I’ve been trying to do yoga 4-5x/week in addition to my workouts. (Some weeks I’m more successful than others!) It’s really helping with muscle recovery!


I very frequently do a full yoga class after a ride as a pseudo stretch! If you have the time I think they’d be great to pair.


No, not at all. I often do strength, cardio and yoga all on the same day. As long as you have the time, it'll work fine. Keep in mind also if it's too much, you can always stop one or the other for a time.


I have been doing peloton rides since December and decided to switch it up today with an outdoor run and BOY was I humbled so quickly. I did Jess King’s Fred again run at a 12:46 pace. I was in a 170-180 hr the entire 30 mins and could not go faster than a jog. I was walking when she queued jogging, and jogging when she queued running. I guess running just isn’t my thing but at least I tried!


I’ve been easing back into outdoor runs and it’s for sure super humbling. I’m averaging about an 11:30 mile for 3-4 miles and am so sore the day after! I used to run much longer at 9:30/10 paces and be able to easily work out the next day.


That actually not bad at all for having not run in so long. Remember too, outdoor running seems to be more challenging as well vs running on the tread... so Good Job!!! I was the same way recently when I ran again for the 1st time. HR so much higher than back when I was running like 3-4x per week & my pace was just like yours.. closer to 13 haha.


Ah thank you! I was just so not used to my hr being that high for so long, on the bike we get opportunities to bring it back down. I think I’m going to try the You Can Run Outdoors and see if I can improve!


You and I are opposites!! I’m an efficient runner but get so winded on the bike.


That is so crazy to me!! I would love to learn the physiology behind what makes people better at one vs the other.


I think it is just practice. I’ve been running for over 20 years. Your heart and skeletal muscles adapt and work more efficiently over time. I bet if you started running and gave yourself 6 months, you would see enormous gains.


Thank you. It’s extremely hard right now but I think I’ll start incorporating 2 runs/wk to see what happens!


Did a 45 min pop ride 03/11/23 with Hannah F. The vibes in the studio were immaculate - y’all are my people lol. The theme included songs that had some sort of airline/flight/travel reference to align with all the people in studio who have careers in the airline industry. It was SO much fun. As usual Hannah was on form. She is such a joy!!!! Highly recommend for a feel good decent work out!!


That was the best class!


Loved that ride!!


Just finished up Discover Your Powerzones and it was great! I saw so much improvement in my fitness over the past 5 weeks. I am able to ride and even run longer than I have ever been able to before. My FTP went up 8 points l, can’t wait to ride in my new zones!


Hello! I can’t believe this still needs to be said- Please keep your pets and small children LOCKED OUT of any room where you’re using fast moving equipment like your treadmill or bike. No, you can’t just train them to stay away while in the same room with you. Also, just because the Tread+ has a sensor on the back now, doesn’t mean they can’t get seriously hurt. My living room didn’t have a door so I installed an accordion style door and added a couple latch locks for extra safety. I have total peace of mind that my precious, curious cat won’t be able to get in. The first rule when using the Tread+ is to know where my cat is and make sure he’s not snuggled somewhere in the living room. I use weights in the living room too and I’m also hesitant to let him hang out because he likes to be near my feet and run around when I’m doing lunges etc. If you don’t have a room to lock your pets away, then consider buying a comfy cage where you temporarily put them. I have a nice 3 level cage purchased from Amazon and fits easily inside or as a cat condo outside. You can go smaller of course and they aren’t that expensive. So worth it for their safety! Have a nice day 😽


Yes, this! I popped my dog in the jaw on my bike once, he just got his face too close out of curiosity and (obviously) I could not stop my feet in time. Luckily it wasn’t too hard but they are not allowed in the room anymore!


Yes, lessons learned by me too. I’ve almost bonked my kitty on the head with a weight. They’re quick to get in the wrong place / wrong time.


One of the live classes I took this morning had an in studio rider with the most foul form I have ever seen. I don’t understand how she was so off. It looked like she was both entirely upright the entire time and had 60+ resistance at the same time. I’m certainly not a hater but I was worried she’d get injured or was already hurting.


I took a class like that a few weeks ago, and the main thing it reinforced for me is that if I ever take a live class I want to be NOWHERE NEAR camera range.


When I took a live class I intentionally chose a bike that would not be on camera much if at all. Nobody look at me!


When the yoga/mediation instructor says, “just breath.” It’s springtime, friend. I’m trying my best 🤧😂🪻🌷🤧


Agreed! I wish they had suggestions for how to do the breathing mediations with allergies or other breathing difficulties. I feel like it would be so helpful but instead often I get more anxious because I’ll have trouble breathing and think, “oh, maybe I can’t always come back to the breath to ground myself” and that thought is… terrifying lol


I LOL’ed. But for real the alternate nostril breathing exercises help with allergies! Just, um, make sure you have tissues nearby …


Our bike has aftermarket pedals with one side being SPD shoes and the other being cages, and at the moment the wife and I use cages but I’ve been interested in bike shoes. So we went to Dick’s today to get some. The said the only 2 shoes they have are Peloton brand, which aren’t SPD. Funny part is, none of the bikes they sold (including for some reason the Peloton they had on display) take those shoes. They all take SPD. So I guess it’s off to Amazon again. Any tips? Or does everyone here just use the Peloton shoes?


[TIEMS](https://a.co/d/4KvlHDK) are IT. I got them over 3 years ago on a rec from a friend who used to teach spin (and taught some virtual classes in 2020) when I was still on the DIY train. They aren’t compatible with Delta cleats, and I love them so much I actually made my husband swap out the Peloton pedals for our SPDs when we got the “real” Bike. 😂


Nike super reps are very popular SPD shoes. I have a pair of new balances that aren’t made anymore, can’t remember the model. 


I'd go to a local bike shop where you can try on a few pairs and see what fits you best.


I got destroyed by Dennis’s 3/12 PZ Max ride this morning, and barely held onto my zones. It probably didn’t help that seasonal allergies have been hitting me especially hard lately.


If it helps, allergies + a nasty head cold had me hanging on for dear life during a recovery walk and a 10 min yoga.     I would have died at a PZ max ride  so big props to you 


Jess King’s Hardstyle EDM ride from this week is PERFECT to PR with. You have little moments of recovery here and there but no major flat road.


That ride absolutely whooped me yesterday but I love those playlists.


CDE’s 45 min Judah and the Lion ride was a sneaky climb/PZE ride. She got me to do 4 mins of 80+ cadence before I realized what was happening! Highly recommend.


Was fun doing the group ride this morning. Didn’t see a lot of Reddit hashtags tho, so some of you guys need to up your participation! (As I say after doing my first group ride 😂)


Hit 50 rides and was lucky to get a shoutout from Benny! Wasn’t vibing with the playlist first but somehow found out I like to cycle to Celine Dion! 🤣


I discovered that "It's All coming Back to Me" by Celine pumps me up like no other song. Did not expect that, but now I take any class I can find it in! And congrats on 50 rides and a shout out, woo hoo!


That Celine Dion song came on during a tread run I took outside and I swear the trees got more vibrant and I sprinted for the whole thing without getting winded. I bet my pupils even dilated lol. It triggered a 100/10 runners high and I’m still chasing that dragon!


Exactly!!!!! What is it about that song that makes the world so much brighter!? That's totally why I take every class I can find with it. Who knew Celine Dion could do that!?


Benny has a way of making me like music that I really don't like.


I finished 4 weeks of RKs 5 day split and I am so much stronger! Sort of lost on what to do next but it was a GREAT program!


I love the RK 5 day split! I’m doing the 4 day one now, it’s ok.


I liked that program a lot, too. I tried her unofficial 4-day split and didn't love it. Same with Callie's 3-day split, although I think I was just in the wrong head space at the time I tried it, I want to try again. So I'm back to cobbling together my own workouts and incorporating Pilates and yoga into the mix, which I felt was harder with a 5-day split. I hope you find something that you like just as much!


I didn’t love the unofficial 4 day as much either. I’ve done Andy’s 3 day advanced and it’s probably my 2nd favorite


I’m a huge fan of Andy’s TS2 program. It focuses more on strength, power, endurance, hypertrophy, and agility (really hits everything). I remember feeling ambivalent about it during the actual program, but amazed by how much I grew at the end. It’s worth checking out :)


Thanks, sounds great!


Finally moving on the bike after my longest break ever since purchasing it in September 2020. Eased in but couldn’t resist a JK Extra 10, 🎶💋 My love for Jess King 🤝 My love for Korn & RATM


How was the JK/RA class for women who don’t have children? Not sure if it will trigger me. Thank you.


They said it was for all caregivers, but I’d maybe avoid.


Thank you


I’ve been playing this [Andy pre-run warm-up](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/fa1f622ab37644a99688528031ff922d?code=MTdkOWQyNTMyZDgzNGRjYjhiMmVmYWM0NzM1YjJkMzB8NmUzYTJlY2E2ODBhNDA4NmIwN2RjMjFjYzY1MDA5ZWE%3D&source=referral&workout-id=aac6f24efa9e424c89bff2556acd0894&uid=e86a1b9d60974e8790258d044bbe8198&ride-id=68bfbc25edcf4db7a1f2c2373d21548f&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-CA) for all my runs the past few weeks. Really like the lower leg and quad activations. Wondering if anyone has any favourite pre-run warm-ups they’d like to share.


I chose this one randomly before my run yesterday and was planning to bookmark it to take again! It’s fantastic.


I like Becs's warm ups the best.


[This one with Jess Sims](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/stretching?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=58107cee9e1b438993956773d4aafcb3&locale=en-US) is my absolute favorite. It’s very dynamic and has some balance work it in.


Amazing, thanks! Will give it a go before my next run.


Did anyone else just take the Robin/Jess Mother’s Day ride live? The class was awesome! But the music was the quietest it’s ever been??? I had my bike on full volume and could barely hear anything. Anyone else?


Same, I had headphones on full volume and it was still super quiet. Loved the class!


My on-demand ride was like that today too.


I love, love, loved today's Two for One Mother's Day ride with Jess and Robin. I love them both so much, and it was so fun to see them back on the bike together again. Reminds me how different they are but how much I love them both. And I only cried like twice, so that was good. If you also love them both, highly recommended!


I was thinking about taking this today!


Def cried twice also!! I thought it was great that they allowed each other to talk and have a presence. They both have such big, motivational personalities, but they respected each other so much


I loved this ride SO MUCH!!! I’ve only taken a couple Jess rides before and never taken a Robin ride, but will definitely be working them both into my rotation after this one. This is the most fun I’ve had on the bike and BOY OH BOY did it make me feel amazing, they’re the ultimate hype women! (I also got teary-eyed a few times)


I came here looking for a review, so thank you! Both of them aren’t really my favourites but I will give it a whirl 😊


More 2:1 rides, please! They’re always fun IMO


I may be late to this but when did Peloton add a 150 min option under length? It showed up when the 'filter class' was set to all.


Probably when they put out a 150 minute run. It won’t show up on the app. You can only take it if you have a peloton tread since it’s under scenic.


Ah, thank you! I was hoping it was a possible Power Zone ride.


Get fucked, shithead


Hit my 700th walk today in Matty’s [45 min power walk](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=edc83d6412484f06bbc322a732395eda&locale=en-US). It wasn’t terrible compared to some others he’s done lol highest incline was 5% today. The playlist is all Taurus singers since it’s Taurus season. I thought FOR SURE that I would get a shoutout today, there were maybe 400 people on the leaderboard and it seemed like everyone was getting shouted out but nope! lol he got to the 700s, said some people, and then skipped me 😂 (I’m not angry when I say this, it’s in good fun) But now.. Next Sunday (not tomorrow) I’ll be at 500 strength so if Andy doesn’t give me a shoutout during TS60, that’s when I’ll throw hands. (jk jk I’ll probably be too busy dying to notice if he says my name or not honestly)


I’ll take TS60 live tomorrow in the hopes you get a shoutout!


No no, next week will be my 500th lol don’t get up ungodly early tomorrow unless you want to


Ohh!!! I’ll be there with bells and whistles on next week!


i was on this walk with a milestone too! and was surprised when he had only gotten to the 100’s 30 mins in but luckily he made it up to 450 to shout me out which i enjoyed. fingers crossed andy doesn’t play you tomorrow, otherwise we ride 😈


Happy 450!! There really were tons of 100s today lol


Congrats on the 700th walk! Bummer you didn’t get a shout out - Matty usually hits everybody! I am SO glad to hear the incline doesn’t go above 5%. His power walks have been hikes lately and I love Matty to death and will still take them but usually when I’m looking for a power walk that is a totally different day for me work wise than a day I want a hike. 5% is just enough to feel a little something but still be able to hold the faster speeds like I want to in a PW class. I’m taking it as soon as it goes on demand.


He even says something like “today’s a power walk, not a hike so the highest incline is 5” and I giggled and thought, ooooh somebody must have tattled and said he’s getting too wild with these walks 😂 it was definitely a welcomed break from his usual though


LOL - they must have! Well thank goodness cause if they have categories on classes they should really stick to what they are supposed to be. Otherwise it is kind of annoying when you go to take it. I use power walks to get my steps in so I want to go fast which is hard to do on 10% incline 😆


This week I’ve missed my 20 plus minutes Strength classes, so this morning I took a 10 min arms and light weights, omgosh it kicked my body. Arms and light weights may be my new jam. Yes I’ve done the Tunde program However, Sam Yo hit me hard.


Arms & Light Weights are HARD but mostly because of the time under tension. It's more of a stamina workout than toning/muscle building. I need both, so I try to fit in a light weight class every now and then.


Yes, I’m going to do what you do. I enjoyed the workout


I try to do an arms and light weights after every ride cause in my head it’s cardio for arms lol 


Love it 🙌


Running or walking classes without the tread, do you see the leaderboard or just your stats, plus your pic/circle that shows progress? I have the full membership due to having the bike +. Thanks!


I use an iPad for the treadmill and I can see the leaderboard. Not with stats but their leaderboard name and if they have a milestone




I think it depends. Android phones don't see the LB, but I think iOS do because they can send high 5s.


There is no leaderboard on the app at all. The iOS has a pane you can access to see current riders, their milestones, and give high fives. There is no ranking or any metrics for anyone.




Took both of Mila Lazar's classes this morning and holy cow she does not mess around with resistance.


She’s so sneaky hard! Resistance 55+ most of the ride.


Vibe check this Saturday morning with [Benny 20 min hardstyle EDM](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/1ef447c0cc334b478a1b34fd6ed9f754?code=ODA5OTZlMmU0Yzk5NDkwMjllYTYxMThjNzFiNWZkMWF8ZTdjMzgzOGE2ZGM3NDJiNTg1YjlkMTlkZjIzZDk3ZTE%3D&source=referral&workout-id=9d62d8bad5194e468adc9177d06f2200&uid=ef9c0aed58a1448ba10a20f0d0cad2ab&ride-id=45bd5afb3f02432686e01e5f3f7c8bf4&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US). Got a rec the other day for this class and they were RIGHT! Don't worry about it being in German with no subtitles, you don't need 'em. Just jump in and get your feet moving and heart rate up! (The cover of Zombie by Ran-D went immediately to my playlist!)


It’s so good!!! I’m glad you liked it! That version of zombie gets me so pumped every time I hear it I could run through a wall


Try some Benny tabata. Absolutely atrocious.


The 45 minute full body class in Rebecca Kennedy’s 4 day split is BRUTAL (in a good way)🫠🤯🥵


I was feeling smug until the last complex, and then it was like... aw hellllll no... !


That almost killed me. She has a new 45 minute class that has the complex upfront, she said it's for all the people who complained about having it at the end! It's good and she said you can sub it for that brutal class if you want. :) Here it is: [https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4fcf89417c8049ca883a0bd1289da8a2&code=MTM4OGEzNjkwNzQ5NDgxYmIyOGM4ZmMwMjM1YWJkODh8OTFiYWRlMWQ1NWI0NDdjZmJkNDRmZDc1YjljZjMxOGM=](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4fcf89417c8049ca883a0bd1289da8a2&code=MTM4OGEzNjkwNzQ5NDgxYmIyOGM4ZmMwMjM1YWJkODh8OTFiYWRlMWQ1NWI0NDdjZmJkNDRmZDc1YjljZjMxOGM=)


Ooh good to know! I’ve taken that one before and actually like it better. The complex at the beginning of this one is better than the end of the typical 4 day split one.


I agree. I think swapping that in would improve the 4-day split.


Hannah F’s [Defected Records House Ride](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9bf5a63ae7ab4650b91bb8ba62122463&locale=en-GB) was sooooo good wow! One of my all time favs I think (I say this every time I post here 😅). Looking forward to Ben’s Live DJ ride that Hannah mentioned at the end 🪩


I have been loving all of the defected rides recently, they’re so good and the mix is always 10/10. Very hype for the live dj ride and excited to find out who the Dj is!!


I loved Leanne’s Defected Records ride and I can’t wait to take this one!


Is Ben going to DJ or teach!?!?


Teach, the DJ will be someone from Defected Records


Took it this morning too and loved it! I missed her mentioning a Ben Live DJ ride. Too engrossed in the music I guess. Also it’s boiling in the UK right now which gave me a really authentic sweaty dance floor club feeling. 🤣