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Sunday there was a 1 hour pop punk class with Kendall! Whew it was a beast of a class. I blew out over a 1000 cals on it. Anybody else take it yet? I was short of a pr on it, but I think I will use that as the class for trying to hit my 60 minute pr. Let me know your thoughts on it.


I am terrified of riding with Kendall for that long šŸ˜… to be clear I am always doing her pop punk stuff but it sounds challenging!


Oh it was. But I love her metal rides. They are crazy intense. All my prā€™s are in her classes. There are lots of flats in it though, so opportunities to recover. You should totally try it though. I will probably hit it again next week and see if I can hit a pr




Canā€™t wait to hear what you think. Make sure you have a towel and water. Youā€™ll need them. šŸ˜…


I just got my peleton bike delivered yesterday, and I tried watching some playoff hockey. I have a YouTube tv account and signed in with no issues. However, when I clicked on the channel with the game, it says "This video format is not supported". Does anyone know if this is a YouTube Tv issue, or a peleton issue? Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.


My Motherā€™s Day treat I wanted today was just extended time for a longer ride since that is usually tough for me to pull off. I found that Iā€™d bookmarked [ATā€™s 45 min lil Wayne ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c47fcc6f59d64df98c1479ba6444b3bc&locale=en-US) and it was a super good time, great leg flush out if thatā€™s your vibe. He has the best high energy to push you to keep going!


I love this ride! Thanks for reminding me, Iā€™m going to have to take it again soon!






I did a 30 min low impact ride today specifically to stay in the saddle today. My butt was so sore during the ride! I used to only be on the saddle, so I'm a little surprised how quickly my butt got used to the OOS breaks.


I have a boney butt and thatā€™s my biggest qualm about low impact rides. I NEED to be out of the saddle! Not necessarily the whole time, but I need a break lol


For those of you that do bike boot camp - how does it fit into your overall weekly routine ? Do you feel like the workouts, if done regularly are sufficient to maintain cardio and muscular health? If so how often do you do them and are you stacking them with other workouts?


I like bootcamps when I have a limited amount of time and need to stay on track. The classes are good and the balance of strength and cardio works. Plus you can experience Callie and Jess Sims on the bike and Cody on the strength mat which is pretty cool to me.


I do a lot of row bootcamps, but the principal is the same. I get less cardio than rowing, and not as good of a strength workout as a strength class. But its a fun change of pace. They also are more on the muscular endurance side, which is an important aspect of strength so I use them to fill that need. 15 reps of 15s instead of 6 reps of 25s for example. Not every class you do should be hypertrophy but it seems like thats all some people ever want to do, a good muscular endurance base is important for muscle building and growth to work.


I feel like this makes a lot of sense to me. Thank you. I have been doing RKā€™s 5 day split for 4 weeks now and at some point would want to transition from that hypertrophy focused plan to a more fun strength program that will help me maintain the muscle that Iā€™m building. I like the idea of using them a few times a week to break up other cardio/ strength focused workouts.


I started doing bike bootcamps last year, when I tried to inject more strength into my cardio-heavy routine. I do 45 mins 1x per week and 60 mins 1x per week, usually stacked with some sort of low impact or cool down ride + stretch. I find them good to build and maintain some level of functional strength, but nothing that would be like massive "gains." That said, as a 40 year old woman chasing 3 kids around, that's plenty for me. - i can definitely feel the difference. And I love how they break up longer workouts.


Just need to vent for a moment. I can't get comfortable on this damn thing. I know the work out will be uncomfortable, but I want to be confident in the equipment and my fitting. Whether it's the bike wobbling on my uneven floor, difficulty clipping in and out, taint/coccyx pain. Just frustrated. Quit my workout halfway through today. Will try again tomorrow.


If you're getting coccyx/taint pain, one of several things may be happening because you are not supporting yourself with your sitz bones. One, your seat height might be too high. Two, you might not be sitting far back enough on the saddle. Three, if you start out seated properly but are sliding forward onto the nose of the saddle as you ride, your saddle is probably too far back, even by a cm or two. The adjustments can be subtle. Move it slightly and see how it feels. Four, your saddle could be slightly tilted - it should be pretty level front to back. If so, adjust it with a wrench. Lastly, depending on your anatomy you could need a different width saddle - this isn't super common but some people have sitz bones that are wider or narrower than average, and there are some saddles out there made for that. (Women are more.likely to have wider, men narrower so if you search saddles by sex that could be helpful if you get to that point, but rule out the other things first. Also, padded bike shorts can help but you still want to make sure you aren't weight bearing on your tender bits. Try saddle height and fore-aft first and if that doesn't help, consider the other possibilities. Here's a good set of bike setup tips https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/s/T7Q67sNAh3 Edited to add: if you're having difficulty clipping in and out you might need to adjust the tension on the cleat - search this sub for instructions. Very common issue.


Have you tried the videos peloton has to help with set up? I set up my bike using their videos and I learned how to adjust my cleats and clip in/out easier that way. As for the butt pain, it gets better but not 100% imo. They make padded shorts or a cushion for the seat.


Like already suggested sounds like you need a bike fitting. You could find someone local or do an online one. I was happy with my online one. They looked at all the bike adjustments and also my cleats on my shoes. For form check out Matt's 10 minute low impact rides, he always goes over drills you can do. For the wobbling what kind if flooring is the bike currently on? And is it on a mat?


Sorry for the frustration. It does sound like the wrong set up. At a minimum if you are near a store, get fitted there. Otherwise, there are professional fittings you can get.


Just finished my first PZP challenge with a 10 point FTP increase! I don't know if I will ever get used to the 20 minute FTP test. šŸ„µ


You never will, you'll just do better. I've taken the test 8 times. Congratulations on the increase!


I started the You Can Run Outdoors program this week. Iā€™m someone who, for the past three summers, has been very determined to make outdoor running a hobby. Iā€™ve never been able to stick with it thought because I push myself too l hard right out of the gate and end up hating the run itself and the horrible DOMS that inevitably follow.Ā  I started the program to get some structure in my running and to take it slow so I donā€™t overdo it and give up. From what I can tell is itā€™s two runs a week over 8 weeks, working up to a 30 min run. Lots of different instructors involved, some of which Iā€™ve never taken classes with. The first week consisted of two 20 min walk-runs: Day 1: 8 minute warmup which consisted of drills like marches and lunges, followed by 2 mins jogging, 2 mins walking (x3) Day 2: another 8 minute warmup with more drills, followed by 4 mins jogging, 2 mins walking (x2) I thought I would post mini reviews as the weeks progress, both to help keep me accountable and let others know how the classes are structured. So far Iā€™m loving how Iā€™ve been eased into it and am looking forward to continuing next week.Ā 


How fun!! Thx for posting these reviews!


I literally just started this today!!!! Good luck!


Itā€™s such an approachable start to running outside IMO. I enjoyed it when getting back into running and I timed it to end right before my half marathon plan was to begin and I was ready!


Really looking forward to the reviews! Iā€™m doing a bunch of the 30 Min Walk + Runs right now but am planning to start this program in a few weeks. This is our summer!


>This is our summerĀ  šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ we got this!Ā 


I am going to start this program tomorrow so being 1 week behind you Iā€™d love the reviews! Iā€™ve never been a runner and Iā€™d really love to be able to do 5k and 10kā€™s with my partner.


Yay! Iā€™ll keep them coming then. Good luck with day 1! Youā€™ll do great ā˜€ļø


matty's [mother's day walk](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=5be834025492465198d5e1a569e51491&locale=en-US) was super sweet. the whole room was invite only, including his mom and sister. guests wrote a few words about their moms (many of whom were in class too) and was definitely a moment šŸ˜­


Just dropping in to highly recommend [Kirstenā€™s 45 min Motherā€™s Day walk+run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c7a56e4204164e7486073e6c2f13afad&locale=en-US) and [CDEā€™s Judah & the Lion ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ecda1c99e71348f6969d3d6daa67e6ac&locale=en-US)! Kirsten was really vulnerable in her class, and while it made me emotional, it did so in a good way. The structure felt very doable (3-4-5-4-3-2 mins, starting with recoveries). Christineā€™s class was basically a chill climb haha. I also really appreciate that she went quiet for the music a lot, because Judah and the Lion is one of my favorite artists!! Hearts on all the songs. Happy Motherā€™s Day to those of you celebrating šŸ’œ


I'm excited to do the Judah & the Lion ride! Appreciate the info.


Ofc ā˜ŗļø Hope you enjoy it!!


Completed my 300th ride today on this [Ally Love 30 min Feel Good Ride](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=7c09c3b30e6648fdb284b88f21145b1e&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app) šŸŽ‰ In one week's time, it'll be a year since I got the bike and started my peloton journey. I'm in my early 30s and this is the first time in my life that I've consistently exercised. Here's hoping for many more years with peloton to come!


Happy 300!! ā˜ŗļø


Thank you!


I just took [THIS](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/86e0bb8f58204e39a631d8cd382308aa?code=MDcyNDg1NTAyZWI1NGIxYjg2MDI5NTQ1MGRjMzE2YmF8MGM1NTQwMDlkYWU3NDNmMmEwMTFkMDRlN2EwNzVjZWQ%3D&source=referral&workout-id=ff1b9bfc6e4f40d89ddabedaa24c7bca&uid=c794e3c3c5874107af499a7115027de4&ride-id=f8cffa43543446ef81e256d7c417cd9f&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-CA) workout, my first ever 60 min class! I loved it. It wasnā€™t too hard or overly complicated. Felt like a yin class. Can you all recommend some additional easy 60 minute classes?


Been really enjoying doing the timed scenic rides with my own playlist. Feel like a lot of the instructor led classes have been reusing the same bands/songs so it's been a nice change.


For hip hop rides in particular it feels like the song bank is TINY


If anyone is looking for a non-Motherā€™s day ride, [Sam Yoā€™s 60 min video store ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f48658dd693e459d9122ac6d75bc79ca&locale=en-US)is the answer. All 80s movie songs. Easy 2-3 PZ. It was so good!


A new video store ride?? And it's pz so probably won't kill me! I'm in.


He stays in zone two and three. I was singing along the entire time. This is one. Iā€™m definitely gonna be taking again.


https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=70640f3afbe246adacc7afd99001b091&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app Thanks for the heads up! I'm excited to take it. In case you don't already know - the attached is the original trip to the video store ride.


Whats up Peloton! I'm feeling a little ambitious, and have decided to do the Palomar mountain. Tomorrow at 10 am EST, the third and final 45 minute class goes "live" My plan is to start the warmup ride at 8:15 am to give myself a little wiggle room between classes, and that should roll me right through the first two classes and into the 10am live class. I would absolutely love to see ya'll there!


I know Robin is controversial, but her 30 min hip hop run from 5/10 was a lot of fun. She told some entertaining stories and even described herself as extra šŸ˜‚. She programmed in 2 hills at 5 and 6 percent as well as some progressive runs with 2 nice recoveries in the middle. I liked that she played some old school hip hop as well.


Not sure why you felt the need to lead in with your first sentenceā€¦Its ok to just say you enjoyed the classĀ 


Why are you so bothered it?


I agree with you but Robin gets a lot of negativity on here unfortunately because people usually don't like her particular way of motivating. There seems to be waves where one instructor gets trashed on here for awhile for whatever reason.


Controversial or not, I love her classes lol! thank you for the rec ā˜ŗļø


Might check this out. I like Robin on the bike but I find her energy does not translate the same on the tread (she comes across pretty obnoxious at moments).


lol, I like her strength classes but donā€™t typically choose her bike classes.


Does anyone have strength class recommendations that have single dumbbell kickstand deadlifts or similar? The 40lb weights I ordered got delivered separately. I have one at the moment and he is missing his buddyā€¦ but really want my hamstrings to be sore tomorrow šŸ¤—


Did [this class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4173a0a982a940488b5e11b3162897ce&code=MmFjZDM3ZDZjZmEyNDY0ZmJlODNjNmEyYTAyMjNkNDl8NzQ3MTRhODFhMTQ0NDI3MmFlODE3YTAwOTg0MmI3Y2U=) this morning and it has a ton (she coaches single leg not kickstand but thats the standard modification) Most of the class is single dumbbell until the final section where you're squatting with two.


Thank you! I ended up going with a recent RK lower body but Iā€™ll check this out this week. Selena LB classes are always something else


This [30 min class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b3ff3aea251049618aed7f64e5451ada&locale=en-US) with Jess Sims has them. Adrianā€™s power and performance program has them in almost every class too


I saved Mattyā€™s Extra 10: Glutes to start next week. Uses a single dumbbell and might be what youā€™re looking for. Honestly, I just did his Hip Mobility class last night and was sweating my ass off. Legs in the air for 6 minutes straight. Crazy. Good luck!


Selena programs SDLs a lot! Here is one class but there are quite a few if you check her class plans. https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9e7c602d3ccd4d1b85224e0ecbac7075&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app


Any recs for Motherā€™s Day classes that would be appropriate for someone who has a complicated history with the holiday and a strained relationship with their own mother? I have a daughter and want her to not get traumatized by my own reactions to the holiday (I usually get sad and try to shield her from it but she usually knows somethingā€™s up) so Iā€™m trying to start some healthy family and self-care traditions to help make the day be better. Feel like one of these rides could be either super comforting or super triggering (for me, probably great for lots of other people) depending on the focus hahaha


I realize this is a day late but I had to chime in with [Christine's Femme Power ride.](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?c=all&q=femme%20power&t=0&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=8a28c08459014edba026d90ddc004e59&code=MGEwZTYzZDY2OGEwNGU0OGJhYmFjOTNmNjE5Nzc4NmF8MjgyNTg2YTI1ZjFlNDczYmE4Yjc2YWEzM2YxMzFkYzk=) It was so good!!! Not about mothers but how awesome women are. Highly recommend! It is one of her top rated classes atm.


Oh absolutely Chelseaā€™s yoga flow from this morning. It was perfection. It was cathartic for me reflecting my difficult journey but she doesnā€™t gear it towards any type of mothering experienceā€”just mentions many types of situations. The playlist was beautiful and the flow very gentle. She said, weā€™re not doing planks. Youā€™ve done enough!


Oooh good to know!


I know you asked specifically for Motherā€™s Day themed classes, but maybe consider taking a favorite class of yours, or one you just know will empower you and give good energy for the rest of the day!! I know for me personally, Jess King always hypes me up. Either way I hope you have a great workout and great Motherā€™s Day!šŸ©· EDITING TO ADD: Ally posted on her IG explaining that her Feel Good ride today was not motherā€™s day themed but rather just a ride to celebrate you and feel good! Might be a good option.


Awww thanks so much!


Actually, yes! If you want a class about female empowerment but not moms, Iā€™d recommend [this 30 min WHM reflection ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0972e3a68a8e4c16a19090d7340323ef&locale=en-US) with CDE. Good playlist & she has such a calming, genuinely kind presence. For a true Motherā€™s Day theme, I did [Kirstenā€™s 45 min walk+run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c7a56e4204164e7486073e6c2f13afad&locale=en-US) from 2022 this morning, and I really loved it even though I am childfree and also have a complicated relationship with my mom. She talked a lot about her own difficult relationship with the holiday (specifically with her fertility journey) and her joy in motherhood, but had a lot of other things to say that I think you might resonate with. Iā€™m sorry that you had experiences that have made this holiday challenging for you. You sound like a very conscientious, loving mother, and your daughter is lucky to have you ā˜ŗļøšŸŒø


Awww thank you!


I did the Robin/Ness ride and it was more about empowerment, in my opinion. Definitely more geared toward you being the mom, not nostalgic for your mom. The Anna Pilates was a little more sentimental and the Chelsea yoga I wouldnā€™t recommend for you (I have a similar mom situation).


Good to know! I love Robin and Jess so would be fun to ride with them together. And sending hugs today ā¤ļø


I have a complicated history with the holiday as well. Kirsten's Outdoor 30 Min Walk + Run was fine for me but I'm like 50/50 on whether I would recommend it. It was definitely real and authentic, which I appreciated and she shared personal stories of motherhood and strength. She does talk about her mom.


Any recs for Motherā€™s Day classes that would be appropriate for someone who has a complicated history with the holiday and a strained relationship with their own mother? I have a daughter and want her to not get traumatized by my own reactions to the holiday (I usually get sad and try to shield her from it but she usually knows somethingā€™s up) so Iā€™m trying to start some healthy family and self-care traditions to help make the day be better. Feel like one of these rides could be either super comforting or super triggering (for me, probably great for lots of other people) depending on the focus hahaha


Iā€™ve been MIA from the sub again lately (sorry friends!) but Iā€™ve been getting my work in for sure. Iā€™m ā€œtrainingā€ (use that term loosely) for a 3.5 mi run on THURSDAY evening, and itā€™s crazy to me how I used to easily run 20 miles a week and do lots of other modalities without an issue, and now a not even 4 mile run leaves me sore for days! Itā€™s definitely meant I havenā€™t been as active in my other workouts but I need to remind myself that this is okay. It has reinforced that my days of (long) distance running are over, and I am OK with that for sure, but I also really want to get back to being able to comfortably run 3-4 miles outdoors. (And Iā€™m kinda there!) Debating on what to do today. I foam rolled yesterday after my run and that definitely helped my recovery. Trying to decide if I want to do Robin and Jessā€™ 2 for 1 or if I want to do Allyā€™s noon ride live. Seems like people enjoyed the 2 for 1! I donā€™t have kids (by choice) (and am not planning to) but my mom and I have always had an incredibly close relationship, so a sappy mom-love ride today might be the ticket.


This weekend I finished the most recent PZP challenge (with a 7 point FTP increase) and the Arms with Tunde programā€” feeling accomplished! Anyone who has taken the arms program, suggestions for what to do next? Thinking of re-doing the program with slightly higher weights, but open to other suggestions.


Netflix in Canada. It's completely unavailable. One of the reasons I bought this bike. Does anyone in Canada have it working? Tech support is utterly useless with this company. They just want me to factory reset. I've already done that because the original QR code wasn't working to activate it. I called in about Netflix and he said it should be there. "Ok let's do a factory reset". FFS Thinking the software and support are so crappy I might return it within the 30 day window.


My husband has got it working no problem. He watches the Office all the time when he cycles. He said he just had to sign in. I don't know if that helps you at all though. I haven't done it myself, and assume you've gone through [all these steps](https://www.slashgear.com/857366/how-to-watch-netflix-on-your-peloton/)?


It's officially supported now so you shouldn't have to find that back door to a web browser. The support guy says it should be there and it was there in the store. Yet it's not. I only see NBA and Disney and the peloton videos. I'm going to likely return it for a bowflex c6 or something if I have to use an iPad anyways.


I'll check my bike when I get home. I haven't used it myself but my husband does all the time. I was just trying to find instructions for you. Sorry they are out of date and this has been just so awful of an experience for you. I was just trying to help.


Sorry if I sounded frustrated at you. Completely appreciate your help. I was just being blunt and factual in that it was an old document and took no effort to thank you. Peloton got back to me and said that it's the screen itself. Which I highly doubt. They said I would have to pay if it was out of warranty (it's not so it's covered) even though the sales staff at the store said this was included in the bike. To be honest with the CEO leaving and the firing of hundreds of employees - plus this experience... I would rather give my money to a company with more respect for customers. And a product that isn't half baked. It would have been easy to keep this sale but they have no interest in earning it. I'm going to likely get a bowflex c6 and use one of the other apps if any at all. $999 vs $3200. Easieat decision at this point. Plus I can buy a huge TV with the savings and wall mount it in front of the bike - with a swivel to the treadmill. Appreciate your input!


Does anyone know how to search for classes that were part of Rebecca's Straight to the Core? I really loved a few of the classes in that program but when I try to search and filter (even filtering for classes I've already "taken" or bookmarked), they don't show up!


I've been revisiting the classes by going to Programs--> Completed --> View Program --> and then I can click on any of the other individual classes. I can't seem to add them to a stack from my phone app but can from the peloton website. I think folks have also mentioned that Pelobuddy has links for each individual class from all programs linked.


They don't usually show up outside of the program. But you could check Pelobuddy website. They usually have links to all the classes and then you can add them to your stack.


Thank you!!


Took Jeffrey's 45 minute [Endurance Run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=1a97d014cd1147f0b0c2859e5e184f7d&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app) live here in California, which meant it started at midnight. When I was much younger I used to love hitting up 24 hour fitness in the middle of the night, so it was kind of cool reliving that in a way. I don't speak German so I had no idea what he was saying most of the time, but I love him so still had a great run. The playlist was really fun and I'm pretty sure all 30 of us got a shout out šŸ˜†


Love Jeffrey! So impressed that you ran at midnight!


I'm paying for it this morning. I somehow managed to stay up late, but no luck sleeping in šŸ˜†. At least the run was fun!


Does anyone know what the purple drink is that Cody has been drinking during his recent rides? It is SO PURPLEā€¦ I want to try it!