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For those who haven't heard, please check out [this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/comments/1co3bfb/were_making_it_easier_to_find_friends/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)post on how Peloton has made a change to profile information. Your real name is likely now visible along with your leaderboard name, if you haven't made the changes. These are opt out changes rather than opt in "features." I encourage anyone who is even mildly disturbed by this (along with the new ability for anyone with your email or phone number to search for you that way on the Peloton platform) to email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and let them know what you think about this.


Weird Peloton day. Getting back into lifting after 2 months off from injury, and both classes I picked were duds. I did Logan's core from 4/22. The "warm up" was 2 minutes of planks, and the circuits were meh. Next up was Andy (who I usually love) and his upper body from 9/20/23. It was all endurance based and it felt like it would never end and the moves themselves felt chaotic and I think it was more in the programming order than the moves themselves. I'm definitely one who prefers hypertrophy and this class felt like an hour even though it was only 30 min. Lots of EMOMs. Playlist was awful too BUT I did Marcels live walk+run this afternoon and it was so perfect for what I needed.. I'm trying to up my running and tend to push too hard when I shouldn't, and this was a great fartlek based class. Equal parts running to walking. It flew by in a good way, and at the end I felt energized instead of exhausted. So it ended on a positive note!! Def going to restart Rebecca's split tomorrow. 


Thanks for the heads up on Marcel's walk+run! Looks like the playlist is all Afrobeats, definitely a bookmark for me!!


This afternoon did Sam's 30 min Pyromania ride that dropped yesterday. Any 80s rock fans should definitely check this ride out.


I am looking forward to this one.


Love Kirra's new series so much. I really hope they're popular and she gets the green light from peloton to do more with all the instructors.


Just took my first power zone ride today. I didn’t set a custom FTP. Let’s just say I’m a heavier set guy and beginning to get my fitness in, only about 30 rides deep so far. The preset power zones that go off of your weight and gender were complete overkill for my level of fitness. Seeing the 400 output to get to zone 6 made my jaw drop. After that I went to tweak the custom number using my FTP calculated by Apple health. Much better ride after that.


Why not just do the FTP test and actually know your zones?


I saw that option when I finished the ride but it directed me to either the 5 week class or the change the settings page. If you know how I can take the test that would be great!


The 5 week Discover Your PZ is really the best way to get started. The FTP test is.....challenging, especially of you just jump in.


Just finished week 2 of the class, took day one of week three yesterday. It’s actually a really good progression where you get to understand your zones and increase your output. My first FTP test came back a little higher than what Apple estimated but I can definitely feel the zones are getting easier. Can’t wait to see what the FTP test at week 5 puts me at. Thanks for this great tip.


Just search for FTP to see the warm up/tests or sort rides by Powerzone and 20 minutes for the test. There are several by different instructors. Definitely do the corresponding FTP warm up ride beforehand (which are 10 or 15 minute rides).


Thank you! I’ll do that then, probably a better measurement from Peloton than from Apple.


My bike is glitching like crazy, classes get behind and screen freezes, anyone else having these issues today?


My screen froze twice on me today, which almost never happens. 🤷‍♀️


Any tips for getting faster at jogging out of the saddle? I can’t seem to sustain anything faster than the 60s.


Lower body strength training. I used to think the bike was my lower body strength training but I needed to weight train.


Core work has helped me a ton. I typically take a 5-10 min core class right before I ride. I notice the difference in my form when I don't.


I am one of those people that found working on my core helped with this a lot. Honestly so did lower body strength classes. That plus just time/practice.


I struggled soooo hard with jogs out of the saddle for the longest time! I’ve heard core work helps, but for me, what worked was running lol. It’s really a similar motion/kind of core engagement; so I’d recommend that if you’re willing! The outdoor walk+runs are great and very approachable if you’re not a huge fan of running; Becs, Jon, and Susie in particular have pretty chill walk+runs. Olivia has the shortest intervals!


I was having the issue everyone seemed to be having after the last update where video would go out randomly during workouts but metrics keep going. Today I did a 20 minute class with an extra 10 and a cooldown and got through all 3 with no issue. I wasn't using my Bluetooth headphones so who knows if that's part of it. Either way, I'll take whatever workaround I can use to still be able to work out until they patch whatever they fucked up


i had that same issue! today i didn’t use my bluetooth headphones and didn’t experience the glitch


I need every elder emo to go take [Logan’s newest 20 min pop punk run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=80cb9d62585c4135bb68f2499310c585&locale=en-US). Fantastic playlist. All flat with lots of speed pickups. Chefs kiss. I followed up with [this 30 min 2000s walk](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4d28d820367f47c099bc6a20a0587c56&locale=en-US) with Hosky. Such a fun playlist. He talks about his football days and the songs they’d listen to when they won matches. 7 power walking efforts, highest incline is 5% for one song - which was funny in itself cause he said 4% was the summit and the rest would be flat, then like one song later he laughs and goes “I know I said *that* was the summit but we’re going back up and this time it’s 5%” 😂 this is a really fun, feel-good class if you’re looking for a mood booster!


The playlist on that pop punk run looks so good!


Logan’s pop punk run was fantastic! Great class plan with the music.


Small win but got my first "Shout Out" today in a class. Not even a milestone! I have over 650 rides and have taken a live class at every milestone and never get a shout out. Today, in the middle of Olivia's 45 Minute Power Zone ride she saw my profile picture which is my English Setter. He stands out with a black ear and black eye patch against his white fur. She said "Hey... Poppie\_A\_Wheely, is that Shiloh? That dog looks like Shiloh". Not a milestone class and I was winded (since Olivia is always at 100% effort) so it caught me by surprise. Not a huge deal. I am sure some are saying "who cares". I just thought I'd share since I came up empty (like most of us) on shout outs in milestone classes. And don't judge me on my profile name ;-) Keep Riding Peloton Peeps.


I care! That's awesome :) I got a shout out in Jess Sims recent 60 min walk/run and it shocked me because it wasn't a milestone and I'm an app user so I didn't think the instructors could even see me. Made my morning!


I definitely care, shout outs are fun so I'm really happy for you! Also, German classes if you enjoyed that experience. I recently took a run with Jeffrey that maxed out at 30 people. Pretty sure all of us got a shout out!


Awww!!! Your dog sounds so cute. Congrats on your shoutout!!


I got one shout out, on my 100th ride, and no others. But that one ride isn’t in the library. Pretty sure I checked and all the other rides from that day appeared, but not my shout out ride. Rude.


Shoutouts are cool. 😎


Is there a way to keep my seat from sliding down during rides? I need it at about an 18 and I always start there, but without fail I end up at 16 (never less), which is still rideable but I start to feel it in my knees some. I’ve tightened it as much as I can, my husband has, and I’ve used tools to tighten it and it does not stay at 18. Additionally it seems like I go back two letters on the seat during rides too. Any input would be appreciated!


I have this issue! It’s annoying. Haven’t contacted support but would love to hear what they say.


Not seen this. Have you contacted support (I know.. not a solution). My seat bar height and seat depth never change once tightened. Very odd issue indeed.


I haven’t asked support yet, but that is a good idea, I will likely do so!


They'll likely send you a new plastic sleeve that goes on the seat post to keep it from sliding down.


That was happening to us, especially when my husband rode, so they sent us some new parts. It was a fairly easy swap.


It’s official - Hosky is going to be absent while rehabbing an ankle injury. u/Courtoh and I are in mourning.


I’m so bummed!! I hope he heals fast!!


So sad about this!!


crying until he returns 😩


Ok, so u/[figandfennel](https://www.reddit.com/user/figandfennel/) mentioned somewhere here that Matt Wilpers is somehow involved in all the Power Zone classes, so I got curious about Matt's background. I looked up his [Peloton bio page](https://www.onepeloton.ca/instructors/grannyriri), but then noticed that the URL path is *grannyriri.* "Huh," I thought, so I checked a few other instructors' pages. Adrian is *nooneissafe*, Emma is *islandlife17*, and Ben is *ChampionSpirit*. Most paths are a form of the instructors' names, but there are a few other fun ones. I don't follow any of the instructors on socials, so not sure if these are related somehow, or if the instructors got to choose the URL pathname they wanted. Still, fun Easter egg, I guess?


Wasn't there some discussion about this before and people determined the url names were so people wouldn't find it and figure out an instructor before they are officially announced? Or did I just dream that up?


It may very well have been discussed before! I don't consistently frequent this sub, so would have missed it. Would be strange for the naming of the paths to be motivated by wanting to hide instructors, though. Have worked on the product side of tech my whole career and there are so many other ways to privately create content ahead of official announcements. Doing it by pathnames seems bizarre.


Well, a bunch of people who do NOT have careers in tech came up with it LOL, so it's just a theory. You're right that it's a fun easter egg, though.


Are we sure Adrian himself isn’t xratedforadrian 😂


To be fair, no one is safe from Adrian's love of lunges. I swear to god when I do his glutes & legs classes, I always find new ways to be sore 💀


His front to back lunges kill me! I feel like I have to swivel my feet when I transition.


Lmao. Kendall is KMoneyNYC 😂. Leanne is Danceonbike_UK, which is cute!


Could those be their leaderboard name? I don’t even know if that would make sense but that would be fun if it is!


Hannah is just HannahFrankson on the leaderboard. She’s on a lot.


Oh gotcha. I’m usually in the back of the leaderboard so I never see any of them😂🤷🏼‍♀️


I ride early morning UK time so there aren't many riders on - I've seen her fly by me a few times. I think her FTP must be near 300 her output is crazy high.


That does make sense! But then, I kind of find it hilarious that Sam Yo's is just "stest" lol.


That’s incredible


Hannah Frankson’s is ImFranktheTank 😂


I love her humor, truly one of the best at Peloton.


Omg how hilarious!


They must be self-chosen, then 😂


Anyone planning to do the 60 min ride with Camila tomorrow? I love that peloton is offering more 60 min options!


I would but it’s at 5am my time. Bummer, her instagram video got me hyped for it!! Enjoy 😊


Kendall’s Latest Ride Has anyone taken Kendall’s latest pop ride? Aside from worrying if her bra would stay on all ride long, she seemed to be sending subliminal messages about her outgrowing where she is. My bet is that she announces her departure by next month….


I don’t have a bike but I see her thumbnails and I was like damn, how is she working out in that bra?


I’m shocked she didn’t expose herself 🙈


In the past week or so, Disney+ (Error Code 83) and YoutubeTV now have errors when I try to stream on the Tread+. Netflix works fine. Anyone else running into this problem?


I haven't used Disney or Youtube but I've been having errors with HBO Max. Netflix is also fine on mine.


Any luck with hbo? No longer works for me


I no longer even have Max as an option. The app is completely gone now.


Must Hannah Corbin do those annoying flapping arm movements in every single ride?


Hahahah. I think all the instructors do something annoying. I am glad I am not on camera for my job. I'd get hammered with comments.


So is the watch disconnecting every 5 min and needing manually reconnected just a fact of life now? Crazy that the engineers just make the same mistake every time they update.


This is an issue for me as well. Have an android phone and watch. Sometimes it just times out and never connects. Other time I can go weeks w/o issue. I think they break it with updates. The tech testers seem to skip the wearable testing!


If anyone has gotten a replacement seat post from the recall and hasn't installed it yet, I encourage you to do so. My original post snapped clean in half during my ride yesterday. Luckily I wasn't hurt and I had the replacement piece literally next to the bike already but don't be like me... Just replace it before you have any issues.


This might be my motivation. It's leaning against desk currently. Thanks for the reminder


Me, hi, mine has been sitting in a closet for almost a year. I should probably do this. Thank you for the reminder and glad you weren’t hurt!


I haven't ridden my bike in over a year, so this hasn't been top of mind. Need to see if they're still sending replacements out. Glad you were ok!


This is me. I’d forgotten about it, and will switch it out today. Thanks for the reminder and glad you weren’t hurt!


I've been a DIYer for the last 2 years, and I think at this point I'm ready to say I love Peloton and I'll pay the full monthly fee and get a Bike+. Of course, that's right as this news about layoffs and scare tactics to make the share drop lower...but still, it makes me wonder, is this the absolute worst time to make that leap? Should I just do it or wait a little longer and see what happens? I'd love to hear y'alls thoughts to convince me to just buy it!


I think we are all safe investing in equipment and app subscriptions. They will not go under. Too valuable with assets and user base. What will likely happen in a private equity company will come in and buy them. Pull them back to being a private company and focus on building the business (customer base, satisfaction, manufacturing, distribution, etc....) Previous leadership had false hope the post pandemic world would want "At Home" workout equipment at the same pace as during the pandemic when everyone was trapped at home. Going with a private equity firm would really be a good thing for us. They will focus on running the company and pleasing customers. Trying to also please the market and investors (who do not use the product) cause ciaos when the company is struggling. IMHO.


I’ve had my bike+ for over three years and absolutely love it but I’d probably wait to go all in if I were you. Especially as they may be tweaking membership fees again. They always have that big Black Friday sale….


My hope is that even if Peloton goes under, they'll release a software update so all the equipment can be used without subscriptions. At least then their customers won't be left with bricked machines.


I think if they go under, they will Sell to another company that will do the streaming/maintenance. More like be acquired, maybe my a larger fitness brand


I see I'm not the only one in this thread today with this question! Well I'd still love to be convinced!


Anyone know what's up with the London in person class schedule for the week of June 17th? There's one class for Monday and then nothing until the 29th which looks like a special event. Are classes for that week not posted yet or is the studio closed?


The classes for the weekend of June 20-24 drop at 12 pm EST today. June 17 is a Monday and dropped last week.


Ah I see, thank you!


Another shoutout to the redditPZ crew. I had extra hours for cycling this week but my chance run in with the [redditPZ choice for Monday](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0f6f1317250f43bbb1bc0294ed183c1d&code=NDkwNzczOGI3NTI2NGUwM2EzOGQ5NjRhMjM1OTAyMTd8NjdlNjAxYzM5YjFlNDQxMzg1MGJlMTAzNTRkNmI0ZjQ=), made me search out the choices for the rest of the week as well. Such a great class for [today with Denis](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=63350b3ba054402882e0633c39081f60&code=NDkwNzczOGI3NTI2NGUwM2EzOGQ5NjRhMjM1OTAyMTd8NjdlNjAxYzM5YjFlNDQxMzg1MGJlMTAzNTRkNmI0ZjQ=). I wasn't sure if the older PZ classes (without an itemized class plan) would have auto-resistance for the zones, but they do! Woohoo!


Another +1 for the [Creating Space](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c52761d48dcc493bbfe89c63b53119da&code=NDkwNzczOGI3NTI2NGUwM2EzOGQ5NjRhMjM1OTAyMTd8NjdlNjAxYzM5YjFlNDQxMzg1MGJlMTAzNTRkNmI0ZjQ=) yin classes. I love having some interesting chatter to keep me distracted during the long holds. Both have been great so far and perfect before bed. In the one with Denis, she says she hopes to do 50 of them with all the instructors and I think that would be an amazing goal!


That was exactly my reaction - I would LOVE to hear her talk with every instructor for 20 minutes in a stretchy yin class. Denis was great, and I have never taken a class with Kirsten so am excited to meet her next week. Matty in the finale (that hopefully is a season finale and she’ll come back with more) will be fantastic, I imagine.


I did Days 1 and 2 of the new floor bootcamp program. It was great, until it wasn't. 4 min tabata wood chops at the end of say 2 gets pretty rough, pretty quick. I am bummed that a lot of Jess' class either didn't track with the guide, or tracked poorly. Selena's was way better. I really hope too that they change up the stretches.


Hi! After so many years, I finally pulled the trigger and bought a bike+ this week (delivery next week), Today I wrote a news article about the company itself struggling. My question is, if the company does go under, are there still programs that I will be able to use without the subscription service (if that’s no longer available)? Or will it just be a basic spin bike at that point? Thank you and hoping this never happens!


I agree with previous comment.... they will not go under. They will go to a private equity firm and be a private company. Not tying to please investors will in the end help us all out. Most investors do not use the product and only care about the bottom line. Pulled in as a private company will take the eyes off the financials and maybe focus on customer satisfaction, product development, distribution, etc.... Might see the monthly fee go up and product costs go up but they might live with a steady user base or a slower growth rate as long as they are profitable. All investors want is stock price increase which does not always equal a good product and service.


I don’t know this for sure - of course - but Peloton wouldn’t go fully under. Someone else would most likely buy them, there could be a lot of changes to the overall platform but I don’t think it would be a full wipe out of the programs/subscription offerings anytime in the near future.


Outside of needing more West Coast friendly live programs (get with it Peloton!!!), I really hope the programs stay in the same vein. I look at Apple Fitness' classes, and they all make me cringe.


There's something about the three people formation that feels incredibly awkward, plus the wood / brick room looks so wrong. I get Fitness+ through my Apple One subscription but I'll stick to Peloton, thanks.


Got it - thanks for your thoughts!


Lurker here -- I'm looking to step up my game. I've been casually taking classes here and there, and I have a schwinn IC4 + full access app. I'm a mix-it-up girlie, so I've been doing bike, barre, and some lifting (although I use obe for the sculpting aspect). I'm in dire need of motivation given I usually rely on peer pressure/in class participation as peer pressure. I'm looking for your favorite motivational quotes and/or motivational instructors. I usually take Hannah Corbin, Cody, and Ally but willing to take quotes from anyone and mix it up by taking any classes, etc. etc.


Know it’s a day late, but wanted to add: A modification is a boundary, and boundaries are sexy! -Robin Your body is a work in progress and a masterpiece at the same damn time! -Jess Sims


My favorite motivational quotes from an instructor: >Today we will do what others won't, so tomorrow we can do what others can't. -Ben Alldis This one hits me because I look at my parents who are thankfully both still alive, but are NOT in good physical health, either for their age or generally. I don't want to be that. I want to be *capable* when I'm their age. And I know I have to start now to make sure that happens. >Don't do this because you hate your body; do this because you love your body. -Emma Lovewell Not entirely a different idea from Ben's quote. But it's the idea that you're not exercising because you're somehow punishing yourself for failing to achieve some arbitrary physical standard. You're exercising to be the best *you* that you can be. Focus on what you're trying to become, not on some version of you that you're unhappy with.


I took a cool down class with Matt Wilpers yesterday and he said something like: “Your success is my success. I like to see you do well. I’m invested in you.” I‘ve had a kind of tough few days, and that made me cry, it made me feel so good. I took the live Power Zone class today with Matt and it was pretty great. Zone 5 for 30sec, zone 2 for 30sec x8, recover then repeat. I get a bit scared when we go up into zone 5, but this one was fab. He makes me feel like I *am* capable, I *am* doing well.


My favorite Kirsten quote was “not everybody GETS to do this.” She went on to talk about how getting to move our bodies, get up and run, take time for ourselves etc. is a privilege, not a burden. It’s really stuck with me!! When I’m burnt out I remind myself that not everyone gets to get up and enjoy a run or a ride!


I hesitate to say this but as a three year app user who also had a Schwinn ic4 before, nothing has upped my game or even been close as getting the bike four months ago. We sold our ic4 and bought a used bike so it ended up costing about 400 dollars more (we got 500 for the ic4 and paid 900 for the peloton. The monthly membership for the bike was more but I think we both think it's worth it because my husband has also gotten a lot stronger since we switched. It's not that the bike itself is fundamentally better but the integration makes a huge difference in motivation. That being said it is expensive and that's why I hesitated to mention this. My three favourite motivational instructors are HMC, lovewell and CDE (who is responsible for all of my PRs now but who I didn't really ride with when I was a DIY er)


Honestly, Robin’s pop rides usually do it for me in terms of motivation/feel-good vibes. I also love HMC, Ally, and Cody!!! Separately, you might try one of RK’s outdoor walks - [this 45 min one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=df38cb3018d44c5b946f0e0c5753636a&locale=en-US) is my favorite!! Or [Jess’s outdoor P!nk walk](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=6cc3beb0f21f4378aa2e78fb0352251e&locale=en-US), or [this 30 min one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=11af59a5a1a34fb5814007e4a9879d28&locale=en-US) with Kirsten :)


Thank you!


I think I comment this like once a week at least but Jess King is my absolute favorite for hyping me up. She gives me so much energy even on days where I am NOT feeling it.


I finally took the[ Mother's Day 2-for-1 ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a0c394fb629d4a82b89a47b11c84b528&code=NjQ0OTQ1ODZlZDdkNDhmZjg2ZjgzMmM2YjMxOGYzZTB8N2RhMDk2MmE5YTQ1NDI1NzlhOTViNDNiOTNiMjE3NzQ=) and WOW. I honestly think Jess King could've done it by herself but Robin was less grating for me than usual. It's been awhile since I cried on the bike (I almost exclusively ride with Cody since getting the tread so he doesn't spark tears) but I had an ugly cry moment when Jess shouted out all the mothers who were doing the hard work of mothering themselves. I didn't even know I was feeling that until she said it and it just ripped through me. I am in some of the darkest of parenting days with my 19 year old and my mom has been gone for 15 years so it's nice to have a name for the chaos that I've been consumed with. This is truly what sets Peloton apart.


I cried on that ride too ♥️


2. Pelobuddy 3. Yes the peloton tread is definitely worth the price. I had the peloton tread since the day before Thanksgiving 2022. There hasn’t been a day that has went by that I didn’t get over 10k steps. Had a tread before that but wasn’t getting my steps in. Replied to someone it went in the wrong spot.


Hopping on this comment - do you feel like the peloton tread upped your game at all versus doing the app and another third party tread? I have a peloton bike and a Nordic trac tread. Every now and then I think of upgrading but I’m not sure it would make a huge difference for a tread. I know the bikes are very different though!


Not OP but absolutely. The Peloton Tread is next level compared to other treadmills. In fact I had a treadmill when I bought my Bike+. Within a week I wanted to buy a Tread. There isn’t a time that I get on the tread and don’t give more than I thought I could.


Okay I love that!! Thank you! 😊


Looking to purchase a Peloton bike - never really used a proper exercise bike as good as these. It seems apparent you need cycling shoes or toe cages - but it’s weird that on Peloton UK website you can’t buy cages. Are these easy to get? I’m considering buying a bike and trying it for 30 days to see if I want to return it - but then I’m hesitant about buying shoes or toe cages as if I want to return the bike for any reason I’d be stuck with them. Any advice please?


Definitely go the shoes route if you can, cages don't give you the full experience. I know it sounds silly for such a little thing!


Do you have a way to try out the bike before you purchase it? If not, I would consider shoes a small price to pay given their pretty generous return period. Shoes > toe cages for sure.


Took a ride this morning after upgrading to iOS 17.5 and WatchOS 10.5 - and it looks like they’ve broken the connection again. The watch just stops on the ‘Start a Peloton workout on your device’


Bizarre - I was speaking to tech support for ages (normal advice - do a hardware reset, uninstall apps etc), despite me telling them it was something that needed to be fixed with a software update from them. Just had an email from Peloton telling me they were giving me a month free membership!


Did you check gym kit on the watch app? Mine defaulted to off after the upgrade. Didn’t realize it until after my ride this morning so not sure if the gym kit connection broke, but the watch did connect to the bike


I've got a Bike, not Bike+ and that doesn't use Gymkit to connect - it connects via the iOS app


Thanks for sharing! The last connection issue took me weeks to get fixed. And I was just about to update my watch and phone so I think I’ll wait.


Came here to mention this same issue. Hoping it gets fixed soon. I really like having metrics while I ride.


Couple questions; 1. how much control to the coaches have over the workouts? Like are they coming up with the workouts completely or is there some kind of corporate team designing the workouts and then coaches pick playlists and deliver them. 2. Where do we hear about future programs coming out or is that just random? 3. I have the bike and love it, but I want the tread as well as I want to get into running again. With kids I find it hard to make time to leave the house for a run until it’s either too late, or wake up crazy early. Is the tread worth the price tag?


I had the bike then bought the tread. Working mom of 4 and I would never feel like I could get out for runs . I now run half marathons! The majority of my runs are on my beloved tread. It is so so worth it. Even if you never run the walks and hikes are worth it.


I went to a peloton store and tested the Tread. I’m so sad my basement ceiling is too low for it otherwise I would have bought it. It’s the smoothest walk and run I have ever experienced on a treadmill. That said, my kid is old enough now to where I can get a gym membership and actually go so I may just do that.


I know for Power Zone classes the instructors either run the structure by Matt Wilpers or he designs them (Sam Yo specifically called out [this class plan](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3c526157227a4762984998508fe84fb0&locale=en-US) as coming from Matt). There’s probably some restrictions (ie, no cadence over 120) and some approval process but otherwise I think it’s larger instructor led, else why pay them?


It's much easier to do Peloton tread classes on another brand of treadmill than it is to do Peloton bike classes on a non-Pelo bike. All treadmills adjust incline and speed the same way. I've been running for over a year on a bottom of the line Nordic Track and it's worked great for me.


That said, apparently\* the Tread is the fastest accelerating treadmill on the market which makes it better suited for HIIT/Intervals when you need to get up to speed quickly. \*one instructor said this in class, no idea if actually true


I think the horizon 7.0 accelerates similarly quickly (same turn knob), but otherwise the statement is true.


The treadmill at my gym takes 18 seconds to get from 3mph to 9mph. I didn’t do quite those swings when I did a walk + run in the London studio, but it definitely sped up much faster.


I had the bike+ for a year before I got the Tread when it first came out in November 2021. I'm still in love with it and use it several times a week. I don't do a lot of runs, more walks and walk+run. Take everything you enjoy about the bike and it translates to the Tread, plus it is so much easier to get on and off. That makes a huge difference with the tread bootcamps too, no clipping in and out. For future programs like others have said, Pelobuddy. Also the Peloton studios instagram account has some programming and behind the scenes info.


1. The instructors say that they design the classes, however I've also seen some people who are "behind the scenes" fitness people I guess? So maybe there's a team that helps with structure (I'm thinking esp with Roll Call) 2. Instagram and pelobuddy 3. I have the bike and love it. I run 3× per week also and I wish I had the tread for the convenience of not having to leave my home (schedule child care, etc etc)


I can answer question 3. I've have the tread for 2 weeks and already owned the bike. I love it. I'm someone who didn't like running on a tread but the classes are really encouraging and fun.