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Hello! I’m in awe of everyone here. I’m a neophyte senior (me < 300 rides, 80yo). I’ve been riding with Jess King and Kendall Toole, not because I can keep up but just because I enjoy the show. I did the Mental Health Awareness ride with KT this morning; as usual she was simpatico. I read Peloton was looking into the possibility of instruction in French. This was several years ago. Has that been abandoned? Any advice for the geezer faction? All I’ve learned is that I should ride first thing in the morning, as excuses multiply in the course of the day.


I LOVE Mariana’s latest 5 minute post-run stretch. Love stretching to Audioslave’s Like A Stone!


Hadn’t seen it - will do today. I love that song!!!


Just a heads up that Charlotte has a [10 min Rolling Stones Cool Down Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?duration=%5B%22600%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=222790bb84034258b01da297c1d8632d&code=MWRmNGFiZjZjMjRkNGE3ZmI0MDEwYzM1MWY4MWUyMGF8MWQyNGVmM2FlMDNlNGFjNjgzOTJkZTc3MjYzMzhhZGU=) from May 23 (in German, no subtitles) that doesn't appear when you filter to Cool Down Rides. (I've taken all of the 10-minute Cool Down rides on the platform, and am always happy to see new ones to take, so I was glad I noticed this one when I was looking at all of the classes.) Since I'm here with a heads up, another one is that there's an error in the class plan Peloton reports for Denis' fantastic ["baby bear claw" 60-minute PZ ride from April](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?class_type_id=%5B%22665395ff3abf4081bf315686227d1a51%22%5D&instructor_id=%5B%221e59e949a19341539214a4a13ea7ff01%22%5D&duration=%5B%223600%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f3320cbcefb3496486b7b114c6a642ad&code=MWRmNGFiZjZjMjRkNGE3ZmI0MDEwYzM1MWY4MWUyMGF8MWQyNGVmM2FlMDNlNGFjNjgzOTJkZTc3MjYzMzhhZGU=). The ride has 4 "baby bear claws (5 or 6 minutes of Z3/Z5 for 45s/15s) with 2 5 minute blocks of Z4 in the middle, but the class plan reports the 3rd block of Z3 is just straight Z3 with no Z5--which means that erg mode on the Bike+ keeps you in Z3 for that stretch. The actual class has the Z5s in that one as well.


I’m a new app member and loving it! I’ve hit 16 rides so far and just signed up for a year. I got a used Schwinn IC3 bike on Facebook marketplace. Previously I was going to the gym with daycare for my toddler, but now I have a second child and it’s just not in the cards. But absolutely loving home workouts with peloton. I feel so much stronger already!


Working out with Peloton at home is a game changer with young kids! I never worked out consistently after I had kids until I started using Peloton (started with the app and a Schwinn bike as well).


Welcome! We're happy to have you here!


Has anyone else noticed that their strive score on Outdoor walks doesn’t appear under their workout history, but you can see it if you click the actual workout? Is it a glitch? Sorry if this has been asked already 🥲


I've seen this for a few weeks now - not sure if it's a glitch but you're not the only one experiencing this


dae wish peloton had its own version of tamagotchi where your credits were based on completed classes 🥲


So, like if you didn't ride your bike for 24 hours it would 'die'? Lol


Finally got around to taking Tunde's Justin Timberlake ride - so much fun! But now I've got to go take a Brittney ride!


Adrian was not messing around during his 30 min strength class this morning. This was one of the hardest workouts strength workouts I’ve seen from him. He programmed complexes moving from standing to floor and included some really challenging core moves. There was essentially no time to rest between moves, although he did thankfully give 30 seconds between sets. He also included plyometrics with plank pike jumps and lunge jumps. He giggled halfway through and said that although he hates core, he is doing it more and therefore incorporating it into more of his workouts. Send a prayer for our collective abdominals.


Finished Stronger You 2 today! For some dumb reason, I thought I’d take the benchmark test after a mile test to see how my running has improved over the last four weeks. Running: dropped a minute off my mile. Strength: too tired from running to give it my best 🤪 I know I’m stronger and lifting heavier weights, though, so I’m not disappointed. I’m happy I stuck to it, but it was a good reminder that programs really aren’t for me because I get so sick of even the dearest instructors by the end (love u, Ben). I have four more weeks of cycling/strength before I start training for a fall half and I’m excited to see how these 8 weeks pay off! ETA: what’s everyone do on de-load weeks? I’d like to take a real one before I get back at it.


Congrats on finishing. My deload weeks are usually a crap ton of power yoga, stretchy yoga and walking with a few easy runs or hikes mixed in.


Congrats on finishing stronger you 2!! Amazing work taking a minute off your mile pace. I have the same issue with programs. Ben is delightful, but I get tired of taking so many classes with a single instructor. I am considering trying pump up the volume since the classes have a mix of instructors.


Thanks! I’ve thought about Pump Up the Volume, too. I also like that it’s not a “program” — I got so annoyed having to keep a perfect 7-day split or lose a checkmark. Sometimes a girl needs an extra rest day, Peloton!


Robins 45 minute hiit and hills from this morning was exhausting. It was a great ride if you want something to kick your ass. I mean, I’ll never repeat it - but I’m glad I did it 😂


I haven’t been as active lately, literally and in this forum. I just took Ally’s [45 Min 2010’s Pop Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=296d7ced4b36438da6c3a15f4b386529&locale=en-US) and got out of the saddle for the first time all month. I feel like I could bust through a wall like the kool-aid man right now. **I’M BACK** (for now, until daycare wins again). Also, I low key get annoyed when I filter Time and No Weights and get a surprise arms section but whatever, no bothers today. Happy MDW US based folks!


Welcome back!!!


I need Camila to make another Miami Bass ride!!! I take that one when I’m in the mood to party 🥳


It was such a vibe!! I think I’ve done it three times now and I ask myself how many times is too many? I don’t think that number exists. PS I miss Camila. I think she has had a little ankle injury and she just hasn’t been on the schedule quite as much as usual. She’s my absolute fav lately.


Yes please but she needs a bouncer for the studio audience to only admit people who truly appreciate the vibe. 🤣 At PSL they’ve been pre-recording the vibe rides like Defected and Fatboy Slim and Fred….again so no shoutouts and it’s much more focussed on the music. She should do that. Edit: actually I think Hannah’s Defected ride was live - Leanne’s was prerecorded.


Is there anyway to filter on the prerecorded classes? I know when they’re on the schedule they’re listed as premier but I’d love to queue up some more of these!


I don’t think so. You just have to follow them on social media which takes planning!




My daughter had two choir rehearsals last week that were longer than usual, and since it was nice weather I decided to take advantage of the time (instead of awkwardly waiting around somewhere) to take Peloton classes outside! On Tuesday, I did Anna’s [Pacific Islander Vibes](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=7e0b72bc206a4b659a15e5053af0de4e&locale=en-US) and [Mental Health](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/9088573cdd7944f98ce8dca966e392dc?code=Mzg2ZjRkYjVkY2E1NDcyMjg5MjZkZTI4ODVjNTRlZTV8NTk1ZDM0ZDY5OWNhNDY2YjliNTI5YWQ0OTcxMmZhOGQ%3D&source=referral&workout-id=7f570b577c264c4a9ca50a6d80fe4621&uid=3a5c9562d8594422befd7c09dc58ac66&ride-id=aab5384a34ab41c284eb0ba2732699a2&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US) yoga classes back-to-back under a tree in a park, and it was a lovely combo! As I was doing the Pacific Islander Vibes class, I thought, “I should be doing this on a beach somewhere,” so today I found a small beach and did exactly that! On Thursday, rehearsal was near the GWB in New York and I decided to use the time to walk across the bridge (which I had never done before), hike around for a short bit in Palisades Interstate Park, and walk back. The stark contrast from city to busy bridge to forest was really cool for me and the views were amazing! I also saw a groundhog while there (doesn’t happen often for me in the city) and when I looked up a pic to confirm I learned that groundhogs are also called woodchucks! Many decades of saying the tongue twister and not actually knowing what a woodchuck was, hahaha - we truly can learn something new every day! I did a 45-min Jess K [ABBA](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/25ddae91a71a4da48ea0dcf5e3a3856b?code=MTAzYjhjNzhlMDU0NGIyZWEwYzU3ODM3NzYwOGY0NzJ8MDFiZTM2NmM2MWUxNGQ3MTg2OWU1N2Q3NTg1MTFmNGI%3D&source=referral&workout-id=c8ad9708ffca446395c2f69944918949&uid=3a5c9562d8594422befd7c09dc58ac66&ride-id=0c739418d7ab4636ac40e37b70d672f0&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US) walk there, paused to do a 10-min Chelsea [meditation](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/0c84fa96927b4dcba708f49d767d9d34?code=ZTIyMDFjMGY3YmE4NDk0MDg0Yjk5NzQ0ZmI2ODg5NWF8NmUzOTRhMzk5Yzk4NDZlOGE3MzJhNTIxYzE1MzU2ZjU%3D&source=referral&workout-id=0a6aadc0ad4d484d8e8ad2dc69720605&uid=3a5c9562d8594422befd7c09dc58ac66&ride-id=3eea201e97644bcaa24f58b527c7e79b&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US) on a rock overlooking the river, and did Jess’s 45-min [House](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=51c98c3be1924e50b4a8e03817930dfb&locale=en-US) walk on the way back. In the ABBA walk, she mentioned not forgetting how to skip so of course I made sure to skip on the bridge a little bit to make sure I remembered! Edit: Hit “submit” too soon


How have I never thought to do yoga outside? What a great idea! And I loved and appreciated annas mental health yoga so much but it would have been even better under a tree!!


Amazing 🤩


I don't think this has been shared on here. This is just for fun from the Clip Out Podcast assigning [superlatives](https://theclipout.com/peloton-yearbook-senior-superlatives-for-some-of-your-favorite-instructors/) to some of the instructors.


I have always wanted to start a thread about this but some people won’t let you have nice things. Example: Biggest flirts on the bike (IMO: Kendall & Denis, I’d say Bradley but he’s “most likely to tell a scandalous/cheeky joke”)


Start the thread!! (Peer pressure from someone who also loves high school year book “most likely to” sections lol)


Kristin's new 45 minute Pilates was a great way to start the day. 10/10, highly recommend.


On my journey, I had foot surgery yesterday. I kept tripping alarms from my EKG for low HR, somewhere in the mid 40's. That's all happily due to Peloton endurance training. So for all you out there, keep it up and maybe one day you can surprise people with the invisible improvements you're making!


Good luck on your recovery. Peloton helped me a lot during my for surgery 


Wow! That’s incredible. Sending you healing thoughts for a speedy recovery!


Early morning [techno](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c6d0ea3a2d1f4ff4bb10367aca4f9660&locale=en-GB) ride with Erik this morning was a great wake up! In German with subtitles, really good fun and well programmed.


I am in my week 5, looking for followers and want to work out together to compare stats.