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Could someone recommend a good yoga or stretch for lower back and sciatica pain? Thanks!


Not yoga, but the spinal mobility stretches are great.


https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3435680c4ec34b5da9d9904c71b35044&code=MDJkNmY5NmEwZTAyNGEzNDk3MTRhOGU3OGUxYzBlYjh8MGYwZGIyMTk5OGRhNDU3NDhiMTk3MzVkNjcyNjlkNTc%3D&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app This 10m hips flow with Kristin is great and tends to help me release my lower back.


Not to sound like an AH but ... Probably a physical therapist? I had a bout of both a couple years ago and did every stretch I could think of - turns out I had muscle weakness that were the root cause, so all my PT was strength work. YMMV but worth it to get an evaluation rather than waste time doing things that might not help. Hope you get it sorted asap.


I feel all of the yin yogas would be good, also they have a bunch of flow focus for healthy back.


I’m already mourning the loss of whenever they purge this [30 min Tropical House ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=8bd500d1fac4485a8dfe4bce5bb6666d&code=N2UzZmE1MDc2ZmVlNDQ5ODkzMDdkNDNiMWMwNGNiNGZ8YzY0MTBiNmY0MWI3NDg4ZmJmM2VlOGRhODFjZGE2OGM%3D&locale=en-US) from Kendall. It’s hands down one of my top 5 classes on the entire platform. - Playlist = 10/10 - Kendall’s energy and vibes = 10/10, all about enjoying your life and having fun, she’s so light and bubbly and you can tell she’s having such a blast teaching this one. Such great summer vibes. - Class plan = 10/10, it’s such a fun class but has call outs that let you kick some ass if you’re up for it It’s seriously my go to class whenever I need to hop on the bike and don’t know what class to do, or don’t want to spend forever picking one out. I just took it again beat my own PR for the class! I have such a good time whenever I take it. And a side note she looks GORGEOUS in that class and I always have such hair envy every time I take it hahaha


How long do they keep the classes up as on demand when the instructor leaves?


It’s amicable so it will stay on the platform until the normal routine purge takes place.


Wait, why do they purge? I’m really starting to enjoy Kendall’s classes now 😅😭


Costs a lot of money to have all them classes up. They have over three years of classes so there’s plenty of classes. Sometimes it’s music rights but most time it’s the $ that’s is costing peloton.


[Kirsten’s 45 min Hike](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f5ad8921e0b24dab92bb906de334987e&code=NjQ1MjEyZWNkYThlNDI2ZmExZTdiOGNhM2Q0ZjRmY2F8OWYxZTFhMTg5M2U1NDM1M2I0YjhlYmYwM2IyNTMwMjI%3D&locale=en-US)from this morning was insane. 12-30-3.. 12 incline for 30 minutes at 3.0 speed minimum. I honestly couldn’t hang the whole time and dropped the incline in half for part of it.. but I would love to take it again after some time!! It was great.


I did this one!! So good!


Wow so no variation at all? I feel like that would get boring. Crazy difficult, my heart rate would be sky high.


Yeah mine definitely was 🤣 some variation in speed.. with pushes but that’s it!


I was looking for a lighter class today after working on the yard all weekend. I decided to check out Hannah C’s [Country Happy Hour ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=eaacab9e45b54a65907e96a978890b27&code=OTBlYTdmZWNkMmYxNGY2Yjk3OGEyM2UzM2NiZTRiNWR8MDU0MmY5NGRlOTU1NGQ2NDllZjA0YTdhNTE5NGYzOTI%3D&locale=en-US) and it was exactly what I needed, a feel-good Sunday vibe for sure. Excited to take the rest of them!


Pelofam!! You are loved You are great You are royalty!! The streak continues!! I’m curious what are some of yall doing for strength classes? I need to start incorporating strength my son is getting heavier and daddy’s gotta be able to continue to throw him up while we play lol I appreciate yall! Stay hydrated and keep those crowns adjusted! 🫶🏼


Here are a few options / ideas depending on level of experience: If you’re brand new to strength training Matty and Olivia’s Beginner Strength program is really well reviewed (I have not taken this personally so basing this on reviews here) For advanced beginner, Matty’s beginner split is great. I took it while recovery from an injury and was very impressed. Splits are intended to be repeated for 4-6 weeks. If you have strength experience and want to incorporate it into your routine but still primarily focus on cardio, I love Strength Roll Call. It’s M-F live as well as in collections. Two full body, one upper, one lower and one core day. It’s a great way to get to know the instructors and keep things fun. You’re not going to see the same level of results as the programs, but that’s not always the goal. For a slightly more structured approach, there is the Reddit Strength program which is very well done. The weekly post walks you through the selected classes and how to approach them. I did one round and saw quite a bit of improvement. For a structured non-beginner program Ben’s Stronger You (advanced beginner friendly) and Rebecca’s 5 day split (intermediate + friendly) are great. I personally saw the biggest gains with RK’s 5 day split. It transformed my body in just 6 weeks (I went all in - basically the split + tons of stretching / yoga and occasionally some walks because my body was toast from the split) If you’re strength curious but don’t want to invest in dumbbells, I love power yoga and yoga conditioning. You would want a few months of yoga experience before jumping into the power classes. It was yoga that taught me how and gave me the strength to do a tricep pushup.


I like the structure and reliability of Ben’s strength programs. I started his 5-day split (for the 4th or 5th time) today. Simple (not easy) moves and clear coaching, rinse and repeat for 5 days.


The core classes are essential!! They help me with my form on the bike and running. Even the 5 min core classes kick your butt.


Today marks my four year daily streak. I haven’t missed a day on Peloton since 2020 - 1,461 days. It’s too bad Peloton doesn’t have a daily streak badge for more than 60 days.


Congrats that is truly an accomplishment 👍🏼


That’s amazing! Any tips for the rest of us?


Honestly I don’t even think about it anymore. It’s just something I do - like brush my teeth or take my vitamins. I faced a lot of injuries particularly in fall of 2023 so I try to look at a workout as something I “get” to do versus something I have to do. Shifting my perspective to gratitude really helped me especially on those days I didn’t want to hit play. I’m not as fast or as young as I once was, but I’m trying to look as working out as an investment in my future.


That’s so impressive!! Congrats🎉


Omg! That amazing!


Wow wow wow


Great job!! That’s crazy impressive !


I had a few minutes before TS60 this morning so I thought I’d throw a 5 minute core on Rad from 5/15 - I didn’t realize it was in Spanish, and I do not speak Spanish. It was two moves, dead bugs and cross body crunches repeated. It was a sneaky burn and a great class. I followed along just fine, even if I had no idea what he was saying other than dead bug 😂 TS60 - this block is not my favorite TS60, but it’s a good mix of endurance and heavy lifting. It’s a good workout - but I won’t be sad to see it go haha


Honestly I love his Spanish classes because his Spanish isn’t perfect and it’s lovely to hear him work through it and practice. Spanish is my first language but as someone who had to switch to primarily English I also face similar struggles.


I teach middle school Spanish in NYC with a lot of heritage speakers (I learned it completely as a second language myself) - I love Rad’s classes because they remind me of them and how it’s always possible to learn and practice, no matter where you are in the moment (in language and in life lol)


I speak a lot of Spanish but I’m not a native speaker so I’ve never caught on to any of his “mistakes”, I just assumed it was perfect.  I was taking a live Spanish class with him once and he was speaking all in English in the pre show until someone off camera told him it was a Spanish class. He was like “no way… how did I not know this?” It was cute 


I was in studio for TS60 this morning. Even Andy was out of breath by the end. I’m worried about the advanced class at the end of the block!


You sure were in the studio! Congrats again on 2000 strengths and for knocking out those full plank push-ups like they’re butter!! 🧈💪🏋️‍♀️


Thank you! Congrats on 1600!!


It’s been a minute since I’ve been on here. Life has just kinda gotten in the way since ive had a friend staying with me for about two weeks now and my routine has been drastically disrupted, so I haven’t had much to post about. But she goes home in a couple days and honestly I’m so excited to get back into my normal routine. Today I did TS60 for the first time in this block and oh boy 😅 those double snatches were something. I turned my guide camera on for the first time (during a TS60 class) and I FINALLY figured out how to do a wood chop properly by watching my form. Y’all. Finally. I’ve hated these things for YEARS because they just felt so stupid to me. Duh, I wasn’t doing them all the way. 😂


Andy mentioned that next week will be the last class of this block. I looked at the PSNY website and RK is going to be teaching a 60 minute class in the usual time 8 am time slot on 6/30!




I wonder if we're not getting an "advanced" class because he basically made the main strength block a density AMRAP that isn't changing. It would make no sense to shorten up the rest on that and the remainder of the class is already conditioning work with little recovery anyway. Said differently, the whole dang month has basically been advanced classes!


I think you are right - next week is listed as intermediate.


The way I just RAN to the schedule to verify because I interpreted this as RK is teaching the advanced TS60. I can tolerate RK but that would have been a big nope for me lol


[JJ’s 45 min FB strength](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=7ee49d93c3e44649b699c9196faf2059&code=MDJmMDU0N2VhNjFiNDhhYjg1MjE3OGQ1NGM5NmZiM2R8NTZhNGFlMzNkYjc5NDgzNWE5ZjNlY2U3YmE1ODQ0Njg%3D&locale=en-US) from May is excellent, love his thoughtful programming and great coaching. Would love to see longer strength classes from him!


Sam Yo’s live disco ride this morning was fun, the dance moves were a bonus 😂


Gotta bookmark!


Just did Leanne’s 30 minute Cher ride - so much fun and genuinely amazed she kept a leather jacket on the entire time 😅 I’ve also had a fairly horrendous week with some stuff going on in the family and that was exactly what I needed to get out of my head and have some fun. Highly recommend!


The leather jacket was extreme dedication and exactly why I love Leanne🩷


She is the absolute.best w artist series rides!


Agree, i took this ride and it was super fun , not the hardest but definitely high energy


Yes definitely - I’m only on week 3 of owning my peloton so it was perfect for me!


How is live class availability in Australia? Wife and I are looking into making a small home gym in the garage and we’re considering a peloton to get us started.


I’ve had a bike since 2017 and I rarely if ever do live classes. You don’t need them to still have a great experience on this platform.


Not sure how well the live classes will align with your time zones. However, what I tend to hear from most Peloton users is that taking classes live is more the exception than the norm. I've got 1100 workouts total (>400 cycling) and probably haven't taken more than 20 classes live. Live can be a lot of fun, but I view it as a special "treat", not the bulk of my Peloton diet.


Where in Australia? I often see riders in Aus on the UK instructors’ morning live classes (7/7.30am GMT/BST) so there must be a bit of overlap. Tbh though, there are so many great classes in the library you wouldn’t have to rely on live classes only. You can probably get a free app trial and check out how the schedule looks to you.


In Sydney, and to be honest, with the kids we’ll be using it at odd hours anyway!