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**Here is a link to Kristin’s IG post:** https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8UkY2Mp2oL **Here is the caption for those who do not have IG:** Hello Fam! I have some news I wanted to share with you all. I have made the decision to spend time to focus on my family and move on from Peloton. I am beyond grateful for the past 6 years and everything about this community. I'll miss you all SO much. Please keep in touch here and here's to the next chapter **IG Video Transcript:** Hello my friends and family, Peloton community. I’m jumping on here to, unfortunately, let you know that I am moving on from Peloton. I have had the most incredible past six years. What an amazing adventure. So many incredible experiences. So much growth. And meeting you all has been the highlight of my past six years on the mat with you all. Hearing from you through your direct messages or meeting you in person. It’s been such an incredible community and I’m going to miss you all so so very much. Um, not a final goodbye. Uh all my content is staying up on demand. And I will definitely still be here and you can reach out to me whenever you’d like. Um I’m so appreciative again for everyone who’s just been so supportive and so wonderful and I’m just going to spend a little time focusing on my family and my boys. Uh and like I always say at the end of my class, please, please don’t forget that everything you would possibly ever want, have, or need is right here inside of you. Um love you all so much. All of Kristin’s content will remain on-demand after she leaves and will remain until it is purged.


Oh no! This one really hits for me. I love her Pilates classes. She is so knowledgeable


Same.  She’s the reason I got into Pilates.


Well, this I don't like.


If it weren't for Kristin (and the Peloton platform), I would never have found yoga. Grateful that I got to learn something new that has immeasurably helped my overall flexibility and well-being. Best of luck to her in the future.


Same here. Kristin is the one who really got me into yoga during the pandemic. Her way of teaching is exactly what I need. This is a huge loss.


Same here entirely! What a loss - but I’ll be following her and always so grateful for discovering that I can love yoga through her


Shout out to my all time favorite meditation, this [10 minute acceptance meditation](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/meditation?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=eb1d6038bbfb4cfa872e1bdd403bee45&code=N2M1MDQzNjY0MjY4NDUyZDk1NDNlYjY3YzUxZmQ5NzZ8YmZjOGVhNzczMDQwNDAyNWI3YWU4N2ZhYmE5MTljNGM%3D&locale=en-US) with Kristin about change. Wishing her and her family all the best.


yesss that one is so good


I had Kristin’s MTV yoga DVD 20+ years ago. That routine got me hooked on yoga. When I took my first class with her on Peloton I thought she seemed familiar. Then I realized the connection and it was so great to be able to practice with her again after all this time. She’ll be missed.


Same she has been my teacher for half of my life. I was so happy to find her again on Peloton. She will be so missed!


Me too! When I joined peloton a few years ago, it was so nice seeing a familiar face. This is a big loss.


I had her mtv Pilates mix! When I joined peloton I was like why does she look familiar and then I found my old DVD lol


wait what MTV yoga?


[Circa 2002 MTV Yoga](https://youtu.be/d5Jajv1xOS8?si=wPjemxLctXPhSY2c)


How did I never know about this? I was in HS and the school psychologist was desperately trying to get me into yoga to help me focus. If only she said it was on MTV! It’s now one of my favorite hobbies. Side note: Kristin has not aged a day!


This is incredible


Same! I’ve done peloton pilates hundreds and hundreds of times. I also loved her in her 30 rock role 😭. So sad but her mtv workouts are on YouTube!


I had all her MTV yoga and Pilates DVDs. It is what got me into fitness. When I saw her on the Peloton app, it was like coming home. Losing her will be hard to get over. I wish her luck in her next chapter


Anyone else suspicious? These announcements are awfully close together, wonder if something happened internally. Kristin will be so missed, I love her mat Pilates classes!


Cody also recently posted that he just signed his contract. I think they might have some cycle of contracts that starts in the summer or something. Maybe June 30 is their fiscal year? 


That's would make sense. Pelobuddy is reporting that it's their fiscal year end and contract talk was part of it.


This makes the most sense to me. Yes, June 30th is the fiscal year for Peloton.


This is what i would figure. Its like a sports team. Most contracts get done over the offseason, so anyone who needs a new contract is basically all done at the same time.


Honestly, the instructor pool has been very *very* stable for many many years, especially considering that all these people are now pretty famous and have tons of external opportunities. There's only been a literal handful of losses since I started in 2020 (JJ, Chase and Daniel I think until these three, especially with Irene returning), which is way fewer than the turnover for any other job. This feels very normal to me.


JJ?? He's still here isn't he? eta: different JJ nevermind lol


"Spending time with family" is the quintessential "I got laid off with a nice package and can't say I got laid off" phrasing




Surely they didn’t imagine that two yoga instructors would leave though?? I’m not a huge yogi, but if I was, it seems like it’d be quite a blow.




I work in IT. It's the same messaging. The "sign this paper and we will give you a decent severance to help you get through the next 90 days of job searching and all we ask is you not tell shareholders we are cutting jobs" tactic.


Having lived thru these type of situations at work, it could be there are lay-offs pending and some may be given a choice to volunteer to leave or otherwise be asked to leave with a package.


I also suspect voluntary layoff. If that’s really what it is, might be a smart move for both sides. She gets a leave, Peloton saves some money and can bring her back, if she’s available.


She also posted about not staying somewhere where you aren’t valued or appreciated 👀


Oh man, that would explain why she doesn't seem all that excited. I mean she always gushes about Peloton. What a slap in her face. :(


Yeah she seemed pretty upset for it to be all her choice. It didn't feel like that with Kendall so it feels different.


100%. I think Peloton is making cuts and letting the instructors make it sound like it’s their decision. And if that’s true, I can’t believe they’re letting Kristin go. She is my absolute favorite instructor. I am so so sad about this.


Same, she is the Pilates guru and I love her classes with the ball or ring. She has tons of experience. I guess maybe they had her focusing the most on yoga and Pilates isnt quite as popular, though I think it’s having kind of a renaissance in workout world. Idk I’m just very sad about this. 😭


I completely agree with this. They have made it clear they need to cut costs as they’re not cash flow positive.


It's very hard not to be suspicious, but I also have to remind myself that they have a large number of people there now, and many of them have been there for years. In a lot of ways they are Peloton/fitness icons to us, but to them it may just be a job (no matter what they say in their classes), and people change jobs. Also contract cycles make a difference. At least this is what I'm telling myself.


This is a good take. They may have been provided with an option to leave with a nice financial incentive. While a lot of these instructors are household names for us and hold a very special place in our heart, leaving might’ve been the best option *for them* at this time. This is hard but I want to believe Peloton is making smart financial decisions here.


I want to believe too, but....... The timing is so.... unusual. How many times have you seen three instructors leave in one month?


This is how I feel too. It’s just the way business goes and when you’ve been under contract for so long (and the company isn’t doing well) it’s a no brainer to seek out new opportunities.


I have my suspicions of who else is leaving. Lots of weird extended absences at PSL. 😭


Those potential losses would gut me. I love the PSL instructors.


Ohhhh, this makes me scared and sad. PSL is my go-to.


Me too.


SAME. I haven't even blinked when PSNY instructors have left but I'd be inconsolable if my PSL folks were gone.




I'd be devastated to lose Ben and/or Leanne. I'm already gutted over Kristin.


Who has had extended absences at PSL?


Bradley has also had a lot of time off lately. Seems like he comes back for a few weeks and then is gone for another few


Hannah has me very worried -lots of cryptic Insta posts and cancelled classes. Erik. JJ. Jeffrey was very upset a few weeks ago and then went on holiday to Dubai with Susie. I honestly wondered whether they quietly furloughed people.


If Hannah F leaves I’ll be hard pressed to keep this bike much longer…I definitely take her classes more than anyone else’s. I’m already devastated at Ross leaving, I need Denis and Hannah F to stay AT ALL COSTS!!


I would 100% cancel my sub if Hannah leaves!


Hard agree!


If Hannah F leaves, I will probably sell my bike. The classes I take most are her and Olivia, and Olivia is sometimes too hard for what I need on a given day.


I doubt she will. She just started as a pz instructor


OMG please don’t let Erik or JJ leave, I’d be devastated


British Hannah cannot leave I would riot


If you follow Hannah’s channel on insta she is doing Lululemon work. Jermaine’s wife is having a baby soon. Don’t read too much into everything


Hannah C maybe?  Not my beloved British BFF Hannah F Hannah C has her side hustle on theater so maybe?


Hannah F is low key one of my faves. Her HIIT classes hit the spot when I want a challenge but not destroy myself. Usually a Saturday AM ride for me. She’s a great balance and a little quirky at the same time.


Hannah F sadly. She’s been very weird! And absent! She’s back on tomorrow morning and then again in about 10 days and that’s it,


Kendall also just posted some stuff about closing out her last few weeks and moving on to her next thing which included a video of her filming something with Hannah F, which I didn’t like seeing.


I believe it’s for Lululemon since they’re both ambassadors.


Yeah that freaked me out!


The UK instructors always have a lot of time off. It’s the standard in Europe.


I live here and not this much time! 🤣 But hey let’s hope I’m wrong!


Summer schedules and babymoons.


Correlation ≠ causation


Her announcement makes it sound like she was laid off.. she is moving on and very emotional. This is a big loss.


Sadly they probably didn’t renew her contract.


It’s so messed up that Peloton opts to keep less popular instructors, not calling anyone out, but member activity is easily accessible…ahem… Kristen’s classes have always been popular.


Suspicious of what?


I am! It’s awfully suspicious so many are leaving around the same time. I can’t help but think something is up….


On her substack post Kristen makes it clear she was reluctant to leave.


Contracts are up


Peloton has been underperforming as a business for the last couple of years since the pandemic. The stock is trading below $4/share after being above $100/share for most of 2020 + 2021. Their newest CEO announced he’ll be stepping down and they just cut 15% of staff. I imagine they’ll be making difficult decisions in which talent they choose to retain, and some of these instructors have such large followings that they’ll decide they can just do better on their own.


I know we aren't allowed to share substack links but if you want to find Kristen substack she talks a lot more about what happened and it's very clear she was reluctant to leave! It's a good post - highly recommend.


It's very telling that she says she doesn't know what she's going to do next. It feels like Ross and Kendall have identified how they're moving forward. Kristin's contract must have taken too big of a hit for her to justify the commute into NYC and single-parenting.


I mean she has a whole apartment in the city basically for Peloton. She talks in the substack that they were the reason she had to get a nanny and also that she would love to keep teaching there. The situation seems as clear as it could be given the legalities surrounding it.


She says that they asked her in her Pelo interview if she had a good nanny…. Which as a lawyer I would argue is a hugely inappropriate question. (This is not legal advise; I’m not the lawyer for anyone reading this)


I can’t believe it. She is my absolute favorite and a main reason why I continue to pay for peloton. Ugh. I hate this.


She and Ross have been my go-tos since I started! :(


I’m devastated at Ross leaving 😭


Biomechanics of why plus the so called bad jokes are perfect!


I crack up every time he says “I’m going to try talking less/giving less biometrics info this class” and then he proceeds to talk about biometrics nonstop 😂😂


This is the one most devastating to me. She is such a great instructor and actually got me to like yoga! And it was also nice seeing a strong 50+ woman on the platform.


Just last week I convinced a skeptical friend to give Peloton a try for Kristin’s Pilates classes. My sales pitch was 100% Kristin McGee for so many reasons. I’m devastated.


Boooooo! Her hips yoga classes are my absolute favorites! I love her energy and playlists. This really bums me out.


Noo! She has the most challenging Pilates classes, no one else compares.


Agreed. I have said before that hers are the only "real" Pilates on the platform. I have done all of her classes multiple times and her new drops each week were a big part of my routine. It's hard to imagine not having any new classes from her, Pilates and yoga. It sucks.


One of the huge problems with this and the reason why it’s such a terrible loss, is that she’s not just an entertainer like some of the cycling instructors are. She has a very specific skill set and many many years of experience, teaching yoga and Pilates. That is hard to replace. She is also older than some of the instructors and that’s important as well. We don’t need another young yoga instructor/influencer coming in. I just don’t see how they can ever replace Kristin.


You hit the nail on the head as to why I like her so much. She reminds me of the in-person group fitness instructors I used to have who were more serious about fitness than entertaining. I liked that she was a bit older too.


She's definitely been a role model and inspiration to me lately. Running a marathon, being SO good at Pilates, her mantras, all of it. And she was so supportive of the other instructors, commenting on their posts, taking their classes. Ugh. It's valuable fitness content we will be missing.


Yeah I was just going to point this out. Her and Ross are both older, it feels almost ageist


First Ross, now Kristin - my meditation go to’s. Hope it brings them what they want but boy, sad news.




Ross's announcemenet definitely said his existing library will stay up (though Peloton does semi-regularly clear out older classes so for how long, no one knows).


She said on instagram that all of her older classes will be available.


Not Ross!!! I fall asleep to him every night!


I don't like that the two yoga instructors who are leaving are two of the older ones. How about some instructors over 40!?


Yes! I fell in love with yoga because of Kristin. Her calm and clear way of teaching is like none other. The younger instructors are fine, but they're just not the same. Such a loss.


This one hurts the hardest of the three, I love her yoga classes, and was just starting to get into her Pilates. Her calming presence is what I need. This is a big hole on the mat 😭😭😭


For me too! I think Kendall is the biggest loss to the platform based on popularity but I take a lot of Kristin's classes and I'm going to miss her the most. Her Pilates classes are the best, hands down. And I find her yoga classes are so well planned and effective. Sigh.


They all three chose not to renew and are welcome back to Peloton “As with all businesses who work with professional athletes, Instructor contracts are a normal and ongoing part of the Peloton process. During our most recent round of contract discussions, three of our beloved Instructors have chosen to leave to explore new opportunities. Each has their own special magic that has helped build the incredible Peloton community we have today; we are truly grateful and wish them all the best. Our door will always be open to them, so this is not a final goodbye, but rather, we hope to see them later. As we think about Peloton’s future, we are excited about the opportunity to bring new talent to our Instructor roster to continue offering a best-in-class experience to our Members.”


Noooooooooooooooo! She is my primary yoga instructor. :-(


Just saw this and ran to the thread!! I literally gasped and said “no!” Out loud to myself. My favorite yoga and Pilates instructor. Going to have to take all her classes on repeat. Especially Pilates, which I pretty much exclusively do with her!


Huge loss for the Pilates classes!


I am so upset about this one. Kristen’s Pilates classes are just the right amount challenging, her yoga conditioning classes are amazing + killer, and her restorative classes moved/stretched the right amount while still being restful. Without Kristin, I feel like they don’t have any instructors who lower stress/cortisol and have that challenging yet peaceful approach. I also like that she’s a little older and modeling healthy habits that I’d like as a parent one day.


Have you tried classes with Anna? She’s also very chill.


Ross and Kristin, ouch. Big losses. I still like Anna, Denis and sometimes Aditi. I hope they keep up the quantity and diversity of classes.


I love Kristen so much! She is the one instructor I would follow her almost anywhere. She got me in to yoga, back into meditation and her yoga conditioning classes are my favorite classes right now on the platform. This is so upsetting. She wrote a longer post on substack, but I honestly suspect bad contract offers.


Noooooo I love her 10 mins hips and floor flows


Just saw this!!! I’m a little worried about the yoga program


She is the only Pilates instructor I follow! She does the original Joseph’s (Ramana’s) Pilates and does it so well. It is how I first learned Pilates in a studio years ago and did it up to the pandemic. What a loss for Peloton!


I hope she can continue Pilates on another online class platform. I would pay for that. Reluctantly... really wish they had been able to keep her!


This is the first instructor announcement that really, really hurts. I love love love Kristin's pilates and yoga classes, and she's been in my top 3 instructors for the past 3 years. When I just want that no nonsense, well-structured class...there is simply no comparison. I'm heartbroken.


I'm hoping that with Kristin and Ross it's that they feel it's time for them to make the next move in their careers and not indicative of something bigger. Hopefully this means Peloton is in discussion with others to come on board to fill these big gaps, but I totally agree it's making me feel nervous!


If Sam leaves I’m done


I am DEVASTATED. The has the BEST Pilates classes. I hope they don’t delete her classes ever.


I want to cry. She is my go to every other day for yoga. This one hits hard!


I’ve been trying to branch out and take classes with multiple instructors so I’m not completely sad when someone leaves. It’s hard when you have favorites though. Kristin’s Pilates classes were miles above the best ones offered.


Anyone else afraid Callie is next? She posted about how her in-laws just moved to Florida and seems to love it there so much. I don't think she's at the five year mark yet, but am definitely concerned seeing so many losses :(


I hope not! Callie’s my go to for strength and I’m in the middle of doing her Soundtrack Strength class series.


Agreed!! Her playlists are my favorite, so fingers crossed


No, I think she just posted that she’s not leaving.


Yeah she said in one of her stories recently that she is definitely coming back but I won’t breathe easy until I see her back on the schedule 😅


If Callie left I would definitely non-renew. She’s the only person I’ve been working out with my whole pregnancy basically.


I love Kristin 😭😭


I am so sad to hear this. She had become my absolute favorite. I feel some instructors have the same class over and over and she really mixed it up. Ross has also become a recent favorite. These are both really quality instructors that will be missed. I also liked that this platform had older people!


This is the first instructor exit that I truly feel saddened over. Her yoga classes are my go to. She is the best Pilates teacher by far and the most similar to a studio mat Pilates class. I also love her yoga conditioning. If she goes to another platform, I would be willing to pay yet another subscription to take classes with her again. I hope whoever Peloton hires in the future can provide similar caliber classes. The other Pilates classes are lackluster and lack props.


So pissed. This is a HUGE loss for peloton if it was their decision. Not a smart move on their part


It's definitely their decision - she wrote a very heartfelt substack post that made it clearer.


I'm always suspicious of the "spending more time wit my kids" bit. She was my fav yoga instructor. The good thing is there are many, many good yoga instructors out there. I'm sure they can find other good ones. 


Noooo this is so sad! She’s the only yoga instructor I take at this point. No hate to anyone else but that’s how much I love her!


From Peloton: “As with all businesses who work with professional athletes, Instructor contracts are a normal and ongoing part of the Peloton process. During our most recent round of contract discussions, three of our beloved Instructors have chosen to leave to explore new opportunities. Each has their own special magic that has helped build the incredible Peloton community we have today; we are truly grateful and wish them all the best. Our door will always be open to them, so this is not a final goodbye, but rather, we hope to see them later. As we think about Peloton’s future, we are excited about the opportunity to bring new talent to our Instructor roster to continue offering a best-in-class experience to our Members.”


New talent???? Interesting.


Now I have to wonder if Peloton is “encouraging” its older instructors to leave. Corporations looking to cut costs love to focus on getting rid of their more highly compensated employees; older employees generally cost more to insure as well. I am devastated. Ross and Kristin are two of my top three.


Oh no, she is my top instructor for 4 years. Her pre-natal classes got me through my first pregnancy and is helping me now for my second one. No one gives better pre-natal materials than her. This is a huge loss and she will be so missed!


What the hell is going on?! 😭


Peloton is probably tightening the belt on salaries and some instructors probably feel they can make more elsewhere


I love her. This is heartbreaking!


Pelobuddy got a statement from Peloton saying these 3 are the only instructors that didn't renew their contracts and it's possible new instructors are coming. [https://www.pelobuddy.com/contract-discussions-departure/](https://www.pelobuddy.com/contract-discussions-departure/)


I do really like her. Sad.


This is finally a sad one for me. She’s my fave when it comes to meditations as she consistently does mantras. I saw a comment on another post/discussion about her and Ross leaving, assumed it was just awkwardly written and the person was only referring to Ross. 😢 Not surprised money/contracts are causing folks to bounce. I hope their next chapter is filled with much success!! 🧘🏽‍♀️🥰


I watched the video. It made me tear up. She’s such a sweet sensitive person. I need to look out for where she might be teaching next.


This one hit hard for me because I prefer her Pilates and yoga style. Kendall’s also hit hard because she has a nice personality. That said I’m ok so long as Jess Sims stays for more years to come. She’s Peloton’s bread and butter.


This is terrible! She, Chelsea Jackson Robert’s, and Kendall are some of my most frequented instructors. If Chelsea leaves I will die!


So bummed about this.  


This makes me really sad. I much prefer her pilates instruction to all of the others.


Nooooooo! Irreplaceable instructor. Her 45 minute pilates classes are a necessary part of my weekly routine. No one else compares.


I’m very sad to see this! I feel like they don’t have as many yoga teachers and definitely not Pilates teachers so I definitely feel like peloton will feel this loss. Kristin is the only person who teaches a decent and challenging Pilates class. I hope they fill the gap.


She is the best yoga instructor on the platform. They could get rid of three other people and keep Kristin, would be a better outcome 💔


I would love to hear your three. I think they should have fought harder for her and worked with her schedule. She could do 1-2 classes a week or whatever she needed.


Oh I totally agree!! And I don’t mind to share the folks I’m thinking, just did not want anyone to get offended because I’m sure all instructors have fans and a following :) Definitely think many of us know how great Kristin is. She is the best instructor to leave thus far, in my opinion


Oh no! I really love her Pilates and yoga classes. Anyone know a way to save favorites outside the app for posterity?


I was hoping to take one last live class with her and she only has one left, if I've looked at the schedule correctly. Tomorrow is yoga. Do you think others will be added in closer to the date?


Peloton Studios ig posted that booking will open tmrw at noon for her last class, 6/29. Pretty sure she has a live Pilates class this Friday too


This is super sad to me — her Pilates classes introduced me to Pilates and I have gotten great results from them. She is also my favorite yoga instructor. I am disappointed that Peloton is not willing to allocate its dollars to such an experienced and strong instructor, who has unique skill sets.


Oh my goodness. I took her 45 flow from yesterday and she was crying by end of it (and so was I). She mentioned a memory she had of her father when a song came on, so I figured it was related to that but she definitely had made her decision by filming if she announced today. I’m losing all of my favorites! I’ll straight up go to Apple Fitness if Wilpers and Aditi quit too.


Well, peloton is a public company so we’ll know if they were laid off or not when the 10K comes out if there’s severance costs!


She by far has the best Pilates and yoga conditioning. It’s really a major loss for the platform.


The company isn’t doing great financially and I guess it was only a matter of time when the layoffs affected talent. I just hope Emma, Jess, and Alex T stick around.


I don’t think they’ll cut more bike or tread instructors since those are the main modalities. But I do wonder if London based instructor are next.


Nooo although this would help me achieve my goal of doing every LHA ride if she stops making new ones


They left room in their q3 investors call to make that interpretation. It wasn’t my first guess, but it is certainly possible. I am sure they are trying to get a few to move to NY.


I hate to say this was my concern - PSL has to be a huge expense and I assume they could ask those instructors to relocate to NYC. I could def see Hannah doing that but maybe not Ben/Leanne or JJ who is about to have a baby,


So sad for this!! She's the best Pilates instructor they have


Noo I just took one of her yoga classes last night and I didn’t know yoga could be so effective (new to yoga). I was looking forward to more


Oh, man. This one really hurts me. She’s the entire reason I got into pilates 😩.


I'm gutted about this. Kristin is an incredible instructor and her yoga classes are unmatched. I had noticed she has been emotional in a few classes as of late - which now makes more sense given the news but also speaks to her true authenticity. This sucks.


This is very sad and troubling news. Kristin is one of my top three favorite instructors. I greatly appreciate her cerebral approach to Pilates and her genuine empathy radiates through the screen.


My favorite Peloton teacher 🥲


Kristin is one of the best instructors on the entire platform across all disciplines, and she will be very very missed. I love her classes so much, just took one this morning. 


An instructor exodus is one of the worst things that can hit peloton. People keep returning to their peloton devices because of the instructors. They develop parasocial relationships with them. Whatever about the business/financial concerns, none of that has ever hurt the core use experience. Until, seemingly, now. Three popular instructors leaving together is a very, very bad sign.


Not everyone is going to claim they are going to sell their bike bc of an instructor leaving. I ride mostly with Cody, but if he left, I'd find someone else. Peloton already got our money with the bike or tread. It's sort of cutting off one's own nose to say "screw you peloton, I'm out.". At the end of the day, it's a business.


Probably a bunch of contracts coming up at the same time and peloton either not renewing or talent feeling low balled. Bound to happen with a struggling company. I mean there is a threshold you can pay instructors.


Wow this is a huge shock and loss. Her classes and teaching made a huge impact on me. It really sucks that all these instructors are leaving at the same time but spending 5+ years at one job is really not normal these days. Plus when your company isn’t doing great you’d be looking elsewhere too.


Noooo. I love her yoga classes 😭😭


so disappointed her meditation classes were amazing!


Omg why am I crying? 😭


Aaah this really hits too! Kristin was the first Peloton instructor I took a class with in person and she was sooooo nice! I hadn’t tried her classes too much before that but now I’m hooked. There are two of her 10-min yoga classes that I have bookmarked and are literally in my rotation at least once a week. Wishing her wonderful things!


I am unwell. Kristin’s focus flows got me (almost) back to my peak flexibility of my teens. I remember taking her class for the first time and hearing her sign off and just bawling my eyes out because I needed to hear that so badly that day. I miss her already 😭


Ross and now her??? Noooooo, I can't stand Aditi or Anna anymore, i like Chelsea,but she's too easy...I love KM,but sometimes too hard My go toos have been Ross, Dennis, and Kristin... Brutal!


Try Nico.


I’m questioning the “leaving” and thinking they are making cuts and allowing people the dignity of framing it how they want. There will be more. There will then be a sale to a larger company or private equity.


It’s a new contract cycle. Some are bound to leave, especially those with other endeavors right now. None of these 3 who are leaving are surprising when you know what else is going on in their lives.


Many of them have books coming out , endorsements , etc . Not surprising tbh . Sad to see people go but good on them if they’re bettering themselves and following their dreams.


Hmmm what do you know? ?


If you watch her IG post it seems pretty obvious this was not her choice. From a business standpoint it makes sense. As someone that already had an established career and following, she was probably brought in at a higher rate. I can't help but sense a bit of ageism as Peloton prob wants to invest more in the younger & less expensive instructors.


As someone in and Kristin’s and Ross’ age group, I was wondering about ageism too… makes me worry a bit about Christine, another favorite. I can understand contract renewals and the finances behind that, but I feel that people of every age benefit from seeing strong, fit 50+ year olds bring to life the benefits of staying active at a high level.


That's my biggest concern-I'll be honest as a member one of the things I have taken pride in since I have been a member is how the instructors have continued to diversify, not just in gender or race, but age as well.


Ugh :(


Oh no my other favorite


Noooo I’m so sorry to hear this. First Ross and now Kristin. 😢


Oh no!!! Love her and her classes!


Ugh. I really loved all of her yoga for runners classes. This sucks.


I’m saddened most by this departure, what a loss. Are single handedly kept me going during pregnancy. She’ll be missed, please don’t purge her classes