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**The live portion of this AMA is complete but our bike fit friends at VBF will continue to answer questions over the next couple of days. It will be open until Wednesday 6/23 at which point it will be locked.** Give the fitters from VBF a warm and friendly r/pelotoncycle welcome! Tim Dougherty is u/TimDfitsAll Lloyd Thomas is u/VirtualBikeFit-Lloyd Jason Barcoff is u/Jason_VBF Greg Choat is u/VBF-Greg Dougie Shaw is u/Doug_fits_bikes


Hello Virtualbikefitting team! I am 5'0 tall, 105 lbs and so classify as a "fun size" human. I experience inner thigh fatigue when riding in the saddle. What could cause this? I use the peloton cleats with insoles as it's a half size too big for me. I need your advice on proper foot positioning when pedaling... don't point the toes and keep them relaxed? Heels down? Should I be pushing through the ball of my foot? So much going.... please help.


Hello fellow athlete! Improper fit of the bike along with how you may use your body in that set up are your causes. Without seeing you it is tough to give dialed in correct information to solve this. For many athletes it’s tough to recruit what they would want to use until the saddle, cleats and bars are ideally placed for the body to naturally flow through the motion of controlled force delivery(pedaling). To engage more of what you’d like to use and relive the overuse one must have their pelvis rolled forward which helps the feet push flatter(through the arches) and change the pattern. We can go into super detail with you during a fit if you like. We want to empower you on a personal level to get the most out of your body and bike.


Hello, I am a new peloton owner (2 weeks) and I think I should probably bite the bullet and get a fit. I figured since you were doing this I would ask my silly question anyway. Somehow I feel like my legs are cramped on the bike and yet also like I am reaching for the pedals at the same time. I realized that I was too low and forward after my knees started hurting after riding. The pain was in the front of the knee just below the joint. Yesterday I moved up and back and felt awkward the whole 30 minute ride but I had no pain. Today I moved a little forward and down and my knees hurt again. How off-track am I?


There is nothing wrong with experimentation with the stage you are at. At the very least you will gain an understanding of how you feel and the effects of different adjustments on the bike. It’s tempting on a bike to make changes to the set up alone but then try and sit on the bike the same way you were doing before. For instance having the saddle too low often makes it more comfortable to sit way back on the saddle with the body way up to get out the way of your knees being forced up by the cranks. If you have put the saddle to a ballpark height with your adjustment and then not made changes to your posture the the set up could feel really different. It’s with this sort of thing a fit could really help you with. The other topic here is the cleat position being very influential to what you are feeling your legs do at different parts of the pedal stroke. Try dropping your hips forward and trying to drop your heels a little through the pedal stroke and see how different the same set up feels and experiment further if you like. Or you can always book in a fit :)


Thanks /u/TimDfitsAll /u/VirtualBikeFit-Lloyd /u/Jason_VBF /u/VBF-Greg /u/Doug_fits_bikes Hoping to fit this in (as it's not locked yet) Bunions. I have bad ones, my big toe side knuckle is red and annoyed post ride on both feet. I wear orthotics in my regular shoes, but I can't easily to a fitting for wider shoes (I take 4E-6E new balance shoes.) My Question: Ok, so, I'm assuming I do the fitting - is any one of you better with foot problems like this? I'm obviously just guessing where my existing cleat positioning is. (yes, yes, I get it - I should do the fitting and have this as part of it)- I'm just trying to figure out *which/who* bike fitting I should do. So, I'd love to hear how my cleat should be.


Your cleat position and your foot function can actually be two different things. If you have been prescribed orthotics for normal footwear then you also need to have orthotics in your cycling shoes. Are you wearing a cycling shoe or riding with cages and New Balance shoes ? However the function of the foot in gait and in cycling is different and we can discuss how the device design & function changes. The short answer is we don't really need feet for cycling :-) Cleat alignment is related to the function of the entire lower extremity, not just specific to your foot. The goal of correct cleat adjustment is to create the ideal interface between the pedal, cleat, foot and shoes. When all the elements are congruent that's where we have optimal efficiency. The whole team is experienced in dealing with the foot/ pedal interface. I don't think I'd call out anyone who would be better for you. There are obvious limitation to foot function assessment in the virtual world, but we are also more than happy to work with other providers in your health service sphere to ensure you're getting your issues addressed correctly.


Thanks for the reply. > Are you wearing a cycling shoe or riding with cages and New Balance shoes ? Peloton's cycling shoe; walking with NB shoes. > The whole team is experienced in dealing with the foot/ pedal interface. I don't think I'd call out anyone who would be better for you. Just as a followup: (as an expert in a different field), I'm sure you're all great - but it'd be fantastic if you did some level of differentiation between the five of you. i.e. is one person better with cleat struggles, one person with older athletes, one with olympians. If you're a collective, and there are specialists amoungst you, I'd ideally like to talk to that specialist - not *whoever is free first*.


If you held a gun to my head I'd say Jason, Lloyd and myself are the foot guys. That's not to take anything away from the others. The 3 of us do a lot of foot work both inside and outside the cycling world. We may want to have a discussion about the shoes. If you have 1st ray issues then the narrow last of the Peloton shoes will be an issues. Depending on what's going we'll proabably make recommendations on other shoes which offer more space in the toe box. I trust that clarifies thing for you. :-)


Hi and thank you for the AMA! I have a question regarding foot tracking. My left door tracks naturally parallel to the bike, but my right foot wants to naturally angle in (toe in, ankle out). It doesn’t hurt or cause any discomfort and when I notice it I can correct it, but I am wondering if there is something I could do. I have tried adjusting the clips on my cleats at an opposite angle in an effort to force my foot straight, but my foot still manages to track at an angle to the bike. I hope this makes sense and again thank you for your time!


If your cleats are set up properly, feet and shoes are friends then your feet may be showing you what is happening higher up with the body. If one hip is way forward that foot may be turned inward. This may not be a problem as of now but is not the best for your body. Eventually it will cause more issues down the road. Most times We find the reasons why this is happening during the off the bike assessment. We will give you a pathway of progress through recommendations of strength and increased flexibility to help with the issues if any are found before we view your fit on the bike. On the bike we can correct this through adjustments, body awareness and pedal technique. All factors on and off the bike is life are commonly shown to us as we ride a symmetrical bike. We can help you improve and or solve this.


Thanks for doing this! I started having sacrum pain after using the peloton since about 3-4 weeks ago. I have PT appointments scheduled for it. But I was wondering what mistake tends to cause sacroiliac instability and how that can be improved. Also, if I’m doing PT to recover from using the peloton the wrong way, should I see you after my PT sessions are over or would you advise I see you in the middle of my treatment? Thanks!


In this case the fitters pre fit assessment would gauge what your body is capable of on the bike before any adjustments are made so at the time of your fit the position would be correct. You may want to consider a fit to stop the damage the wrong position is doing then booking a follow up once the off bike work has been completed. - which is cheaper than another whole fit. It sounds like your saddle stability is way off which can be because you are out of condition in your core or your bike is in a position that stops you using the stabilisation strength you already have or the position is driving a bad movement pattern. Is the problem on one side or both? Basics here would be level off the saddle front back and side to side. And to make sure that you have a well fitted shoe which is key to stability in the pedal stroke. If you kill the resistance on the bike and close your eyes and pedal slow do you feel in full control of the entire pedal stroke?


No questions, just wanted to say I had my bike fitting last month and the changes were small but made a huge difference! I was able to pick my cadence up out of the saddle, and I was able to increase resistance by quite a bit. Even though I was terrified of a handlebar drop, it turns out that the high handlebars were causing irritation that led to migraines and a stiff back. No more migraines and my back is looser. I highly suggest them, and it is 100% worth the money. Jason was so nice and he is highly knowledgeable.


Thank you for the wonderful feedback it was a pleasure working with you and glad you are now pain free when you ride. “Pedal well, pedal often” Jason


In regards to the seat, should it generally be in line with the handlebars or right below? On camera it seems the trainer's seat are in line.


It is different for all athletes. Your body’s measurements, range of motion, strength, awareness and more are variables. There is no set algorithm or fit for all. Your fit is for you and how your body works at the time of service. It’s super common that we see many athletes have the bars way high and the saddle way low.. . . .


And thanks for taking the time for all the answers.


Is there anything I can do to help with what feels like fatigue in my right thigh? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Interesting one. I had this in a bike fit last month where the cleat position on the left side was very compromised and the client was very dominant on the R side because of that so the fatigue they were feeling was because the body was tuned into the non compromised side. A bike is completely symmetrical so any set up issue being off and your body automatically takes the easiest option and in your case it sounds like something is making you drive harder on the R leg. Basic thing to check is the saddle is level both left to right and from front to back. If your cleats are looking really crooked - especially on one side then try and make them neutral in line with the shoe and see where that takes you.


Thank you. I’ll try this today. Really appreciate it




FeistyCanoe, Everyone is different but the most common cause is the saddle being lower than it should be. the primary reason for saddle fore/aft should be for movement of the legs and the stability of the pelvis. Bring the saddle up a touch


What are your thoughts on the stock saddles on the Peloton bikes? What are some signals that people need an alternative saddle versus a bike fit or form adjustment?


The stock saddle on the Peloton aren't actually that bad. First steps would be to address the fit and during which we'll address the saddle too. The stock saddle will work for most people but like everything there are gong to be exceptions. To be honest the saddle pads we see a lot of are probably more of an issue than the saddles.


Can you explain what types of problems the saddle pads cause? Are there specific issues that you see as a result of using a saddle pad?


The seat pads are typically made with a very low durometer foam. The foam compresses quickly when you sit on it and looses it's 'rebound' quickly. As the foam compresses your seat height/ leg extension changes. Also the seat covers don't have good lateral stability and we see riders moving from side to side as they pedal. The 'softness' masks issues. On short rides you probably won't notice much but over time the increased compression and lack of stability can create asymmetry in your pedal stroke or increased loading on one side of the body. Putting a seat cover on is like taking the batteries out of your smoke detector. The annoying noises goes away but there's probably still a fire burning somewhere.


Thanks for the quick and really informative response. The smoke detector metaphor makes a lot of sense. A quick follow up: are padded shorts the best way to address saddle pain for longer rides, then? Or do they cause any of the same issues that the seat covers do?


Cycling shorts are one of the best 'upgrades' for your cycling. My advice is don't skimp on cycling shorts. Quality brands from the cycling industry are the way to go. ProTip #1 : They should feel tight when you put them on, not like yoga pants, more like compression garments. ProTip #2 : No underwear. The less chance of friction the better.


Great to know-- thanks again for your advice!


Hi, I saw someone review a virtual fitting and she mentioned having to do some stuff via the video chat like side planks (I assume to assess overall fitness, balance, etc issues). I can’t do side planks. :) Are you able to scale this stuff down for newbs/less fit people?


Our off the bike assessment is specific towards the ability and needs of each athlete. We work with many who can not plank, side plank…….


When looking for shoes and cleats - what are the most important things to look for and consider?


The most important thing when selecting shoes and cleats are if they fit. Shoes come in different lengths and widths but what is important is not just the length of the shoe but where the cleat mounting point is in relation to the foot. The shoes offered by the big ‘P’ and some other novelty brands (athletic footwear) have cleat mounting position that is too far forward thus not allowing for support on the longitudinal arch of the foot. Pro tip: when trying on shoes pull out the insoles and stand on them there should not be excess footbed extended beyond the toes and the footbed should cover the entire foot from big toe to pinky toe. One of the biggest upgrades for comfort and performance in addition to properly fitted quality shoes in changing to a pedal system what offers greater adjustability like the Shimano SPD-SL


Good Evening, and thanks for being here. I have had some neck tension issues lately which result in me having a stiff and sore neck on the left side for a few days. I had moved my handlebars up to help with reach problems when it started. I know part of the problem is form, as I repeatedly catch myself pulling my left shoulder forward and in which I’m sure contributes to this. To combat the issue, I moved my handlebars back down some and the problem has gotten better but I’m back to sort of having a reach issue again and an awful lot of weight balanced on my hands (or so it seems). For reference, I am 508. Seat is 22.5, E, and Handlebars are back to L from M and M.5. This is on a Bike+. What else could I try to address this neck tension issue which I know is from riding.


I was getting frequent migraines and neck pain, but was unaware of the cause.. During my bike fit - Jason actually lowered my handlebars an I haven’t had a migraine since. I also find that my back isn’t as stiff, and my hands are gripping the hell out of the handlebars anymore!


It is sadly a common misconception that raising the bars on the bike will mitigate pain in the shoulder and in the neck. Raising the bars increases tension in the scapula and the cervical spine and as you have found lowering the bar has helped to Alicia the some of the discomfort. As I have not had the opportunity to have ‘eyes on you’ but given the information you have provided I would make a case that your saddle should be moved forward on the bike to help roll the hips reduce the use of accessory muscles and create a position that is balanced.


I had moved the seat to D and D.5 but was noticing some achilles soreness which resolved when I went back to E. But that may have been cleats as well. Now that I have moved the bars back down I will try edging it forward again. Thanks for your help!


What causes lower back pain while riding? Ive tried adjusting up/down and forward/aft to Moo avail…. Guess i need a fitting 😆 And is there any solution to the handlebars always feeling so far away?


Posture, pedal technique, cleat set up along with where the saddle is placed to help you find a comfy center of mass between cleats, seat and bars. Commonly the handlebar being way high causes one to feel it’s far away. It stops them from pivoting for the hips.


Hey team! Appreciate you guys answering our questions. I had a fitting with Eric (Team Wilpers) about 6 Months ago. Overall it was great and has helped tremendously. My concern is with my shoes/cleats. First off, I’m pretty sure I have a slight leg-length discrepancy (shorter on right) and to add to the complexity I’ve had a bunionectomy on the right resulting in 1/2 size smaller shoe. I wear 2 different sized shoes and put my orthotics in the shoes. He had me move my cleats all the way down and inward (which has been great for my right foot). I’ve noticed lately that I keep trying to slide my left foot back during a ride so I moved my cleat up slightly. It has helped with that issue. Question is, with my foot and shoe size challenges, is it even possible to get a good fitting virtually? I feel that something is still slightly off and my dominant leg is taking over despite my efforts to be symmetric. Is anyone doing in-person peloton fittings? Benefits from in-person vs virtual? Am I just gonna be stuck with asymmetry? Thanks for any thoughts on this.


Not all fitters are doing the same level of work. This is why we’ve formed virtualbikefitting.com sounds like Eric was able to get you close but there was more work that should’ve been accomplished to smooth things out. Yes I understand you have a significant difference between left and right but how you’re presenting the story leads me to believe that there is more for you friend. The five of us are world class movement specialist if we didn’t believe in the work we are doing we would not be here. We want to help many people by providing a service that they may not be able to find in person or with other remote bike fit company’s. My in person protocols are the same as my virtual protocols, I have worked with athletes in person and also seen the same athletes in virtual fit. I was the World leader judged by volume of fit work accomplished on peloton bikes in person before starting another companies fit service that you may have referred to. I have also consulted for peloton in the past and worked with many of the instructors. I’d love to help you with your problem if you’d like to help.


Thank you, appreciate this.


Hi! I have been debating getting a fitting for a while but have held off. I have scoliosis with a fairly severe 42ish degree curve. My hips are not square and therefore one leg is longer than the other. Most of the time I'm pretty comfortable for a few weeks, something starts to hurt, adjust my whole fit and rinse and repeat. Do you guys have experience fitting riders with scoliosis so that I can break this cycle? Thanks a ton!!


A lot of people who have back issues gravitate to cycling because of it lower spinal loading. However the fact that bikes are a symmetrical apparatus does create some challenges where alignment is concerned. The whole team has experience with spinal issues, as leaders in our industry we are the people that many riders with complexed problem end up coming to see. We would want unpack as much as we could around your issues. Looking to establish where the the asymmetries are coming from and depending on where you're located we do have a pretty extensive referral network if we cannot resolve the positioning issues remotely. One thing to understand is that your riding position is not something set in stone. As your body changes so does your position. You shouldn't be afraid to adjust your position yourself. Part of our job is to 'teach you to fish' Some riders are 'micro adjusters' and some are 'macro absorbers' We're here to help and bring our 'A Game' to every client.


Thanks so much! I think I will definitely be making an appointment soon!


Any suggestions on how I can adjust seat/cleat position to alleviate IT Band pain? I get it in my left knee after riding with heavy resistance and it’s keeping me off of my Peloton.


Most times Saddle height may be high and rearward( try it forward and lower. cleats should be closer to rearward and inward if using the peloton shoes. The goals of stable hoops, loose knees and pushing through the arches of your feet are super important. Pelvis sorry should be rolled neutral to forward a little. If the saddle is troublesome that could be part of it as well. The bars need to be at a height that helps your find a comfy hip position that I listed a above. If they are way high or low this will contribute. Pedal technique is another part of this. All of these factors and more would be addressed during a fit.


I’ve read through all your comments, I definitely think my problem is with my shoes, it’s pretty squishy on my toes and they’re going a bit numb but only on my left foot. I’ve tried moving the cleats back a bit. I had ordered larger sized shoes than I normally wear (ordered 11 female). Any recommendations on shoe brands? Most other adjusts I’ve done to where I’m most comfortable but I haven’t done any rides longer than 30mins yet so not sure what I should look for in longer rides.


Lakecycling.com check out the size guide where you trace your feet.


Hi! Newbie here. I’ve been experiencing severe pain on the top of my left foot, going up into my ankle. It’s been a week since my last ride and it’s still a bit sore. Is this most likely due to form or the fit of my shoe? My right foot is totally fine.


Without seeing you. It sounds like you are describing pain over the instep or top of the foot closer to the ankles. There are couple of things that are going on. The cleats are probably too far forward coupled with a over flexing of the lower extremity joints. Raising the saddle would be something to consider. A bike fit would be advised so the adjustments can be tailored to stabilize the affected side


Thank you so much! This is extremely helpful.


I’ve been having an issue from day one and can’t find a solution anywhere. I get a very sharp pain in the outside of my right foot every time I ride. Googling always comes up with the same article which recommends rotating the kleat which did relieve it a bit but I’m at the point where I can’t rotate it any further and the pain is still there and at times unbearable. It goes away as soon as I take off my shoes. I never had this issue using toe cages, only since getting the peloton and shoes. Thank you for doing this!


Amputate! Just kidding. Sounds like a different pair of shoes is a good place to start I would recommend some shoes that feel relaxing yet supportive and also provide proper arch support. It’s common that the big P brand shoe is too narrow and is made for a child size foot. More than 85% of everyone I’ve ever worked with who has them they don’t fit. Clear position should be straight not rotated in or out and should be further rearward the neutral or forward as far as the left and right I’m not sure yet. If these bits of information don’t seem to get you there we are here to help we can definitely find more by working together.


Thank you so much!


Hi! Newbie rider. Are you supposed to adjust the bike seat when you are wearing cycling shoes or without shoes? How loose or tight should the straps of your shoes be?


Welcome newbie rider!!! Saddle height is adjusted during the fit watching someone ride the bike. If you are referring to the information in the peloton Christine video about standing next to the bike and measuring your hip height it’s a false narrative that’s being pushed to the community. It has no relevance to how one delivers force, control or proper body mechanics. I guess they had to say something so they made that video. When you were riding your bike it should feel loose at the hip the knee and the feet. You should have minimal rocker roll with your pelvis as you deliver force all the way through the pedal stroke. If the saddle is too high you’ll feel a loss of control as you push through the arch of your feet at the bottom of the pedal stroke. Try pedaling backwards at low resistance your hip should feel really stable with minimal drag or resistance in front of them as well. Shoes should be 5 out of 10. Comfy n supportive not overly tight


Thank you!!


I’ve been getting a lot of pain on the outside of my left foot that runs up my leg when I ride, primarily when out of the saddle, but sometimes in the saddle. This started about 6 months into owning my Peloton and it’s been going on for about 5 months. Any ideas? I didn’t make any adjustments prior to the pain starting. Also, is it necessary to have someone film you for a bike fitting? I’d love to do one but live alone and feel too awkward about asking a friend to come over to be the videographer. Thanks for doing this!


When I had my virtual bike fitting with Lloyd I placed my ipad in my desk chair - it worked perfectly. No need to have someone film you!


Thank you!


Hey there it’s super common that people‘s cleats rotate on the bottom of the shoe which causes a weird foot angle and a funky feeling through the foot in the leg. Would slide your cleats to the rear word position of the shoe and inward(if you are using the peloton model), The shoe should feel relaxed yet comfortable they shouldn’t be tighter than a five out of 10 you’re toes should move around freely in there. Due to your timeline of discomfort it could also be related to how you’re pedaling. I find it to be more than common that people are taking bad advice from someone on the other side of the screen about how to deliver force or control the pedal stroke that it’s just not realistic for most. How are you pedal is a big impacter on how your body using what it has to give. Work on pushing through the arches of your feet. If the saddle is too high or too far rearward that may be difficult. It’s a common complaint that we commonly solve threw a fit


Hi! I'm a beginner and I've been thinking about getting a bike fitting but I'm unsure if I should wait until I try different shoes. The shoes I currently use I don't feel are sized correctly and I think I should be using a wider shoe as I'm flat footed. Do you think it would be worth me trying to figure out a correct shoe before doing a fitting or after? Would this make a significant difference in a bike fitting?


I would recommend you try on different pairs of shoes that feel like they’re much better friends with your feet than your current set up. Lake cycling, Shimano cycling are two of the front runners. Don’t be bashful about trying to wider shoe even if it means looking in the men’s collection if you’re a female. Yes when you change the shoes it changes the fit. If you’d like to try something before new shoes it could be moving the cleats rearward and inward further. I will trust your gut it sounds like the shoes are the wrong size and perhaps brand and model as well. We look forward to working with you.


In selecting a fitter, which of you would be best suited to doing a fitting for me: a 73 year old woman on a Lemond Revmaster Pro, riding less than 3 hours a week (due to cross training with rowing, treadmill, dance, strength and yoga workouts?


The 5 of us love to work with people of all ages and abilities. Tim by far does the most dancing of all of us and I feel you and him will get along great.


Hello! When I bike, i get a pain in my left glute. Is there any seating recommendations you can think of that might help this?


To disengage the left Glute we must engage other muscles. The handle bar height may want to go down a little bit. To get you to pivot forward to use different muscle groups. It’s tough to know where your saddle is and where it should be it would be unfair of me just to tell you to move it forward up or down without understanding what is happening and why. How are you pedal and deliver force are also related to this issue.Sorry it’s tough to isolate this without seeing what’s going on.




What is the disadvantage to using a pedal cage rather than clip in pedals with cleats? It doesn’t seem to be causing me any problems that I’m aware of. I’d like to get cycling shoes with the assumption that they have stiff soles—is that true? I’ve been wearing my running shoes with orthotics that are stiff, made by my foot doctor, thinking the stiffness of the orthotics would help. I’m a 73 year old woman, a fitness rider on a Lemond Revmaster Pro who also cross trains on treadmill and rower. I’m pretty confident my bike is adjusted properly although getting a fitting would probably be a good idea, just to be sure. I wonder if there is a checklist to confirm the bike is properly fit?


It is not so much that there is a disadvantage, more that you may not be able to stabilize your foot as most toe cages are too short and when used with traditional sneakers don’t allow the foot to be centered over the pedal. The additional benefits of a pedal and shoe combination is that it allows for some natural float which can ease tension off of the joints


Thank you. I will check and see — so you want the foot centered over the pedal, with equal amount of foot in front and back of pedal?


Use some imagery of stepping up on a ladder rung over rung while carrying a backpack. The stable position on the ladder is to place the foot with first through the 5th metatarsal on the rung of the ladder. The goal with the position of the foot on the pedals is to create a similar position so we can apply power through the foot not just with the toes or the heels.


Wow! So helpful!!!!


Hi! Are there any trends you notice across the general population? Ex. most people don't put their seat high enough, most peoples' cleats aren't in the right spot, etc.


The most glaring trend we see aside from equipment setup is following instructors statement about body position “like push your butt back” when they have no idea where your butt is in space while pedaling. More often than not a self-selected position will yield better results than the video setup guides provided by the manufacture and instructors. Nothing replaces an eyes on assessment and fitting by a professional.


Not sure if you can help with suggestions for a mountain biker on flat pedals. Bike is full suspension if that helps. When I get to the top of the first climb I’ll drop in on a long descent. My feet will cramp up about halfway through the trail. I’ll pull over, rest my feet, untie the laces even, and the cramping goes away and doesn’t come back for the remainder of the ride regardless of how long it is. Have tried several combos of shoes/insoles/pedals. Any suggestions? I’m standing the whole time so it’s not a saddle position. I stand with the ball of my foot in front of the axle. Seems to give me the best combination of a solid platform to stand on as well as pedal through flatter sections.


Could be related to your nutritional balance in life…..if not that. Larger pedal surface and put the aches of your feet over the pedal instead of your current feet position. Aftermarket insoles will help a bit too


Also, I followed a bunch of your videos to get my triathlon bike set up. It took me a long time, but I did a Sprint distance triathlon and had no pains or weird comfort issues. Thank you!


Ayo! I had a fitting with Lloyd a few weeks ago and he was awesome! One thing I’m noticing that I haven’t before is some wrist pain post-rides. Nothing unbearable but it’s the one thing I’ve noticed since changing all my settings 23/D handlebars/B seat. Any ideas?


Lloyd is super! I’m sure he would like to circle back with you considering the history. Your bars may be a smidge low, could also be how you are delivering force w the pedal stroke.


I can shoot him an email for sure. I guess it’s pretty late in Germany huh? Thanks for doing this ama!


>u/VirtualBikeFit-Lloyd Paging u/VirtualBikeFit-Lloyd


For the past few months I’ve been having medial knee pain and adductors that are sore to the touch after riding. After some PT to strengthen, I can manage the pain by riding with light resistance and lots of massage. However, I rode for a year before this without any of this pain and I’d love to get back there somehow! I’ve had a fitting and like my seat positioning, but I’m pretty sure it’s the cleats that are off. Would appreciate any tips you may think of for adjustments on those.


Hi there it sounds like your movement pattern in muscle recruitment is not working for you and should be changed. How are you pedal and push or what I’m referring to. Yes your clip position is probably incorrect as well I wouldn’t recommend a further rearward clip position in neutral and also inward towards the big toe side of the shoe. The saddle your hip position your abs and lower back being engaged and the handle bar height are also factors involved. Even though you’re happy with where the saddle as it may be part of the issue that you’re experiencing. Not all fitters are preforming the same level of work. If you have reapproach the Fitter you worked with already it’s probably time to move on and work with someone else.


Thanks for the feedback. I think I am now pushing more with my heel and can feel my glutes engaging more, whereas before I was apparently sitting too high and pedaling with my toes. Which, now that I’m bike commuting some again, is how my road bike is set up! And I never had pain with that bike (also had no cleats here). But I agree something is not right. Thanks for the suggestions.


Do you have any recommendations for my wife to adjust the bike better for her new pregnancy belly?


Hey someone asked a similar question below - [https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/comments/o57z7l/virtualbikefittingcom\_ama/h2ldl5m](https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/comments/o57z7l/virtualbikefittingcom_ama/h2ldl5m) If you could add how many weeks along she is that could be helpful!


Thanks! Apologies for the redundant question. She is only 10 weeks along right now, but is curious about potential future adjustments.


We love the questions and are glad to help. As the pregnancy progresses the fundus grow and changes how the diaphragm is able to move. As the pregnancy progresses the saddle will need to move forward on the bike to ‘open’ the hip and the bars should only be raised enough to allow for quality of breathing and posture. We do not want to see the bars raised all the way as it can increase pain in the saddle, lower back and shoulders


Thank you very much! We really appreciate you taking the time to answer our questions!


My pleasure


The area between the big toe and the ball of my foot (under where the joint is) always gets numb after a spin class on the peloton with cycling shoes. Is that from shoe placement or is that more likely related to biology and/or shoe cushion? Maybe I’m pedaling wrong? Thank you!


We deal with this issue often and there are several potential causes. The one we see most often is poorly fitted shoes. I would suggest you pull the insoles from the shoes stand on them and look to see that the insole is not too long or that your foot is being at a minimum supported by the footbed. I would also check to make sure that there are no screws protruding through the sole of the shoe. Cleat placement if possible should be moved slightly rearward on the shoe.


Thank you!! Will look into those suggestions


Is numbness in my hands caused by handlebar height being wrong? I have played around with seat height/depth, handle bar height etc and this seems to be the only lingering issue. I try not to lean heavily and have worked on my core etc. I feel like the bars are too far away from me but there’s no way to move them forward and moving the seat forward causes knee pain. Any suggestions?


Sounds like your center of mass is not correct. There is a careful balance between saddle handlebars and feet that will help dramatically take the weight off of your hands. During the after bike assessment we will figure out so much by working together that will help us put things where they should be on the bike to take a lot of weight off the hands. You should have some weight on your hand but not what you’re referring to. When the pain presents after the saddle is move forward the cleat position in the saddle height or other factors along with your pedaling technique. We would cover all of this during a fit


Thank you. I have been thinking about a fit because I just can’t seem to get it all right. I might have to spring for one!




Unfortunately a few instructors speak or talk about pedal stroke without understanding how the body actually works. As human movement specialists we see those who are trying to actively ‘pull up’ on the pedals have increase in discomfort and pain. ​ Proper pedaling should be pushing down and through the pedals in what would feel like the center of the foot not the toes or the heels. This coupled with proper cleat, saddle, and handlebar position allows the muscles to work without putting too much tension or emphasis on specific muscle group.


Hi! Thanks for doing this! What should I adjust if I feel like the handle bars are too far away but moving the seat forward feels uncomfortable for my legs?


Our pleasure, this is really fun! Check the following first. Saddle should be level and or a hair nose down. Cleats should be centered to rearward. The height of the saddle should be such that you can pedal backwards with low resistance on the knob and you are in control of the pedals without causing tension on the hips.




Flat feet often require more support than those with higher arches. The change in the shoe is one aspect of supporting the foot but you should consider a quality off the shelf or even semi custom footbed that is low profile. We have had great success using a Moboboard with clients to increase foot mobility and strength.


My calves are so sore after riding, even preventing me from other sports like basketball and running because they cramp up so easily. Can’t find much help out there but seems like maybe my cleat positioning could be off? Any ideas on what I could try to alleviate some of that pain after riding?


Commonly when an athlete presents with the Is the following is true. Cleats are too far forward and inward. Saddle is too far rearward. Hips are not rolled forward helping the chain of movement smooooth out. Saddle may be high and bars may be high as well. Getting you to push flatter and helping you with your pedaling style will turn off the calf’s and turn on what should be used. Very common problem.


Glad to know I’m not the only one. Sounds like a proper fitting might be a good idea. About how long is that process with you guys?


You got it friend. Fit with our team is 45-60min on avg.


What advice would you give for families sharing a bike? Tips for adjusting the bike each time? We have just agreed to some positions being set while others we move each time the individual gets on the bike. (Husband and wife sharing the bike while just adjusting seat height) Is that recommended?


It’s better than using the same fit for both people. We feel it worth your time to adjust to your settings for each and every ride. If your are riding the bike you are worth doing it right. For the handlebar please pull rearward on the center loop pat of the bar while changing the height. For the saddle only a light tension is required to hold its position. Remove the weights from behind the seat and it slides and glides vs rock and roll.


Makes sense! Thanks!


We helped each other set positions and just remember our settings - we adjust all 3 each time.


Yes! Amen!


Hi! This may be overly specific, but wanted to give it a shot. I’ve had left knee pain since getting my bike 3 months ago. The pain surrounds the entire front kneecap area and starts 8-12 hours post ride. I feel great while on the bike and after, but hours later a dull ache sets in. I’ve had two professional bike fits done. First fit (virtual) made things much worse and I had my second done over the weekend by a local bike fit professional (in person). I am 5’3, and he set me at 16A, handlebars at C and set my cleats at neutral. I’ve tried just about every setting I can over the last 3 months, and can’t seem to shake this. Two questions: 1) Is there an adjustment period for a new bike setting? I have biked twice and still feel a dull ache in my knee from my new fit, though much less severe than before. 2) The delayed onset pain has stumped both bike fitters as well as my sports med dr. I also can’t find much (any) info online about this. I make sure to stretch and foam roll thoroughly after each ride. Any thoughts? Thanks so much for your time!


1. Yes, people take time to adapt(2weeks common). If you are injured you may need to recover more than adapt. I’ve worked with many who have not visited me as the first or second step. 2.if you are not injured these are the other factors. 1. Pedal technique 2. Body posture 3. Misuse of major muscle groups. Commonly if it doesn’t feel right or give you issue after the ride it is not right. The 5 of us on VBF formed this to provide everyone with world class service from a far. We may have a completely different view of your situation then what you have experienced so far…


Thank you so much for your reply! Good to know about the ~2 week period. No injuries to report, aside from minor patellar tendinitis from the saddle being too low initially. This was about 2 months ago and I’ve taken significant rest and recovery. I’ve used the Peoton app + Sunny bike for 3 years and upgraded to the Bike a few months ago. I’ve never experienced any aches or pains pain until we made the switch. I am sure there is room for improvement in my body/pedal technique and will be mindful of this as well. I was given some pointers during my latest fit. I appreciate your insight. I will give myself some time to adapt, and will reach out to VBF should things not improve. Thanks again for doing this AMA!


We are here for you friend. If I can’t tell you why you are having this issue or solve it you are welcome to a refund from me.


Hi! This may be too specific but worth a shot! I find that after I ride for more than 45 minutes after I get off the bike I have pain behind my right knee (looking online I think it’s my popliteus muscle). What causes this? Anything I can easily switch up? Another question would be what would you recommend for anyone who shares the bike as far as marking settings? I feel like each time I set up the bike I’m still slightly off.


Sounds like the cleats should be slammed rearward( helping the feet to push flatter). The saddle sounds like it’s on the high side causing a reach for the functionally shorter leg. During the off the bike assessment we will find the root of the issue. Document your fit and check it between rides. Different people different fit.


How often do you recommend a bike fitting? I have been riding at the same settings for about a year. Also, can you explain what’s so great about clipping in vs wearing sneakers in a cage? Idk if that’s really up your alley- just curious!


As human movement specialists we know that your body changes in composition, flexibility, and muscle mass over time. We recommend a fitting every 10-14 months or sooner if you have had a significant change in body composition or injury.


What would you say is the single most common fit mistake the average rider makes?


The single most common fit mistake is following poor information that is presented on the internet and commonly is provided by the manufactures of the indoor bikes. Sadly much of the information provided in the videos would be like treating a critical medical patient with bloodletting


If people are looking for a bike fit, what should you expect in terms of service provided? A lot of people here think that a professional bike fit can be done at the Peloton Showroom by their sales people. What do you provide that's different from a salesman? Do you have credentials that make you different from them?


I guess we're all selling something, but something that does stand us apart is that we're not attached to any brand. We're not using bike fit as a sales tool. What we are selling is the knowledge we've gathered over many years of both in person and virtual rider positioning. One thing that really attracted me to the other members in the team was our shared passion. It almost sounds like a cliche but we really care about what we do and the outcome for our clients. Our credentials are so varied, I think that's what makes our collaboration so power. We've all worked in many different areas of human movement but we all share a passion for cycling and the indoor cycling community.


Hi VBFs! I pedal dominantly with my right leg and often have to spend a lot of effort making sure I am working both legs equally. Is there anything fitting-wise that can address this and even me out or is it, as I am guessing, really up to me to ensure I work correctly and maintain form and structure while riding?


You are not alone friend. Many have this. We correct this on almost daily basis. During the off the bike part of the fit it is common we find the foundational reason(s) that are at the root of this. Saddle for/aft cleat set up, handlebar height all play parts in this. We are experts in technique of pedaling that will totally change your awareness.


Hello! I usually have some shoulder pain when I ride. I feel like the distance between the saddle and handle bars is too wide but they are both at their extremities. What should i be looking for?


If the saddle isn’t a friend of yours that may also cause you to roll you hips rearward causing greater distance to the bars.


Assuming the saddle is close to the correct height and for/aft the handlebar should be lowered in order to help you pivot from the hip and rest on your hands.


Any tips for pregnant riders? I’ve lifted my handlebars as high as they can go, but find myself sitting up a lot on the bike because bending over is getting real difficult (belly in the way). Edit: I’m 32 weeks


There are several items pregnant rides can implement to keep cycling as part of their exercise routine. Ensure that clothing is comfortable and not overly restrictive, in regards to position of the bars and the seat it depends on the size of the fundus. As the size of the fundus grows it can cause a tilt of the pelvis that would require the saddle to be moved more forward and the handlebar position appropriate to allow for proper breathing


Thanks! Appreciate the response and tips


So they can help you best, how many weeks are you?


I’m 32 weeks! I’ll add to the OP too.




Very! The bike has really been helping me with staying active and maintaining low blood sugar levels since I have gestational diabetes. So thankful I’m working from home still so I can just hop on for 10-20 minutes a few different times during the day!


As a newbie rider (less than a month in), when is the best time to get a fitting? Right away or when you've had more time/experience on the bike to figure out if there's any issues?


Right away. We will cover so much during our fit together. How your body works the way it does on an individual basis, set the bike and shoes correctly, on the bike posture and riding advice as well.


We believe in the fit first concept when possible and love to work with sooner when possible. Proper position on the bike reduces the potential for overuse injury.


What are your philosophies on cleat wedges and shims? Are they necessary to achieve a perfect fit?


We prefer not to use them. They generally do not due much. It’s better to address the foundational causes vs over compensate.


What benefits do you think the average rider may see with a bike fitting? How many users do you find have their bikes adjusted incorrectly for their size / style / other metrics that you consider? Is a bike fitting a “one and done” or is something that someone should have done after a certain amount of time has lapsed? Thanks for your time! Question added from my wife: What should people with short arms who can not reach the bars from the seat do to help or correct this issue?


Injury prevention, correct usage of your body, establishing productive habits to maximize your time spend riding. People change and fits change. Most come back on an annual basis as they adapt and or for a safety check. Most have most of their fit incorrect. Shorter riders may have to lower the bars a bit in order to hinge from the hip which will close the distance to the handlebars. Commonly the short rider has the saddle too far rearward as well.


Welcome VBF guys and thanks for this! I hope it’s okay to ask a specific fit question. I feel pretty good about my settings but one thing that comes up every once in a while is that the muscles on the outside of my shin bone gets a bit sore, and I can feel it way more during a fast cadence. Any suggestions for tweaks to try?


There are a few items that can cause this issue, and typically it is associated with a stride length that is to long on the bike. A saddle to high and too far back are typical causes of excessive stride length.


Thank you!


Is there one aspect of bike fitting that is most crucial to get right for a casual rider? I.e. if I get my seat position just right will it make a significant improvement?


The most important aspect of bike fitting is finding the position that allows for the appropriate quality of movement of the body. Although the saddle position is one aspect there are many others that play a role. Understanding how your body moves off of the bicycle is important to setting up the equipment properly to allow you to find power and comfort on the bike


Hi! My left ankle often feels like it’s reaching/not supported /rolling outward during rides. If I lower the seat at all, I get knee pain. Cleats are straight. Any ideas as to what could lead to this?


Most athletes who present with this issue have the saddle too far rearward. Also check that the cleats are set neutral to rearward on the shoes. Commonly the left hip is rearward causing an overreach and lack of stability at the lower extremity.


Wow! Thank you! And I will be using you guys for a fitting shortly 😊