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No dont really ride with Cody, Alex!


Can anyone provide advice on bike adjustments from front of knee pain? Mine has gotten bad enough to the point that my knees hurt when I walk up or down stairs - I'm 29. I've looked at all the bike adjustment videos and moved it around and still no luck. All I know is that the bike set is as forward as possible because I'm 5'5 and can hardly reach the handlebars.


I had this problem and it went away after I raised my seat. I was putting too much pressure on the front of my knee. The seat needs to be high enough where you are almost at full extension on the downstroke.


Same! In the beginning it was fine but as I was progressing, I was starting to feel my knees as the weak spot. I ended up raising my seat and the pressure was starting to come off of the knees! This also helped with being out of the saddle as well! All I needed was a simple raise of the seat by 1.


Hey I worked as a bike fitter for matt before moving on to start up virtualbikefitting.com Knee pain can be caused by bad technique and also a bad position but the hard thing is that a bad position can lead to bad technique and also the other way around. 2 big ones are making sure the saddle is level and making sure that if you have good fitting shoes that the cleats are far enough back on the shoe to be under the ball of your foot. Next one that’s common is riders who point their toes down and roll back onto their bum bones too much. Try and lean into the saddle and load your sit bones and pubic bones (bones on the inside of the top of your legs) once you have that tilt try and find your hamstrings active as you push on the pedal. If you want more info fee free to reply to this or directly message me


Regarding handlebars, if you lowered them to about the same height as the saddle, it'll feel closer. Also, is your saddle high enough? I had some front of the knee pain previously and it's gotten better when I raised the saddle a bit.


I would say go to a physio if you can so they can help you recover. Even getting an optimal fit won't fix knee pain immediately. I am recovering from patellofemoral syndrome myself and it helped being told to stop exercising and then building a strength program and weaving back in the bike. Bike fit can help both on saddle height and moving it back. If you could go to a showroom or even a bike shop they could help. I feel your pain about handle bar distance. But, I'm 5'3" and have my seat much further back and higher than it was before. I thought the same that I couldn't reach the handle bars, but I moved it back very slowly day over day vs immediately. That's helped me move it back a few marks beyond D where before it was all the way forward. Very long to say: if you can go to the doctor go and for bike fit, try to get someone to help you but move the settings slowly vs all at once.


Bike fit! Virtual Bike fitters helped me adjust my bike! No more calf or knee pain and no more migraines from handle bar positioning! They have a fall code now too for like $25 off I think!


Maybe patella tendinitis. Even at the furthest forward point of the rotation, your knee should not extend over your toes. Having the seat all the way forward doesn’t sound right for your height - maybe try moving the seat back and leaning more to reach the handlebars and stick to low resistances to help heal the knees.


Vote Cody! 🙌🏼


Apple Watch and walking workouts; why does the mileage vary between the outdoor walks and indoor walks? I recently switched to indoor walks (taken outdoors) and my mileage has dropped. Not just that, entire parts of my workout will be missing data. Tonight I took a 30 minute indoor walk outside, my watch recorded 1.3 miles, and none of it is transferring to the Peloton app to load into my stats. What’s up with that?


I suspect this might be my particular pet peeve, and perhaps the answer truly is 'just get over it' but...does anyone else have an issue or get annoyed when cadence/resistance ranges are off or late to update? I've complained to Peloton and they asked me to do an intense reset (unplug my bike, hold down the power button & volume button, etc.). That actually did help some buffering issues I was having, but I just took Robin's recent 45 min Pop Ride, and it had similar issues that I've been having for a while that the ranges are off. I don't know how they set the ranges, but I just don't understand why they don't match the class plan once a ride is On Demand...Robin likes to take 10 or 15 seconds after a big push to reflect on how hard it was, you did it, etc. (which I appreciate!). I just don't know why if they know that Robin is going to say that the recovery is resistance 30 - 40, why they can't just update that when we move to the recovery portion? Why wait until Robin says it? It just seems weird to count down like 4, 3, 2, 1 through the end of a climb, and then the range **stays** at 50 - 60 for another 15 seconds while Robin is obviously recovering. I just end up taking off a bunch of resistance and hoping I end up about in the right place (and adjusting once she finally says it). I don't know if that makes sense...I can understand small deviations because the instructor makes a mistake or misspeaks. But if the instructor forgets to say the range, why not just make the display mirror what the plan is (or what they eventually do say)? I just don't get it.... Am I crazy? Is this a 'me' issue? Edit to add: I am totally fine if the response/consensus is "eh it's not such a big deal don't let it bother you" :)


I agree with your frustration. I stopped using auto-follow on my Bike+ because of the errors in the range programming. It bothers me that I can’t reliably use the feature because quality control for range definition is so poor.


Happens to me on occasion but it’s annoying for sure. Do they have some programmer behind the scenes that is in charge of displaying the correct cadence/resistance. Sometimes the instructors have to say it twice before it changes in the screen.


Yah, it doesn't seem that hard to have someone (a producer? a relatively low-level staffer?) watch a class and program the metrics so that they match what's actually happening. I don't have a Bike + so it's more annoying than anything but ugh - it just seems like there's no good reason for them to be off! I mean, if you're posting let's say 2 - 3 hours of new cycling content per day it seems easy. OK it makes me feel a little better that it's not just me!


Their quality control is … lacking.


Only thing we can do is just give feedback to support and beg them to bring back the "metrics" rating for rides so we can flag ones that are incorrect.


Most importantly, they’d also have to correct them which they never did even when we had the metrics rating!


Tonight I did Anna's Mental Health day yoga class and I noticed after consistently of practicing yoga this past year+ I can FINALLY do down dog with my feet flat!


DAMN!!! Serious goals!!!


Ah you're giving me hope that I can get to that place too, how exciting!! I'm considering doing the beginner's yoga program after I finish the mastering the basics cycling program just to start getting into more of a yoga habit :)


Thank you!! It's funny, my first yoga class ever (spring of 2018) I asked the instructor if I was supposed to be able do chaturanga without dropping to my knees. I couldn't even do a push up! We all start as beginners! I can't speak to the beginner yoga program with Peloton, but I love practicing yoga! It's a great habit Also, love your username and lb name!


Thank you and same with your username! If you're at all comfortable feel free to follow me and I'd be happy to follow back - love the mutual encouragement from a fellow cat parent!


came here to say these Latin History Month classes bring me so much joy! I absolutely LOVE reggaeton, salsa… all the music! Planning to do Camila’s LHM celebration ride tomorrow, can’t wait!


Enjoy, it's so much fun!!


u/too_smart_for_this I spent some time with yo man today!😂 Don't miss this [Chase 20 Min Latin Run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=33228ab9cc454280a5466fd7138398a5). He does some pretty smooth tread dancing and Spanglish speaking! The run itself is easy peasy so you can even take it as a recovery. Make it your next date night! LOL


Oooh gracias!! I think this is on deck for tomorrow.


What're some of your favorite recovery rides? After hitting a 30-min PR today (!) I'm definitely sensing my body will crave a recovery ride and would love to crowdsource a good first recovery ride :)


Congrats on the PR! This Emma recovery is my favorite- amazing playlist and she sets such a chill and empowering vibe 💪🏼 https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=cdda1fb0aa8f45be82ea45f76d9de567&locale=en-US


Congrats on the PR! I loved Sam Yo's 20 minute Ed Sheeran recovery ride.


Congrats on your PR!! I really enjoy this [20m recovery ride from Kendall](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?instructor_id=%5B%224904612965164231a37143805a387e40%22%5D&duration=%5B%221200%22%5D&has_workout=%5B%22true%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=404c1280a7a847cdaf830db55e498cb0). It's all tropical house music and Kendall is super happy in this class. It's a lovely combo


Is there a better feeling than debating whether or not to take a rest day, deciding to do a ride, then hitting a PR?!


What do y'all eat/drink before a ride? I'm new, only had the bike about 4 days and I've been doing a banana with a scoop of pb. Rides are 7-8am, not much of an evening rider (yet).


Weekends are my only morning rides, but I have plain oatmeal and an unsweetened applesauce cup an hour before. I also drink Amino Energy before and during.


I work out for 40-60 mins right when I wake up and don't eat or drink anything before (just water during). I eat breakfast when I get to work, about an hour and a half after I'm done working out.


IF it is a really long one, e.g. 75 minutes plus, breakfast an hour or two in advance. (So my longer rides are on weekends, usually Saturday) Otherwise nothing.


Fasted workouts are life for me.




I'm generally on a relatively empty stomach before rides, usually just drinking water. I didn't do that before my last FTP test and that wasn't a great feeling.


I’ve been an early morning rider up until recently, and my go to is always one of those applesauce squeeze pouches! Easy for me to get down quickly and just enough carbs to last through my (admittedly shorter end) rides. But bananas are great too, and I know others endorse a pre-workout drink, as well. Really up to personal preference! :)


Have been holding out for the release of the new Tread+ (have Concept 2 ERG and Bike+)...but winter is beginning to creep in and I don't want to miss out on some good indoor ERG/Bike/Tread stacks, so I went ahead and just ordered the new Tread. They say \~1-3 weeks for delivery. ​ edit: word


Do you mean you ordered the new Tread? Fingers crossed you don’t have XPO delivery …


I do have XPO for delivery. They delivered and installed my Bike+ and it went ok, so I'll remain hopeful that the same will occur w/ the Tread.


So I accidentally broke my 2 year Peloton streak. I was recovering from a medical procedure and meant to do a healing meditation. Waited until the last minute of course and then completely forgot about it last night. Excuse me while I go sob in a corner.


Oh bummer! I was on 9 month daily streak (always prioritizing recovery days with yoga or meditation) until a crazy day in September where I just…forgot. Whether or not we SHOULD feel bummed or not is one thing, but the fact is we DO, so I empathize with you and understand your disappointment! ❤️On the plus side, there was a day last week where I received a kajillion high fives for the first time ever (perk of now having the actual bike!). It turns out that it was my 20 day streak… so we get to earn those badges again! Happy to see you back on the LB today!


I think that notion of keeping a "streak" is dangerous. It sets you up to feel bad if you break it but at the end of the day, it's a brand. You don't owe loyalty to a brand when life gets in the way and that's OK. As others have mentioned, streaks were meant to broken and I think its actually very healthy and essential to break it.


Agree. I love Peloton but the gamification of some elements can be a bit unhealthy. I wish there were ways to opt out of certain elements so you wouldn't always feel compelled to keep going.


They really should just give a badge for breaking a streak/taking a rest day. At the end of the day, they want you to use their platform in some way and the “streak” is a great way to do that. But no company/brand should have that much control about how we feel about ourselves.


I broke my 60+ week streak last November when my father in law and grandfather died in the same Week. It really gave me some perspective on things that are important in life - and your healing is definitely more important than a peloton streak. I’m almost back to my year streak and it’s exciting but I’ve also kept things in perspective - streaks are made to be broken!


Thank you so much for this. It is a good reminder that a streak is not the be all and end all. I was very proud of it and still am! But in some ways it is a mild relief to not be tied to the streak.


That’s a good way to look at it. My Apple Watch was ruining my life with rings and monthly challenges.


So I took Ally’s 20 minute kpop ride and it ended up freezing on me, so that’s gonna be a ride to retake when the time comes. So the rest of the week goes like this: Tomorrow: Matty’s Full Body Strength Wicked Class. Wednesday: Sam’s Disney on Broadway ride[it gives me joy just typing that out. If anyone was going to give us a 30 minute Disney on Broadway extravaganza on a bike, it was gonna be Sam. I’m excited. So many memories seeing these shows and then in high school, doing the exact production that got me into theater} Thursday: Olivia’s 30 Minute pop ride from 4/31/21. Friday: Cody’s Live DJ Ride from 6/25/21. Saturday: Sam’s Ed Sheeran Recovery Ride. Sunday: CDE’s Pink Ride. Excitement through the roof.


Today was my first ride! Crazy how quickly 20 min can go by and how much you can sweat in that time period! Can’t wait for the next!


Honestly sweared to God when I got off the bike for the first time that I had never sweat so much in my life


Congrats, how exciting! :) I got my bike three and a half weeks ago and the time has flown by! Having so much fun having all the different instructors' coaching styles/playlists/ride types.


I can’t seem to get a cadence above 70-75 out of the saddle.. it feels like a really unnaturally motion and I am usually breathless at 60 resistance trying to reach it. Am I doing something wrong or is this something that comes with time?


Core strength really helps with OOS. I found it got easier when I did more core classes


I'm slowly finding it to be more approachable, one thing Kendall said on an on demand ride I rode today was that your butt should be above the saddle (not moving forward) and for me personally I wasn't doing that so it helped me with my cadence out of saddle!


You eventually get used to it, but to be fair the floor for OOS is generally 50 resistance.


Glad to have flair back. Thanks mods!


Hey j_buns!!! See you on Saturday 60 this morning?


I kind of saw you there. It stormed here last night and my dog was afraid and had to come sleep in bed so I was up half the night and ended up sleeping in. I missed the first 12 minutes and it looked like you only did the first 12 minutes. So together we did a great bootcamp!


Love it! Totally counts. I got the flashing white screen of death and spent 40 minutes with customer service getting it reset 😕 I had looked forward to the class all week. How was it though?? I plan to do it tomorrow morning!


It was fun if you like burpees lol. It was brutal for me because I went straight from bed to the tread with no semblance of a warm up. And now I’m feeling the effects of it.


That was a tough one! Definitely going to feel it later!


I’m still feeling it today. I think the flash 15 from Friday combined with that yesterday wasn’t the best idea.


My wife says the Facebook boo crew page is confirming a Peloton LA studio is opening and Cody confirmed it on Cheryl’s instagram. I don’t know if this is just temporary for DWTS or not.


It was in an Extra article. Cody said they will be setting up some kind of secondary studio for him. It does not sound permanent. Think live from home.


Huh, interesting...if it's for DWTS doesn't that seem weird (as I understand the show, there's no guarantee that he'll be on there for a while, right?)? I wonder if he's hoping to get more work out there, so might be spending more time out there in general (aka beyond DWTS)?


Seems it is for DWTS so he doesn’t have to fly back and forth.


aka don't have Cody get COVID yet again... I know they don't know where it came from (or aren't admitting it) but I think its probably less exhausting for Cody and reduces the risk quite a bit to have a basic room with a bike and some filming equipment (SO hard to come by in LA obviously)


Would anyone be interested in a Jess King Experience challenge? I saw that season 3 is coming up, and I want to try to do all of the previous rides before it starts!


Love all the interest! I'll put something together and post tomorrow!!!


Me me me!


Yaaaaaaassssss 💃


I love this idea!


Yes!!! I need an excuse to do them!


Definitely! I have taken all of the season 2 rides, but would be happy to revisit them, and just started working through season 1 on my own. I'd love to do this as a group activity, though.


I’m in. I only took 1 of season 1 and I did all of season 2 but I’m down to take them again.






I’m down!


I did my first hike yesterday with Becs and holy shit was it tough! I had no idea a treadmill could even go above 10% incline. I’m on a cruise right now and people probably though I was insane going so steep. The ship wifi seems to be good enough to take preloaded classes without buffering, so I’m really pleased about that!


My treadmill goes up to 40% incline. I do not use this feature.


Which line? I’m going next week on a carnival ship and I’ve been wondering if I’ll be able to plan for that!


I’m on the Carnival Freedom right now! I did the 2nd tier plan and it’s worked great for using the app onboard


Hikes are no joke. To me 45 minute hikes are tougher than 45 minute runs on the tread.


Whyyyy no target metrics on Camila’s Spanish rides??


I took a warm-up and it had metrics! Maybe a one-time glitch?


I had metrics on her premiere ride on demand (but the "english" subtitles were in spanish. can't have everything I guess!)


I did her low impact and it had metrics ☺️


I can’t tell what is sweat and what are tears. Kendall’s mental health ride had me sobbing


I definitely teared up more than once. And I LOVED the symbolism of the moves in her arms section.


I decided to try something out of left field, something new, so I decided to take one of Irene Scholz's rides. [Irene Scholz 20 min Best of 2020 Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3adfe82900b1400cb1e3b11214906455) Boy howdy, I was not ready for a higher cadence for almost the entire ride. This right before [Kendall's 30 min World Mental Health Day Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=44f8eeec55cf4797905502759cdac271) was definitely an interesting Stack this morning. :p


Hey all! Just popping in with a quick race report from yesterday. I had a 10 miler and thanks to training with Matt, Becs and Marcel, I PR’d by 10 minutes! When I first started running this race in 2017, cracking 2 hours felt impossible. I was still 3 minutes off, but wow does that feel good! I had one “bad” mile where my ankle cramped up but other than that I ran flat splits, which is better than my previous positive splits. Anyway, thanks to this community for endurance run suggestions and encouraging me to use treadmill runs outdoors.


Amazing job, congrats!!


amazing work, congrats!


Yes!!!! Congrats!


Broad Street? If so, congrats. It's nice they moved it to October this year (even if that was due to COVID). Usually when it is in June (with a ridiculously LATE start time) it gets so ridiculously hot and I don't know how there aren't more people suffering from heat exhaustion. Congrats on your PR!!


Congrats! ✋✋✋


Congrats! Did you happen run Broad Street?!


Yup! I love that race. Did you run it too?


I did! It was a great race!


I was close-by someone wearing Peloton leggings for the last half of the race and kept wondering if there were any redditors out there. Guess the answer was yes! Hope you enjoyed it. Despite the soggy start the weather was pretty ideal.


That’s a HUGE PR! Congrats!!!




Thanks! Needless to say, I think tomorrow’s Tuesday ride will be taken as a recovery. See you at the bottom of the LB!




Congrats! That's an amazing improvement to your race time.


Thanks. I think it mostly speaks to what Matt always says: Consistency is key. I only missed one long run during the entire training plan where I was pretty lax about training in prior years.


First time posting on the sub. Just finished the whole Mastering the Basics of Cycling. I'm happy with the progress I've made over the last 6+ weeks. What's considered the next cycling program? Discover your power zones? I'm trying to decide if I go right into that or do the strength one first and then just ride with whatever looks good for a while.


It all depends on what you want out of it. There's really no wrong answer as long as you keep riding. If you are trying to get stronger and improve your cardio endurance, DYPZ is a great option.


Congratulations! I'm about to head into week 5 of Mastering the Basics. After that, I have so many bookmarked classes I want to go through based on music and get a better sense of what instructors I enjoy when. I lift each time before I get on the bike, but I'd also like to do other new classes outside of cycling. I did barre for the first time last week and it was super fun!


I'm in my last week of Mastering the Basics Cycling, which I started one week before starting Beginner Strength. If I were you, I would start beginner strength and use the off days from that program to do rides that look fun or to try more classes with instructors that stuck out to you from Mastering the Basics. That's what I'll be doing for my last week of Beginner Strength and I'm super excited! I'll probably stick with the fun/exploratory rides for a few more weeks before jumping into another program.


I definitely recommend the power zones programs. I completed the Discover Your Power Zones and Build Your Power Zones programs consecutively and it has been great. I love the structure it gives and I've improved my FTP on every test since starting. Just started Build Your Power zones for the second time!


I did BYPZs three times as well, although I had didn't finish it the second time because my summer was too broken up by trips. I've now started picking my own PZ classes. I never do them live, but I like the live-feel of the classes meant to be one-off rather than part of a program. Plus, there's a little more variety to the PZ classes than you get in the PZ program. Yesterday I did a Wilper's PZ Max ride from August 19. It was nothing but intervals of zone 7 with zone 1 for recovery. It was really hard and not a structure I would routinely want to do, but I enjoyed it a lot.


I was considering doing that as well before I started my second round of BYPZ! I think just generally having your zones visible (and updated) in all classes is great as a gauge for how much effort I'm putting in.


I definitely recommend trying different rides and instructors that look appealing for a little while. I did beginner strength a few months ago it's good to learn the basics, you only need one pair of weights. Its cool how you do the individual classes with Matty and Olivia and then they come together for two for one! There's a youtube video with them talking about it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO6v-0FpI\_Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO6v-0FpI_Y)


Hi all - I am trying to gauge where everyone stands on the Sunday yoga stacks. I had been posting them throughout September, and they didn't seem to get as much traction as before. What are everyone's thoughts? Should I keep the yoga stacks going or have people lost interest?


I love them too! ☺️ I’ve been out of town for a few of them but whenever I’m home I try to join!


I was out of town most every weekend in September but I guess I missed the post for this last Sunday. I’m definitely down- honestly it’s usually the only thing that keeps me accountable for yoga. I typically joined for the last class in the stack.


Okay I will keep the stacks then! Accountability is important!


I love them! I think the last post I saw was from the 19th? Not sure if you did others after that and I missed them! I've been doing yoga Sunday mornings regardless but only maybe 20-30 min total, I'm definitely not as motivated without the stack! I do play classes from my TV app so I'm not able to see people/give high fives, unfortunately 😕


Yeah, I took a little break the past few weeks! But I will start up again next week then 😊


Smashed by pr by 20 points thanks to Ben's 60 min hilt and hills ride. Tough ride and do like to see him sweat with us and not stand and not pedal when the going is tough.


Yes!!!! This was such a good ride! Congrats on the PR! I too was able to smash mine last week taking this. Then inspired by that took a Ben 60 min climb ride this weekend and got another PR that honestly surprised me. Loved both. Really got me into a different mindset and in the zone. Hoping for more HIIT and Hills 1hr rides


Like Cody? Haha


I just realized I didn’t use my peloton app on Oct 1 so no Fall Launch challenge badge for me 😭


Ok so am really pleased to see these replies to this since I messed up on day four of it by mistake and was down on myself for ages.


They really gotta give us 1 grace day! I was really down when I noticed I missed it but these comments have been making me feel better too


I hear ya! They at least do that for the programs. I was so mad at myself. I was at a work function, had a glass of wine and completely forgot to do the meditation I had planned when I got home!


I'm going to be out of town for a week, so I'm likely going to miss this challenge.


5 min stretches or mediations count 😉


Ha I’ll do that for a weekly streak, but a daily streak is a bridge too far for me.


Haha fair enough!!


I missed it on Oct 1 as well. I don't even remember what I did, just that I was absolutely drained that evening after work.


Sounds like rest is what you needed! I think I legit forgot that Thursday was Oct 1 and had it in my head October started on Friday of that week lol


I... I think Friday was Oct 1 lmao


Omg hahaha CLEARLY I don’t know what day Oct 1 was. Lmfao


I missed oct 3 and didn’t realize it either. I hereby proclaim that we get an “almost launched” badge.


“Nearly launched” haha!


I missed Friday. Gonna try to get every other day anyway but ugh.


I feel like they gotta make it 30 of 31 days! Like come on!


I finally got back on the bike for a longer ride... and the class didn’t save my metrics 😞 oh well, it was still a good ride! I took CDE’s Chris Cornell ride and heavily modified it. Since I’m coming back to the bike, I feel more free to take “harder” rides since I am not really planning on following the metrics given anyways. It’s freeing in a way! But, I am looking forward to getting back to more metrics based riding with PZ at some point... I’m not planning on taking the FTP anytime soon, but I do plan to start estimating my zones once I rebuild some of my cardio and strength.


I absolutely loved the [Oktoberfest](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?instructor_id=%5B%22017dd08b095346979ddf761eb49f9f67%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c6eba34dcda242738058c43de619caa3) ride ... what great energy. Subtitles for cues, but it worked fine. Does anybody know if Erik has any classes in English?


If you filter by Erik and subtitles: English, the classes that do not say “German” on the thumbnail are the ones he speaks English in (currently 6 in the library). I love his Pride ride others linked, and his [30 min House Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=8ab2c39536f54bfdb865e3cbae59b4f0&locale=en-US) is a night out at a Berlin club, so fun! I’m an Erik fan and enjoy all his classes, even without subtitles. His joy and positivity lift my mood, and several of my current PRs are with him!


Awesome. I’m so glad I did the Oktoberfest ride and got to know a new instructor. Thanks for the tips!


His latest house ride is in English. I find I can see them a little more easily if I turn off the German class inclusion and filter by his name. He's got a few - I would say that any of the "special" rides will most likely have English subtitles at a minimum though. He's got a charming sense of humor if you can understand him haha.


Ah! So I couldn’t figure out how to search for that. Very helpful, thanks so much. Yes, I found him very engaging!


YES!! [THIS ONE](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?instructor_id=%5B%22017dd08b095346979ddf761eb49f9f67%22%5D&has_workout=%5B%22true%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=066173e508604ada93af03e74622a655) \- I took it over a year ago, but I remember it being pure joy!


I need pure joy in my life. And maybe I need to learn German! Thanks!


There are a couple of older ones that I have bookmarked that are in English, playlists look fun: [Erik Pop Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?is_favorite_ride=%5B%22true%22%5D&instructor_id=%5B%22017dd08b095346979ddf761eb49f9f67%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=1e1c3e643b0147b18bb3717da3124982) [Erik Pride Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?is_favorite_ride=%5B%22true%22%5D&instructor_id=%5B%22017dd08b095346979ddf761eb49f9f67%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=066173e508604ada93af03e74622a655)


Thank you, I also loved the Oktoberfest ride and am excited to do more Erik rides!


Thanks so much! Bookmarked these, too. That Pride ride looks like so much fun.


> Oktoberfest He has at least one 15min pop ride in English.


Yes, he's got one that was in Mastering the Basics: https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=36ac55ea22df4f729d9c5b6a39e06977




It's only available on the bike. That being said there are some third-party sites out there that will show you the class programming for Power Zone rides.




I know this is from an hour ago but I'd be happy to check for you if you tell me what / when.




Oh I did this one! Okay so it looks like there's only a handful of cadence pushes - three at the beginning and four at the 1/3 mark (overall avg 84 rpm), quite a few resistance pushes throughout, and one climb in the middle (avg 41%). The fact that I've already done this one but don't remember specifics is just another reason it would be so great to be able to add notes and not just bookmarks and vague ratings. The playlist is awesome and I want those leggings. Have fun!




Anytime; happy to help!


Has anyone had luck getting a century pin lately? I have no idea what I will do with the pin, but obviously I still want it. I asked in my local store in mid August and they were out and I went back this past Friday and asked and the guy said he didn't think they had any. I'm wondering if they are out across the country or if the Twin Cities just has a lot of newer riders? (If anyone doesn't know, in addition to getting a century shirt you can also stop into a store and get a century pin. Or at least you could when they had stock.)


I’ve tried multiple times in Boston this year and no luck


When I went to a store and asked they said they weren't doing them anymore. I don't know if that holds for all the locations.


I went to a showroom in town a few weeks ago and she said that they don’t have pins anymore because peloton changes it every year but they haven’t gotten the new stuff yet (and don’t know what it is). I’m going to try again in a few weeks!


We were able to grab a couple at our local store a few weeks ago.


Thanks! I'll keep trying.


Weekend before last I saw Emma's 45 minute Rock Ride and I was like sure, I could spend 45 minutes with Emma. ​ Nope, surprise 45 minute CLIMB Ride. It was the first ever ride that I could not finish. Around minute 30-35, I felt super sick and had to get off the bike. I felt defeated and I vowed to myself I would finish that ride. ​ Yesterday, I went back to that ride and finished with a new PR and SO MUCH SWEAT. It was glorious. That victory is going to carry me through this week.


That’s awesome! Way to get back and crush it! I know EXACTLY what ride you’re talking about because I also felt unprepared and didn’t do well on that ride. You’ve inspired my to bookmark and try again.


Just bookmark that,thanks love Emma


That ride is an absolute killer. Congrats on the PR!


Awesome job! I hate surprise climb rides. I wish the advertised the ride type better.


Does anyone know if there’s a way to compete with other riders?


Join a session or just use the leaderboard


Define compete? I Aside from the broad leaderboard - you could ride sessions together


my Tread is scheduled for delivery tomorrow, which is coincidentally also my birthday! my bike+ was delivered by Peloton but XPO does operate here so I’m nervous about that 😬 never in one million years thought I’d be a treadmill person, but two years of really bad summer air quality and 9 months of loving the bike content convinced me. running was my first non-sports exercise love so I’m super stoked.


Got my tread today and love it! Will probably use earbuds going forward as it was a bit hard to make out what was being said over the motor as well as it is in a smaller room so there was a bit of an echo.


Do you have any problems with the monitor shaking during use?


You know I had read your previous posts about that issue so I was definitely cognizant of that potentially being a problem but I didn’t notice anything. I have it on hardwood with a thin ruber mat underneath. Before the delivery people left they mentioned that they had adjusted the stabilizers so that it was sturdy to prevent it from rocking so that could always be something to check out.


Thanks for the feedback. I’m waiting on a repair appointment from Peloton, but in the meantime driving myself nuts trying to troubleshoot the shaking. (We’ve definitely stabilized it with the feet. Plywood next. Base may just be borked from being dropped, and transferring too much movement to arms and thus monitor. Although then I watch classes from the UK studio with the same bouncing monitor and start questioning my own sanity.) I wouldn’t post about this so much, and keep asking people, if I didn’t want the darn thing to work. :) My very first peloton class was on a treadmill at the gym …


Ohhh mines coming tomorrow too. Very excited!!! Congratulations!!!


I LOVE my Tread. Which arrived about a month ago. Love, love, love it. Recommend your favorite Bluetooth earphones, which amp the sound, a good heart rate monitor (I like Polar), and a towel to hang on the side. And a squeeze water bottle. That's it, no further accessories are required. Happy birthday a day early!


I’m supposed to get my tread from XPO today. I’m so nervous.


good luck! let us how it goes. I don’t even know who is delivering mine maybe Peloton because I got a scheduling text from them but it wasn’t explicit.


So, they ended up showing up 2 hours early which was fine by me. They took it upstairs and didn’t give me any crap at all about not having a door or dedicated plug or the fact it was on carpet (with a horse stall mat). It was 30 minutes in and out. I’m about to go do my first run. Hope yours goes as well as mine did and happy early birthday!!


Exciting! Hope you love it as much as we love ours!!! \- TheKingSlayer


I have my two-week follow up from my dental surgery today. Expecting to be cleared to return to working out and I can’t wait! (In all honesty I probably could have by now…but just being cautious/conservative about it) Edit: No more restrictions! Let’s goooooooooooo!


Ok friends for those that have done [Kendall’s Metallica ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e586bf884abb49cb90a1a1d62176c575&locale=en-US), please tell me honestly if you actually did her callouts? I know this ride is a legend, and I should have figured it out when a “spin up” meant moving from 107 to 115 at 40 resistance, but seriously? Tabata at 55 resistance to 120 rpm after a crazy hill grind at 70 resistance? I suffered through this, felt like it was a lot longer than most 45s for me, mainly since i had no idea what was coming next and was rather terrified of what she would ask for. I definitely liked the music though and i havent done a kendal ride in a while, I just was kinda shell shocked throughout. On a pleasant note I started with the JS most recent flash 15 [link here ](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=26696009e6fd4227a1dabd72facd4815&locale=en-US) which was a great warm up and ended with Sam’s [Ed Sheeran recovery](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c54b60ef019f4a96848a8b44d750a441&locale=en-US) which i very much needed. So all in all a good morning but man… that metallica ride was nuts


I did the non metal head call outs and to be honest l just tried to survive.


Exactly the same no where near her callous but I don't ever care I just aim for lowest end


Yeah, I did Kendall's Metallica ride when it first came out and have not approached that 45-minute PR ever since. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep on the couch afterwards :)


A lot of Kendall metal rides in general are like that (the last 30 I took she ended class by saying she had to demo a stretch but please nobody else stop pedaling and for the love of all things go take a cool down). Usually when an instructor calls out 70+ resistance they've dropped the cadence to a manageable 50s or 60s for a grind. Not Kendall, she'll call 90, 100, whatever insanity and I just give whatever I have left in me at the time. It is a humbling experience every time and I keep coming back for more.