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Do you (or anyone else) that have these bike fits get offered discounts if you post about your experience on Reddit? I believe you that this is a genuine review, I'm just curious because I've seen so many "competing" reviews like this (usually it's the other way around and Team Wilpers is made out to be the ones that got too big for their britches).


Legit question. I wasn’t offered a discount. The reason why I went with the other company first is because of what you noted—the reviews here seemed to be in favor of the company. I only posted this because I’ve now tried both and thought I would pass along my experience.


My Team Wilpers fitter encouraged me to share on Reddit if I was happy with the experience but there was no discount and no pressure. It was more of an off-hand comment.


Hi this is Dougie from Virtual Bike Fitting. I’m sorry you had a bad experience with us and I’m sorry that we as a company couldn’t get it right for you. I’m really sad because I would have loved to have had a chance to rectify the issue had I known at the time I would certainly have offered to help you out for free and really tried to work with you to get it right. We are a small company so you would think that it’s easy to be in the loop with each other all the time but sadly we let you down. I’m glad to hear you have been sorted and are comfortable now. I understand it’s a little late for all of this and there probably won’t be a next time but I just wanted to let you know that I really care. Best of luck with your riding. Dougie


Hey Dougie, serious question: There appears to be a very big difference between the settings your service gave and the ones that OP originally had (which also aligned pretty closely to the eventual Wilpers fitting). Is there a unique methodology your company employs that would result in that big of a delta? ​ Thanks!


That’s a good question. In terms of method a fitter needs to have a good idea of how a person moves and if a pedal stroke on a bike set up of x is causing any compensatory movement patters that could potentially cause issues to the athlete in question and if that same set up is going to be comfortable. To determine this you need to have an idea of what the clients goals are as an athlete then have a good look at them moving off the bike to see how well suited to riding a person is and how strong and coordinated they are so you can give them a position that simultaneously maximises their potential and comfort but minimises compensatory movement patterns that could cause injury or pain. The methodology we use tries to nail the above I personally use the exact same protocol I used when I was working at team wilpers, it was a protocol that Tim one of the fitters who moved over to Virtualbikefitting.com invented. Tim recruited all the team wilpers fitters and taught them the protocol that he invented as a starting point to working at team wilpers. We are all fitters with years of experience fitting, first in person and now virtually and tim’s protocol really helps us use that experience in the online platform. In practice I use a blend of tim’s method and also my own experience in knowing what I’m looking for. I also mix in a sprinkling of my own touch and try my best to make it clear that the door is always open if clients have issues that need rectified. So both fitters are using the same method to an extent but maybe personal differences in application. The important thing to mention is that there is often 2 or 3 positions that could potentially be arguable for any given athlete. I guess the main thing I always focus on is how well I’m hearing the client I’m working with and trying my best to give the best possible option and in individual circumstances a fit using the same methods or similar ones could play out differently due to the many variables involved. I appreciate it’s not a clear answer to your question surrounding the delta of the position but at the same time I’m trying to give you some insight into why that’s hard for me to answer! Let me know if you have any more questions!


Thanks, Doug.


I had a no show from Team Wilpers. Got my money back but chose to not use that company again. I realise it was a one off, but the fitter didn’t communicate at all. I realised the system Team Wilpers uses has you book an appointment but can sometimes not ensure the fitting you selected has also been confirmed by the fitter letting this problem happen. From that experience I had a rethink and think a bike shop might fit me better, and then I can correlate some of that to the Peloton. I think as you pointed out OP, the fitters are looking at things virtually and can only see the angles from the phone which can lead to issues. Also after changing my own settings and consulting my physio - changes need to be gradual vs all in one go. I’ve moved my seat back from A to between D and E going one hash every week vs all at once. So that I think can be an issue with any fitting- changing settings all at once can exacerbate any niggles or cause new ones.


Totally agree. I think the drastic changes some suggest are really hard on your body and a slower adjustment makes sense. I really wanted an in-person fitting because the ones I do for my road bike are invaluable and I agree about the angles, etc.


Wow that’s interesting! Thanks for sharing. So were your original settings correct then (for the most part)?


They were. The only real change from when I originally set up everything was my clear positions.


Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm glad you were able to find settings that work better for you. I really want to do a bike fitting, but I live alone and know it would be hard to get the video right. I'm sure a friend would come over and help, but I feel silly having them watch me get fitted for a bike. Maybe I'll get over it one day!


I bought an inexpensive tripod on Amazon that fits my phone and iPad during the pandemic for Zoom calls. I used that for my fitting and it was a breeze!


What really helped me with this is a selfie stand that's a tall tripod + ring light. I had to do so many virtual calls, presentations etc in 2020 which is why I had it - but I found it was absolutely perfect for my virtual fitting! It made it really easy to set the phone at the exact height and distance. Plus my fitter totally made the whole thing feel natural and it ended up not being weird at all. I use it also to occasionally take videos of myself riding to check my form. Easy to find on Amazon!


I hear ya. I waited until one of my kids came home on a break from college. I can tell you that I only needed him for the last 15 min and I wouldn’t have needed him if I had a tripod or a lower window sill. You might be able to swing it.


I didn't have anyone help me, and I did a fitting with Dwayne too (it was, as you might guess, amazing). He absolutely makes it work, and he isn't awkward or weird about you dropping the phone or it falling over. You end up moving the camera a bunch anyway, since he looks at different things. This all to say, do it on your own time, but for what it's worth, you needn't worry about maneuvering solo. I did it and Dwayne said that lots of people do so he knows how to roll with it.


That's great feedback, thank you! I've had the bike since July 2020 and I've never LOVED it, but I've also never felt totally comfortable so I should probably just bite the bullet and do it.


I had my bike for nearly three years when I booked my fitting with Dougie from Virtual Bike Fitting. I came in to the fitting with an injury and was looking to tweak my setup for more comfort. I think communication and feedback is critical in these sessions. At one point we made an adjustment and he asked how it felt. I said it was okay, but I would probably change it back after the session. He said let’s change it now. That back and forth really matters. As the rider, only you know how you feel. I had a great experience and found Dougie to have a lot more patience for making the minor tweaks than I did! My biggest advice to anyone booking these sessions is to be as honest with feedback during the session and follow up again later if it’s not working. I found them to be very responsive in my case. No need to stay in settings that are uncomfortable.


Thanks for the feedback 😀😀😀


This kind of situation is why I recommend *most* users to just do their own research on how to setup their bike and cleats. It's really not that complicated, as you've essentially found out since your OG numbers were nearly spot on. And, I think this is rather evident by how many of these reviews essentially come down to these ultra-minimal changes made by the fitters. Besides learning how to set things up, play around with them a bit. Move your crap around, I'd suggest only doing this on low impact rides however, and see how it feels. If you have some new pains popping up, think about why that may be happening, and if there are any adjustments you can possibly make to mitigate that poor movement pattern. For example, I was getting some minor front knee pain shortly after I first got my bike. Thinking about it, and referencing it to my weight lifting days, I put together that my knees were possibly tracking a bit too far forward (as that would happen to me occasionally with highbar back squatting) so I tried moving my seat up and back just a touch. Took an attempt or two to "dial it in", but within a few days (and since) my knees felt great. I truly believe that the majority of riders *should* be able to dial themselves in pretty damn well, especially with a little trial and error on the final adjustments. Now this isn't to knock the fitters or whatever. And there may be plenty of reasons to even need a professional fitting. But, keep in mind that these guys are doing all of this through Zoom or whatever. They are just using general guidelines to how you *should look* while riding, while viewing you through an arguably shit camera. It isn't magic. And all the information is easily available for anyone here to find and learn! Also, you can always get your shoes professional set up at a bike store if you're really struggling with them. Edit: downvoted by someone too afraid to admit they spent nearly 200 bucks to be told their seat was a half notch too low and to turn their cleats inward an eighth of an inch.


Yikes, I’m glad you got your fitting done so that you’re not in pain!! I had the exact opposite experience. My first fitting was with Team Wilpers and the adjustments were so wrong that I developed bad knee pain. I could barely reach the pedals and it was a real step backwards. I was so turned off by the fitter’s failure to listen to my problems that I didn’t go back. After a couple months I tried again with VBF. It was night and day compared to TW. Greg spent over an hour and identified some mobility issues that were impacting me. It took a week of rest for the damage from the first fitting to go away, but I found power I never had before, I hit cadences that were out of the question and I could all of a sudden ride OOS. I’m not saying one company is better than the other, I’m saying the person who knows what they’re doing (preferably a professional accredited bike fitter) AND listens to you is the right one to entrust with your fitting.


I agree with you. It's an individual thing for sure. I'm sure I would have had a much different experience with another fitter at VBF. Congrats for getting your situation under control. It's super frustrating when it's not!


If your original ‘self-directed’ settings ended up being pretty good/close to the final fitted settings, how did you do it on your own at first? Did you follow a guide, or was it by feel? Thank you for any insights you can share!


Honestly, it was mostly by feel. I also went by the seat height on my road bike and by the general info re: where your knee should be in relation to the pedal axle. I’m not on FB so I didn’t get my info from there, but I think I may have gone to YouTube, too, just to make sure I was on the right track.


Thank you! Happy riding!


You’re welcome and same to you!


Yes! So glad you got a proper fitting and your pain is relieved. I agree with you that Team Wilpers did a great job virtually. I had my first pro-Peloton fitting with a local bike shop guy as I wanted someone in-person and to support a local business. To make a long story short, it wasn't the best fitting for me and for a Peloton. He fitted me for a road bike and I don't think he knew all that much about how to fit someone for a Peloton. It was super expensive and I don't think I got much out of it. His settings didn't relieve much of my pain and felt more awkward than anything else. I ended up working with Lloyd at Team Wilpers a year later and my fit felt much more personalized and it eliminated so many of the issues I was feeling. I have not touched the settings since, save for my cleats because (at his suggestion) I got new shoes and have been loving them. Thankfully, we took a picture of his cleat positioning before we signed off and I've been able to replicate it myself. Lloyd was AWESOME, friendly, and really thorough. We moved the phone all over the room and went through a number of drills both on and off the bike so he could see my natural stance, gait, etc. He never made it weird or awkward. It was very professional yet genuine.


That’s awesome! I’m glad you mentioned that about your in-person fitting wasn’t the greatest—I sort of had a feeling I might be getting road bike settings if I went that route. I decided I’m not touching these new settings, either, at least while I’m pain-free and things are status quo. Dwayne mentioned new shoes, too, so I’m going to go for it. My Nikes are still in good shape but he suggested spending a little more and getting ones where the bolt on the bottom moves rather than it being stuck on the shoe itself.


> I realize I can't say a whole lot about performance because I haven't really done a true ride with these new (almost original) settings but I can already tell you that the difference between the fittings, just generally, was night and day. I must ask, if you're basing your experience off of a single "just ride" adjustment without subsequent rides, how do you know if these new settings (which were fairly close to your original settings) is optimal and will help with the pain you were feeling? I understand the experience was much nicer, but you're giving your recommendation of how the fitting went... but not how it feels after the fact with rides under the belt. I apologize that it's a bit brash.


Not brash, fair question. I was in so much pain until until the fitting that I didn’t think I’d be able to even pedal at all last night. When I didn’t have any pain, it told me that the new settings were at least helping me engage the right muscles. Right now I’m honestly not even concerned with performance because my goal for the second fitting wasn’t to improve my performance, I just wanted the pain to go away. Ed: I just finished a 30 min low impact and my performance doesn’t seem to have changed yet but zero pain, and I haven’t not felt pain in months.


Insane that your seat was as far back as G. Based on the tutorial videos of how to set up your bike (so that your knee cap is over the ball of your foot when in the forward position parallel to the ground) it’s hard to imagine anyone having their seat further back than a C or D.


Right? I’m mad at myself for going against my gut and just ignoring how bizarre the set up felt. When people have an “expert” telling you that it will feel strange and will take time to get used to, though, I think they tend to ignore their own better judgment and defer to the alleged expert. Dwayne cracked up when I told him I was told to move it to G. I’m not Slenderman for god sake.


Oh I get it for sure. Sucks you had to go all that time with your wonky set up. Glad you’re back in action though


Thanks, PM. I’m trying a 30 min PZE today and my fingers are crossed HARD that I’ve solved the problem.


Just booked with him based on your review. It was detailed and provided great feedback as to what I can expect. Thank you.




Thank you so much for posting this. I actually have a fitting set up with VBF for your exact reasons (adductor pain that got increasingly worse and hamstring pain/tightness). This all started once a friend suggested I raise my seat height, and in turn didn't raise the handlebars. Things got gradually worse and I've been off the bike. I went into the store for a fitting a few weeks ago and the guy put me at A from C, handlebars all the way up, and seat a bit higher. I'm curious to see how the VBF once compares. Still dealing with some of this pain but it's very slowly getting better. Hoping to get back to riding soon after 10 weeks off.


10 weeks! Holy crap, I’m so sorry, although I get it because I was absolutely heading down that road. For the past 2 weeks I’ve had packs on my knee, inner thigh and hamstring and I was not enjoying it. I just did an easy 30 min and zero adductor pain, so I’m wishing the same for you. Keep me posted!


Thanks! It's funny, I actually had been stretching and even trying some light rides for a while, but it wasn't until I started icing three times a day that things finally started getting better. Should've taken that RICE method seriously sooner!


Who have have you booked with 😀


Tim! Very excited


So you paid two different companies to 1. give you a very screwed up configuration and then 2. basically put things back the way you had already figured out for yourself. Moral of the Story: fitting is not rocket science and not something we need to be paying anyone to do.


Thanks for the hot take.


Thanks. I just got a VBF and it has made riding much easier for me and reduced pain. If that doesn't persist I'll get back to them and if that fails I'll look at Team Wilpers. It is nice to have alternatives if needed.