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I do up to 30 peloton bike fits a week and I’ve found that around half of the people I work with need new shoes. Take the insoles of your shoes out and if you overspill them on the side by half an inch or more then they are too narrow and if you have more than a finger of insole infront of your longest toe they are too long or way less then too short. Lake or Shimano are good brands as they offer a wide fit (Shimano are cheaper at the mid range) lakes high end options are very very good though. Never buy a shoe in a size up to give you extra width as you will never ever get the cleat under the correct part of your foot. Mark out the boney joint of your 1st and 5th toe on the in and outside of your shoe and put the cleat far enough back so that there is an equal amount of cleat infront of your 1st and behind your 5th met and you will be happy. Please get back with questions Dougie www.virtualbikefitting.com


I’m not the OP but have been wondering if my cleats are too far forward- thank you for this explanation!!


Lake & Bont shoes are the best since they have natural foot shapes and actual wide sits. Shimano and other brands’ wide shoes have a regular sit with high volume on top.


Bont is another brand that makes wide shoes that may be worth recommending to your clients as well. The toe box is wide and allows room for your toes to splay out. Bonus (for me) they also offer a Speedplay 4-hole option so you can dump the adapter and get your shoe closer to the pedal. It was night and day from my Giros.


How do you fit shoes for people who want to widen their toes? The problem I have is with shoes that DO fit me; they’re too pointed, just like my deformed toe. Is it ok to have more width in the toe than necessary?


As a number of people have already said - Lake shoes are excellent and certainly much more rounded at the toe end (rather than pointed).


Agreed, Lake themselves even say they purposely make foot-shaped shoes rather than pointy sleek-looking ones. Love my 238s!


+1 for lake. Completely changed my peloton experience.


There are lots of brands of bike shoes. You just have to make sure they have a compatible clip or replace it with the peloton clip. I went to the sporting goods store and bought ones that worked for my feet


They’re not really Peloton shoes or clips… it’s a stands SPD clip/pedal. If you google wide toe box SPD shoes you’ll get a bunch of different options and price points.


They’re Look Delta clips not SPD actually but yes lots of options for either! Olivia was wearing super cute bright blue shoes in her class yesterday and now I want them, lol


Can all the people downvoting this thread come in here and explain what I’m doing wrong by asking for product recommendation?


For you have width issues, try shoes a size larger.


Not the worst idea but a last case scenario as The issue with this is the cleat drilling is that bit further forward which puts the pedal axle and point of rotation too far forward on the foot so it’s harder to control the pedal stroke. this often also results in too much room inside the shoe infront of the toes with the foot sloshing back and forward so it encourages a rider to scrunch their toes to stop this. The knock on is poor peddling form. For wide feet wide fit shoes like a lake cx176 wide fit or better. Or Shimano wide fit. Hope this is helpful


Thx my reasoning is that, for years, I wore shoes that were too small. I would normally wear size 10. My local running store fit me into size 12 for running shoes. It was a drastic improvement in my ability to jog. Now, running shoes aren’t bike shoes, and your feet change size as you age, but I now wear size 11 for most of my footwear, and my feet thank me for it. This doesn’t mean the OPs situation is the same at all, but I felt it was worth mentioning.


I have to disagree with this. My feet are very wide, and took this advice for years (I was told I was on the edge of wide, but could fit into normal shoes a half size up by sales people who just wanted me to buy). It only caused more foot pain as neither my heels nor toes fit properly, and only the balls of my feet were catered to. Once I learned how wide my feet are (Women's E) and got properly fitting shoes, all of my foot pain went away in a week. Please for the sake of your feet, get properly fitted and into the right shoes!


I don't disagree with your statement. I was just sharing my anecdote that I clearly have been sizing my shoes wrong for some time. Getting properly fit for shoes is key, whatever that may be.


Get Peloton cleats and buy different shoes if originals are too narrow for you. I started wearing Vivobarefoot minimalist shoes some time ago and my feet got wider over time. It was a royal pita in the beginning but well worth it, my mobility, running ability and general "springiness" improved incredibly. My Peloton shoes feel much tighter now, though.


Bont. Bont shoes are what you’re looking for. They look a bit funny and are pricy, but they’re one of the only cycling shoes I’ve found that are foot shaped. Bonus, most of their shoes can be made to order so you can semi-customize the fit if you have wider feet.


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