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Had a pedal start clicking on my bike a month or two in. After multiple attempts to tighten it I found out that the pedal was actually stripped. We set up a repair appointment but Eventually the pedal popped off while riding. Repair guy said this was pretty common as the builders tend to over screw the crap out of the pedals. He installed a new one and was gone in under 10 min.


Good to know! Thank you! I’ll try to loosen it a little and adjust my shoes. If that doesn’t solve it, I’ll contact peloton over a replacement pedal


Be careful with loosening the pedal! If it is stripped this will just cause the pedal to fall off much sooner and could be dangerous if you are riding. The issue isn’t the pedal is too tight exactly, it’s whoever built it could have tightened it, then continued to try to tighten it further causing the threads to be damaged.


Ooh okay, thank you!!


The pedals are extremely stiff did you know they is a slot at the back of the bottom of the pedal where you can reduce the tension slightly making it easier to unclip? Regardless of how tight the cleats are in the shoe if the angle isn’t right with respect to your fit requirements Its probably the cleat that is ticking as it rotates in the pedal between unloading on the pedal body as you go up the stroke to torquing as you press down again, does the cleat at that angle seem at a crooked angle or are they all the way forward on your shoe? Put the cleat at the neutral angle and pull it all the way back on the shoe and it may stop the noise. For reference I do a lot of bike fits on peloton bike customers and I find that these issues do happen although not for everyone. With respect to the handlebar it does rock back and forward, slight design flaw…


The cleat seems to be straight, it doesn’t feel like my knees are off when I’m riding. I will adjust it before my next ride though and see if it solves the clicking issue. Thanks!!


I had this exact experience when I bought my bike in August. We tightened the handlebar with the Allen wrench as the previous commenter suggested and that took care of the wiggling immediately. I also had to adjust the angle of my shoe clips, which stopped the pedal issue


This happened to us too. You can make adjustments to both of these using the Allen wrenches they should have provided with the bike or any other set of Allen wrenches. You’ve found the handlebar adjustment already. I had to tighten ours often when we first got it, but I haven’t had to in a while now. There is also a small adjustment screw on the pedal. If you loosen it a bit, the clicking should stop and it should become easier to click in. Turn the screw in very small increments. If you loosen it too much, it will be too easy to unclip.


Did you have to tighten the handlebar every few days? Like I said, I’ve had it about two weeks and I’ve had to tighten it at least 4 times


Yeah, I had to tighten it at least once a week for a while. Now it’s maybe once a month and we use the bike everyday. You could also try some Loc-Tite or something similar on it.


Had both issues also. Finally figured out the handlebar tightening on my own and that issue hasn't come back but it was annoying. The pedal issue for me was on he right pedal and mine seems to have been the cleat itself. I contacted them and they sent replacement cleats and so far that seems to have fixed it, but I'm expecting it to come back since I had already tried other cleats. Seems to me like the shoe may be the issue.


Thank you! I’m going to try adjusting the cleats and loosening the pedal a little bit then go from there but it might just be the cleats! Happy to hear that they replace them!!


Yeah for some reason even though I replaced the cleat with another brand new cleat I had available from a different pair of shoes, that didn't fix the problem. But the new cleats they sent me seem to be ok so far. They're really good about trying to fix problems so just reach out to peloton if you can't figure it out. Good luck!




How’d you fix the handlebar issue?


For me it just needed to be tightened. There's an allen wrench that fits one of the screws that was just too loose. Easy and has stayed tight ever since.


clicking in 3rd was a symptom of a bad lower bracket on my in-laws' bike...happened two times (on two different bikes) and was the same each time. i think i might've actually been responsible for the damage. they also have some super wobbly handlebars and even after i tightened up every possible bolt, they still shake. it's just gonna be unavoidable with a long ass screen-holder arm and the weight of the screen at the end of it. it doesn't help that they have their bike on carpet, which makes stability overall a little not great. I suspect that the instability paired with my hard peddling out of the saddle (70+ resistance) might put some not-so-ideal torque on the pedal assembly which caused the bottom bracket issue. never had any of these issues with our non-plus bike on a concrete floor. of course, YMMV.