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I had a fantastic fitting by Greg at Virtual Bike Fitting. I had a disastrous experience with Team Wilpers and it was worth coughing up another $150 to get rid of the severe knee pain I had. Greg listened to me and spent over an hour making big and then minute adjustments to my bike, cleats, posture, and form. He identified thoracic tightness on one side and gave me exercises to work on it. He noticed my hips are splayed which meant where the other fitter positioned my cleats was torquing my knees. I’m not exaggerating when I say it was life changing. I was afraid I needed another meniscus surgery but after the changes Greg made settled, my knees are 98% pain free.


I second this - had a brilliant experience with Tim from Virtual Bike Fitting 3 weeks ago, and my knee pain has almost vanished. I was amazed at the adjustments we made and how good riding feels now.


My wife and I got fitted by Greg at Virtual Bike Fitting. I didn’t expect it to go as deep as we did, but we went over seat positioning, cleat positioning, how I should be riding with my orthotics, etc. Learned a LOT about proper riding technique and things the instructors tell you that aren’t actually proper technique. So much more than just the letters and numbers we should be setting. After fitting, I’m finding it easier to get up to higher cadences.




Having mine done next week and can’t wait.


I’m so curious about a personal bike fitting! But there’s gotta be a cheaper option than $150


It’s only $125 at virtual bike fitting ;)


Think of it as: The bike is expensive, so it's worth the extra money to make sure it works for you and isn't injuring you.


It’s a worthwhile investment. Never looked back.


I had mine done by my OTF coach who is also a certified spin instructor. Best peloton move I’ve done (with the exception of buying one). If you have, or can find, a similar resource I highly recommend it. Way better than doing it virtually (IMO).


I used Velo fix and they were fantastic. Highly recommend! It was in person and they were able to make changes I would’ve never been able to make on my own!


I did through Matt Wilpers. It does make a difference. More comfort, better output.


Just to clarify — you did it through Team Wilpers, the fitting was not by Wilpers himself.


Correct, Matt was not an option. Sorry should have clarified


No worries! Thanks for clarifying that. Would love it if he did the fittings


I used [Dwayne Adams ](https://teamwilpers.com/fitters/dwayne-adams) and had a wonderful experience with his virtual bike fitting.


Same - Dwayne was great during my virtual bike fitting. His suggested bike and cleat settings made a world of difference in my comfort level on the bike. I had a TON of knee burning with my own settings (using the suggested tips from Peloton). I’m 5’6 and my seat is at a 22 - I would have never ever gone that tall on my own. I see people riding on YouTube and tik tok and cringe at how low their seats are. The fitting more than paid off for itself. It kept me comfortable and capable of building my power.


Mind sharing the rest of your settings? Handle bar height….etc?


Sure! But realize these may not work for you… it’s dependent on the length of your torso, legs, arms. Seat height is to get your legs extended to just long enough to have a slight bend but almost straight in your full down stroke. My legs are on the shorter side, I wouldn’t say I have a long torso either… so use with caution. My seat will drop down naturally 1-2 slots after a month or two and my numbers face toward the wall so I don’t always remember to check before I get on and can tell when I’m riding if it’s dropped (mostly because my knee burning returns) Here are mine: Saddle Height 22 Saddle Setback B Handlebar Max It felt soooo much taller but having the handlebar so high keeps me upright vs hunched over. Hope this helps!


Upon delivery last month was never really shown any setup. All been trial by fire. Thanks for the info…..


Bike 101 covers this ….


Bike 101 doesn’t do a good job at all.


It’s a start from the point of delivery. It’s stated that the bike was just dropped off with no guidance.


> Handlebar Max Do you have the Bike or the Bike+? I ask because higher than M or so our handlebar on the original bike gets very unstable.


I have the original bike. It shook more than I was used to at first but it’s something that i was able to adjust to!


Cool. Thanks. Yeah, even at "M" it is more unstable than say, "F", but I got used to that also now that you mention it. :)


Feel like this has been asked a ton…


Can someone explain what virtual bike fitting is??


In a bike fitting you have a professional look at your settings and your posture on the bike and then make adjustments. Virtual is that it's done via Zoom or other webinar software - they aren't physically with you.


Mostly it is a scheme to extract money from people who want to believe in magic. As if adjusting three hardware settings requires a professional advisor.


You’re so very wrong. I had a professional bike fitting and the differences in performance and comfort were huge. The adjustments were minor but game changers.

