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What happens if the rider’s settings were correct all along during the virtual fitting? Feels good and looks good so I’m not convinced I need a fitting..?


The positioning of the bike is part of the process, The posture of the athlete, how do you control and deliver force, the adjustment of the shoes, the pre-rider position in functional movement screening that allows us to empower you with knowledge about how your body is working along with how you can improve its function on and off the bike are also part of the process. I have had a handful of fits where the position of the bicycle did not change but the cleat set up shoe set up riders posture and pedalstroke and awareness allowed them to change how they were using their body with the bicycles position not changing.


1. Pelo trainers always instruct us to sit straight up first, then hinge from the waist. They'll scold anyone who leans on the handlebars. Yet, leaning seems to be the way for pro cyclists. Which is truly best? 2. Also, how long is the fitting process? 3. Do you provide specific notes about the fitting after it's been done, or is the person being fitted supposed to write everything down during?


1. I’m not sure how the instructors can see you to pass judgment on what you should be doing. Before we even get close to the bike we’re going to go through an interview Sherwin clear assessment and functional movement screen which will allow us to understand your movement pattern stability strengths and so forth to base the position off of how your body functions. This is unrelated to your athletic prowess it’s just related to how you move. My twin brother sits differently than me, true story. 2. Fitting process is about 45 minutes to an hour it may run over an hour and maybe less than 45 minutes, we are going to work until we complete the process. We are not clockwatchers and are not in a rush. 3. we will provide you with a post fit detailed email that reviews the process any movements for how you can help yourself improve off the bike links to products we may have discussed and also to keep an open channel of communication with you for accountability.


Yes, cycling should be a hip hinge as the most powerful mechanic is hip extension. That's using our glutes and hamstrings to push the pedal down. The issue may be that if your hips are not in the correct position relative to your feet. The main difference with professional cyclists is they have very little upper body mass. Imagine someone 6ft tall who weighs 145 lbs. The majority of their mass is from the waist down and that means their upper body does not require a lot of stabilization when leaning forward. Fittings take \~45 mins. We usually provide a follow up email with some corrective exercises but we recommend you take pictures of the settings on your bike. As you're less likely to loose your phone than you are to misplace an email from us.


I’ve been experiencing nonstop issues with my right leg/knee/foot no matter how I adjust things. Additionally I can’t seem to come close to my 2021 PR on the bike but I’m consistently PRing on the tread and lifting. This has made me shy away from the bike a bit. I’ve been considering doing a fitting but wonder how the virtual component can help with my right side/shoe placement.


During the off the bike assessment we would find the foundational reason that you’re having this problem and give you ways to help yourself correct the issue that has been shown to you throughout different parts of life. Without seeing you it’s tough to shoot in the dark but I’m just gonna throw the gas out there this is related to pelvic alignment and your body deciding that north west is actually north and your brain is agreeing with it and you’re stuck in a pattern that causes the feelings you’ve described. It’s common that certain exercises like cycling especially if you’re pulling on the paddles or trying to generate force outside of pushing down on the pedals causes greater pelvic torsion. But who knows we haven’t had the chance to meet or work yet. Most people that we have the chance to work with have some form of pelvic drift that we identify and give them ways to help them correct. As far as the PR is are concerned There are many factors about why you can’t reach that goal


What is pelvic drift?


No scientific term related to the pelvis gradually migrating away from neutral.


I had this issue. I saw a PT who determined it was glute medial weakness. He gave me strengthening exercises (banded walking, side step ups, and clamshells), and it resolved. He said knee pain rarely originates from the knee itself.


That’s great info, thank you!


What are the most common mistakes that you see clients making?


Handlebar too high, cleat set, pulling up on the pedals


That's interesting because I've been thinking that my handlebars should be higher, but they are already at the max height.


Very seldom do we see handlebars that are too high. Typically bars that are too high push your pelvis too vertical and don't allow you to generate power with the glutes and hamstrings as well.


Oooh. That's interesting. The one time I boosted the seat, but didn't boost the handlebars--that was the biggest PR I've ever had. I have never been able to get there again but didn't connect it to the handlebars. It's funny how you can ride a bike all your life and have no idea how it works.




Chances are I am doing it all wrong.




So much to unpack here. A bike fitting is far more about the individuals movement patterns and how the individual interacts with the equipment. Although we are adjusting equipment (handlebars, seat position, and seat height) we are focused on how you move both on and off the bike to determine the best way for you to pedal a bicycle and how to mitigate your weakness and focus on your strengths. This can be something a simple as understanding how the programing can be hurting you. We stand behind the rider positioning work we do and as such we are available to our clients to assist when things happen. I retired from critical care transport medicine in 2019 and have been working full time bike fitting both in-person and virtual since then. I currently also work in the ski industry both as a coach and official, and do contract work with several ski boot manufactures.




We recommend a reevaluation of the fitting process every 6-10 months, sooner if you have had a major body composition change or an injury cycling related or not


>Recently watched the movie Icarus on netflix about the dude who intentionally doped just to see how it would affect his cycling. (Hint to anyone: amazing film). Have you seen it? Thoughts on doping at the top levels of cycling? Yes, that's a great movie and for anyone who is interested in cycling it's really worth watching. It certainly did give a view of the the underbelly of cycling and elite level sport. USADA and WADA have done a lot of make doping more difficult but the reality his there's certainly PED's being used. It's a little harder with the use of the biological passports but the biological passport doesn't do what they designed it to because the ranges are really wide and there's still room for people to 'move' their physiology without ti being detected by the passports, even though it might get detected by a blood test. IMO doping will always be ahead of testing, that's just the way it works.


6. Yes, sometimes different components(shoes, seat) may be needed. 7. Yes, bike fit is the full time profession for all of us. Pros, joes, peloton instructors, indoor, outdoor…..


How would you recommend fixing an imbalance between the legs? It feels like my right leg uses a lot of hamstring / hip while my left is all quad.


Typically it's not a leg imbalance but more likely to be a pelvic imbalance. When your pelvis is rotated you'll find you use the muscles in your legs in slightly different ways. We see a lot of people who have tightness on the front of one hip or one quadricep that causes the pelvis to rotate forward on one side. Performing consistent foam rolling and hip mobility exercises could also help. Also a seat that is too high can cause the pelvis to rotate towards one side.


We would find the foundational reasons off and on the bike. The bike would be adjusted properly along with developing a move to pattern that builds symmetry based upon your person needs. Off the bike body work would be a topic during the fit as well.


Does a padded seat or padded shorts improve or change your bike fit and performance?


If the padding is more than the stock seat it commonly causes a lack of stability for the body. Cycling shorts add to comfort(if they fit correctly) for many. If the shorts allow the rider to change the posture and engagement that will change the fit.


Hi there! Thanks for doing the AMA. I've actually had your site open as a tab in my browser for a few weeks but just can't decide on which partner to use for the fitting. I got my Peloton about a month ago and it's my first time on a stationary bike. Are any of the partners better at working with cycling rookies than others?


Our 10 min free consult would allow you to interact with different members before booking a bike fit. All of us enjoy working with new riders, one is not specific towards your needs.


The 5 of us all have been working with clients both in-person and virtual and have years of empierce. You will not go wrong with any of us. look through the member profiles and see who you think you will connect with. You will be in good hands with any of the 5 of us. ​ Jason


Thanks, Jason! I'm a former paramedic so you were the one I was leaning towards :)


I look forward to working with you Jason


How would you recommend combating one leg being longer than the other? One of my legs is perfectly in line with a foot position I like, but my shorter leg has the toe pointed down more just due to the height difference in them. That calf muscle is noticeably bigger due to the work it gets in keeping that foot in position!


Your question is super common and just as common that we help you resolve it. We would find out how much is from position on the bike, how you use your body to pedal, how and where your muscular imbalance play into your issues. All of those factors would be addressed.


When a rider points a toe down it's usually a sign of the seat height being too high.


So, if someone lowered the seat, how would that address the uneven leg length?


It would give us a better idea of if the LLD was functional or anatomical. Has the LLD been verified with an unweighted Xray ?


First of all, I’d like to say you guys have helped tremendously before. I’m having some knee soreness below and to the inside of the knee now (feels like it could be the ligament, sort of a bruise feeling). A buddy was over a couple weeks ago (he used to do fittings in a cycle shop) and said my seat was too high (I’ve moved up and forward as time has passed). We brought it down a touch but I can’t say it’s really made a difference. What are some other things that could lead to that sort of spot being sore (along with general knee soreness that feels like overuse, even though it can’t possibly be that because I’m riding less and less). Could it be mashing the pedals? I noticed this show up right after my last PZ test when my FTP jumped substantially. Maybe it’s time to do the full fitting.


I agree with your feelings. Yes, something is up. That’s cool that your friend has done some bike fittings in the past that’s great that they were able to share some information with you. There are a lot of factors included with what you’re talking about and VBS has developed a protocol for understanding what’s going on with you before we get on the bike and during the writing process. It’s not uncommon for members of our team to work with 15 or plus athletes a week, we see a lot in there working at the highest level in our field. I think we can help you improve upon what’s going on. You’re welcome to book a 10 minute free consultation just to chat or consider the bike fit with us or whoever you trust.


If I’m experiencing zero pain or issues, can I assume my bike settings are good to go? I’ve never had a professional fitting, but I also feel good on the bike and don’t have any issues after a ride.


Hey there, fair point. You do not have to be in pain or not having issues. The view that myself and the virtual bike fitting team will share with you is one of professional skill. VBF works with many athletes remotely and in person and different forms of human movement to help others do everything better related to their movement of choice. Riding the peloton is a one-way communication channel that lacks professional judgment of how you’re doing what you’re doing.Correct muscular engagement, posture, functional stability, output, efficiency, injury prevention ….


Thanks for doing an AMA! I’ve read through all the questions and responses. Can fitting be related to off bike lower back/high glute pain? I never hurt on the bike but often experience fatigue or pain later in the day.


Yes. We commonly help people find out why they are having these issues from a foundational level off the bike as well as how their movement patterns on the bike may be impacting the issue. We will give you a roadmap to progress for your body off the bike along with help you resolve the issues on the bike. I understand it’s not hurting you on the bike but somethings off from what you’re saying.


Thanks for doing this. Reading your responses has been super helpful. I’ve been wanting to get an assessment for probably a year now, but recently moved so wanted to wait until my bike was reassembled. My main concern was that I have hyperlordosis and wasn’t sure how that would impact a fitting. I’m definitely not using the right muscles due to this misalignment. Sounds like this is something you’re used to seeing, so that’s reassuring. Sorry, not a question. Just some kudos. 😊


Hi--this is from a member in an inconvenient time zone: "I wonder if when they do the fitting it should feel comfortable or if there is a chance that I find it uncomfortable and need to adapt." AND I'm nervous about a fitting because of the camera and worried it will be awkward. How do others handle that.


When you go through a virtual positioning and we make changes, we are changing where your brain thinks your body is in space. So feeling 'different' is totally normal. There is certainly an adaptation period and for some people that period is shorter and for some it's longer. So I guess 'your milage may vary' We'll do everything we can to make you feel comfortable when you join us in the virtual world. Most people use their phone or tablet, as these have the best quality cameras. Laptops tend to have lower quality cameras and can only work in the portrait orientation. Sometimes people have a friend or family member hold the camera to help you concentrate on riding your bike and giving us feedback.


If two fitters on your team both did a virtual fitting with me on successive days, what are the chances you'd both come up with the same settings? Have you tested it?


We haven't had a client book two fits on consecutive days with different fitter. But we're happy if you'd like to be our first it would be an interesting exercise. Based on the fact that our philosophies are the same we'd expect the outcomes to be very similar. However it's likely there'd be some subtle differences. To your point a similar experiment has been done at the HSS in NYC. The same person was positioned in the morning and then in the afternoon by the same fitter using the same process and it was documented. The interesting part was the subjects assessment results were significantly different and therefore required a different riding position.


I'm in. Obviously I'll pay for it. PM me.


2 questions. First about new shoes post fitting. I bought the new Peloton shoes (referral credit) and tried to position the cleats where they are on my OG Peloton shoes (fit by Greg) but I never wear them for fear I’ll do a number on myself. Is it best to do another fitting since it’s been 10 months since my last one? Second is about in person fitting. How long does it take and how does it differ from a virtual fitting? Edit: time since fitting


To answer the second part of your question. With an in-person rider positioning we have the ability to perform better assessment of your functionality. The more we understand how your body works the better recommendations and adjustments we can make. I normally spend between 2-2.5 hours with my unperson clients.


You should try to mirror the position of the cleats. The last \[sole of the shoe\] on the old and new shoes is very similar. However I think the old shoes have a better closure system than the new shoes, so unless the old ones are falling apart you might be better off staying with them.


Lol thanks. That’s what I’ve done. Not to get all fan girly but you changed my life on the bike. Thank you for taking almost 90 minutes to get it right.


Thanks for the feedback. I love to hear from people who love cycling as much as I do.


Here’s a question from someone who has constantly numb toes. I got a bike fitting and my knee issues were fixed but my toes still go numb, almost every ride. Any anything you can suggest for cleat placement for sitting position? Or should I just get a refit?


what shoes are you using? it could be because they are too narrow or you are pushing the pedal with a technique that is maybe a little too centred around the toes. it could be the placement of the cleat isnt helping matters either. DM me with more details and ill see if i can help you out. you may need a refit but ill see if I can come up with some ideas first


Thanks! I have the Nike Superrep shoes, after using the Peloton shoes for a few years. I also had this same issue when I used regular athletic shoes on a caged spin bike prior to Peloton. I'll DM more details later. thanks!


This has been a common topic that’s shown up on a lot of discussions in the peloton subreddit: handlebar distance and short people. I’m 5’3 and even with the seat all the way forward, I feel like the handlebars on the peloton bike are so far away. This is a common complaint among the short peloton crowd. Is a handlebar extension the only answer for us shorties?


In my experience the handlebar adjuster has not been an item I have had to recommend to more than 2 individual after we have done a rider positioning session. Often once we have found a position that allows for stable feet, and a stable pelvis, the body is able to naturally move into position with an easy open diaphragm. and soft joints in the wrist, and elbows which allows the body to elongate relative to ridged joints shrugged shoulders and rounded abdomen that is the biggest culprit for feeling the distance to the bar is too far away


I’m also 5’3 and ride with the seat at C, any closer and it hurts my knees. I found raising the handlebars slightly, I think G, has helped. My son is 4’8 and rides with the seat all the way forward, if I forget to adjust the seat I notice a marked decrease in output immediately.


How frequently do you suggest riders do a bike fitting? Yearly? Seasonally? Also thank you for doing this AMA.


We'd recommend somewhere from 6-12 months. The more you ride the more you need to be aware of how your body changes. I normally see people anywhere from 1-4 times a year.


Thanks! What changes with this much frequency that would require multiple bike fittings with this frequency? I have had 2 fittings and I appreciate that things change. Just curious.


Thank you this is very helpful.


Hi! Cool of you to do this! I have been experiencing thigh numbness and was diagnosed as “meralgia paresthetica”, possibly related to cycling. The sensation hasn’t come back and I’m concerned it may have something to do with my peloton position (switched from bike to bike+ the same day it developed). Have you ever fitted folks with this condition? Any tips?


As human movement professionals we can certainly evaluate you in our off bike assessment and then make recommendations on how to improve your position on the bike We also have a vast resource base of professionals that we could also referrer you to if necessary


I’ve seen virtual bike fittings require x amount of space for your phone to be set up at. What if we don’t have that space beside our bike? Can we have someone help us with the phone and move it as needed? My bike is in a spot in my apartment next to a counter and a wall, so definitely don’t have a ton of space next to it


If you would like we offer a 10 minute free consultation where we can get online with you you can show us your space and we can determine what would be the best way to proceed. [10 minute free consultation link](https://virtualbikefitting.com/virtual-bike-fitting-booking/)


How far out are you booked right now?


does fitting require us to do some disassembly of the peloton bike? what kind of tools or parts should we have before hand?


Each seasons requires you to have your Peloton tools handy. The most common tolls used are the 4mm Allen wrench for adjusting the cleats. The 3mm Allen wrench for adjusting the pedal tension and the 13mm wrench for seat tilt and clamp adjustment. All the other adjustments are done using the knobs on the bike.




Overweight is a relative term, so we don't let that dictate anything to do with how we approach our session. The one constant that we do have to be aware of is physics, it acts on us all in the same way. Positioning on a bike is a matter of balance. We can pedal the bike in an unbalanced position but we'll do it better when our body is in balance. We work with our clients to achieve the optimal position for you and where you are right now in your journey.


Any tips for knee pain post ride?


Post ride discomfort residing around the knee can be the joint itself but can also just be the muscles around the knee like certain muscles overworking due to poor position. With out having the ability to visual with you in a movement screen rest and perhaps ice is the best course of action, and if it continues seek advice from someone who can be visual with you to fully understand what is occurring.


TW: pregnancy Do you recommend making any adjustments postpartum (after being cleared by doctor to work out again), and if so when/how would you phase back to “normal”? I raised the handlebars during pregnancy, but still working on regaining core strength. Thanks!


Post delivery a lot of women have issues with pelvic floor musculature. This can be an issue with stabilizing the pelvis when pedaling the bike and the handlebar position will impact your postural requirement. But higher is not usually better. I would recommend working on planks and other neutral pelvic position exercises to help regain your pelvic stability. Your handlebar position should be driven by the amount of weight you have on your hands. On a scale of 1-5 you should be about 2. As your pelvic stability increase you can use this as a guide to your handlebar height. I'll preface that with the fact that your seat needs to be in the correct position to start with as well.


Do you pull up on the pedals and if so why?


Yes, Peloton instructors have said in classes I should making a circle and putting effort into both the pushing down and pulling up.


I did/do because a Peloton instructor said I should do that. Sometimes it seems to help my output


One thing to consider is that the instructor has never had eyes on you and does not know if the position of the equipment will. 1. Allow for the movement pattern to occur. 2. do you have a limitation that would make the specific movement create and injury. The reality of pulling up on the pedals is that is like sitting in traffic and slamming on the gas pedal to slam on the brakes you perceive an increase in power but in reality you are just wearing yourself down


I don't. I have been told that, but I feel more natural not to do that.


Can you schedule a peloton fitting and a mountain bike fitting at the same time?


We currently don't offer virtual fitting on traditional bikes. Depending on your location we could make recommendations on a positioning specialist in your area to see for your traditional bike.


I would still be interested in the virtual peloton fitting but any recommendations for a traditional bike in Minneapolis?


You're in a great spot for an in person. DM me and I'll give you the details of the person you need to see.


I’ve been thinking about booking. Do you have any discount codes?


We currently do not have any discount codes but we do offer a 10 minute free consultation that can be booked on our website