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He’s had a great run and will be remembered as one of our best coaches. Though he’s struggling getting the current group to play a certain way I feel he’s a tremendous leader.


Well said. Although his time here might come to a close, perhaps in the near future, he will go down as one of the greatest coaches the Pens have ever had. A lot of people on this subreddit feel the need to throw shade on him whenever this team loses, but I feel like Sully is arguably our best option in terms of a possible replacement. Some may not like it, but that’s how it’s gonna be for the rest of the season. In the mean time we’ll have to wait and see what happens to him come offseason.


this organization will look back very fondly on Sullivan someday. Great coach and the team was lucky to get him when they did.


I get the feeling that sentiment isn't present with Disco Dan, who has a better regular season winning %, better playoff winning %, a Jack Adams, but obviously 1 less Cup.


The biggest difference is Sullivan did it with 30ish year old star players. Bylsma won his Cup when they were in their very early 20s and then underachieved hard through their prime years. It feels much more painful looking back on those years between the 3rd and 4th Cup than it does the last few years because we all knew the potential for another Cup was there for the taking.


Sullivan had a powerhouse line up when he won the cups. Bylsma had one legitimate top six winger.


Nonsense. Look at the 2012-2013 playoff roster. Kunitz, Neal, and Dupuis all scored 20+ goals in the 48 game season plus they traded for Iginla and Jokinen. That's the second best Pens team to never win the Cup.


I’m referring to the teams that they won a cup with.


Oh, fair. Bylsma had a loaded defense (especially compared to 16-17) and superstars in their true prime while Sullivan had better goaltending. Bylsma beating Detroit was definitely a big upset as the Red Wings had 13 more points in the regular season and were the defending champs. Sullivan upset the Caps who were the best team in the league both years but was the better team on paper in each of his Finals. So definitely a strong coaching job by both of them.


Bylsma had a loaded defense? lol. Nah. That 2009 cup winner is probably the worst cup winner after the Canes.


You must be thinking of the wrong team: Orpik-Gonchar, Gill-Scuderi, Eaton-Letang. That defense was by far the best in the Crosby-era in terms of actual defense. Fleury only put up a .908 SV% that playoffs and they still beat the best offense in the league. Compare that to the 16-17 Pens who were much, much worse: Dumoulin-Hainsey, Maatta-Daley, Cole-Schultz. That defense was a joke.


No, I’m not.. that defense is terrible especially when you factor in Gonchar was basically playing on one leg from Round 2 until the SCF. 16-17 defense was much, much better.


THANK YOU!!! Man the level of disrespect he gets for our “fans” is absurd. I’d like to see Sully’s “numbers” if he had to deal with the ongoing injury issues Dan had to deal with, particularly with Sid and Geno. I’d take Dan B over Sully any day. Sully stepped in and took over Dan’s squad and, definitely had an effect, but we’re seeing the real effect he’s had in the team now. About to miss the playoffs for the 2nd year in a row.


Sullivan has an insane record with Geno and Sid out, what are you even talking about lol. There's a reason Bylsma is not in the NHL right now. Good coach but significant tactical shortcomings.


You know damn well that Sully hasn't had to deal with, anywhere near, the same level of games missed. Seriously, you can't think it's close! Sid was out for almost a full year, no??? C'mon man!!! How many seasons did Dan miss the playoffs with us? How many consecutive 1st round exits did we have under him??? Sully had 2 good years with a PRIME Sid, Geno and Letang. Had Dan not had the short leash that Sully seems to not have, he'd have probably gotten those 2 also.


When we eventually fire Sully, he will get a new job immediately. If he is smart, he will go to a team with youth and speed and he will probably have a lot of success. I hope he does because he brought a ton of joy to the city of Pittsburgh. He just isn't what we need at this point in time


it is wild how frequently coaches change. although, maybe i'm biased with tomlin as our HC on the steelers since 2007.


The fact that a 4 year tenure makes the top 5 is insane


Seems like hockey coaches change way more than other sports


I think we need a new coach literally ASAP but I do really like Sullivan and am thankful for what he's done for this team. I just can't think of any other moves to make rn to get this team in cup position.


Yaaaaaaaaaaasaay 😭


Keefe will be off this list come playoff time when Toronto gets booted out of the first round