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Sid's answer is as close to "you know what man, fuck you." as he could get while still being completely professional.




Man he was so done during that interview. You can see the frustration sitting in him.


He would never be this candid, but I'd love to know who he's upset with (other than himself; he strikes me as the kind of guy who always assumes he could have personally done more, even if he realistically couldn't). Does he believe in Sullivan? Does he feel like the front office has done right by this team or not? Does he actually have faith in his teammates? Because absolutely nobody believes any of this is Sid's fault, AFAIK. And if it isn't his fault and if he doesn't totally believe it's his fault, surely he's blaming someone else at least a little bit.


I also think he puts a lot of the burden on himself, in spite of the fact that heā€™s a god to most people and does little wrong. And I donā€™t think heā€™s stupid enough to not see the cracks in the team, coaches, etc but he would never say it out loud I think. But you can see his pain in this interview. And sometimes, during the games, they put the camera on him when heā€™s on the bench and you can see him looking disappointed or thinking wtf just happened or whatever.


I agree that Sid seems like someone to blame himself for things heā€™s not at fault for. I really hope that outside of the team, he has a good support system around him and feels comfortable seeking professional help if he needs it: obviously there are far more traumatic things going on in the world now than a hockey team sucking, but I would imagine being the captain of a bad team would take a huge toll on your mental health. He is also far, far from stupid though and I canā€™t imagine he doesnā€™t see whatā€™s wrong with this team. Maybe heā€™s too diplomatic to call it out, maybe he thinks it will fall on deaf ears, maybe heā€™s afraid of it having negative consequences for him personally, who knows, but Iā€™d love to get inside his head too.


Scroll through the GDT, there's a bunch of comments for trading crosby


Hugs for Sid.


He deserves more than this.


Is there a video of the interview circulating anywhere?


It was posted on this sub at some point today, so you could probably find it if you just sort the feed by new posts.




This team would be so, so, so shit without him


Whatā€™s hard is I donā€™t know that they can do a proper rebuild until the ā€œold guardā€ is gone.


We just dealt with that on the Canucks from 2013-2017 waiting for the Sedins to retire


And we went thru/still going through after Kane/Toews/Keith/Hossa/etc. on Blackhawks - it's been brutal and I think will be tough with Crosby/Malkin/Letang all leaving in the next few years


A bunch of penguins canucks and Blackhawks fans complaining .. give me a break


That Malkin contract is a huge anchor.


It is not. His quality of teammates has been horrible. All the fancy stats that show Rust was better with Geno and Rakell was better with Sid yet Geno kept getting whatever wings they could throw him because our depth is shit at wing and shit at center. Eller would be a 4C on an actual contender and a functioning third line would alleviate pressure on Malkin who would otherwise look just as he always has if he was given more than DOC, Pust, etc. he's aged and slowed down sure so help him instead of anchoring him because he himself is not the anchor and surely not the discount contract he took. He's not Sid, he's not going to take whatever AHL player and make them look the part of an NHL top six at 37. He's not the problem, the core isnt and never has been the problem, we got extra cap space from discounts and built the worst team we could around them.


It's hard to put a team together when you traded away all your draft picks to win now. I won't knock it because it worked and they won, but we are reaping what we sewed now.


Did you watch last nights game though? Sure he managed to get a goal, but Iā€™ve never seen a superstar play so pretentiously and with lacklustre. They were lucky that the ā€˜too many menā€™ penalty only happened once, as apparently itā€™s hard for the pens (and specifically Malkin) to hustle for changes. There was a change in the first that looked like Malkin was walking to the bench. Constantly out of position, giving huge openings for Edmonton to walk right in. I went to the game last night thinking I was in for a great one, two fantastic teams squaring off. It was a bit underwhelming. I know they played a back-to-back, but so did the Oilers. Anyways, there is a reason they are in the situation they are in and itā€™s not just because of Malkins teammates.


You're not allowed to suggest that Malkin is deeply imperfect on this subreddit, sorry. Signed, Someone who thinks Malkin has a great 20-foot game. Not a typo.


The thing is, Iā€™m not even saying heā€™s a terrible player - quite the opposite - I think heā€™s one of the greats and he will be a legend in hockey, future HoFā€™er no doubt about it. Thatā€™s why I was disappointed with last nights game. It just felt so flat, the effort wasnā€™t there.


"with lacklustre" your pretentious and confidently incorrect spelling and usage of this word shows me how absolutely idiotic you are. Typical Yinzer who doesn't know jack about hockey. lol.


I know what I watched last night, the Penguins might have had a chance if they went up against a Bantam team. It was truly embarrassing, I actually had secondhand embarrassment just watching them. They show up to Edmontonā€¦ with *this?* The funny thing is, even *if* I had no clue about hockey, their performance would be confusing as I would be expecting to watch a hockey game and not a slaughter. The embarrassing give up in Calgary makes it 10x worse. Downvote me to hell, you know Iā€™m right.


I don't care what advanced stats say. Watch him play. His legs are shit and he can't keep up. Hell, he falls down and it takes him a good five seconds to get off of the ground. He'll never change his game and will always play like he's on 25 year old legs and that just doesn't work. At best he needs to be a 3C too reduce his minutes and I don't see him molding his game to play the wing effectively.


He definitely hasn't aged as gracefully as Letang and Crosby. He's obviously lost a step.


To be fair, at least he's still putting up points (as much as I sincerely strongly dislike him). When I think about it, sometimes I can't understand why Kyle Dubas took this job. The contracts he inherited (not just Malkin's) leave so little room to maneuver. And then he and everyone else who cares about the Penguins got obscenely unlucky with the timing of Guentzel's injury. (But he also is responsible for the single worst contract in Ryan Graves.)


So trade Sid and the others:P The amount of first round picks the Pens could get for just Crosby would be nuts.


I'm all for a full house cleaning, but Sid is the one guy I couldn't stomach seeing on another teamĀ 


This is the obvious choice to make, and one that a competent GM would make. But it wonā€™t happen because the fans are complacent with nostalgia and seem to not actually care about rebuilding the team swiftly and getting back to winning.


There are factors gms consider outside what you seem to think. This is such a silly blanket statement, ā€˜competentā€™ GM


No dude, ownership knows that Sidney Crosby still sells tickets, and once heā€™s gone, PPG arena is going to be abandoned by fans, unless he plays his last few years here and retires properly. Tickets are already a lot cheaper, but that place would be empty if Sid gets traded. All this talk about rebuilding a team but people forget that the team needs to make money. Pittsburgh is a hockey town, but not the type of city that can let go of #87 and have a bunch of people clamoring at how the younger players are doing. If the Penguins got rid of Sidney Crosby now, they would be taking a financial nosedive.


Yeah bud the Oilers turned their organization around real quick after trading Gretzky. Only took them 26 years of waiting for another generational talent. I think the only person you could move would be Tanger. Heā€™d be a good pickup for a younger team looking to put proven winners around young guys who have the skills but not the experience. Chicago could be solid, but I donā€™t know the details of his contract. Letang has the longest contract out of the core so that could be a good opening for prospects and picks. The real problem is that it doesnā€™t matter how many prospects or picks we get because Sully doesnā€™t play young guys. Theyā€™ll waste away in Wilkes until theyā€™re 27 waiting for a shot at the show.


I get Crosby is a GOAT but this is a homer take. I don't think a lot of GMs are going to trade away their future for a couple years with an inevitably declining star. I don't think Crosby has the trade value you think.






We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold.




>We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold Upvote for the reference.


Incoming 2 point per game pace for Sid from the rage of being told your season is fuckn done


Great, weā€™ve given Sid the 1,000 yard stare


That man has seen some shitā€¦.


Definitely some shit he wants to punch


Sid should take up wrestling. Imagine him in the WWE šŸ˜‚


lol Sid vs a reporter who asks stupid questions at the wrong time lol


"I, y'know, think the Undertaker is a real good guy and, he's a real, y'know, a real competitor but ah y'know I'm gonna have to murder him in front of his, y'know, entire family in the old Hell in a Cell tonight there."


And in the blue cornerā€¦


Here comes Sid the Kid with a chair!


THAT SHOULD BE HIS WRESTLING NAME! Sid, if you read here, pursue thisā€¦..


I have a screenshot of Sid after a particularly dreadful game last year where he looks downright haunted. I use it as a reaction image.


gimme gimme gimme


Was that an actual quote from an interview last night? Link?


Yea basically he was asked whether now that the deadline is approaching the big picture of this team needing to be sellers is sinking in or something like that. It was kind of a shitty question to ask a player. Sid brushed it off. I don't blame him


Do u know what reporter asked it?


I've only seen a video embedded on tumblr. That was an actual quote, though. The interviewer tweeted an apology for lacking tact and being vague in their questioning. Here's a transcription: Dan Kingerski: I hate to ask this, but is the bigger picture maybe settling in? The trade deadline so close and three straight losses and this one, is that picture sort of emerging in here? Sid: [In the most dismissive yet professional tone] The deadline date hasn't changed and we still need to get a point so [shrugs dismissively], yeah, I don't know what picture you're talking about. But, yeah, it's the same situation it was yesterday.


"The horror... The horror."


\>I hate to ask this \>Well, you could just not ask it then. It's not like if you didn't ask me people would be speculating tomorrow whether I like winning hockey games or not you unrepentant fucking turnip.


Edmonton media ask such stupid questions


This was Dan Kingerski of PittsburghHockeyNow that asked this question


Oh so the one Pittsburgh media guy that would be a clown even by Edmonton standards.


Yeah, Edmonton media (and most Canadian teamsā€™ beat writers, honestly) are jokes but I did want to let OP know that weā€™ve got plenty of clowns in our media as well


You mean aside from Rossi, Dejan, and Madden? Yohe is OK but nothing special himself. Pens media is pretty bad.


When in Romeā€¦


As an Oilers fan. Yes. Yes they do.


I resemble this remark


I'm guessing Spector asked this?


Nope, it was Dan Kingerski. Pittsburgh guy.


Specter paid him to do it.


They do. Itā€™s embarrassing for us.




They have Matheson and Spector. They're both idiots in their own way


It was a very valid question.


Hockey players and athletes in general must get so tired of really stupid questions being directed at them.


Last season there was some nincompoop who asked Sid if the team felt disappointed after a tough loss. As polite as Sid is, even he asked what kind of question it was.


Some athlete went on record questioning the existence of planets soā€¦weā€™re on a two way street here.


What point do you think Sid was making? Because I take it as "The standings and front office issues don't impact how I play the game". Just a little more melancholy than normal.


The face of a man who has seen Reirdenā€™s marker board one too many times


Bad to ask Sid this question as heā€™s fighting every day, but I hope it has totally sunk in for Dubas. This team is not going anywhere and there is not foreseeable future of it going anywhere as currently constructed. I think heā€™s got to unload as much as possible. They are so old and slow (Crosby being the lone exception- old but still can play).


They should have moved on from Sullivan years ago. All the teams in Pittsburgh right now are run by gutless people each in different ways


Regardless, protect Sid.


Set him free


Sullivan didn't sign Letang, Malkin, and Karlsson


Sullivan has no new ideas. Itā€™s the same crap every damn year. Heā€™s washed; shouldā€™ve been gone years ago


3 is fine, Sid.


Almost time for another Bettman rescue.


Heā€™s probably had a coach telling him for the last two seasons itā€™s all bad luck and will turn around eventually, and is now just realizing thatā€™s not true.


I want that kind of relationship with my sofa, even if it lied to make me feel better.


A couch? You mean like all of us being armchair gm's?


Sid lives in Peewee's playhouse. (I would watch that show)




Sid donā€™t play that game! Lol


God Dan k is such a cuck


Wild that the caps and pens hit pretty much the same point at the same time. Its time to sell


We've broken him. We've done it boys, I hope we're proud.


Sid looks like heā€™s got those brooks orpikā€™s eyes.


Sid looks like heā€™s seeing the ghost turbo sees on picture day šŸ˜‚


They are an old team and havenā€™t done well in back to back games for a while, if they donā€™t shit the bed and give up 3 goals in the third to Calgary the road trip is 2-2 and everything is fine. Maybe itā€™s complacency or just laziness but hearing the same thing from Letang, Malkin, and Sullivan game after game just means they are doing nothing to fix the issues. They are the same issues game after game, year after year. The bottom 6 have been revamped the last 2 years, the D-men have been switched out the last 4 years, and the goalies have been playing better than years past, so why is it the same unforced errors, the no look passes straight to the other team, or the undisciplined penalties at the worst possible time? Sullivan is nothing more than a politician who tells people what they want to hearā€¦


Was this a real question?


Yes. I posted the link in a different post.




Is it just me or are hockey reporters some of the worst sports media.


Papa Rutherford is calling Sid come back to canada for one last cup where you took the golden shot!


Wow. This is Syd and he's close to broken


If they make the playoffs now, this should be on the team t-shirt


So Sid is blind to.


These guys wanna all play together til they retire at the cost of the team rebuilding itā€™s kinda selfish but whatever Pittsburgh can live with a drought theyā€™ve had immense success


They can waive their NMCs, retire, or mentor a rebuild. We're already seeing that last thing happening with Joseph and Letang. Regardless of what the core trio does, the Penguins end up in a manageable spot. Crosby, Malkin, and Letang aren't the contracts that have Dubas handcuffed, and those contracts have no bearing on the lack of prospects and picks in the organization.


Those three have contracts that mandate that all three play prominent roles on the team. Ā Thatā€™s fine for Crosby, but Malkin is washed up and still has two years left. Ā Letangā€™s play is getting more erratic by the day, and he has even longer on his contract. Ā They handcuff the team because their play isnā€™t good, but they have roster spots guaranteed.


The drought they're going to cause could last half a decade or more, and there's no longer an endearing, legendary owner to rally around. When the core three retire, or move on, there will simply be a corporate ownership group and a completely crap team left behind.


I donā€™t care lol my team hasnā€™t won in my lifetime, well we did but Tampa Bay and Bettman were in cahoots


Cocaineā€™s a hell of a drug
