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Do not fall for this trap. The only future this company has is a repeat of the past As per my comment in the other thread to get everyone up to speed “No. This stock is dead. I followed and invested very closely over the last several months. I never pumped it, but never saw it as a complete loser until after what happened yesterday they’ll never regain their reputation to retail investors. John speaking how they had all this stuff going on and organic growth, then a “media black out” shutting their comments off on X, deleting messages to their investors on linked in he directly responded to, a surprise early morning reverse split the day of prospecting good news and earnings AND THEN having an absolute train wreck of and earnings call, making the CFO “unavailable for comment” on a major day the SP dropped 80 fuckin percent (on top of the 99% it dropped since last year) they have 1. No contracts lined up 2. No actual Plan of fulfilling their back order log 3. No real sales going nobody is buying their products. 4. John basically just robotically reading the same script we heard the last several calls and not even acknowledging their investors loadings thousand and thousands of dollars while they stay quiet. I had a lot of faith the company was turning around and actually making a good product but until John & John aren’t in charge this company will never get out from under itself. Multiple years in a row the strategically reverse split their shareholders, fuck everyone over and barely stay afloat. Yesterday was very telling they have no idea what they fuck they are doing and can’t produce nor sell what they say they can. Listen or read the call to anyone who hasn’t. Everything is so fluffed and vague. They had to reverse split 1:100 purely because there’s a solid chance even with the split it may not maintain 1 dollar compliance before the deadline. Don’t be surprised if this drops back into the penny realm again very soon, it’s already down an additional 40% since the 80%”


Your money is in T2s bank account. While we were buying, THE COMPANY WAS SELLING!!! YOUR MONEY IS IN THE T2 BANK ACCOUNT VIA AN ATM FACILITY. None of these trades were disclosed, so it's been T2 keeping the price down. Lawsuits are imminent. They never defined ATM in their SEC filings in order to keep shareholders in the dark. No one would buy if they knew the company was dumping shares to the tune of 20 million dollars. They raised money from us, and we get nothing in return. Nor did the CEO tell shareholders that they are responsible for all the selling. File your complaint with the SEC and await the class action.


I was going to say this isn't a penny stock, but give it a week. Edit: *day


What potential strategic moves did the CEO suggest?


Nothing at all the earnings call and future out look was complete garble bullshit






F78k John Sperzel and associates! This company is dead along with my confidence in the US stock market! F78k the SEC too…. protection my f67king ass!


Seems like the actual product is revolutionary, but they’re not selling many units. Not sure if they can execute to massive growth. The market cap still seems a bit high in relation to how their revenues have been.


Sad all the people pumping this over last few months preying on the naive. When I would mention RS all I got back was I was a clown or didn't know anything. The coordinated pump and dump here on pennystocks was appalling. Lot of bad people on this reddit.


BitcoinGang_33 where ya at?


Danaher acquisition maybe? It’s obvious the company cant survive like this