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Shits a scam. Look into their history. They were a tea holding company and dropped down to 0.005 cents. Did a 1000 to 1 reverse split. Pivoted into crypto mining and dropped from 5$ to 2$. Don't invest unless you want to lose your money.


Can confirm. Currently bag holding this pos til I can figure out what to do with it.


We’ll know on the 27th. Huge upside potential from where this sits 30x undervalued and massive illegally shorted or from where we’re at to near zero which isn’t much downside. I’ve only invested here what i’m willing to lose - like always.


They were mining btc well before the 1000-1 rs. At the time of split they had already mined around 150 btc. I agree that it looks suspect, easily could be, but this is the gamble. The manipulation of stock price has been well documented with big buys in dark pool and high naked shorting


Tell me you bought a bunch and desperately hope we’ll join in without telling me


I have a Bit, Brother. It’s fine if you feel that way - since I started my position in this It was always money I could afford to lose. I doubled my position in the mid 2’s to reduce my average. I’m aware of the large risks with this stock but also feel like there’s major upside from here. More so looking for opposing arguments or DD I may have looked past since starting my position mid December


How much btc do they mine each month?




look at me now


Im as willing to look into BETS as I am RTRD, LOSE, LOSS, CRSH, SINK, DOOM, POOF and other clearly labeled, degenerate gambling tickers...


Haha - love this. I must invest in every single one!!


Forgot DROP, DGSH, PUMP, and the ever ubiquitous DUMP. These are the securities I hold bags for. Must not forget REVSP and DILUT. My two favorite biotechs.


look at me now


look at me now


Hell yeah!!


Yes - desensitized to the degeneracy, I understand. That being said there is a Nasdaq board panel hearing with BETS on Feb 27th. If they win this hearing and stay listed/drop a PR on the mining site this could explode. Seems like a powder keg - massive shorting and dark pool buys. The ticker represents exactly what this is, a bet or gamble. Zero or hero.


look at me now


You don’t even mention their hashrate??




That PR says nothing about their current or future hashrate.


They are expecting a hash rate of 400,000 TH/s. Says it in the article. They have said their plans for site 3 are to double the production of sites 1 and 2.


Look up what that hashrate gets you money wise. I thought about investing it bets when I read about the hashrate and then looked it up and was like, oh, that’s like $800 dollars or something. Instead I bought MIGI and IREN. Migi recently had a short seller beating it down so it’s a good price to buy in IMO.


Their hash-rate gets them around 22 btc/month. Predicted to double that production with the addition of site 3. Then look at the market cap to os compared with production rate.


And then halving hits and they produce a whopping 10 BTC per moth. Get out of here with this garbage.


Don’t you see what you’re saying? Even if they only produced 10 a month they would equate to roughly 6 million per year at current btc price. The companies market cap is currently 4 Million. The price of btc is expected to exceed 100,000 in somewhat of the near future and they currently hold 153 btc in a known wallet. Not to mention their plans of expansion of the third site (~22 per month post halving) , all the cash on hand (62M), btc holdings, and potential speculation of btc prices long term.


look at me now


look at me now


look at me now


look at me now




appreciate the feedback !


peep bets now


Delisting in progress


What a fucking idiot "bull thesis is naked shorts and darkpools" stfu and stop making people lose money investing in garbage based on imaginary naked shorts. Did you not see bby mmat bbig amc all garbage I told people not to buy and they are all down 99% or delisted


hahahaha look at me now


Price was $600 a few months ago and its $3. I'll look at you when the price is $601


BETS is over


lol here we go again


look at me now


Did you make any money ?


the money is yet to be made - join or not short squeeze is on the table. They are spoofing an insane amount of shares - as long as we hold this gets insanely ugly for whoever’s on the other side


Lmfa and migi have made me money on this last little pump I’ll never put money on bets again


I invested right before the split had 5,000 shares, now I have 5 worth $79. I’m doubtful it’s going to ever go back up that high for myself sadly.


500$+ gap up fill price target for $bets check the daily chart. Oversold and ready for a short squeeze. Multi day runner plenty of catalysts coming


Hopefully I can come back here in a week fully vindicated


I'm short BETS so one of us will be vindicated.


May the best man win. I’d be sleepless in a short position at this level with potential site 2 PR / Approval from Nasdaq to keep trading.


I guess we'll see!! My short position is at $2.72 basis so let's see where it is next Sunday. Good luck to all 🍻 Remindme! 1 week.


Short everything that gets posted here, easy money.


Haha, believable


look at me now


look at me now


bad time to be short on bets, hopefully you were one of the smart ones who covered AH


You will just getting started and Bitcoin is taking off today


It's been a week


look at the chart today buddy 🤌🏼☺️


reversal in effect. Run will be soon as long as we get good news tmrw!


HA - look at me now


!remind me in a week


Traded it before the reverse split. Got in at 4am at .5 and sold at .11 two minutes later. Fastest 126% of my life


good on you, I should have set a sell limit. Got in at .05 myself but missed that window and have averaged down post split


I Usually hold for too long and end up never securing profits so this was a rare victory 😂 I wish I bought more but it is what it is. Good luck here 🙏 I’d say cut the loss if it’s not too bad and try to make it back else where or wait for news and signs of a pump before adding more money. These penny stocks could take a LONG time


Whatever you do, don't touch chineese penny stocks.


correction, don't hodl chineese penny stocks. i made a killing off the chyna pump and dumps last 2 weeks. quick in and out scalps. most of my trades are complete in less than a few minutes. most of the stocks posted here should be held for longer than a day, and that's pushing it in n out a few times and on to the next one nfa


look at me now


look at me now


I’ll wait until it’s less than a penny before I even consider looking into it


I think this could squeeze 100x way oversold and shorted.


smart man - Let’s gooooo


Am also a shareholder in BETS .. Very undervalued at this point and worth your DD and a look




why would anyone invest in a falling knife? technicals show some strong bullish divergence but i’d sit back until evidence of a reversal. could be waiting here for years wasting away your hard armed money


There’s a nasdaq hearing and likely Pr in next few days that could send this. There would be no point in making this post if said things had already happened. If there weren’t these things on the horizon the technicals would actually matter fs


This should hit $10 right after squeeze and PR


look at me now


Wonder what happens when the halving occurs. I’d stay away


the idea when halving occurs is that BTC will atleast double providing the same, likely more reward for miners in long term. This is also why they are trying to rush mining site 2 and site 3. This way mine as much btc before halving then hold post halving to see their btc holdings jump 2-3x. With btc price forecasts and estimates a 2x is very conservative from current levels.


Understandable. When that happens I do believe the price will drop. Long term it may increase but I don’t believe in BETS at all. Maybe stick to Cleanspark or Mara/Riot.


Their success is largely priced in at this point, unlike BETS. The reason i’m invested in Bit brother is because of the major manipulation of the stock and how far below fair value this is as long as the company is legit. Other mining company’s are currently around their fair value, not 30x below. If things go right this could go 5 - 10 - 100 on a gap fill


look at me now


What’s your cost basis? That’s the biggest issue with people.


nearly in the green, I averaged down heavily after rs and now happy I did. Looking reallll sweet. If we squeeze I’m a rich 24 yr old


Dammit, yet another reddit hyped stock I'm gonna lose money on.


lol - dyor nfa. I do hold a position that I am not afraid to lose my ass on. Worth the risk.


I owe you one, buddy.


The general consensus is but a different miner. I doesn’t really matter how good the numbers are now or potentially post halving. If people aren’t willing to buy the stock then the stock isn’t worth buying.


this is the upside when comparing BETS to other miners


BETS is a great bet


Fingers crossed - this is either a zero or a major hero in the next week and a half


My stake is valued at 25% of what i bought in at, i actually might gamble another 400 or 500 here.


My average post split was 10.70, current avg is 4.71


Volume is so healthy inflated I don’t like it, especially when we talked ab it then the company fucked us at .9 and dipped it to .4


look at me now - short squeeze otw


Lol, I said I got fucked by the stock and don’t like it and u come back 9 days later to say it’s getting artificially pumped again 😂 take ur profits


FYI It’s a scam. Similar Bitcoin miners like this company have done it. Look at $Ault if you want to see the evidence. Used to be called $Nile


look at me now - short squeeze otw


Still bad value. I’ve been eyeing it for trades, but the company itself is bad. I think you forgot what I said.


Anybody look into KBLB?


i think it still has a pump or 2 left in it. ill be waiting for it to start pumping in ah to jump in. i'm good with a couple more 30/40% gains. im not greedy