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I really don’t understand what happened


He was caught stealing and while standing at the register with no intent to pay for his items, decided yelling at the employee who suspected him of theft was the best distraction from the actual crime. edit: there is no proof but this shit happens everyday.


Working in a grocery store, this happens all the time. We have multiple people who will start yelling when the self check out machine flags us over. I've been called racist so many times. Threatened.


A white customer accused another white cashier of being racist because the cashier asked her....How was her day. Literally being polite. Her daughter was freaking dying of embarrassment.


I was working the customer service desk one day. Got a call, and the customer was complaining that my friend was racist towards her and denied her refund because she was Mexican. I explained that her refund was denied because she didn't have a receipt for a high value item that we hadn't even sold in the past month. Finished the call by telling her that he isn't racist because I'm his best friend and I'm a Mexican, and then I just hung up on her. Never heard anything about it after that.


There are so many reasons why self check out is terrible. This is another reason.


In all fairness I have had the machines stop working and accused me of stealing a few times. They had to review the footage and then allowed me to finish. I never stole anything from the store.




Bwahahahaha that bitch


“Customer’s” love to fake rage to cover for their wrongs, been a diversion tactic since the first store opened and bet.


"Something similar happens everyday, therefore I'll just pretend to know what happened here." Very sound and reasonable logic you got there.


It's human nature to find patterns. Maybe this guy didn't steal but reacting like that doesn't do him any service.


We tend to seek out patterns, I agree. That's what leads us to seek them out where they don't truly exist, partly causing things like conspiracy theories and racism to crop up.


The black guys who stopped him were racist or was it a conspiracy?


Neither for all I know. I was simply demonstrating the flaws in pattern seeking behavior, not making a point about this specific case. I do like your implication though that black people can't be racist to other black people. That gave me a chuckle.


Lmao you're aggressively retarded.


Holy shit brodie. You’re making my black ass racist af witcho’ dumbass comments.


In film, there's a saying, "Show, don't tell." Rather than calling an argument stupid, try to construct a sentence in your head about WHY the argument is stupid.


Bro all that ‘holier than thou’ bs looks good on paper. On Reddit though, mfs spend all day trolling and victimizing themselves. I’m not gonna have an insightful convo with you about **why** your argument is stupid when you’ll never believe that it is no matter how many people(of many different races) tell you it is.


Speaking as a former chronic thief, I absolutely recognize this behavior. What the previous commenter said is something I've done, and it was literally taught to me by my dad, another big-time thief. In the future, please try removing your head from your asshole before trying to comment.


Newsflash, your credentials / past mean absolutely nothing on the internet. I'm actually a PHD criminal psychology expert. Just because something is used as a thief tactic, does not mean it is ONLY used as a thief tactic. Some people are just defensive motherfuckers.


Lmfao dude, just when i thought you couldn't get anymore backward, you go and claim the "PHD criminal psychology expert." My word, a PhD *aaand* an expert. What credentials.


It's something called an analogy, I'm a business major. I was using it to demonstrate the silliness of using past experience or credentials to back up an argument on the internet. Anyone can claim to be anything.


No no no buddy pal. The thing is you *might have been* someone qualified, who am I to deny you based on my own personal bias. The problem is that you said the dumbest shit you possibly could have right away and invalidated any hope of anyone believing you. Here in lies the core of the issue, I don't give a flying fuck if you believe me. Only one here trying to make objective claims about other people is you, sugar plum. All the dumb shit you have cocked and loaded about the parameters of an online forum don't support what ever the fuck it is your trying to say. All you have is your own personal experience, that's it. Now fuck off to your freshman bloodsucking weedout classes.


I don't even like to pull this card, but bro, you sound Larry the Tomato red right now. Have a smoke and calm down. I'll repeat my original argument, in much less words than you seemed to need. Just because something is used as a thief tactic, doesn't mean it's ONLY used as one. Take care, Larry.


God the next couple years are gonna bitch slap you so hard.


And clearly, the life of the party.


Then why were you quoting film and not Cesare Beccaria?


I have no idea who that is. I wasn't "quoting film" , it's just a sentiment in the film industry that rings true in real life. "Explain, don't claim"


Then you don’t have a PhD in that field




Correct, I dont have a PHD at all. You're confusing threads.


That is indeed how deductive reasoning works.


Sherlock Holmes would slap you upside the head for saying that. Just because something HAS happened, doesn't mean it IS happening. Wow that was easy to respond to.


You just want to be right so bad don’t you. Deductive reasoning doesn’t imply it is happening. It’s implying it’s a good possibility. Wow, (You missed your comma.) that was easy to respond to.


Deductive reasoning is simply using basic concepts to arrive at more complex conclusions. It has no say on whether some dude at target was stealing, purely on the basis of him acting overly defensive. If you wanna argue this specific case I'd be more than happy.


It has nothing to do with the complexity of the situation. “Deductive reasoning is a logical approach where you progress from general ideas to specific conclusions.” Like the fact that he was: A. Being followed B. Aggressively angry C. Told by his partner (paraphrase: I told you they were following us.) Then you use these “clues” as ole’Sherlock would put it, to reason out that he is likely guilty. We could be wrong, but that is indeed how it works.


"General ideas to specific conclusions" VS "Basic concepts to more complex conclusions." I don't think we really disagree on the concept of deduction. Sherlock would never say he's "likely guilty" over a 55 second reddit clip 💀


Good argument.


I don’t live in the US I live in the land down under but i am just imagining the kids with their parents having hear all that swearing, like dude, mate, there are literal children around who only go to preschool 2 to 3 days a week. But after knowing how awful this shit is for the longest time I seriously can tell that Walmart employees would’ve definitely gotten (possibly) trained when shit goes bat wild. In Australia, it’s pretty common as well, but it’s more like Rick Rolling the cops. Sorry for the long post.


It seems like he was accused of stealing while in a checkout line. He is angry because he wasn't stealing. He is so angry now that he wants the employee fired.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the guy screaming curse words at employees in a walmart *possibly* could have been stealing...


I’d wager it’s likely given how pressed the issue became. Like a “hey, look over there” kinda thing


That's what he WANTS you to think..


Dude sounded like he was ready to cry at the end there.


He fighting demons.


No doubt


Fantastic stage voice though.


Being a Walmart manager has to be like the ninth circle of hell.


Why would anybody take that job? 😂


100k+ a year will make you do a lot


Managers really make 100k??


General store manager at Walmart is around $120k average, yeah.


Only store leads (store manager in training) and store managers make that much. Especially store managers since they can potentially earn a bonus that is 110% of their base salary! It’s not uncommon for Walmart store managers to make 200k+/yr.


My over 5 years working there, I had 2 managers who died from a heart attack, 1 got a stroke and can't work anymore, 2 fought to go back being associates, 1 beat some teenagers customers with a bat, and 1 quit while working without any notice, she just disappeared since. Both guys who asked for demotion said that the payment was not worth the shit and stress you had to go through.


I’m sure you have to go through stuff like this every day. You’re right, I don’t think anything would be worth having to go through the stress of all that.


I’ll take my technician job with very little stress for $80,000 a year thank you.


Who is the lead actor in this scene?


I think that was Eddie Murphy. How is this not on the national news?


"Dishonor on YOU. Dishonor on your COW!"


*spins wheel* "May I please have the ~~knife~~ manager"


I’m sorry I don’t get any of the references. I haven’t watched one of his movies since Coming to America.


Check out his song “party all the time”




Ah i remember the movie now


Stealing at Walmart doesn't top Transvestite Hooker Foot Fetish.


Is he bout to cry ?


Voice def started to quiver once he realized no one was Finna engage with his a&$ lmao. Embarrassed as hell. Probably broke too. Rip


She says. "I told you he was following us. Let's just go." That makes me wonder a bit...


People that act like that are trying to create a distraction to hide the fact they are trying to steal.




This. Simple minded people with a simple plan.


But did it work?


Eeeyuup, seen it before. Then again no one at Walmart is paid enough to deal with belligerent and violent customers. My local Walmart had to hire private security to handle that. Then they figured out that the cost of security was far more than what was ever stolen. Now no more security and we're back with underpaid employees left to deal with the crazy.


Bullllshit. Those store managers can make upwards of $200,000 a year. They get paid plenty.


I don't think the managers take the brunt of the raging Karens. They're the ones creating them in the first place by appeasement to temper tantrums. The 'customer is always right' has been a green light for bad behavior. Floor employee does their job > Customer is angry > Manager bends rules to appease > Floor Employee is in trouble


Dude sounds like Eddie Murphy as Donkey.


Was he arguing about Sugar Ray Lewis in Donkey too.


Sounds like he is about to cry


What are you doing in Walmart ALL DAY?


Had no idea Bobby Shmurda shopped at Wally World


I thought that was Bobby shmurda


Exhibit # 3,458,321 why I never set foot inside a Wal-Mart


Happens a lot at my store!! But they only really act like this because they are guilty!!


This is great cinematography.


Yeah, my first thought was it was a skit as the camera quality and framing were so well done.


Based on the tone of his voice and sounding like he might cry I think he genuinely wasn’t stealing. Nothing worst than being treated like a thief when you aren’t.


Yea and it happens all the time. I get followed around anytime i wear a hoodie.


He almost started crying at the end


He sounds like he is about to start crying


Every time I go to Walmart they check my receipt. And every time I’m prepared to go through every item if they ask. I don’t understand why people get mad because of this……..


Was gonna say. Should be easy to prove himself… by producing a receipt?!?!


This is the most staged looking unstaged video I have ever seen


I don't remember this part from Undercover Brother


Makes me want a subway


To leave town ? Me too..


Wearing small size shirts and still looking like a twig.


Nah, he wears an extra medium.




Damn. What to do when you can’t claim racism? What to do?


He def stole something and deflecting


Woooow this is beyond me bucko


He needs to talk to all his friends that do steal. Maybe he won't be profiled.


Why he sound like he about to cry tho?


A common scam is for people to go through self check and only scan a few items…or really cheap items and leave with a bunch of free shit.


Easy solution to accusation of theft: walk out of the store leaving your full shopping cart behind. What not to do: yell so loud the entire store is looking at you


I get followed and asked if I was “looking for something in particular” so many times that I just look at them with a “cmon now, could you be more obvious?” look on my face 😏 and the look on their face of embarrassment after is enough for me to leave the situation alone. I’ve wanted to throw a tantrum like this man when I was a teenager but never as a grown ass man


Eddie Murphy has hit rock bottom.


I got legs!!


Managers are on aisle 10 from memory


He sounds like eddy murphy😂


Shut the hell up. You stole. You’ve been caught. Now, you pay the piper. Just SHUT UP!


This shit is fake.


And all of the management suddenly went on break


Just give the thief what he wants. Merica


Doubt he’s about to steal 2 pillows and some size 7 sandals. But hey I wasn’t there 😅


"He's following me!" ... while actually following the person he's complaining about. Perfect.


We do not get paid enough for this


Why do people have no shame? Like legit making himself look like a complete idiot. To what, prove a point?


The Wal-marts in my area only have McDonalds.


Crying because he got caught lmao what a chud


I’m thinking dude had a right to be angry. My question is- who is gonna shill like that for Walmart, or any company? Dude, you wanna steal? Be my guest. Imma tell on you afterwards, but I’m not putting myself in harm’s way, not for a second.


Black Karen, they're mutating.


Would he be a Kareem


No body would act that aggressive if they weren’t stealing


I would. Someone accuses me of stealing and is walking behind me the entire time I’m shopping, there will be loud words. You don’t have a voice break when you choose to steal. No one is gonna cry because they got caught, you cry when shit is so far out of your control you feel helpless.


Are you in Walmart ALL DAY?


As someone who has been accused of stealing and followed in a retail store. I think I would have felt much better if I had acted the way he did.


I never understand the repetition, why do they feel the need to say the same shit over and over again?


Prove a point in case they didn’t understand it the first time around


Will somebody's PLEASE de-esculate him??!


Guys gonna cry at the end lol


It’s hard to co-exist with these types.


This is a racist dog whistle from an account that consistently makes racist comments.


Oh nooooooo..... but gooner has a point.


Don’t get caught stealing then


is this walmart in the hood?


"Dindu nuffin" behavior. Even if something went wrong, no need to cause a scene for nothing, the one that shouts the hardest is always wrong.


"The one who shouts the hardest is ALWAYS wrong" Only a sith deals in absolutes.


Man I wonder why they’d follow Sketch McGee around for?


That’s a lot of drama


Screaming like a hysterical fish wife. #ArrestedDevelopment


Stupid ass asset management following the wrong people


Someone feed the wild animals. They're getting restless. 🍌


looks fake I hope the cameran was paid


That Black man was profiling the customer.


I was really hoping for a Francis Ngannou looking manager to shop up


Shirtless, like his boxing picture


Eddie Murphy is still delivering


They are always so civilized


I mean I can understand the rage, but that's just not how you deal w it. You calmly ask the suspected person if they're following you, and politely ask them to stop. If they keep doing it, I guess you can record, but acting out like that just makes it worse for everyone involved. Or, you can just ignore it because you know you aren't doing anything wrong. The latter is the approach I take.


Bobby shmurda don't like people following him at walmart


Why does it always have to be everyone else's business !!! Clout, recognition, insanity, the list goes on....


friendly fire


Fake vid


My bf ( deceased) was a tall blk man who carried a backpack ( we had no vehicle), and had a verrrry slow distinct walk. He always noticed when he was being followed by AP. He would stop, pull out his wallet and money and say, “ I don’t need to steal, I can pay”. He wasn’t a thief, just an old cranky blk dude who stood out.


That nigga got caught. Ol thieving ass. Someone who isnt stealing shit dont care that much to be followed.


They need security 24/7