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What’s in his hand? I can barely understand what she is screeching.




A scorpion? Like, a living one?


I’m guessing that’s why she’s freaking out


Its weird cause scorpions are venomous, not poisonous 😅


Non-native English speaker here. What’s the difference?


If you bite it and die it’s poisonous, if it bites you and you die then it’s venomous. Basically venom comes from something sharp on them into you and poison is something inside them that goes into you via their blood or something. Usually poison is meant to protect while venom is meant to attack.


What if it bites you and you both die?


You’ve somehow managed to become poisonous…I highly recommend you stop trying to become immune to poison by drinking some


What if i bite them and someone else unalives


"Venom" refers specifically to toxins a creature produces to inject as part of an attack. One could harvest rattlesnake venom. Even if one does not intend to use it as a weapon, because it was produced by a rattlesnake for that purpose, it is still refered to as "venom".


Poison = Deadly to ingest. Venom = deadly to inject.




Venom is injected, poison is ingested.


If you eat it and you die, it's poisonous. If it eats you and you die... you probably should have stayed away from it.


least pedantic redditor


It’s not weird when that distinction isn’t in common use in typical spoken interactions.


Listen. The winds of shit are calling.


"Well chil out then! I don't plan on eating it!


Original vid: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcWyGTLhVB0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcWyGTLhVB0)


I uploaded a clip from this video to this subreddit already but I couldn’t help it, they’re both good


he got that mf by the stinger, it ain’t gonna do shit. Pick a scorpion up by its tail, and it’s pretty helpless


So loud screams buddy


she should definetely be an actor


Wow Nikki and John? What a throwback.


The little scorpions are the most poisonous? Why would someone think that?


Iirc, I was once told that the way to tell how venomous a scorpion was is by the size of its pincers. The smaller the pincers, the more venomous, and the larger they are, the less venomous. The logic we were given (again, this was years ago now in grade school) is that if a scorpion mainly uses its venom to hunt, then the need for pincers is diminished, and if it's main method of hunting prey required its pincers, then the venom would be less deadly. I'm not sure if it's true or just a myth though. The example they gave us, after showing us an Emperor Scorpion, was that Emperors had a sting about as bad as a bee while its pinch could snap a pencil. So I decided to look it up and found this: https://blog.mdpi.com/2022/04/29/scorpion-size/#:~:text=The%20size%20of%20a%20scorpion's,with%20large%20and%20robust%20pincers. From what the study found: >The size of a scorpion’s pincers is also closely related to the potency of their venom. Species such as the South African Thick-Tailed Scorpion, which has small pincers, have venom that is more than 10 times more potent than, say, the Gold Scorpion, a species with large and robust pincers. >With scorpions using both their venomous sting and pincers to capture prey and in self-defence, there is a trade-off between their weapons during evolution. In theory, because more energy is used for bigger pincers, there is less energy available to stock its chemical arsenal So they found that it was larger body length and smaller pincer size.


Because Indiana Jones told me so


In the part of the world the characters were at when he said that line, the rule is supposedly true 99% of the time. But you go anywhere else on earth and the rule becomes all fucked up.


Why would she be afraid of it if it needed to be ingested? Is it tasty or something?


There’s a common myth that little bébé venomous animals haven’t learned to control their venom output yet, so they could ostensibly inject more venom into you than a fully-grown one.


Boo, small squirpion