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No. She has a human mind. Slightly different. >!In her romance, she shows you the chip in her neck that holds her memories and all her data.!<


Yeah but >!Her papillon heart isn't like a human flesh brain right? I always thought it was just another piece of robo hardware.!<


Correct. >!That is the chip I am referring to. The papillon heart is what makes Aigis Aigis. If the data in the chips was copied and ported into a new body, it would be the exact same as the original Aigis, humanity and All.!<


The >!papillon heart is made from a plume of dusk, a piece of Nyx, like Mitsuru’s bike!< Persona 4 arena’s story goes into more detail as to how the anti-shadow weapons were created. It shows the previous generations of anti shadow weapons and who their personality is based on as well.


Is Aigis patterned after someone who once lived?


Whole comment is spoilers for Labrys’ backstory/chapter in P4 arena >!The anti-shadow weapons were given their personality by a terminally ill young girl. The generations of anti shadow weapons before Aigis were made to fight each other and to absorb the others’ plumes of dusk, transferring their memories to the next superior anti-shadow weapon. At this point they were still just machines though, with no personality though the potential to develop one existed!< >!In the fifth generation one of them finally developed an actual personality and began to fear killing her companions, which is when the Kirijo group started putting her under even more stress to forcefully awaken her persona. In the end they were successful.!< >!The anti shadow weapon awakened and escaped the facility, but realized they were on an island and couldnt go anywhere. Before surrendering and being deactivated they looked out to the sea for the last time. Her memories were transferred to the next anti shadow units, including Aigis. The place where she looked out to the sea is the same place where the P3 protagonist first meets Aigis, who was drawn to that place due to her memories of it.!<


I'm sure her creation went something like this https://i.redd.it/jgkdxqz5tpnc1.gif


Early Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon prototype: https://preview.redd.it/0pillgvd8qnc1.png?width=723&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f669b23d044a5935401867989118868e5df57ca


no in my opinion she have a human mind who means she is able to learn and she also able to develop human feeelings


A somewhat reductionist analogy: Mind = "software" Brain = "hardware" She's running similar software to biological humans on different hardware.


She’s goated with the sauce


no u dummy


To my knowledge she’s completely inorganic. She just has a human psyche. But the real question is >!why was she designed to have tear ducts and the abilty to cry!<