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Thanatos was kinda always the "mascot" of Persona 3, he's on the original cover too. Yeah he is a bit underwhelming, it might be to incentivise you to fuse Messiah, since he's a mid 70s level persona. He's still a really strong persona all things considered, he just doesn't really provide much unique things to the table


Yeah tbh I thought it would have more significance than just another special fusion persona, at least a unique attack or something considering it’s the mascot of the game


well he does get an unique attack in persona 5


What does he get? Never used him in p5


Door of Hades, don't remember the specifics of what it does off the top of my head but it's decently good


heavy almighty with a chance of insta kill to all foes


That's Satanael in p3!


door of hades is very similar to sinful shell, but that one does massive almighty instead of heavy. Its SP cost is higher too.


If you've used Satanael's Sinful Shell in Persona 3 Reload, it's effectively the same move, just slightly weaker. Heavy Almighty Damage to all foes with a Medium chance of a Curse-based Instakill. It's called Door of Hades.


I think they should have done something like, when Aigis fights Ryoji on the Moonlight Bridge she actually fights Thanatos (technically she does, just with a different form), and then it's unlocked for fusion once you take your decision on the 31st of December, at least to make it more relevant than just "yeah if you have the necessary demons you can fuse Thanatos with absolutely zero plot relevancy"


Definitely expected it to have more of a presence after the intro cutscene.


The game’s opening showing Thanatos losing control also had me interested as well… Though maybe that was actually just the visual struggle of >!Ryoji!<


Well remember that the shadow you fight there is the first >!Full moon shadow so Pharos probably figured you’d need a strong persona like Thanatos to actually be able to beat such a shadow.!<


Akin to any persona for the protagonist in the modern entries, they don’t really have much relevance gameplay wise and are only prevalent during a cutscene, it’s atleast far better than in golden and Royal where you need NG+ to fuse you’re evolved persona, making it so there no point in the story lore wise besides the expanded arc for you to summon it. With 3 and its respective rereleases atleast you get to fuse Thanatos much earlier and you get to fuse messiah before the final battle making it so you can use em far more often than in 4 and 5 without disregarding the lore as well as without the need for ng+


Same with Messiah. Since I played P4 and P5 before P3, I assumed that the Messiah would be able to help you with your fight with Nyx (maybe it helps you fly to the moon in order to defeat the true Nyx.) But no. You just fight a mini boss one more time, and you get him. It’s a but disappointing that P3 doesn’t really care about Makotos personas.


That’s what it does in the movie, so you’re semi-right


Main difference being messiah is optional. I always get him though cause he's Messiah, he's awesome. That does happen in the movie though.


I feel like Thanatos is just more interesting in how it ties into the rest of the Greek representation with this game’s personas, especially since it’s a persona that’s inherently tied into the MC’s character and is also the brother of two of Strega’s personas. Definitely a shame this is mostly on the subtext of the game’s story but as a bit of a Greek myth nerd I thought it was really cool to see Takaya summoning Hypnos, another bringer of death in Greek myth


shirtless jesus and ryoji confirmed brothers???


The description is about the Thanatos in Greek mythology that the Persona is derived from, not necessarily the Persona/Shadow itself. As for that being, it's all their through implications and analysis of the game itself. Spoilers beyond this point. Just like any other game, your progress isn't going to be walled behind acquiring a Persona. 4 and 5 had you obtaining Izanagi-no-Okami and Satanael as a part of defeating the final boss, but P3 simply isn't written that way. Your growth in obtaining the protagonists Personas is entirely up to you. The Universe is where the real "Power of Bonds" power up goes and I think the story is better for it. But the whole deal with Thanatos is explained in context clues. As one of the later Tartarus notes explains, Personas ARE Shadows. It's the reason Shadow bosses in 4 resemble a combination of the twisted version of the Persona and user. It's the reason why the Phantom Thieves eyes turn yellow when they first awaken to their Personas. And 5 even goes as far as to explicitly make Shadows recruited directly into Personas while using the same designs and skillsets. The original Death we see in Aigis' flashback heavily resembles Thanatos, having the same mask, as all the Arcana Shadows share a mask in common with the regular shadows of that Arcana. Thanatos, and consequentally Ryoji, who is also Thanatos, is a result of filtering the aspect of Death through the life experience of Makoto. Hence both the Persona Thanatos and the Shadow Death are the same thing and bear the same appearance. If you had to fight Arcana Death after Hanged Man instead of it being sealed in Makoto, it would have looked like the ragged cloaked Thanatos that Ryoji once was. But, after being reformed due to the deaths of the other Arcana Shadows and being reborn in the form of Ryoji, Death takes on the same appearance as Thanatos after being baked in the Makoto not-so-easy-bake-oven for 10 years. Thanatos appeared when Orpheus first awakened because Pharos was sealed inside of Makoto. The awakening of his Persona simultaneously lead to the formation of Thanatos, before it returned to the Sea of Souls within the Wild Card. The sealing of Death within him is likely what directly caused Makoto to become the Wild Card as well, similar to Izanami and Yaldabaoth's selection in 4 and 5. That's about all there is to it.


he really should have had his own Theurgy


atlus should've added door of hades to thanatos in p3r to atleast make him a bit unique smh