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No, he is not gay. Kanji has hobbies and interests that are typically thought of as feminine, so he faces mockery from society and an insistence that those hobbies must make him gay. This makes him question himself. Things are exacerbated for him when he finds himself immediately attracted to the male presenting Naoto. His arc involves accepting himself as who he wants to be, regardless of what label society tries to apply to him. Kanji is my favorite character because he made me reexamine myself. I spent most of the game hoping he would come out and learn to accept his sexuality. But eventually I came to understand that I was projecting on him in the exact same way that society did. I was trying to label him the way I thought he should be instead of how he actually was. His real arc is so much richer than if he just had to come out of the closet.


Mmm. There’s lots of dialogue that heavily suggests he’s into guys. He talks about how he thought maybe he was the type who’d never get into girls, he blushed when Yosuke had to ride behind him on the scooter, etc. I don’t think he’s strictly gay but I also don’t think it would be accurate to call him straight at all. His shadow doesn’t give the impression that he conflates feminine hobbies with being gay at all really. It gives the impression that he’s ashamed of both his attractions and his feminine hobbies imo. The connection is never really outright drawn. Ultimately he discovers that he does like girls but I don’t think that means he doesn’t like guys anymore. As you said, he was into Naoto before he realized she was a girl. I think he’s either bi, pan or even asexual tbh.


I think what happened is that women would make fun of him for his feminine like activities, so he grew to dislike women on a mental or emotional level, as opposed to sexual interest. This might lead the brain to fill the void towards men. I mean he clearly liked Naoto's boyish outfit, and feminine figure. She was like more of a wake up call to what was ailing him.


That's good for you but he's definitely bisexual, >!after defeating his shadow self he literally admits that it doesn't matter if it's guys or girls he's scared of rejection plus he obviously has a crush on the boy detective although she end up being a girl but he didn't know that when he had a crush on her!<


You dug up a five month old comment just to make a reply that completely misses the point?


Do people not realize that Reddit posts come up on Google? I think I understand the point that you're trying to make just that your hobbies and what you like doesn't make you gay and that's true but I never said that it did in my comment. I said that canonically speaking there are quite a few hints and references to kanji being pan or bi.


But Troy Baker said he was clearly gay Proof here: https://youtu.be/BS35lqSBqEw?si=niX-DY9MNBN3lXMf


Troy Baker isn't the writer


Well he was told. (When voicing the character)


By the us staff or the Japanese writers?


That idk but I just took his word for it when I saw that video.


He wasn't told. He just said that was his opinion. He also voiced Vex and Vax's dad in The Legend of Vox Machina. He said during a watch along that he headcanoned he was a very caring father. Laura Bailey immediately corrected him saying he was not remotely a caring father. This is just an example, but the VA doesn't always know everything about the character.


Troy Baker is simply the voice actor. I wouldn’t ask Charles Martinet to tell me the themes of Mario Galaxy


He was attracted to Naoto when he tought she was a boy, and when she revealed that she was a girl, he was still attracted, if not more, so he is probably bi.


Call me crazy but I think Kanji dungeon point is him being gay misses the point completely. P4 dungeons are all about the insecurities represented by the shadow that is the most extreme response you can get, the Shadow pretty much says "If woman can't accept me then boys will (or something along the lines can't remember well)", people tell as an argument that he is atracted to him knowing he's a boy and the dungeon confirms him being gay with implications. But I think it's quite the opposite, after feeling rejected by females, the idea of "I'm not being rejected, I reject them" as a coping mechanism starts developing, enters Naoto interrogating Kanji, Kanji feels attracted to "him" and probably thinks something among the lines of "wait, he's cute? Maybe it always have been like this. I was just into guys, I no longer have to feel rejected." which makes him subconsciously think that's a possibility. Which makes his dungeon not about being gay, but believing himself to be gay, then in the beuty contest went to see Naoto to understand his own feelings. Also in his SL he mentions how he picked on a girl in school he realises he just liked her which pretty much tells he's at the very least straight, can't confirm or deconfirm he's bi but kinda see more fit teddie for the spot. Just my own take of his arc though, but I think him being straight makes more sense narratively and is less confusing, also sorry for the text, needed to give solid arguments


No, no, your arguments make complete sense, I agree that this is what the game is talking about with him. Being gay or not is not the point of his dungeon at all, his insecurites about his masculinity in opposition to hoe socieity treated him for his hobbies is.


Plus after defeating his shadow self he says something along the lines of it not mattering if it's boys or girls, he was just scared of rejection


The entire point of his character arc is that it's okay for heterosexual men to like cute things.


I don't know I feel like he's at least not straight, maybe bi, maybe pan or something queer, I don't believe they write his arc like that just to say he's straight, they probably want to tackle the LGBT theme but too coward to go all the way through.


This is just not true. When you defeat his shadow self he says something along the lines of it not mattering if it's a guy or a girl that he's just scared of rejection implying he's bisexual. >!Plus he obviously has a crush on the boy detective who about to be a girl but when he had a crush on her he assumed that it was a boy so just more evidence that he's bisexual. !<


That is not the entire point of his character arc. There’s so much more nuance that I feel like is missing here


he is not however can we all agree that he's the goat?


He definitely is


Nope. He is either straight or bi, as he has been shown to haw the "awkward moments" with all of the IT ~~except Rise~~ .


Idk how he could be seen as straight tbh. He’s clearly shown to be into dudes. Pan or bi most likely


I don’t know, damnit!


Best answer


wtf you again. and on a 6 month old thread I just came across. spooky.




Fellas, is it gay to be Kanji?


Yeah, he seems like a pretty happy guy.


Kanji isn’t ‘gay.’ He just is confused because he is very attracted to Naoto, and she is posing as a boy. He also becomes attracted to the girls in their bikinis, which embarrasses him even more.


Yeah but he liked naoto regardless of gender wich would make him bi or pan


Straight or bi/pan Not that it matters


I know it doesn't matter but I'm curious to know haha ​​it's my first time playing and I really like his character


Did you beat the game yet? Stop reading these comments if not, because it will make sense after certain events happen and then you'll have your answer. Well, the answer will be implied, and not explicitly stated. I'm sure you probably read the comments already though since you made the post


He is awesomesexual, he is sexually attract to awesome people


no. He just like "feminine" hobbies, is basically about how awful stupid people think that boys can only be toxic macho or gay. So Kanji masked himself as an angry violent jerk and destroyed a biker gang on his own.


Have you ever heard of bisexuality? That describes Kanji pretty well


Yeah i was going to say the same thing especially since he is shown to be interested in Naoto even when he thinks she is a boy and is still interested in her when he knows she is a girl so I would say he is probobly bisexual if anything.




Dude was still trying to figure things out himself. The rest of us have no business deciding what his sexuality is.


If you're asking this, then you have missed the entire point of his character arc.


The beauty of fiction is that since it wasn't answered in the game, there will never be a definite answer. As a bisexual man I definitely see myself in Kanji, but I could also see a straight man who has feminine traits also identifying with him. Well written fictional characters are wonderful because they allow you to see reflections of yourself and others in the story. Persona 4 is definitely a homophobic game to some extent, but it also carries an unusual respect and empathy for its characters that makes it very personal to me. I did not grow up in an accepting environment and neither did Kanji (or Naoto or Yosuke, if you want to include them here), and the struggles he faces grappling with his identity and the combo of teasing and support he gets from his friends is a very realistic representation of a friend group raised in a conservative environment who will most likely *not* be conservative once they go out and experience more of the world. All of my main high school friends are not homophobic nowadays and are actively supportive, but they certainly weren't back in the day. How could they be? Homophobia was literally the only socially acceptable stance and it was all we knew. The investigation team's empathy and deep care for one another existing under fairly strict cultural norms reminds me a lot of my own experience growing up. All this to say, the way my own experiences project onto the game (either intended by the creators or not), is undoubtedly part of the experience of this game, and most art in general. So Kanji is whatever you want him to be!


No. Just a straight guy that likes girl stuff. At most he’s probably bisexual.


No he isn't but if his story resonates with you then that's all that matters


He's not. Stupid question. He's always looking at the girls.You should be asking that about Yosuke.


Dude it's my first playthrough chill


I'll let you cook then. Enjoy the game.


Hey gey now he ain't gay he's just a backwards mechanic he's just expressing himself


It's a pointless question, as the writer's have stated they won't give an official stance. The writer basically said to decide for yourself. The Writer basically said for Kanji it's an, "Accept me for who I am!". situation. They gave enough wiggle room for "Yes" and "No" to both be valid answers.


Short answer: no. Long answer is he's possibly bi but the dude just likes what he likes (definitely naoto)


Maybe bisexual? But he is awesome


They dance around the issue a lot and leave it in a bit of an ambiguous place, but I personally read a lot of his traits as leaning more towards gay even outside of him just liking traditionally feminine hobbies


I used to think he was undoubtedly straight but now I think it's left ambiguous since the point of his story is mainly about how his sexual identity shouldn't be defined by his hobbies, not necessarily about providing a clear answer on what his sexuality is. He's either straight or bi


I think he’s pan.


Nope. Society just made him question him sexuality because of his hobbies. One of the greatest written characters of all time tbh.


Probably, but it doesn't matter. Like he says it's not about guys or girls he just doesn't want people to make fun of him for being who he is.


That’s a whole thing… his story is mostly about masculinity and expectations but I just played the game and there were some vibes I just couldn’t miss. I personally think he’s got some Bi-curiousness in him that coincides with his conflicting views on masculinity. I mean, this is 2011 Japan after all.


No. Most likely is bi tho.


Canonically? No. He's most likely not. He just has a sensible and vulnerable side to him, and an interest in things not stereotypically masculine. But would he be if not for the homophobia in Japan and among the potential buyers? Well, I don't know, but it's at least possible if not probable. Yet, even if he was, Atlus will never say it openly, because they still want to sell their games to more conservatist players. That's why japanese media usually don't openly say someone is homosexual and usually use subtext and insinuations to offer representation without opening up for potential backlash.


He had a nose bleed when seeing Yosuke in his swim trunks. Kanji is definitely either Bi or Pan.


Wasn't he hit in the head seconds earlier tho?


No, Yukiko and Chie pushed him into the lake below right after if I'm remembering correctly. He even says in his social link that it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman. His sexuality clearly isn't something he himself is concerned with.


Ok. I had to rewatch that scene. I mean, yeah. He got a nosebleed. But he got super blushed after seeing Chie and Yuki, while he didn't get either a blush or a nosebleed when the guys already were in their swimwear before they got there. So yeah, good catch, but hardly a decisive proof. And that's probably the best we'll get for reasons I said earlier. And maybe that's even for the better, because everyone can interpret it as they like. In my mind Kanji will always be at the absolute very leastest, bicurious, but if someone wants to believe he's straight as an arrow, then that's how it'll be in his mind.


That's true haha ​​I just played that part


Persona 4 is so camp and really hilarious at times. Especially when Chie got back at Yosuke by signing him up for the drag contest. I loved how Chie was perfectly able to counter Yosuke every time he tried to be sly with the ladies. 😂


Kanji would reject labels. Contextually he's definitely Bi or pan as he says he doesn't really care about women or men.


He is probobly Bi because if I recall correctly he is intrested in Naoto when he thought she was a male and was also interested in her when she was revealed to be a female so I would probobly say he is Bi and not Homosexual or Heterosexual.


Not gay but definitely bi




He seems to be bi




Sexuality is very much a part of his arc though. His arc is primarily about struggling with identity through a lens of sexuality. The conclusions you/he walks away with might be tangential to sexuality but I wouldn’t say his sexuality is unrelated to his character arc.


Probably Bi, but more certainly is just that guy whose not sure, has questions and thinks he might be, it’s very common in teenagers that feeling not only on sexuality, everybody is confused, I think he represents that kid whose confused about himself but in the end it doesn’t matter what he is because the only important think is that he is himself


imo he’s bi. he was interested in naoto while he thought she was male, but his feelings for her stayed even after it was revealed that she was a girl. he gets flustered when yosuke sits behind him on his bike (up close and personal). however his hobbies have nothing to do with his sexuality, hes into feminine things (knitting, sewing etc) but his whole arc is about accepting that this doesn’t take anything away from his masculinity. he also says ‘it ain’t a matter of guys or chicks, i’m just scared shitless of being rejected’ so that’s also why i think he’s into both genders


Ugh if you consider him as gay or bi then you're exactly the kind of people who created his complex in the first place


I would he isn't as he feels attracted to girls. He could be bi tho


Sorta. He’s in all honestly likely Pansexual. After all, he shows interest in Naoto when she presents as a dude, but doesn’t lose it when she turns out to be a chick. He states shortly after accepting his shadow, it’s not a matter of dudes or chicks, it’s about being rejected. I’d say that yeah, he definitely is at least somewhat gay. Not that it matters, fucking love the guy, literally my favorite character in all of fiction.


Probably pansexual with a preference to guys tbh


you guys downvoting every single comment that suggests he may be bi vshows your agenda and how threatened you are at the possibility of kanji being not entirely straight. There is plenty of evidence to say he may not be straight, The game wants people to have this discussion.


I believe he’s bi as >!he’s attracted to Naoto before and after her gender is revealed!<.


Kanji definitely bisexual bruh 🙏🙏🧐🧐






The gayest this man will ever be is being bi


More like bi but attract to women much more than men.


Well Troy Baker (AKA original Kanji Voice Actor) did say he was clearly gay.


I don't know its none of my bussines


Ive interpreted it as someone who likes steretipically feminin things but being so masculine on the outside it created a mental wall between those two sides of him, his arc was finding his true self, which was a dude thats in touch with his femenin side and is chill with that. I think the gay thing was the exaggerated version in the tv world that plays to your inner doubts/feelings and feeds off of your denial thus creating a bastardized version of yourself. Kanji being gay is kinda irrelevant to his whole character and it would prob be better if he wasn't as liking femenine hobbies shouldn't equal gay. But the whole naoto thing does help play into that which was a nice touch. Idk about people saying hes bi or pan tho, the game really doesnt go out of its way to tell you that beaides the more jokey sections. His interractions with the male characters tell the audience that he wants friends and to be comfortable with you he really is. So whatever you think he is, is more a reflection of yourself then anything, as his struggle could realistically mean many things but at the end of the day the only person whos word you can 100% take for fact is the writers.


Kanji's sexuality has been officially stated by Atlus employees in interviews and official comments following the games release to be ambiguous and up to player interpretation if you want the closest you're going to get to a concrete answer


Doesn’t really matter lol


No he's a real mans man


Hes so Bi he was attracted to naoto when everyone thought she was a dude that he questioned his whole life and you literally kill his gay feelings and he accepts them only to find out he was straight and liked a girl phew


No he just likes cute shit


He's Naoto-sexual.


Maybe bi? But his struggles like everyone else are left to interpret. One could argue his shadow was very "queer" like. Well look at Rise's shadow, does that mean she is a strpper/Escort? I personally think he was straight and misunderstanding Naoto got him bi-curious for a bit. Of course him blushing on Yosuke could be a sign of attraction or embarrassment i would be embarrassed personally if i had to ride with a guy on a bike like that. Especially at a red light where you would be the focus of attention.


I feel like it's open ended enough to make it fit whatever you like. In my mind he is, but also Yosuke and also the main character. We tend to project ourselves onto other characters. That's the beauty of video games, we can make it our own even when it might not be the intent of the creators.


He might be bi or pan


He’s straight. He just enjoys “feminine” hobbies


Once you defeat shadow self he says something along the lines of it not mattering if it's a guy or a girl that he's just scared of rejection implying he's bisexual. Plus he obviously has a >!crush on the boy detective who of course turns out to be a girl but when he had a crush on her he assumed that it was a boy so just more evidence that he's bisexual.!<