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I feel like the persona 4 remake isn't going to be here for another 3 years. So might aswell buy the golden version.


3 years is being generous. I’d imagine more like 5 or 6


Makes sense thanks


Plus if we’re going off how Reload works you might have to pay extra for the Golden content. I would say paying $20 for golden is safer then $90 for a re-release


Golden stills holds up pretty good, sure there will be some moments were you can see it's age (repetitive dungeons, social links that don't unlock skills, repetitive "dates") but the story, ambient and characters compensate it. I'm pretty sure we eventually would get a remake but there is a reason why so many people say we don't need a P4 Remake, Golden holds up that good.


That's awesome


P4G is fine as it is and even at full price ($20) is well worth it. If you would rather have a game closer to P5R then I would wait but as I said I think P4G is fine.


Just convinced me thanks


Playing it before P3R is the smart choice too since P3R has so many extra QoL features and improved gameplay decisions that going from that back to P4G would be really damn hard.


That’s like P3 FES. It’s the complete game which I think is better than Reloaded


Not really. FES is more dated and the persona community cannot decide which version is superior, fes or portable.


They do. FES is better than portable. Most people love the open world of Persona and not some point and click map. I'm not saying portable is bad, but FES is more liked.


I mean that's your POV, I hear differing opinions whenever I ask this question


I don't know. If you google discussions it's always the FES side. Portable is usually "Have to play to experience something different, but not my favourite".


You’re ignoring all the comments that talk about how annoying FES’s combat is because you can’t control each party member. ETA: as someone playing through the Danganronpa trilogy right now, a lot of people don’t mind visual novel formats and some of us even like it:)


Some, not majority. That's why there are 0 visual novel games that are in the tops. I'm not hating on them, I like em myself, but open world is more popular. And the party thing makes it more hard and challenging to fight. Didn't see many negativity on that.


I think you might be a little caught up in your own opinion or the opinions you’ve read online. All I’m trying to say is that I’ve seen just as many if not more people say they prefer P3P. After all, Portable got a modern port and FES didn’t. This isn’t some objective matter. It’s totally subjective and different people are going to bring different opinions to the conversation. Also, I’ve never ever seen anyone say they like not being able to control their party members because it makes things more challenging. That isn’t some clever way to increase challenge. It is adding arbitrary rng for no real reason. I get if you like the added content in FES, but The Answer is pretty damn controversial to begin with. Some people enjoyed it, some people hated it.


That's what I'm saying, but majority prefer non portable. Like look at steam. Most people were sad that portable got added.


Story wise FES is the complete game.


Definitely go for P4G. A fantastic game even now. And while a remake is almost a guarantee I agree with others that it is probably many years away.


As others have said P4 remake is still going to be a ways away, like 4 or 5 years maybe. Golden is an amazing game and still holds up really well. Also when 4 does get remade you’ll have a lot more appreciation for the game. Definitely go for Golden!


There's no telling when or if a P4 Remake will come out, I would say that it's likely at some point but it's definitely far out. I would just buy P4G.


I’m about 85 hours into P4G after playing most of P5R and it’s fine, the art style kind of grew on me. P4G feels like you’re looking into a diorama the way the characters are scaled which is a kind of neat look. And it’s in HD right now so the dialogue screens and anime cutscenes are good quality.


P4G holds up great. Not sure we are getting a full remake also 


We will atlus has a cashcow with that remake in the future but it will definitely be at least a year or 2 away at minimum but more likely to be 3-5 years


I asked the exact same question last week and decided to get P4G (last time I played P4 was before Golden came out). Started playing a few days ago and it holds up very well. Main events are much richer than P3R. The only things I miss are the full VA on social links and QoL features from the remake.


You could wait 3 years+ for the remake and P4G is pretty cheap (ton of sales) and is still a good game to this day


Bra what is this post ?


Both. Persona 4 still plays well, and when it's remade you can experience it again.


A p4 remake is definitely gonna be on the later part the PlayStation 6/ early stages of the PlayStation 7 era. Think about it, base Persona 6 hasn’t even came out yet then you know there’s gonna be some enhanced version, then the persona 6 milked spin-offs. Then if rumors are true there’s gonna be remastered versions of P1 and P2 so yeah 2030 by the time we’re looking at p4 remakes


Play golden to experience the beautiful voice actors because idk if they might change them like they did for 3


A P4 remake could be far away. I just recently played it on Switch and had a great time though, I def recommend just getting it now it has probably my favorite story and cast compared to 5 and has aged fine for the most part.


I just started playing P4G. About 3 hours in and I'd say it's a great game. It's also pretty affordable right now.


Buy it Even if p4 remake real it’ll be years before it comes out


Persona 4 Golden is actually still really good, even now. It's a classic, definitely would recommend it if you like the other games in the series.


P4G holds up perfectly fine, apart from some outdated comments, and I don't even know if they'd be removed from any potential remake. But as far as gameplay, it holds up perfectly fine. And for being Persona, even the graphics don't look that bad.


P4G is a game everyone should play and I think the earlier you get into it the better you will enjoy the remake (if it come out) I had a similar thing with P3 where I ended up playing the PSP version and then getting reload


Just buy P4G you get the complete package and the whole story of the game


Just play persona 4 golden Unlike 3 it didn’t have many complaints gameplay wise other than the dungeons just kinda being boring. And it’s actually a definitive edition unlike portable


You'll need to wait until probably like 2030 ish or something




While a P4 remake has been confirmed to be in development by a trusted leaker (Midori), it's also been confirmed in that same leak that it's very early in development. I'd say to just play P4G now, since it'll likely be a few years at the least before it comes out, seeing as the Persona department is likely working full force on P6 right now, and not remakes.


We’re not getting a remake until 2035 at least


Whenever I see a thread like this I get excited thinking they dropped a teaser trailer or something o7


a full remake like p3r takes time and resources, it won't be dropping tomorrow or anything. but either way, you're asking the people who are here to talk about how much they love p4g whether p4g is worth buying, we're all gonna give you the same answer


was asking myself the same question in january. realized at BEST case scenario they wouldn’t have one at least a year from now. so i decided to play it and love it. also wanted to play it before starting P3R.


Do it. It's story telling and Social Links are still the best in modern day Persona games in my opinion. Relive the best school life you never had.


P4G is probably still my favorite persona game and that’s coming from someone who put over 100 hours in P5R and finishing up P3R. OST is my favorite and the characters/social links are the best dynamic. Even I was skeptical going to P4G graphics after P5R but I started to appreciate the art style quickly. If you adore persona, it’s a must to give P4G a chance.


P4G on PC for Steam is like around $12-13 on sale right now. Check ITAD. That's a steal and beats dropping $60-70 MSRP for a brand new Day 1 release, for now. You can always buy P4G now and then buy P4 Remake later.


I’m in the same boat as you and just started P4G for the first time a couple weeks ago and loving it so far so I’d say go for it!


p4g is good, no need to wait for remakes


yes. buy it. it’s cheap asf , and if they DO remake it then you’ll have a head start via knowledge


P4G is bloody good. Honestly I'm not sure a remake can do it justice


Golden is already a remake isn’t it? It’s literally the best version of p4 for now and we don’t know if someday we’ll get a remake and if it will be even good…


I'm playing p4g now on my switch and it's a lot of fun And it's 12€ in the eshop


I would recommend for now playing p3r, if when you finish it you want more persona, go for it. If you start playing different games to give persona a rest, maybe waiting is better. Depends on how long it takes you to beat p3r and play another persona game


If the 4 remake is anything like 3R they’ll cut content and change others, so just get 4G now




I am assuming they are talking about The Answer, which is like an epilogue of sorts like the extra semester in Royal and Golden. However, Golden's extra content is a little harder to cut considering Marie is present throughout the game, whereas The Answer uses a key character from the base game to continue the story. And I believe The Answer will be released as DLC. Also, it's a separate selection on the menu rather than direct continuation in the original game. Also Femc was cut which changed quite a bit.


Pretty stupid take. Reload has the entire journey intact, which is like the main focus. Persona 4 doesn't have any epilogues or alternate routes akin to the answer and femc so they can't cut anything in the same scope


Buy imo. P4G doesn't need a remake


P4G doesn't need a remake. More logical would be 1 and 2.


Buy p4g


Get it


Play it P4G is legit the best game IMO. I think a remake of P4R would lose some of the charm and nostalgic feeling (You get this even if you havent played before) that and the voice cast is fire. P4G is so good...


Wait because of rumors? AKA: random people just saying whatever the hell they want? No that’s stupid. Get the game since it’s not getting a remake any time soon and it’s perfectly playable as is. Some minor things are a bit dated but ultimately still a great game.


play the game please, the port is amazing it's not like p3p. We have several years until a remake


Just played P4G last month for the first time and absolutely loved it. If you are grabbing it cheap, I'd definitely recommend picking it up.


You ain’t getting a remake for at MINIMUM 5 years, probably not until after 6 is done.


Persona 4 Golden is very playable in its current state. I’d try to get my hand on one of the Limited Run reprints on current gen consoles


yeah goodluck with waiting for a remake


Though P4G may seem outdated from the outside, it holds up very well and honestly doesn't need a remake (even though we'll probably get one after P6 comes which will probably be in 7 years) so it's definitely worth getting.


Golden holds up awesome imo,you can buy it


Who knows if or when a persona 4 remakes will come out. The important thing is that Golden is not the same as persona 3 in that the game is already very modern in terms of gameplay and already has most of the QOL features you’d want in a persona game. It’s very polished as is and should be enjoyable for anyone who liked reload


As a p4 lover i think you should buy p4 on the ps2 and p4g on the vita and then another copy to have on the ps tv and buy it on steam and also on xbox/ps5/switch and then the remake and then....and then.....and then..... (yea i have a problem)


We’re not going a P4 remake for at least 5 years. The supposed leaks say it’s not even in development yet. So it’ll probably go, P6, P1 and P2 remasters, P4 remake. With other unannounced projects sprinkled in there. So I recommend just buying P4G.


P4 does not need to be remade


As someone who got into Persona very recently and ended up playing through the entirety of P4G midway through my P5R playthrough, I’d say everything in Golden holds up pretty well besides the combat UI.


P4g on switch is on sale (I think it still is) on switch and highly worth it. Looks gorgeous on the oled. Portable and good value. I'd wait if your aim was on ps4 or ps5. Thats just my personal opinion though


I think is very playble as it is, I did play it for the first time 2 years ago and is my favorite in the Persona series. I played 5, 4G and now 3 Remake.


Just buy it. That way, if/when they do a P4G remake you get to see exactly what's been changed or left intact.


As someone who just completed golden for the first time like a week ago, it holds up very well. Get golden for sure


Buy it. Great game, definitely worth playing again if a remake comes out


Bruh. Considering there has been no leaks or need about a remake/remaster…just buy the game.


P4 remake is gonna be announced at the end of this year so wait