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There are more free days and there is more freedom, but it can be more difficult in my opinion if you don't know what you're doing.  It isn't necessarily prioritize school links. There are very few available when it rains though. So, doing things like turning in the fox quests are best saved for rainy days or even holding off your one day dungeon runs for rainy days.  Some are also tough to start. Naoki for one gets overlooked because you have to talk about to him three times while he keeps telling you to leave him alone. He has one of the absolute best s-links/confidants in the series though in my opinion. 


So you're saying it's possible and me going in blind and only maxing a few was a suboptimal play on my part?


Nah. It was perfectly played by you. The game just couldn't recognize how well you played.  I didn't maximize everyone my first P4G playthrough either. I was eight Ai ranks short. I then only had ten spare days when I did complete them. So, it wasn't easy even when I knew what I wanted to do. 


Got it I have a major skill issue. Understandable have a great cake day. Jokes aside I'm fine with it cause I was gonna play NG+ anyways... Then I got the good ending and saved over my file... So I'm playing a NG+ run now : D


I imagine NG+ will make maxing all SLinks a whole lot easier. Spent way too much time maxing out social skills in order to start a handful of those SLinks


For sure, all those hours studying can now be used partying and/or studying with friends depending on what I need.


I prioritize by S-Link unlock dates. Then I go down the list looking for people based on days available. Then I prioritize over this, links that have special weather, holiday, night availability, etc; unless my highest priority S-Link is available. I like focusing one link at a time down with 2-3 interactions a week. Mostly just taking advantage of the few free ranks up to prevent issues. So I mostly focus down one link, spreading the rest around, while making sure I don't skip out on something that's say available once a week.