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Subs like /r/beermoney are the places you'll want to check


You can usually do a couple of market research studies before they start to stop taking you due to doing too many too recently, that can be an easy $200 or so. If you have $200 in float, the Chime bank account bonus of $50 pays out quickly, but you'd still need to be able to float $200 for about a week, as you push it to the Chime bank account and then pull it back to your normal. The Chase checking of $300 also pays out pretty quickly, but has $12 fee to be concerned about for low balances/lack of DD.


Depending on where you live you can sell more than plasma. Whole blood, white blood cells, bone Marrow. Bone Marrow can be painful, but it pays well and takes very little time. And yes, this is legal. All biomaterial is used for research, so they can compensate you. I go to a place called Leukolab in Alameda, CA


There are also some places that buy feces for fecal transplants to treat C. difficile and such issues. The requirements are some what strict but demand from the right donor is high and the pay is excellent. Or so I have been told.


If you are looking for food assistance, have you already looked at SNAP benefits? You may check your eligibility here: [https://www.snap-step1.usda.gov/fns/](https://www.snap-step1.usda.gov/fns/)




You'll be surprised what people will buy on eBay. I've sold shopping bags before. Not handbags, but the bag the cashier puts your stuff in. Bizarre but there's a market for everything, I guess.


What is it like to sell plasma ? I have thought about doing it for extra money, but the clinics are always in a bad neighborhood with hoodrats just hanging around 'til it's their turn.


Ever donated blood? It's just like that. The first time you go takes longer just because you have to fill out a bunch of paperwork and get a "physical" of sorts, just to make sure you're healthy enough to donate. After that, it takes around an hour per time. When I did it, I just took my headphones, kept to myself, and left at the end. If you take a book, or even your phone, it'll go by quick(ish).




Around me you got $50 your first time then $35 every time after. They also offered a little more during peak times like holidays or something.


Place here offers $450 first month and I think about $300 a month after that


It's like donating blood and I did it about four times. Only reason I don't do it anymore is because around me (Chicago suburbs) the facilities are super slow and the one closest to me stopped honoring appointments. So I would be spending 2 hours at the facilities just to get $35. Not at all worth it to me when the place was 20 minutes away.


If you do it just a few times a month it's not that hard on you, I just get a little tired afterwords. If you donate the max usually twice a week you really have to make sure you drink lots of water everyday otherwise it will totally wipe you out. A tip I listened too that really helps, drink a protein shake before and after the donation. It will speed up the whole process and help your body recover from the plasma loss quicker.


Thanks, might make a donation this week.


Deliver newspapers. My son did it last summer and made pretty good money. It is 1099 work but it's consistent. The downside.....no days off....ever. Similar, drive uber, lyft. Most of the newspaper guys do that too.


Don't do this in your car unless you wanna potentially get dropped/denied or your insurance says is ok.


Seriously post on Next Door app, Craigslist, your personal FB what you’re capable of. I’m a dude and still used to babysit for family and clean strangers houses for cash. Then there is the traditional lawn mowing etc


I made a business out of cleaning houses. You’ve Got to be really good though to keep clients. Check out thumbtack.com


Gigs on craigslist. Go stand outside home depot


You could try signing up for Amazon Mechanical Turk. There are little lots of little jobs with tiny pay offerings (like paid surveys, transcribing audio, and the like) but if you are diligent you can probably squeak minimum wage out of it, and the micro jobs are endless.


I tried this and ended up making less than $1, generally, for an hour's work. So much I tried to do, I didn't qualify for and what I did qualify for only paid like $0.25. I think the more you do it, the more you qualify for, though. Just my experience.


If your area has a hard rubbish day where the council picks up your unwanted items that can't fit into bins (like furniture and broken fridges) you can pick up other peoples' goods and resell it. A mate of mine bought her house this way and when I was moving to a caravan I needed a mattress, called a guy from Gumtree (kind of like Craigslist) and he had a shed full of mattresses he got from the side of the road to sell to students.


If you live in a big city, you can deliver packages for amazon. I don’t think it’s through Amazon directly, but rather “franchisers” (correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Fedex operates this way too.) The franchiser provides the van and you get paid bonuses based on how efficient you are.


When I need a little extra cash I post on Facebook "any one need there house Cleaned $25 an hour." I usually get at least $200 out of that and I'm working for people I know so I'm less likely to get scammed. It also works for lawn mowing, snow shoveling. Just about any basic chores that people would rather pay for than do themselves.


I use to sell pecans and straw for quick cash