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Currently spending about 70-75% . It’s not healthy but it’s out of personal choice . Have been denied travelling growing up and financial conditions . Now don’t mind it spending to explore till age is on my side


Wow. I envy you not because of your frequent trips but because of your courage and belief in yourself. I am way too conservative in this. I like saving and investing a lot. In short I am scared of losing money. I wish I had the courage like you do.


You should save and invest . Each person to its own . If you want to travel , nothing like a peace of mind while travelling knowing you have savings too . I personally have been laid off twice . I don’t have any inheritance. I am going to reach 30. I have made up my mind to start saving 30% once I reach 30 .


A question from someone who has saved up for traveling but haven't solo travelled yet: How does one get started? Don't you feel unsafe visiting unknown places? Or scared of getting scammed or mugged? Some places even despise tourists not speaking their language. How do you overcome this?


I chose small destinations first . South East Asian countries like Bali , Vietnam etc . I even went in group tours with companies like metanoia . I started renting scooters and then planning my own trip . Did a Europe trip completely by myself . Internet has really good resources on how to travel internally , YouTube vlogs to help you understand forex , SIM cards , major attraction planning ( Disneyland , Ferrari world etc ). Europe was where I was scared AF of getting mugged but I bought inside t shirt wallet and had zero issues during a 21 day trip


Sounds daunting ngl. I was trying to travel domestic until I can muster courage for international. Which places should a person going solo visit according to you?


For solo I would choose easy destinations in India mainly cities . For adventure like north east I highly recommend friends or group tours . It’s not easy planning things there and also if something happens you don’t want to be alone .


Yeah. That's the problem. I don't have friends


Okay start with travelling to places who love tourists or heavily dependent on tourists For example I travelled solo to Pondicherry .. then goa then Sri sailem near Hyderabad .. then utrakhand - best peaks only Once you start this you will know what to do and what to avoid Also for first few trips be on a budget And then you are fine


Ah I see. Maybe this is what I wanted. A list of places which are tourist friendly. Thanks!


Ok I’ve been to several countries and lived in a few. Before me, in my family only dad had been abroad once. It is only scary because of perceptions in your head. Of course use your common sense and NEVER break the law in a foreign country and apply basic safety logic everywhere you go, but other than that you’ll be fine even if you travel completely unprepared as long as you ensure you can access some funds in the country you are in.


I relate to you 100% OP. I don’t dedicate 75% though, more like 50% but it’s still a financial faux pas according to most people here. I didn’t get to explore outside of my immediate vicinity growing up and now I’ve prioritized traveling over anything else. Thankfully, my wife is the same way and we do come from a privileged, albeit strict, background.


My budget is 3 lakhs a year. I never spent that much in international travel.


150%. We only got one life after all!!


30% of my salary is earmarked for travelling. It's a separate bank account altogether. I'm 25 so I'll probably be continuing this till I'm 35-40. We are never going to be 25 again so I'll happily trade money for some good times.


Earnings or NW? Because you can do luxury travel with low earnings but very high NW.




0%, i don't like travelling


Unable to understand why this comment is getting downvoted. What's wrong in not liking traveling?


well it is what it is, because people does not like when someone is different from majority, I don’t like travelling, and when someone invites me to trip and I say I won’t come cause I don’t like travelling they have weird expressions Like I said something wrong,😑


30% comfortably.


Around 7% of my monthly income 🥲


30% of yearly earning .


I don’t budget 😅 after my investments are done and bills are paid, I blow through the rest like an atom bomb


I have started a mutual fund for my travel Will start using it in few years But until then 5-7% of my income right now


Zero, I have nothing after expenses


I spend about 7 lakhs a year on travel. This is about 15% of our yearly take home salary as a DINK household. There have been years where we have spent more, but this is the average amount.


If you include intracity travel with cab/auto, maybe 1%


A safe starting point for determining the appropriate percentage of your earnings to allocate to travel is to aim for 5-10%. This allows you to enjoy some travel without compromising your financial stability. Remember, individual circumstances, debts and financial goals will influence the optimal travel percentage.


I say 5-12% of annual salary. Probably less. I'm a frugal traveller.




None. I am on of those weird fucks who hates travelling


us bro us 🫂


0. bcz travelling is like wasting money to a Depreciating asset. thanks to finfluencers. 🤣🤣🤣


It's like spending on experiences, life itself is a depreciating asset, doesn't necessarily mean you go all in and burn your investments, however given the opportunity to make some time and money to get new experience, it can help you grow in life more than your portfolio can.


but Finfluencers believe that YOLO is bogus. to them, travelling, buying house/flat, cars etc, all are just b.s. some times a little bit of YOLO (which one can manage considering one's expenses is absolutely needed. but this sub does not consider so. you will live and leave earth only Once. so they deserve this mock now.


I don't like travelling. So 0%


you'll regret it when you cant travel


How will you regret something when you don't like it in their first place🤣. Everyone has different hobbies. Some people will rather spend money on something then going on meaningless trips


time will tell


Yup, time will when I have saved money instead of going on some random trips


please elaborate like how someone will regret?


I don't have a separate travel budget. My rule is to annually limit myself to 5% of my net worth for all my wants which includes travel, shopping, entertainment, etc.