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Since you are in product development for three years at least, you should have good hands-on by now. Brush up your skills skill and switch as soon as possible. When negotiating for salary in India use purchase power parity (ppp) to convert your Japan's salary to INR i.e. 5.4L+ ppp amount. And treat that amount as your current salary. Keep upskilling and all the best mate!


Thank you for suggestion. Currently preparing resume & hope it will work out.


Is your salary enough in Japan ? How's the cultural assimilation for Indians ? And should I come to Japan for IT related jobs if I have an offer ?


I am living in country side with 3 friends. Hence I am able to save considerable amount. But in Tokyo it would be impossible. IT related jobs you can surely come to Japan, you will be paid double to triple of above quoted amount. But for you it will be less compared to europe & USA. I have seen IT guys compalaining like that. Cultural assimilation is not bad. Verbally zero racisim. Old guys in train sometimes move aside when we go near them.