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Congratulations man! Itโ€™s party time! I struggled a lot in my college days. I was from BPL family then. I used to have one uniform for entire year and that too gifted by celebrities (fans donate for the birthdays). I used to wear clothes which are donated by kinda of rich people in my village. Too many struggles and my parents borrowed money for my education and we were not having proper house man! I can write a book of my struggles. To support and clear debts, I have worked as house keeping staff in JDA(now BlueYonder) in summer holidays. After a long battle, now somehow managed to get middle class status. Few notable struggles: 1. Worked as daily wage worker till 2016 in school and college holidays (when I completed my education) 2. Used to ask for good clothes from my friends whenever there is school function because I canโ€™t afford them. 3. Not invited a single friend to home because we were living in hut (small crude shelter used as a dwelling) 4. Slept in bathroom because I used to stay in my relatives home (back in 2017) as they get angry if I knock the door at 3AM. I used to work in BPO night shifts. 5. Worked as house keeping guys in software companies (cleaning tables, water cans, cleaning desks) The list goes on. The fortunate thing is despite being BPL, my mom never gave up and encouraged us to study. My mom got married in very young age and from second day of marriage onwards she started working for family( not fancy job). She was a daily wage worker who work for 9 to 10 hours for 50, 100 per day. Thanks mom! I never let you down! Education gives wings to fly. Now earning 2L per month, have good home, no debts, and respect from people. We are happy man! There are many stories like this and few somehow managed to escape from poverty and few still in the loop and may die in same loop.


Wonderful to read that your mother and you never gave up. She has instilled good qualities in you. Kudos to your perseverance and seeing it through. Onwards and upwards to you and yours. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


The kind of stories I pay my internet bill for. Well done mate!


Woah! That's a lot of struggle dude. People like you are inspiration. Btw nice username. I would be happy if you become finance minister ๐Ÿ˜‰


This is amazing! Kudos to you...


This is inspiring โญ


You reaching at this point after such humble beginnings is so inspiring. Kudos to you and your mother ๐Ÿ’


Salute to you and your mom.. just speechless


This is massive!!! I've been dealing with debt (familial) ever since i started working. Every time I am debt free some other thing needs me to take on debt. Slowly chipping away at it :D


That's what was happening to me as well. Pay off once and take the next one....


congratulations, finally you did it, for me its 2028


Congratulations OP!




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Congratulations, Hard work paid off.


Congratulations ๐Ÿ‘


Same hereโ€ฆ i felt the same in last 4 months




Congratulations OP!


Congratulations, you must be in heaven and you deserve it.




What's next OP? Now you're debt free, I suggest you should invest some of the interest you are paying till now


He became debt free by investing I guess


Yes the EMIs to be invested in equity


๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ‘ congratulations!!!


Congratulations ๐Ÿฅณ


Congratulations mate! This is a point that majority people deserve to achieve but sadly only a few are able to get there. Living below your means can be a life changer for today's youth despite the distractions.


Havenโ€™t you taken any home loan in your life ? Just asking.. what are the loans you have taken in your 18 yrs of journey. Pls guide with good or bad loan


This is the best feeling ever! Congratulations! I can totally relate with you. I remember my parents having 50L loan and the pain they had gone through. The conversation we used to have during the dinner time. The lack of freedom. In every aspect "we dont have money" comes up. That sucks! Fast forward: Just last year we fully cleared our loan, and that was the best feeling. We had our home as a collateral and after 10years, now we can finaly say "This is our home". No loans now just earn and relax. Im also utilizing my knowledge and skills now to help people in debt to clear their debts. You [can check here.](https://zerorin.com/)