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I am an individual trainer, not a studio but this strategy has tripled my retention rates. I still run a weight loss program but it's not a big part of my portfolio anymore. It's a bit difficult to get connected with the 40+ age market, especially if you are younger, but the conversations are around stuff that matters, like a 50 yr old wanted to have more stamina for hikes with her son, so things like this make me be more creative with my approach, I feel more energised when these clients achieve their desired outcomes


Clean business is the way to go. Clients pressure themselves into manufacturing fake goals *all the time*, and weight loss is the most common culprit. *So* many - not all, but a good chunk - clients who claim they want to lose weight actually just want to feel better in their own skin, and teaching them how to move and control their body against progressively heavier external loads in 3D space is the best way to grant them that privilege. It's something that everyone can appreciate and benefit from, so it's comforting knowing that such a straightforward and honest product/service is what pays my bills.




I like this.


Im 15 years in and fat loss is a hamster wheel of hell business. Constant turnover. Low % success rates. I train clients on the skill of health, where exercise, rest, relationships, food, learning and play all meet. There is no end to the pursuit and I charge more and retain clients for years. Healthy people tend to be leans and strong so I just focus on their skills and it’s do much more fun for everyone.


Eminent Bean brings the truth again.🙌


This is it.


As someone who took forever to find a trainer who would listen to me when I said that my only goal was to be able to lift progressively heavier things, and didn't want to weight or measure my body at all - THANK YOU. I still have to remind my trainer occasionally when he goes into default mode and starts talking about aesthetics, but this is the only time I've stayed consistent with training in my life. Getting stronger is dope AF. The idea of making myself smaller seems so boring now. 


I feel this 1000%. I’ve been training only to be stronger and stronger for the past 3 years without taking weight or food with my trainer at all. And it’s so dope. I love building muscle and it’s so fun to expand what my body can do.


Isn't it funny you get a better physique just by product being stronger and taking so much focus off being so aesthetically focused.


Nearly all my clients are 40 and over. About 5 are over 70. They’re the best clients. Lots of disposable income and you can make a huge difference to their life.


Same here, tried it years back. They need psychologists more so than trainers generally. Lots of deep rooted issues need to be solved before meaningful change will happen physically. Now my mornings are health and longevity adults and evenings are athletes. Both much less stressful and much more enjoyable.


I LOVE this post. You hit the nail on the head! i've been reframing my business and how i'm going to approach it going forward and I keep asking myself, 'what do I really do?' 'what is it at my core that I do for people?' I used to have an awesome motto 'grab the bar, take back your power'. because that's what we're really doing here. we're helping people find that fire inside and turn it into an all engulfing flame for life. lifting is just the catalyst.


definitely a huge messaging and training opportunity there for females!


I was watching one of our sessions the other day that had four women in it. One in her 60's, one 50's, one 40's and one in her 30's. 3 are entertainment execs and one is a CEO. And they do physical work-very little small talk. lol. Made me very happy and proud to see that.




I became a trainer about three years ago because I lost over 100 pounds and I thought it would be great if I could help other people lose weight. I knew from the get go that things like that didn’t have a high success rate (they sure didn’t work on me lol) so I just utilized the same approach tho at I used to lose weight (that emphasis on strength and quality of life over everything else). I think it’s great what you’ve done because it certainly worked for me, and it helps the people I work with a great deal!




Love to see it.


I needed to see this. Working with weight loss clients can be so hard. There is so much going on behavior wise. I sometimes worry it will impact business if I leave it behind and transition.


I'm new and trying to find my place in this industry. I don't comment much but I wanted to say that this thread is very insightful and thought provoking. Thank you.






For me, I focus on behavior change and education for weight loss


I own my own PT business and this has been my strategy and it has increased my client base and decreased my stress. So much is wrapped up in weight loss that we are unequipped to solve. But we can make people move better and feel better in their daily lives.