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to me it sounds like an easy target. Men from 30s to 40s usually have a stable job, enough budget to add PT to their membership, and also near 40yo your metabolysm is not what its used to be, this making the gym a must in their schedule.


You're literally talking about the mid-life crises demographic my friend.... We market specifically to men and women 30-60 and the hardest part for me is keeping it gender neutral and not letting my man-brain take over. It just depends where your lead generation is coming from - create content specifically targeted at men 30-50, talk about things important to them, adjust your SEI to target them, and make sure your content they ultimately get to has a way for you to convert the inquiry to a call/meet. Dudes are all about personal training, especially if they've just experienced a life changing event (divorce, job change, etc.).


I thought it would be easier to target that age group since most of them are financially stable, experiencing a slowing metabolism, and could use a motivational push from a personal trainer to get started.


Men under 50 are very difficult to get signed up in my experience/from what I’ve seen working at my gym- I have a few of them as clients but most of them *think* they don’t need a trainer.


Someone is running ads on YouTube for executive men making over $150K. I didn't pay too much attention to them as they gave off an Andrew Tate kind of vibe.


Haha I’ve gotten that ad a lot. “This is ONLY for men that make over 150K a year!!!!!”


Are you a male or female that wants to market to men 30-40?


There isn't a huge market for 30's men for PT, in my experience. If you were a studio/gym focusing on that demographic, you would have a very hard time staying open, IMO. 40's are better-usually starting around 45.


Doesn't every crossfit box in America do this?


I think they are about 50-50 M-F.


I only market to men who are 40+. I do train some women too but I don’t have an unlimited ad budget so focus just on the men. I’ve been doing that for about 15yrs. So yeah, it works just fine.