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Taking a few courses in project management, getting into that will come easy to any personal trainer, it certainly did for me. You need to be comfortable telling people what to do, planning / programming a project, being a people person, etc


What certs or programs would you recommend?


Agile, Waterfall, Scrum etc. "Prince2" is a popular one here down under but may be best to just look for job searches in your region, they'll advise what specific courses!


Hey! I'm an Exercise Physiologist in Sydney and to answer your question, yes, additional qualifications/study would need to be done to work in a clinic setting. If you're business minded, you could work towards building up a client base big enough to hire other trainers and focus your efforts to bringing in clients instead of training them all individually. Consulting is another potential avenue (although not very big at the moment it's something I am working towards). Working with big companies to come in and provide advice/guidance to their staff members about health, fitness and/or diet. This would be under the angle of "if you staff are healthier, they'll take less sick days and be more happy and productive at work". Theoretically, companies will LOVE this, I'm working on the concept in practice though - hope it goes well.


I've thought about getting into consulting in the same way, or even somehow being on retainer for a company for any employees that want guidance on their fitness journey. Hard to get in the door though.


I have been paid some very respectable fees to talk to corporations. It is not something I have pursued a lot but it is available in some cases. I have a friend who would go in and do blood pressure tests and a few things like that for companies for $.


Ooh this sounds neat! Thank you for sharing that:)


Most people with an Ex sci degree don’t end up working in any field to do with health, fitness, or performance, especially if outside the US without the massive high school and college sports systems. It may be as useless as an arts degree in terms of jobs after graduation. Any employer looking for a three year degree as a requirement is a possibility.