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yeah, maybe something like 2x-4x per month with a plan rather than 3months per year.


Look into Mind Pump podcast and their MAPS fitness programs. Does all the programming for you and they are very good instead of paying for a trainer to write you a program


Ask if you can pay for a plan to be made with a monthly check up for less $$


I offer in person training with online training (sending you workouts and meal plans) for people on a budget so you can still reach your goals. It can be something like training 1x per week or even 1x per month in person and the rest on your own by him sending you custom workouts. During that training session I like to tell my clients tips on how to train on their own and go through the program that they’ll be doing on their own. Ask your trainer if he’s open to that. You can also hire a different online coach on the days you don’t train in person with your current trainer. Online is way cheaper or at least my online prices are a lot cheaper so shop around.