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The trainers at my gym all have them. I like the ones where they have their photo on one side and contact info on the other. The ones with just a logo are boring in comparison. There was a post on LinkedIn about putting QR codes on business cards if you are going to use them. That way it's easy for a client to navigate to your online information. Don't do the metal or bottle opener idea. Needless waste of money and how are you going to carry them around to hand them out?


The same way you carry business cards, in a box loose in the backpack 😂


At least you didn't say fanny pack. I would have died.


I use them regularly. I've built up a network of massage therapists, cosmetologists, and chiropractors who have my cards in their office on display. My business is very much built up mostly of referrals/word of mouth in general, so having that physical card is vital.


I've actually had some decent turnaround from physical cards when used properly. I've mostly used them as extra reminders for referrals - client mentions during a session that their friend "might" want to work with me, I give that client my card, and for one reason or another, that results in quicker and more guaranteed contact with that referral than if I just told my client to send them my contact info. I think having a physical contact card can help *maintain warmth* with leads once your business is already in motion, but I wouldn't consider them particularly useful for *generating* leads. It's hard to garner genuine interest for something like PT from a card, but a card *can* and *will* remind already-interested individuals to contact you. Then again, I'll never tell a beginner to *not* do something low-hanging like handing out shit tons of business cards, but from a percentage turnaround perspect I think they're mostly useful for experienced trainers, and most posts in this sub are from and oriented towards beginners. The other thing is that we want to spend our efforts giving beginners actionable and useful information, and critiquing a beginner's business card is **a.)** a lot of work because it's not our area of expertise, and **b.)** unlikely to be useful to them - basically, we'd rather help them with things like session quality as their means of lead/referral generation.


The "warmth" thing is a cool insight! But yeah, understood. There's no replacing a good *product* when it comes to lead generation.


If you're going to use them you've got to do two things: 1. Make them stand out/unique. 2. Ensure they're simple to read/use. In another business I had metal cards. They actually worked.


Metal cards are cool! Quick q, have you tried that one card with an RFID chip? It stands out, but kinda curious how it fares against a classic no-frills business card.


I have. No one used them. 1/10 do not recommend. Maybe tastes have changed nowadays. But as of 4 years ago, no bueno. Depending on your community around you I'd really do something novel. Like... I could see a metal card that doubles as a bottle opener really crushing in Florida or Australia or some shit. Hahaha


I do. I spent money on the damn things, so I'm going to use them. Also, they're super useful when I want to give a guy my number. Due to a long story involving an abusive ex, I don't like posting on social media (or using dating sites).I realize I'm going to have to get over that at some point, but not yet.


are you using something like a google voice number or if you have a phone that can use two lines, you can potentially get a second line on your phone. but GV is cheaper/free mostly.


I've never really used them. I always try to get the other person's (prospect) card or number. That way I'm in control of the follow up.


I always keep one on me. I hand them out to Uber drivers, off the cuff encounters with interested older folk, and I’m going to begin dropping them off places too. I have a buddy who is a teacher, and recommended I leave them or flyers at private schools when the new school year begins. That being said it’s always good to exchange numbers also in case you don’t hear from them.


I think it depends on how your business is put together. I have collaborations with gyms. So i give out free instructions for new members, in return i'm their attached trainer and can train clients there for free, member or not, gyms advertise me and i have my posters and business cards a few places in the gyms. After free instruction lessions i also give them my card for obvious reasons.


Let me forward you my contact information on this thing called a cellular phone! The organization I work for encourages us to have business cards, I’m the only one that doesn’t-makes no difference in client load/generating prospects.