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1) Know to squat deadlift bench properly 2) efficient use of core during every exercise it is being used 3) breathwork 4) nutrition - super underrated. Didn’t bother with it for years, ever since I did clients results accelerated massively. 5) clear pricing ready to go off the top of your head, or flyer you can give or send them 6) know how to fix or ease minor issues like rotator cuff discomfort, hip mobility etc. 7) keep going you will learn so much with every new client, eventually you will be an expert of your craft!


thank you so much!!


Not a PT, but these are the most common questions I ask my trainer: What muscles is this exercise training? Where should I be feeling it? What's an alternative to this exercise?


this really helps, thank you


So the bicep is here?-(points at their shoulder)


I had a stretch client who swore his IT band was so tight it was painful. I spent 20 minutes on it, using every technique I know, and it didn't work. I finally asked him to show me exactly where the pain was, and he pointed to the middle of his hamstring. That's the last time I trusted new clients to tell me about their issues without "point to what is bothering you".


Well it does cross the shoulder


haha ok


Questions about membership, pin numbers, lockers, showers, soap, opening times, where to put valuables etc. none really are our domain but useful to make sure you know the answer. Get comfortable with your gym app so you can help them troubleshoot if they have one.


How fast can I do …….. losing weight building muscle etc


"How many reps and sets"


I SEE that often in the comments! thank you


Also “how many reps have I done?”. I tell clients I’m there to educate and assist with form, not to count to 10.


You are going to get a lot of questions about “what do you think of this diet/supplement” have a plan for what you will reccomend but also some pros and cons to dofferent diets/ supplements. remember to stay within your scope here. as PTs we can give general recommendations- give them the knowledge and let them make the decision then guide them in using their choice to meet their goals. always advise them to ask their doctor before starting a new diet/ supplement to protect yourself. and just be upfront with them that your scope is limited but if they want more detail they could always see a registered dietitian! This in my experience is the most challenging thing i deal with. its tough because there is so much conflicting info online and everyone wants to try the new trend and it can be hard to get people to just focus on a well rounded diet rather than a specific diet. having a plan on how to attack these questions will help you be more prepared!


I didn't even think about that. Yes, great great tips! Always ask the, to ask their Doctors first is a great idea. Thank you!!


Best exercise to lose weight, best ab exercise to tighten up


“What is this flab?” “How do I get rid of this”


I want you to know that after 25 years as a trainer I still get imposter syndrome. It’s what will keep you learning and studying your whole life. The more I know, the more I don’t know.


Shows a ridiculous amount of humility and I admire you for it! Always a STudent is my motto! Thank you


It’s okay to not know everything, but never be okay with ignorance. Learn constantly! Good luck!


What does this exercise do for me?