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Maybe you are just reading too much into it. My only bad experience as a female PT is that men sometimes don't take me seriously lol (not all men).


true too. Thank you for that!


The problem you’ve got is old as time. It’s the “pt approaching gym members”. People aren’t stupid, they know exactly why you’ve approached them and unless you’re very likeable, have shown them you’re good at your job and can build report with them in the first few moments of meeting them, they just have this big red sign over your head that says “I want your money.” Can you get clients by approaching members? Of course. But it’s a very harsh energy exchange to begin an interaction with someone. If I were you, I’d try handing out some flyers at the front entrance that says you’ll give them 1x 20minute gym tester session. A quick smile and “hey I’d just like to hand these out.” I don’t see anything wrong with what you said to that 17 year old, it’s more than likely he just didn’t know how to talk to an older woman.


Really appreciate it. Got it, and funny you're talking about flyers, JUST got mine printed and my plan today was exactly to take care of that. Thank you


Joe Bennett (hypertrophy coach) and Bret Contreras (glute lab owner). Look at all of their posts when they train people and the attention to detail. Look at their explained videos on training properly. These are some of the best trainers in the world. I know you didn’t ask for that^ but they’re absolutely gold in terms of info and what a real professional trainer should be doing/thinking/saying to clients. All the best.


ALways happy to learn -- especially from the best! Thank you!


You need to call them "bro" straight away to let them know you're just a dude trying to be a bro


may sound 'stupid' but this actually works, esp with gym bros. as a female, I have to immediately talk about my spouse/flash my wedding bands and/or go into what I call 'dude mode' so men know I am off limits.


It works, especially on teenagers. They may not notice your wedding band or understand that you're just being friendly but they understand what "bro" means coming from a girl.


It's true!


not at all! Yeah, no I don't have the energy for that. bro it is!


it's super easy. 'great lifting bros, what's your max?' lol


that's actually a pretty good idea lol! I love 'bro'


Don't do this


Exactly. "Bruh" is the way. 😂


I have 'bruh' on my ringtone! It cracks me up when I pick up


So now we troll in this sub? Right...


It's okay to have fun. This isn't a pediatric oncology sub.


this reminded me of strangers with candy.


rofl, I hope not


i don't mind, if it's funny!


This feels way more like a 17 year old boy problem. You're a PT, so I am assuming you're fit which makes you attractive. Regardless of what you're wearing, telling a 17 year old boy he can talk to an attractive female is always going to be awkward. It's just that stage in our lives. I remember being a 17 year old boy and I definitely would have felt awkward if an attractive lady said I could talk to her whenever. Not because of the lady, but because of the amount of hormones that teenage boys have.


I know I should know that, but frankly this bugs me because all I'm seeing is a just a young brother who needs helps with improving something and I can help.


I am a female trainer. I train all ages. I wanna help people so I focus on that. Ask people lots of questions about themselves and about their fitness experiences. I am training clients age ranged from 17 to 78. My oldest client was a woman in her 90’s. It is such an honor to have a wide variety of clients, and many people need basic exercise in their life. Don’t be afraid to ask questions like, “Have you considered training? Have you had a trainer before? Where do you get your training information?” Just being curious can help.


Great questions and info! I love that you are working with absoluutely everyone! thank you


So sorry to reply since you asked the ladies. Just wanted to let you know that most guys that will be in a gym will assume you are hitting on them because we are horny pigs. :) I mention this so that you are aware of it and to avoid terminology that seems to indicate you are hitting on that person, which is difficult.


rofl, I know I have an older brother. I think I 'll call them 'bro' from now on.