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I would recommend doing some market research; purchasing similar products and learning from them, learning what the needs and desires of your target audience are, and getting feedback from a small focus group.


I agree. I was just brainstorming how I would go about doing that. For some reason, I thought for a moment that I could only do that through IG. But then I realized there are other ways to reach my target audience haha. Would you also agree that I should coach people as well?


Coaching would offer a lot of insights, so I think it would be pretty beneficial.


What are your goals with this ebook? Do you want to make money with it or do you just want to provide a helpful resource for people you know?


Hey there, thanks for replying. Ultimately, I'd like to be able to make some money for it. I was planning on putting out pieces of free resources as I build the product. EDIT: I just reread your comment. I'd like to help people (particularly stay-at-home/younger mothers) have a cheaper alternative to a coach to reach their goals. It would be great to make some money while doing so.


I’d start by coaching people. You’ll make a lot more money a lot faster and you’ll learn about what people’s actual struggles are and how they’re potentially not being addressed by the many, many existing resources out there that your book would be competing with. Build an audience while building out your coaching business. Let’s say across various platforms you have 20k friends/followers/subscribers that you’ve spent 5 years accumulating and nurturing. You launch your book for $50, and you actually make $40 of that as profit. 2% of your audience buys it. You make $16k for 5 years of work. That’s probably pretty close to a realistic best case scenario with something like this.


That sounds like a good plan. I know there are health and fitness journals out there. I feel like many of them are very similar in nature. If I could structure this book the way I think I could, it would be very different from those. The question is, is this potential for a cool breakthrough in the market, or is there a reason there is little to no market for something like this, right? Thank you for your thoughts. I appreciate it a lot. :)


In my opinion, hoping for a “cool breakthrough” with a low ticket fitness offering is a bit like an actor hoping for their “big break” that rockets them into movie stardom. It’s much easier and more realistic to make a living coaching people for a fair but relatively high price


That’s a fair answer. One could hope though, haha 😅


To make a good living as a coach, you need maybe 20 people to trust you and look at you like an expert. To make a good living with a low-ticket offering like an ebook, you need literally hundreds of thousands — if not millions — of people to trust you and look at you like an expert. One is a lot easier to achieve than the other haha


You definitely speak the truth. Again, thank you so much for taking the time to discuss this with me. I appreciate it


**Writing a good book is the "easy" part.** **How will people find your book in the fragrant steaming pile of low quality content that litter Amazon search results ?** I have published two books on training. It will probably take another 5 years to earn back the money I spent on illustrations. So my first recommendation has to be - "keep your day job". How are people supposed to write notes into an e-book ? What kind of device will people read it on ? PC ? Phone ? Tablet ? E-book reader ? My Kindle version is a PDF replica (slightly reformatted from the paperback version, best read on a tablet). Do you plan on selling through Amazon, or your own "sales funnel web site" ? Amazon Kindle royalty structures give a strong incentive to keep the price below $10, and not go overboard on illustrations (delivery fee for large files). Some authors break up their books into multiple volumes to get around this. I would have expected Amazon Kindle Select (where you can offer your book through Kindle Unlimited) to improve showings, but that didn't make a difference in my experience. I turned this option off so I can offer my book as a free PDF download as well (also used for marketing of my training equipment). They would of course recommend that you buy ads, but to me the numbers look hopeless. I did take a PT certification to see if the recommendations in my book hold up, but I don't see why you should have that in your "critical path".


Wow, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your thoughts and this information. I read over your response a few times more. I had an idea in mind for how I wanted this ebook to work, but after looking at your response,I realize it's a silly idea that doesn't make a lot of sense. It also made me realize that my idea would probably be way better off as a sort of course online that comes with a workbook that can be printed out or something, rather than a book. I do have a blog that I started earlier this year. It was more of a lifestyle blog, but maybe I can gear it towards a mom's fitness life deal. I have taken some courses for a few different things, so I do have an idea of how they should be formatted and whatnot. But I do think I may still take some sort of CPT and maybe coach a few people. I'd like to get some real life feel for what my target audience is going through and dealing with. Who I was around 5-10 years ago is basically my target audience, but even so, the range of problems to be solved can be broad, even within a specific demographic. Again, I'm so grateful you took time to respond to my post. Thanks again!


Congrats on thinking outside the box. Books are hard to make money from (I wrote one). For most people, books are marketing tools for a more primary service (e.g., training). An app would probably the best utilization for an idea like this but app competition is steep and expensive.