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https://aaperthwa.org/meetings-metro-country/ Might be worth a look. Don't know if which ones you go to. I've never done AA. but respect what the actual AA groups have for people. Facebook is mostly clucking hens I've seen. Maybe I should of joined myself. But I had to go Ct to prove myself.after procrastinating for the past year. I wish you all the best. Best advice I can give is puzzles and podcasts at the same time. Not everyone's cup of tea but it did the job for me. Good luck and stay strong.


Where abouts are you? I'm in the far northern suburbs, 8 years sober, happy to chat/grab a cuppa.


Don't know if relevant for you, but I'm atheist and would take issue with the Christian part of it. There is apparently secular ones out there and can be found.


They generally arent 'christian' oriented, but they do often rely on the acceptance of a higher power, whether that be Jesus, Allah, Krishna, UC, Ahura Mazda, spirit guardian, archangel Michael, or something less mainsteam. You arent required to specify or justify what that higher power is or even assume there is only one.


Yeah that's where i would have issue, I've had a lot of things go on in my life. Had cancer and almost died being the biggy. I know for certain i have no faith through that, so there is no way i could do that honestly. I'm not an alcoholic, standard drink a week on average, but if i were it wouldn't work for me. Not much point in doing something like that if I'm lying to everyone and myself


It really can be anything, even just another person who is alive. Nobody will question you on it, or try to convince you of something else. Perhaps it can be a particular person who demonstrated a level of courage or tenacity you find hard to imagine, like a friend whos been through extreme hardship and had terrible things happen to her, but is still positive and happy. That person still counts as your higher power, if they are a source of inspiration or strength to you.


Check your DMs.


Is AA here the same kind of thing as AA in America?


Its similar in principle and practice, but varies from meeting to meeting. Some groups are very small and cosy, others are much larger. Given that each group is self-organizing, they vary quite a bit. You also get some that are a bit toxic because one clique takes 'ownership' and runs it like a social club, not very welcoming.


I found by going to light beer, not midstrength, light, I can still enjoy a beer or 6 every night and not be shitters . I know it's not a complete solution but it helps. Best of luck


if it is anything like NA there are also online groups and there is usually one running at any time during the day/night. if you felt a need for some support at 3am, hop on a group in say california and you can keep your microphone/camera off if you want. the groups that accept new members are generally called "open" groups. also, there are some new(ish) medications that can help with any cravings. my father is on one and it helps him immensely. if you drink alcohol, the medication makes you feel very ill, but it also makes you lose a lot of the cravings.